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Baty Alquawen

Experimental Update 0.63149374

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Hello Survivors,

we need to test this update on the Experimental branch first because of a modding issue. And if everything will be fine, we are going to push it to Stable in a few hours.

What is new:

  • fixes in crafting system
  • fix for a stuck character after quickbar crafting
  • fix for vehicles dealing damage to characters inside
  • fixes for filling power generator
  • fixed AP remaining active after connecting 2 devices together
  • fixed a stability issue with splitting
  • fixed hold breath
  • fixed heavy melee attack
  • fixed backpack taken from a dead character getting stuck in hands slot
  • fixed animation freeze when turning while swimming
  • fixed: mod.cpp could not be loaded when mod folder name contained @
  • pumpkin needs to be cut to be eaten
  • disabled camonetshelter

Don't forget to use our Feedback Tracker if you will find anything suspicious.


FYI: We are turning off the Stress Test branch, it is not needed anymore.


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Is a base wall supposed to be broken down from the outside within seconds with a splitting axe or is just a bug?

Edited by Ricardo Jantarada
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Still no possibility to change keybindings? 

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Wait...you're pushing to stable without fixing the ability for people to remap key binds??  Really?!?!  Wow....  

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  On 11/8/2018 at 3:43 PM, DarthRogue said:

Wait...you're pushing to stable without fixing the ability for people to remap key binds??  Really?!?!  Wow....  

a little late there bud

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thanks for update and its not raining anymore on every server but....
every server in experimental is night...
ofc...i can wait for the day but it would help to test things straight away

Edited by kopo79

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What about fixing hit register issue. today i shot 3 mags to kill one guy. Second one is key bindings, it is pain in the ass to aim.

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  On 11/8/2018 at 4:05 PM, kfiat said:

What about fixing hit register issue. today i shot 3 mags to kill one guy. Second one is key bindings, it is pain in the ass to aim.

I shot a guy with an m4 in the head, saw blood coming out and nothing. Then i shot him 5 more times with blood coming out and he just kept running....

Edited by Ricardo Jantarada

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there was a HUGE bug with using cars yesterday, they would bounce around like mad and sometimes just Drive all by them selves into the nearest tree r house , also ITS TOO DARK nighttime is ridiculous its like ive thought i know il play Dayz with my Monitor Turned off ---_____---- 

Edited by Deviil01

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Characeter wipe wow tank you  . ...... _|_ for stress test its ok a character wipe for new test... but for beta  -_-

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What is missing (except known as postponed after 1.0)  and broken.


- holding F for taking to hands and slow opening the doors, key for empty hands, key for dropping items

- player can  fall after heavy attack

- zombies can broke/open door in period of time

- fast moving in prone stance

- illness

- temperature effect on character 

- soft skills

- spoiling food, fridge

- vegetation on building walls

- wounds can be visible

- corpse decomposing



- gun changing position in inventory after use hotkey (for example pistol in holster)

- surrender state

- melee combat player / player, player/zombie

- navigation of zombies

- changing items to hands (item stay in backpack)

- shadow of trees appearing and disappearing while player looking opposite way, but can see that shadows in front of him

- raining while is just a little cloudy

- not possible to restrain unconscious player

Is going to be sorted out before 1.0 ?



Edited by whatteverr

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  On 11/8/2018 at 3:42 PM, Bazim said:

Still no possibility to change keybindings? 

They've already mentioned elsewhere that changing keybindings won't be officially supported until after 1.0

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  On 11/8/2018 at 4:27 PM, kataro said:

Characeter wipe wow tank you  . ...... _|_ for stress test its ok a character wipe for new test... but for beta  -_-

Stable branch is the one you want to play on if you don't want to worry about wipes, otherwise expect wipes on experimental.

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100 % correct  i just have to server hop to  another daytime server, as nighttime in unplayable  so cant really touch Private hives 


Edited by Deviil01

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While I also think that nighttime is too dark I still like it because it's a challenge to navigate and loot cities during the night.  I nearly got lost in Berezino because it was raining and dark but it was not unplayable.



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Can't open cans. Can opener, knife. Can't combine. Canned spaghetti.

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Seems I can't slice pumpkins with knife anymore (or take out seeds). Also couldn't make bow combining long stick with rope. Seems combining some items for different functions is broken at the moment.

Edited by Batlan
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