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Baty Alquawen

Xbox update 05/09/2018

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Hello guys,

we have a new update for you today.


  • Fixed free space calculation in inventory
  • Fixed controller re-connect issue
  • Improved listing of servers in the server browser
  • Improved title stability

Don't forget to restart your consoles!

We are looking forward to your feedback!

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I need feedback here now:

  • Fixed free space calculation in inventory

How is it looks like? :)



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You guys are doing a great job is there anyway you could do a list of items currently in game as i would like to start progressing to more difficult things  and onvs make a ghillie suit but im not sure whether this even possible yet tha ks alot for the updates

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I losted everything I had in my back pack and in my pockets and every time I leave the game and come back I'm losing everything 

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14 minutes ago, Baty Alquawen said:


I need feedback here now:

  • Fixed free space calculation in inventory

How is it looks like? :)



The compass don't work

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3 minutes ago, weer6kell said:

I losted everything I had in my back pack and in my pockets and every time I leave the game and come back I'm losing everything 

This has happened to me and a friend. I was in a server with all my stuff and I left to join his server and everything in my inventory is gone, all the ammo, food, drinks and other stuff gone. The only things I have is the Mosin that I was carrying, my shovel and my clothes. 


This is a game breaking bug because now my character is on the verge of dying because I've lost all food and drink. 

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2 minutes ago, NShort44 said:

This has happened to me and a friend. I was in a server with all my stuff and I left to join his server and everything in my inventory is gone, all the ammo, food, drinks and other stuff gone. The only things I have is the Mosin that I was carrying, my shovel and my clothes. 


This is a game breaking bug because now my character is on the verge of dying because I've lost all food and drink. 

A one time inventory wipe could be intended due to the fixes with inventory capacity. If you relog again, do you still keep your equipment and clothing or do you lose it repeatedly?

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Lol still not fixed guns, You know pretty much the fundamentals of the game. Should of been number one priority.

All these server filters youre adding do not work properly. Thats 2 tweeks and still doesnt work. 


Also now twice in a  row ive logged back in and lost everything out my bags. What a joke. 6 years and its still in this state.

Reported numerous bugs and glitches with no reply on the feedback page, im stuggling to comprehend why ive paid you, to do your jobs, then ignore the feedback. 

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2 minutes ago, ImpulZ said:

A one time inventory wipe could be intended due to the fixes with inventory capacity. If you relog again, do you still keep your equipment and clothing or do you lose it repeatedly?

I continually lose it, so does my friend. I've joined 5 different servers to test and I've lost my inventory in all of them

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7 minutes ago, NShort44 said:

This has happened to me and a friend. I was in a server with all my stuff and I left to join his server and everything in my inventory is gone, all the ammo, food, drinks and other stuff gone. The only things I have is the Mosin that I was carrying, my shovel and my clothes. 


This is a game breaking bug because now my character is on the verge of dying because I've lost all food and drink. 

Happen to me to. And I have been alive for 7 hours game play. Now I'm in the middle off on where joke. 

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29 minutes ago, Baty Alquawen said:


I need feedback here now:

  • Fixed free space calculation in inventory

How is it looks like? :)



It fixed for me. But i need to suggest one thing. Inventory will be easily to administrate if was the same as PC version. If you guys make this, will be great. Inventory as same of PC version with administration like Resident Evil 4

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I’ve never had any problems with losing my loot in glitches. My character has been alive and going well with gear since second day of launch. Only glitches I’ve run into is placing a mag into your gun and then it glitches telling you there is a magazine in your gun with ammo but when you try to shoot it clicks as if no ammo. Then you can’t remove the mag or change mags or do anything. Server filtering options still don’t work but until you have base building an what not finding certain servers isn’t a huge priority. Haven’t tried the inventory since update but will you’s be making it look like the PC version of the inventory so you can move items around and sort things?? Love the game and keen for more content and updates in the future :D❤️

Edited by Betty White
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In the next update are you able to go ahead and fix a third person shooting I had dumped the whole clip in a zombie and nothing hit it, it is as if the third person shooting is way off the only way you can shoot and kill people is in first person

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And also I will have a character I will log out and then log back in the next day or a few hours later and I will have to restart my character and then from time to time it will switch off as if I have to characters

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Also lost all my gear after installing the update. My equipped gear is still there, but I've lost everything in my inventory. In addition, after trying to relog thinking that might help, whenever I log out and log back in, I also loose any gear previously picked up that isn't equipped. 

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40 minutes ago, weer6kell said:

The compass don't work

Seemed to work for me but you need to be in first person to see the compass (long push right stick)

32 minutes ago, [email protected] said:

Lol still not fixed guns, You know pretty much the fundamentals of the game. Should of been number one priority.

All these server filters youre adding do not work properly. Thats 2 tweeks and still doesnt work. 


Also now twice in a  row ive logged back in and lost everything out my bags. What a joke. 6 years and its still in this state.

Reported numerous bugs and glitches with no reply on the feedback page, im stuggling to comprehend why ive paid you, to do your jobs, then ignore the feedback. 

Give em a bit of a break, they are porting to a new platform, as long as the updates keep coming in a reasonable time frame I'll be happy (tho I do hope it's not years like the PC but it shouldnt be since they are just porting and tweaking bugs)

*edit*  theres deff a bug with this new update as I can confirm lost of all inv minus equipment, hopefully it's not ongoing (was decked out too from military lol)

Edited by Dialtone

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Logged into the game and none of my inventory saves, I absolutly love DayZ but game breaking glitches like these are irritating! Please fix soon

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5 minutes ago, Dialtone said:

Seemed to work for me but you need to be in first person to see the compass (long push right stick)

I can go into first person. The compass doesn't open up. What do u do to get it to work. 

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