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Dayz 0.63 - Hud Concept V2

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Hi ladies and gents!

I just try to make this concept based on what I read and hear about the plans they had in mind for the new HUD. While the idea is to imagine something different, I was also interested in hearing Dayz fans opinions about it.

I think is an alternative vision of the current one but im sure the guys on the desing team are always a step forward so I do not doubt that they will surprise us.

I hope you find it interesting.







By. Asmond




As default, our screen must be absolutely clean of indicators, huds or other elements that affect the immersion.




By simply pressing the "show items key" (usually the key left to the 1), the status indicators, the stamina bar and the quick access icons appears.

These can be locked on the screen by double tapping the same key.




Here briefly explains how they should work. To the extent that all is in good conditions (health, food, thirst, bones), no indicator should appear on the screen.

Once any of these status become in danger, they could just give a signal with the lighting system described.




Here is an example of what the inventory looks like in this concept. Priority is given to space, minimalism and depth of field.

The blur is much more intense in the edges (iris blur) than in the center making it possible to see the background.

By default, the preview of our character should be disabled, although it can clearly be activated and blocked

on the screen to have the classic full size view and be able to zoom in and out as usual.




Regarding the vicinity, it changes its format to list, avoiding the rectangular system.

This allows greater agility and more clarity in the representation and description of the items.

Also  allows  greater  differentiation  with  the  items  on  the  floor  and  those  of  bodies  and  bodies.




Here are two important points to note: Firstly, devices (radios, compas, range finders, binoculars ...) now have a special place in the inventory.

The  reason  for  this  is  that they can be used by assigning a particular key. I think it would improve and increase its use with this system.

The second thing has to do with the attachements system.  Instead of having pictures that indicate that attachements have the weapon,

it would be good for the weapon model to be interactive and we can drag and change the attachement directly.

You  could  only  do  it  with  the  gun  we  have in  your hands (not the one on your back)




Now let's look at an example of when loot a player we just killed




Again we see how the inventory emphasizes keeping the view in the center so as not to lose immersion.

We also see how the loot of the dead character is represented in the same way as ours (rectangular system) to make it

much more agile and easy to use. Just imagine how we are taking part of his gear and we are seeing how this disappears from the dead body.




Of course, we can also activate our character preview as always.




Another of the fundamental points of this idea is the system of interactions. Possibly with the new animations for the beta, one has to assign a limited

number  of  keys  to  the animations.   Nowadays,  there are more animations than F  (f1, f2 ...) keys.  So I think a good alternative would be the

incorporation of a radial hud system (minimalist, transparent, non-invasive) that allows us to choose among the animations to perform.

This  would  activated  simply  by  pressing  and  hold  for  more  than  2  seconds  the  action  button-

(or simply assigning a different button in our configuration).




Now you can navigate between different categories of animations such as: military animations, social interaction animations, survivor animations,

animations inside the car,  among those that can emerge from the animations that the development team incorporate to the game.




Just as an example, here I leave how would work or what could be some of the military animations. Imagine combat situation where you can not use the

direct communication  (nor do you want to lose immersion using external voice systems or you simply dont have that person on your

steam, ts, discord, skype....)  and you have to tell your partner to advance, make silence, maintains position,

begins to shoot, among other gestures.





Ok guys, that´s all for this post.

Sorry one more time for any gramatical error,

tips or corrections will be highly valued!!


Edited by Asmondian
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If they stole everything here, I'd be claiming the UI was awesome :)
Good work.

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I like it.



[5] I dislike this part.

Walkie - Talkie and Compass should be placed "somewhere" (in the backpack, vest, jacket etc). We have a "hotbar" for quick access.

Concept [5] would work for other things like wristwatch or night vision goggles.


Edited by ImageCtrl
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As always... very good work Asmondian. Thank you!

A few things came to my mind while reading your topic.

  • I would love to see the equipment bar always on top. So if you scroll down to whatever and you wanna drag an item from the bottom of your inventory, you don´t need to hold left mouse and wheel your mouse in the same time to get to the equipment tab again, like its actually is. Maybe the Equipment Tab could be modular, so if you got special clothes, you can attach different things.
  • To be honest Im not a fan of grid based inventorys. I would prefer a weight and sized based system, where you can place your stuff everywhere in your pocket besides the limitations of weight and size. But if it looks like your design I would be happy either :)
  • I would love to see looting a player takes time. You have to search bags, backpacks and pouches of a killed player to see whats inside their clothes/backpacks
  • A seperation between pockets you can reach while walking and moving and interaction with your backpack, which forces you to stop walking.
  • a health screen of your character, where medical details will be shown more accurate. scratch/bleeding sore/ broken arm etc.
  • edit: BELTS

But thank you once again for your beautifull artwork and design suggestions!


  On 6/19/2017 at 3:55 PM, ImageCtrl said:

[5] I dislike this part.

Walkie - Talkie and Compass should be placed "somewhere" (in the backpack, vest, jacket etc). We have a "hotbar" for quick access.

Concept [5] would work for other things like wristwatch or night vision goggles.

Thats true but the usage off radios for example are really annoying right now. If I have assault vest where I can put on my radio - I would do it!

I wouldnt pack it in my backpack and take it out everytime I need it. I would fix it on my vest or my belt.

Edited by Arthur Dubrovka
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Personally, i've been getting bored of the standard box like puzzle design of UI inventories in many survival games. But besides that:

With the whole idea of world space interaction icons coming soon I was thinking about world space inventory UI's for things like player/zombie bodies, opening storage chests, looking at complex objects like generators, cars etc rather than your standard 2d inventory that fills your entire screen. I cannot recall many games i know that have something like what i'm talking about, perhaps you could do another concept of them? But something like that would be really good even going as far as looking at your gun in world space when putting or taking off attachments/checking ammo.

You should be able to wield two items on each hand I reckon. Though realistically you can hold and use any item like a rifle or say two axes but i'm not sure how it would function in the new animation system seeing how they're coded to be used as two handed weapons. 

I would like it if your character has actual animations for taking items out of your pockets or whatever you're pulling it from. So taking a can of beans out of your pants would have your character putting his arm into his pocket and take it out. I would also like if there was a visual indicator to show that someone has items in their clothing. So if they had their pants full of items then their pockets would bulge or that the backpack wasn't always inflated like a balloon.

Example: (photoshopped)

This guy only has 2 items in his jacket (out of 4 slots) and 2 in his pants.

But anyway going off in a tangent about something else. I'm more excited about possible crafting UI like how they said you'll be able to craft items from a pile. Similar to Stranded Deep but have the UI tracked in world space like what they showed with item icons and interaction icons.


edit: might make a video demonstrating the idea with world space inventory uis for objects/crafting.


Edited by DannyDog
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  On 6/19/2017 at 3:00 PM, Gobbokirk said:

If they stole everything here, I'd be claiming the UI was awesome :)
Good work.

Many thanks dude!


  On 6/19/2017 at 3:55 PM, ImageCtrl said:

[5] I dislike this part.

Walkie - Talkie and Compass should be placed "somewhere". We have a "hotbar" for quick access.

Concept [5] would work for other things like wristwatch or night vision goggles.


First of all, thanks a lot for the feedback.

I'll explain a little more about point 5 to see if I can convince you xP

Nowadays when using an item from the "hotbar" this replaces the one you have in your hands. Example: while double carrying, if you want to look at your compass, you have to throw the gun to the floor and put the compass in your hand i be able to do it (I personally look directly at the compass from the hotbar as a quick method). Using compasses, binoculars or the radio by this method is quite slow and tedious and does not have much relation with reality. I mean, if you are carrying a weapon on your hands, you probably don`t put the gun on the floor to watch your compass or talk to the radio. You just simply hold the gun in one hand (rest position) and talk to the radio on the other. So, if we give a special category and place to this items (like "devices") where you can use them with an independent key, this would allow:

  • Greater fluidity in its use
  • Enhance its use (Mostly for radios)
  • Greater immersion (dont have to place them on the hotbar, that usually one end putting them in the last place -8 or 9 key- and rarely uses them)
  • Greater speed and realism

In addition, this system does not imply that radios or other devices can be considered as a regular item (as it currently happens), so you can place them in your inventory (for example, in case you have 2 radios or more to later give a a friend) and use them in the same way as always (dragging them by hand, placing them in the hotbar ). The only difference would be that - as it also happens now - when drag to hands or press asign number in the hotbar, this item will replace the one you carry in the hands, instead of being able to use it simultaneously.

Again, it's just an idea to debate and look for alternatives, I thank you very much for your opinion.

Edited by Asmondian
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  On 6/19/2017 at 4:13 PM, Arthur Dubrovka said:

As always... very good work Asmondian. Thank you!

A few things came to my mind while reading your topic.

  • I would love to see the equipment bar always on top. So if you scroll down to whatever and you wanna drag an item from the bottom of your inventory, you don´t need to hold left mouse and wheel your mouse in the same time to get to the equipment tab again, like its actually is. Maybe the Equipment Tab could be modular, so if you got special clothes, you can attach different things.
  • To be honest Im not a fan of grid based inventorys. I would prefer a weight and sized based system, where you can place your stuff everywhere in your pocket besides the limitations of weight and size. But if it looks like your design I would be happy either :)
  • I would love to see looting a player takes time. You have to search bags, backpacks and pouches of a killed player to see whats inside their clothes/backpacks
  • A seperation between pockets you can reach while walking and moving and interaction with your backpack, which forces you to stop walking.
  • a health screen of your character, where medical details will be shown more accurate. scratch/bleeding sore/ broken arm etc.
  • edit: BELTS

But thank you once again for your beautifull artwork and design suggestions!


Thank you man for taking the time to read these very long posts xP

I will simply give you feedback on your thoughts on the points mentioned:

  • While doing the concept I thought something similar. You mean that the equipment tab should always be fully deployed, without the need to scroll down or up to see the rest of your equipment. Could be an alternative. I also think that the displeasure to have to scroll down and up is because currently the movement is very very slow. With an faster system, it probably would not be so annoying to move something from the bottom of our backpack to the first slot of our vest or to our head. But anyway it can be a good alternative what you mention, even with a modular system.
  • I did not want to do something very different from the current inventory system because I understand that probably it is not going to change (for example, to one like PUGB uses). But probably everyone likes a different system.
  • That was another great idea to consider, especially for backpacks. I think the system that uses Scape From Tarkov amazing because it prevents just running and looting a player as if it were magic. Surely you know what im talking about, otherwise look at some video of the FTS loot system that probably is what you were referring to.
  • The same as above. I think in the case of the backpack, you may have to use a "Search button" to open its contents. This also implies that the view of your character goes to the floor and you can not move in the meanwhile. Also, i believe that doing a separate animation where your character puts the backpack in the hands (or similar) to be able to review the inventory would be too tedious (I say because I have read this idea in previous post) so im not a big fan of this idea.
  • In the pursuit of realism this can be quite criticized. I think the best solution would be a character preview that is "demonstrative" enough of its status to avoid the maximum numbers, messages or icons on the screen.


Thx again for your time.

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  On 6/19/2017 at 4:16 PM, DannyDog said:

Personally, i've been getting bored of the standard box like puzzle design of UI inventories in many survival games. But besides that:

With the whole idea of world space interaction icons coming soon I was thinking about world space inventory UI's for things like player/zombie bodies, opening storage chests, looking at complex objects like generators, cars etc rather than your standard 2d inventory that fills your entire screen. I cannot recall many games i know that have something like what i'm talking about, perhaps you could do another concept of them? But something like that would be really good even going as far as looking at your gun in world space when putting or taking off attachments/checking ammo.


Thanks for the current feedback and the previous one you gave me before posting the concept in the forum.

Regarding the inventory system, the problem is that for games with lots of items and without a "puzzle system", they tend to oversimplify inventory. Considering the possibilities of crafting and the huge amount of tiems and actions over them present in Dayz, a actual alternative could be very difficult. However, I would like to see different options too.

I think I understand what you're saying abut the world sapce inventory. I remember something similar (but not exact because is a entire screen system) with the game Blacklight Retribution.



You should be able to wield two items on each hand I reckon. Though realistically you can hold and use any item like a rifle or say two axes but i'm not sure how it would function in the new animation system seeing how they're coded to be used as two handed weapons. 

100% agree. This would have to be equally limited. I would not like to see people running with two fire axes or two m4 one in each hand like Conan or Terminator, but a guy with a pistol and al flashlight, a radio and a rifle (on rest position) or eating while you hold your gun in the other hand could be a great posibility.



I would like it if your character has actual animations for taking items out of your pockets or whatever you're pulling it from. So taking a can of beans out of your pants would have your character putting his arm into his pocket and take it out. I would also like if there was a visual indicator to show that someone has items in their clothing. So if they had their pants full of items then their pockets would bulge or that the backpack wasn't always inflated like a balloon.


I'm honestly not a fan of this idea. I think that giving game ralism is something that has to be implemented very carefully so as not to lose fluidity. If every action in our inventory is represented by an action on our character, it can become all too tedious and become a human simulator instead of a game.



But anyway going off in a tangent about something else. I'm more excited about possible crafting UI like how they said you'll be able to craft items from a pile. Similar to Stranded Deep but have the UI tracked in world space like what they showed with item icons and interaction icons. edit: might make a video demonstrating the idea with world space inventory uis for objects/crafting.

Hope you do. Let me know.

Thx again dude for your time!!

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  On 6/19/2017 at 4:38 PM, Asmondian said:


Thank you man for taking the time to read these very long posts xP

I will simply give you feedback on your thoughts on the points mentioned:

  • While doing the concept I thought something similar. You mean that the equipment tab should always be fully deployed, without the need to scroll down or up to see the rest of your equipment. Could be an alternative. I also think that the displeasure to have to scroll down and up is because currently the movement is very very slow. With an faster system, it probably would not be so annoying to move something from the bottom of our backpack to the first slot of our vest or to our head. But anyway it can be a good alternative what you mention, even with a modular system.


Yep, exactly.


  On 6/19/2017 at 4:38 PM, Asmondian said:


  • That was another great idea to consider, especially for backpacks. I think the system that uses Scape From Tarkov amazing because it prevents just running and looting a player as if it were magic. Surely you know what im talking about, otherwise look at some video of the FTS loot system that probably is what you were referring to.

Right! Escape of Tarkov uses a system like that. I think thats where my idea came from. I think it would be amazing.


  On 6/19/2017 at 4:38 PM, Asmondian said:


  • The same as above. I think in the case of the backpack, you may have to use a "Search button" to open its contents. This also implies that the view of your character goes to the floor and you can not move in the meanwhile. Also, i believe that doing a separate animation where your character puts the backpack in the hands (or similar) to be able to review the inventory would be too tedious (I say because I have read this idea in previous post) so im not a big fan of this idea.

I dont t hink it would be to tedious. I would only think twice if I put my ammunition in my backpack or in my vest. And stop moving to take stuff out of my backpack dont implement my view is fixed. It could be possible to look around while digging in my backpack. But maybe thats a stuff for a mod ^^


  On 6/19/2017 at 4:38 PM, Asmondian said:


  • In the pursuit of realism this can be quite criticized. I think the best solution would be a character preview that is "demonstrative" enough of its status to avoid the maximum numbers, messages or icons on the screen.


mmmhh here Im not with you. Especially in the pursuit of realism I want to know where my body is injured. The best, for shure, would be the option that you see your injuries directly at your main character window. But I think its just to much work to realize. A medical view would be much easier to develop and lacks the same realism like the charakter windoew itself - except you are standing beside a mirror :)

But except the realism the immersion, and I can only speak for myself, would be much better, if I can put a cleaned and disinfected bandage on my scratched left arm then just use some badly damaged rags to stop my bleeding.

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This concept of HUD looks pretty cool in my opinion. However, it'd be much nicer if you had increased the size of those small windows. Also, just like that interaction menu, opening doors and doing other stuff should have that same circular design, just like Rust has. It'd be awesome to see that thing in DayZ. About running meter, it'd be cool to see it implemented like in The Long Dark. When you press to run, it shows up. If you stop, it'll wait few seconds and then it'll dissappear while you still get your energy regenerated. All in all, awesome concept!

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Realism is a thing, playability is other. 

The global idea is good to eliminate many things in animation choice or in the inventory. If player want only realism, go in the forest in real life and search object in your back without hud :)

In all the cases, the actually hud of Dayz is one of best ugly in the video game history but it's work with many functions instead of many games. Since the beginning of the Arma game, there are 16 years with a similar interface, we can hope change with the new engine but don't expect revolution.

Edited by HRF.DAYZ
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For consistency in the future, please use UI or GUI rather than HUD. They're not exactly the same thing and in this case UI/GUI is contextually better :P

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  On 6/19/2017 at 4:19 PM, Asmondian said:

I'll explain a little more about point 5 to see if I can convince you xP (many good goals)

I'm with you, but at the same time I would avoid a system where players in underwear carry invisible Compass, Walkie - Talkie and binoculars.


I would prefer something like this. (Such items have to be somewhere.)

Example: He could place the compass on hotkey "1". (in this picture hotkey "1" is for the left hand)

Now he pick up the walkie talkie. He place it in hotbar "2" and press the "arrow to the right" with his left mouse button. ("1" and "2" is now for the left hand. The hotbar is flexible in both directions.) I'm to lame to make a second picture, I hope you know what I mean.

He can use now "1" for compass and "2" for the walkie talkie with all the benefits you mentioned.

Edited by ImageCtrl
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  On 6/19/2017 at 9:08 PM, Just Caused said:

This concept of HUD looks pretty cool in my opinion. However, it'd be much nicer if you had increased the size of those small windows. Also, just like that interaction menu, opening doors and doing other stuff should have that same circular design, just like Rust has. It'd be awesome to see that thing in DayZ. About running meter, it'd be cool to see it implemented like in The Long Dark. When you press to run, it shows up. If you stop, it'll wait few seconds and then it'll dissappear while you still get your energy regenerated. All in all, awesome concept!

Thanks man.

Agree with the stamina bar, you should only see it when you start to run or 3 o 4 seconds after you start runing.

The reason of the small icons / windows is that you should be able to see the background while you are in your inventory.

Thx again!

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  On 6/20/2017 at 6:33 AM, HRF.DAYZ said:

Realism is a thing, playability is other. 

The global idea is good to eliminate many things in animation choice or in the inventory. If player want only realism, go in the forest in real life and search object in your back without hud :)

In all the cases, the actually hud of Dayz is one of best ugly in the video game history but it's work with many functions instead of many games. Since the beginning of the Arma game, there are 16 years with a similar interface, we can hope change with the new engine but don't expect revolution.

Its true. if we only focus on realism, probably the game would become extremely slow and tedious, so you have to find a balance. Thx for comment man.

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  On 6/20/2017 at 7:07 AM, DannyDog said:

For consistency in the future, please use UI or GUI rather than HUD. They're not exactly the same thing and in this case UI/GUI is contextually better :P

You are absolutmanete right.

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  On 6/20/2017 at 9:54 AM, ImageCtrl said:

I'm with you, but at the same time I would avoid a system where players in underwear carry invisible Compass, Walkie - Talkie and binoculars.


I would prefer something like this. (Such items have to be somewhere.)

Example: He could place the compass on hotkey "1". (in this picture hotkey "1" is for the left hand)

Now he pick up the walkie talkie. He place it in hotbar "2" and press the "arrow to the right" with his left mouse button. ("1" and "2" is now for the left hand. The hotbar is flexible in both directions.) I'm to lame to make a second picture, I hope you know what I mean.

He can use now "1" for compass and "2" for the walkie talkie with all the benefits you mentioned.

I understand what you mean and is interesting. But the problem I see is the following:

  • Usually all players assign the key 1 to their main weapon, the two to the ammunition, the three to the secondary. If we limit the hotkeys or assign them left or right, it would be very unfunctional for the players (besides that they would occupy spaces unnecessarily when it could either assign a separate key)
  • I think it's too unnecessary complexity. If simply the radio can be used simply by pressing (for example) the "T" key (which currently has no use except for some weapons) I do not see why I should put it in the hot bar and make a combination of keys to be able to use it.
  • I honestly do not think there will be a place in the inventory for the right hand and another for the left. I belive (If that is finally done) that this process (carrying 2 diferent things) is going to automate and will simply allow you to use it when the items can be transported simultaneously (example: radio And gun ... but no gun and backpack).

Thx for the feedback man, love to read other ideas about it.


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  On 6/20/2017 at 6:33 AM, HRF.DAYZ said:

Realism is a thing, playability is other. 

The global idea is good to eliminate many things in animation choice or in the inventory. If player want only realism, go in the forest in real life and search object in your back without hud :)

In all the cases, the actually hud of Dayz is one of best ugly in the video game history but it's work with many functions instead of many games. Since the beginning of the Arma game, there are 16 years with a similar interface, we can hope change with the new engine but don't expect revolution.

Don't get me wrong here :) I'm absolutely not from the faction which fight for realism and shit on gamedesign and playability. But sometimes I miss a bit of consistent mechanics. On the one hand I need to take a compass in my hand to navigate on the other hand I can run like I'm fast and furious while changing attachments on my gun and craft a courier bag. There is a need of a balanced gameplay. Take a rest to sort my backpack would decelerate gameplay alot in my opinion. I would need to make decisions by packing my gear on the right spot to stay alive. I don't want a backpack Tetris simulation, but take a rest and think about it what I maybe need in a dangerous situation and put it on the right spot - why not? I think it would be fun... but again, I can only speak for me. Maybe it's more a part of a hardcore survival mod. Maybe.

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Your nightmare could be true :) 



When you play alone, i can understand to do not play a Backpack Tetris simulation. In group, we could imagine many situations where an automatic system could be boring. 

Especially, if you want a man in the squad as medic, an other as support.

Edited by HRF.DAYZ
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Cool concept.  For me, hokeys should not be accessible until you gather the proper gear/clothing that gives you quick access pockets.  Objects placed inside backpacks should not be able to be quick slotted.

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