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Ambient Sound Loud?

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Alrighty, I just would like to point out that I love the atmosphere and overhaul of 0.62! But I would like to know what everyone else thinks of the volume of the Ambient Noises such as the birds and the wind.

In my personal opinion I believe the ambient noises need to be toned down a bit because compared to all the other noises in the game they seem to be extremely loud and drown out everything else.

Maybe its a bug for me and others sound aren't as loud or just want to know what you guys are experiencing!




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For me it's fairly balanced. Foot steps are perhaps a bit too quiet but we just had 61 giving us incredibly overly loud sounds so most players, which we had for quite a long time. So now that things have changed I'm sure to a lot of people foot steps and other sounds seem a bit quiet. 

So I don't think there is any issue really with the sounds. At least not on my end, I can still hear breathing and foot steps from a good 10 meters away which is fair enough to me. It helps if you are sitting still and not panting from sprinting. 

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Depends on the server really. Some servers have really windy weather and can get pretty loud and sometimes its super quiet with barely any bird noises. Also are you playing stable? They tweaked more bird volumes in the newer exp branch so maybe give that a try.

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Its too loud compared to the footsteps. To hear my own footsteps I have to turn up the volume and the ambient sounds gets too loud. Also there are some strange sounds in the ambient sounds, like a buzzing sound of a highway in the distance. Sometimes I hear the sound of a footstep on wood. So, yea I really hope they add some more volume sliders to tweak the sounds better.

Edited by svisketyggeren

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maybe those "buzz" and "footsteps on wood"should only be hearable those who murder people in sight,aka "KOS":)
i noticed yesterday that if i wanna hear footsteps of my own and other people,i have to turn volume up.but then gunshot sounds are so loud that when fireing a shotgun,my ears just explode:(

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Ambient sound and footsteps are up in 0.62 one thing which is only bad to solve. I am convinced that with 0.63 "different" footsteps will give. The terrain and choice of shoes will have an influence on this. A sneaker on the street will be quieter than walking shoes, as an example.

Edited by Sqeezorz

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Don't get me wrong, I love 0.62, but after a while I figured that there is indeed something off with ambient sounds, especially with bird chirping. Not only it is super loud, but also it makes Chernarus forests sound like the Amazon jungle. I live in Eastern Europe and I can say that you would never hear this kind of bird songs here outside of pet shops. I'm no ornithologist, but too often I hear something which sounds like a parrot or a bird-of-paradise. I think the ambient sounds are a bit overdone.

Still, gotta love 0.62!

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35 minutes ago, Kirov (DayZ) said:

Don't get me wrong, I love 0.62, but after a while I figured that there is indeed something off with ambient sounds, especially with bird chirping. Not only it is super loud, but also it makes Chernarus forests sound like the Amazon jungle. I live in Eastern Europe and I can say that you would never hear this kind of bird songs here outside of pet shops. I'm no ornithologist, but too often I hear something which sounds like a parrot or a bird-of-paradise. I think the ambient sounds are a bit overdone.

Still, gotta love 0.62!

Not only that but some of the samples sound very artificial or something. Not sure but there is something off with them...

Guess were just nitpicking now lol

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I use a bow and it's hard to hear the deer over the bird calls and wind or whatever the calls are unless i spot the deer first.  And then to often it's when the deer are running away.

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I really like the wind sounds - gives a much stronger sense of 'being outside' and of a harsh environment.

But I agree with OP that the ambient sound is a little too loud...

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Ambiant is really a bit too loud. I have difficulties hearing wolves barking and howling at only 50 meters from me even in cities.

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On 18.06.2017 at 2:47 PM, green_mtn_grandbob said:

I use a bow and it's hard to hear the deer over the bird calls and wind or whatever the calls are unless i spot the deer first.  And then to often it's when the deer are running away.

Where are your usual hunting grounds that you got used to hear the deer so often? I rarely get to hear that strange barking of theirs, wind or not.

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What I miss at ambientsound are insects. I was on Sunday in the sun on my comfortable chair ... and enjoyed the peace that was none.
The weather was nice.
Grilling chirped as if it were a match.
The birds in the forest (100m) gave concerts.
Sometimes there was a loud bird on the roof of the house, it was like an alarm.
And it had insects.
Flies, bees all circled around my head, I thought I was a flower.
I miss insects. Especially with dead bodys it would only be so hum of flies.
And birds that sing not only, but often they can be heard fluttering after singing.

Or what is missing is the rustling of small animals in the forest, I often hear them, but never see them.
on Sunday, I really enjoyed the peace, that was none.

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13 minutes ago, Sqeezorz said:

What I miss at ambientsound are insects. I was on Sunday in the sun on my comfortable chair ... and enjoyed the peace that was none.
The weather was nice.
Grilling chirped as if it were a match.
The birds in the forest (100m) gave concerts.
Sometimes there was a loud bird on the roof of the house, it was like an alarm.
And it had insects.
Flies, bees all circled around my head, I thought I was a flower.
I miss insects. Especially with dead bodys it would only be so hum of flies.
And birds that sing not only, but often they can be heard fluttering after singing.

Or what is missing is the rustling of small animals in the forest, I often hear them, but never see them.
on Sunday, I really enjoyed the peace, that was none.

Haha nice. Problem i feel is it is hard to determine the distance of a sound source such as birds/crickets in the game. Either they play really close to you, or play so quietly that you can barely hear them at all.

It's 5:14 pm right now in Suburban Australia, i step outside and the things i hear (in regards to nature) are very high up cockatoos screeching, a distant creek near a park (that i can very easily determine the direction), 2 crickets in my front garden to the right and one across the street. Also we have bats here, and occasionally they fly into the tree infront of my house and make really spooky noises and rustling. Currently in DayZ, there's just a lack of sound samples of insects and such that actually sound far away or have distance filters or reflections as if they were from the sky, in a forest, in an open area or surrounded by buildings. It's a lot to ask from the devs tbh, i'm not sure how far they'll take audio in the game to.

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