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Baty Alquawen

Exp Update 0.61.138340

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Good Friday guys,

Small Experimental update today. We fixed animals above/under ground - no more "Santa's herds" on Experimental servers. We love Christmas but it's too early. :)

Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday!

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10.7 MB for those updating from 138284.

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1 hour ago, Baty Alquawen said:

no more "Santa's herds" on Experimental servers. We love Christmas but it's too early. :)

Made me chuckle.


Happy Friday and thanks for the update.

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Thanks for the mini update! :D I was all excited for .62 to somehow branch over into Exp, but I'll just have to wait longer! Oh well xD 

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Quote from SR 21.03.2017

That's all from audio department now, we will share some more before the update drops!

 - Andrej Sinkevic / Lead Sound Designer


For the launch to 0.62 on Exp...  i think we must waiting min. 3-4 weeks... next SR in 2 weeks for "some more" ...and  some more wait to launch.  Mom, where is my timemachine.

Edited by Sqeezorz
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The animals seem to be working as intended. Spent some time tracking a "double herd" of both cows and deer in the same spot, just west of Pogorevka. When I got bored with watching them, I bagged 5 deer with a single clip through the SKS before losing the entire collective in the woods elsewhere.




Vehicles also still seem decent as ever!


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Hey guys! What are the final issues with .61 we're dealing with? It's sounding pretty much fixed up as well as it can be on the engine it's using? 

Can't even wait for .62 to come out! The new environment will be such a pleasing experience. .

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I cannot be positive, but I'm pretty sure that my Sedan just persisted through a restart on Northeast 01. Will confirm...

I have have been fooled into thinking the server restarted when it actually did not. Car gone! Car gone! Car gone! :(

Edited by FlimFlamm

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I got a truck running and parked it Wednesday night on some hills. Thursday night I got another truck running and drove it to the same hills and woah, my other truck is still there with the gear in the storage. Now I have two trucks! Ok so am I suppose to wreck them into each other or something, what am I supposed to be testing with the vehicles? Where is the DMV? I would like to go stand in line with some zombies and get a number and get my dayz license renewed.  Uhg and my trucks are gone hehehe.

Edited by Excanto
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Back when glowplugs firs came out, this was the end of the night before a wipe, fifth truck with leaky gas tank less than a km away that didn't make the deadline.

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/438324884322934548/65DE5D783DE85BEF14B7FC96A904DE9CBEAD4ABE/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside|2048:384&composite-to%3D*%2C*|2048%3A384&background-color=black [/img]

Edited by BCBasher
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Heh, I was wondering where all the trucks were back then.  I have a truck and a sedan right now. The sedan is from Friday night, and I have run across other sedans and did the ole auto wrecker strip the cars as I go trick and now I have one door left that is a little scraped and the rest is showroom condition :-D It was still there this morning and I had emptied the trunk into my inventory just in case if vanished. Right now it is full of tomatoes, green peppers and zucchini and piles of gear to fill every slot, since I can't carry anything else in my back pack. I'm pretty happy with an mp5 with a silencer and a 30 round mag. Makes cruising around zombies at night in a military area, lots easier.  I haven't seen any flying wolves so that is good. I shot a zombie who was standing on my last sedan and he dropped into it and flopped around and I heard glass breaking and crashing and he finally flopped out the side dead and my sedan was mostly destroyed. I was watching the doors and wheel all getting ruined as I stood there. I was down near the sw coast and went over a bridge in a truck slowly and it popped into the air and landed on it's side and then got washed onto the railing like I was in some big surf. Toast. I went back and got a sedan I passed and went over the same bridge fast and it threw me to the rails and I lost control and made it over but damaged. No more bridges for me I guess. 

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Are this the bridge from Chernogorsk centeral ? There are very buggy, 40m before Bridge you have a spring in the ground. Yesterday i many drive with V3S and Lada. On 1pp never have a Game-Crash. On 3pp with Lada (velocity the problem?)  2x  ---> YAD :( .


Cars are still going into the ground. When they fall into the ground at a steep angle.(Here I do not know whether it is on the steep terrain or with the angle of collision). Test area cliffs above Evac zone of Severograd.Svetlojarsk, Testing with Sedan / Lada. (Bus and V3S there do not test, since the road too steep for these vehicles).

Edited by Sqeezorz

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Thank you for a feedback.

I am closing this thread because of new update.

See you!

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