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What on earth happened in this clip?

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I assume desync?

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1 minute ago, nl said:

I assume desync?

Even with dsync, shouldn't the bullet registration catch up eventually?

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3 hours ago, edoian said:

Even with dsync, shouldn't the bullet registration catch up eventually?

 Not necessarily, just because you see him in a certain spot and you fire your bullets there doesn't mean he actually was in that spot so your bullets would miss.

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I believe what happened to you was that you used the "crosshair" instead of the scope on the AUG. When you can, always use the iron sights or scopes, as right now many weapons are not aligned correctly using the crosshair. 

If you re-watch the video, you can clearly see your bullets hitting to the right of the character. 

As you can see using any "red dot" scopes tells you exactly where your barrel is aligned, and it's not aligned with the crosshair right now. You need to aim more to the right if you want to use hip fire.


You'll need to aim a bit to the right of the "smile" with the new crosshair, until they fix the alignment. I know it's an M4 in the screen, but it's not the only weapon with a wrongfully aligned crosshair.

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4 hours ago, odin_lowe said:

I believe what happened to you was that you used the "crosshair" instead of the scope on the AUG. When you can, always use the iron sights or scopes, as right now many weapons are not aligned correctly using the crosshair. 

If you re-watch the video, you can clearly see your bullets hitting to the right of the character. 

As you can see using any "red dot" scopes tells you exactly where your barrel is aligned, and it's not aligned with the crosshair right now. You need to aim more to the right if you want to use hip fire.


You'll need to aim a bit to the right of the "smile" with the new crosshair, until they fix the alignment. I know it's an M4 in the screen, but it's not the only weapon with a wrongfully aligned crosshair.

I think you need to do more testing.  I've just shot about 30 rounds using a red dot on an M4.  The Curve on the crosshair is still perfectly fine.  Its the dot from the red dot thats out of alignment, not the crosshair.  I was shooting at a lamp post from around 20 m and with the red dot on the lamp post I would miss, with the lamppost in the middle of the curve, it hit perfectly.

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5 hours ago, nl said:

 Not necessarily, just because you see him in a certain spot and you fire your bullets there doesn't mean he actually was in that spot so your bullets would miss.

I thought bullet registration was performed client side then sent to the server to update.

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3 hours ago, edoian said:

I think you need to do more testing.  I've just shot about 30 rounds using a red dot on an M4.  The Curve on the crosshair is still perfectly fine.  Its the dot from the red dot thats out of alignment, not the crosshair.  I was shooting at a lamp post from around 20 m and with the red dot on the lamp post I would miss, with the lamppost in the middle of the curve, it hit perfectly.

I got 5 characters with M4. They all are bugged and all their barrels are miss-aligned. 

Like you see in the screen shot, I use the "laser" pointer (the red dot from a reflex sight) to slay infected. When using the "smiley face" crosshair, 0 hit registered.

Not sure If I need to do more testing, or you, as the 100+ infected I've killed were all slayed using this technique, or using iron sights or ACOG.



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Odin is correct.  You can clearly see your bullets hitting to the right of the guy.  Might be a combination of poor aim and possibly desync, but it looks more like you panicked and completely missed in the heat of the moment.  Never use hip fire unless absolutely necessary.  You had plenty of time to aim at his head, go get some coffee, pick your nose, and fire one round before he would have seen you.  Chalk it up as bad timing and bad luck.  Your friend had a nice shot though.

Edited by schwaBAM
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2 hours ago, schwaBAM said:

Odin is correct.  You can clearly see your bullets hitting to the right of the guy.  Might be a combination of poor aim and possibly desync, but it looks more like you panicked and completely missed in the heat of the moment.  Never use hip fire unless absolutely necessary.  You had plenty of time to aim at his head, go get some coffee, pick your nose, and fire one round before he would have seen you.  Chalk it up as bad timing and bad luck.  Your friend had a nice shot though.

I use the crosshair all the time, works great, at least in 1st person. Using sights is often awkward and your character moves like molasses. Crosshair is almost as accurate, much faster and smoother. However I did not test its alignment on an M4A1/AUG this patch, nor in 3PP.


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5 hours ago, schwaBAM said:

Odin is correct.  You can clearly see your bullets hitting to the right of the guy.  Might be a combination of poor aim and possibly desync, but it looks more like you panicked and completely missed in the heat of the moment.  Never use hip fire unless absolutely necessary.  You had plenty of time to aim at his head, go get some coffee, pick your nose, and fire one round before he would have seen you.  Chalk it up as bad timing and bad luck.  Your friend had a nice shot though.


2 hours ago, -Gews- said:

I use the crosshair all the time, works great, at least in 1st person. Using sights is often awkward and your character moves like molasses. Crosshair is almost as accurate, much faster and smoother. However I did not test its alignment on an M4A1/AUG this patch, nor in 3PP.


I have to agree with Gews as I use the crosshair with other weapons without any problem, at all.

But some weapons (Mainly the M4, Fal, AUG) are slightly missaligned with the crosshair. This with a combination of desync seem to have caused what we witnessed in the video. 

I'm with edoian that many bullets connected with the player, but during his "fire/reload" animation nothing registered on either the client or server. 

We can all agree this just points out to the obvious culprit, "Alpher".

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I don't see how you can say they connected with the player when you can see the dirt kick up next to him.  I guess I will claim ignorance in regards to the alignment debate as I rarely use the crosshair even in first person.  It's only if I run into an "oh shit" moment and me and the enemy are nose to nose.

Edited by schwaBAM

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That aug hit him, you guys looking too deep into it.

Looks like a horrible taste of "soon" repairs... :(




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56 minutes ago, schwaBAM said:

I don't see how you can say they connected with the player when you can see the dirt kick up next to him.  I guess I will claim ignorance in regards to the alignment debate as I rarely use the crosshair even in first person.  It's only if I run into an "oh shit" moment and me and the enemy are nose to nose.

Are people looking at the same clip as me?  The first 10 shots result in 1 dirt puff over his right shoulder.  Where are the rest if the bullets didnt connect?


When the second 10 bullets fail to register and when he starts to move, one hits the ground with a puff.

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2 hours ago, odin_lowe said:


I have to agree with Gews as I use the crosshair with other weapons without any problem, at all.

But some weapons (Mainly the M4, Fal, AUG) are slightly missaligned with the crosshair. This with a combination of desync seem to have caused what we witnessed in the video. 

I'm with edoian that many bullets connected with the player, but during his "fire/reload" animation nothing registered on either the client or server. 

We can all agree this just points out to the obvious culprit, "Alpher".

I'm going to quickly edit and upload the short clip of my testing the "misalignment" of the barrel/reddot tonight (if I have time).  I believe its falacy and its simply the red dot which is misaligned.  Crosshair still the same as it always has been

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The way I am seeing the video is that you are initially shooting over his right shoulder, so you would not see the dirt kick up on those shots.  Your crosshair came down on the last shot as he was moving and you can see the bullet hit the dirt.  The last few shots after that had an extremely long delay before the dirt kicked up.  I am not sure if I can pinpoint exactly what it was, but it looks like a combination of lag/desync and poor aim.

Edited by schwaBAM

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11 hours ago, edoian said:

I'm going to quickly edit and upload the short clip of my testing the "misalignment" of the barrel/reddot tonight (if I have time).  I believe its falacy and its simply the red dot which is misaligned.  Crosshair still the same as it always has been

Here is another issue, that exactly explains what is going on.

Misfits on HIHB server US
I have been seeing the same with Infected, not just player pvp.

This is what i think happened, you saw someone but they where not anywhere near you.

We need this fixed, no jokes. This is why i uninstalled the game in frustration, laggy POS thing, and its frustrating if an infected kills you and alerts more and warps under the ground.

I got so mad after going unconscious 15 fucking times... get up try to run in a constant loop. I was the only one on the server trying to rebuild from another instance of getting ganked by infected inside a building.

The axe would not hurt the infected, but i saw them hitting it. Even bullets missed, i eventually gave up and started to punch it. Finally blocking me in the Q hut at tent city. Not one thing i could do.

I would say about 5-6 in a row getting blocked by infected inside an area you can not jump over, run through or even escape. Everything you try desyncs with the infected or maybe a player and you just are useless.

How i ended up getting in the position, server was about to restart, i moved quickly to the Qhut and i got alerted some how by infected rushed me in the q hut blocking me. The rest is very odd... odd enough to explain what just happened here.

You actually are outside the Qhut, not syncing with the server and i guess i alerted infected while thinking i was in the building.

Sorry for my long rant, but you guys proved my points about the way the game is really running. So did misfits video at 8:53 +


Edited by sneakydude

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12 hours ago, edoian said:

I'm going to quickly edit and upload the short clip of my testing the "misalignment" of the barrel/reddot tonight (if I have time).  I believe its falacy and its simply the red dot which is misaligned.  Crosshair still the same as it always has been

They might have fixed it in one of the hotfixes, but the barrel of M4 was REALLY misaligned in the various experimental builds I played. Using the crosshair the bullets were hitting right of it, nowhere near the center. That was a fact.

But since there's 0 information about what's fixed in the hotfixes, there's no way to tell what changed unless you test it.

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1 hour ago, odin_lowe said:

They might have fixed it in one of the hotfixes, but the barrel of M4 was REALLY misaligned in the various experimental builds I played. Using the crosshair the bullets were hitting right of it, nowhere near the center. That was a fact.

But since there's 0 information about what's fixed in the hotfixes, there's no way to tell what changed unless you test it.

Odin_lowe I am getting sick of bringing negative feedback to posts, but those hot fixes are what screwed up the recent desync issues going on with the server. Whatever they did recently causes some issues.

I render what is there, but in fact i am seeing some slow motion of the object being there. Almost like some ESP hack. No more funnies but when you see it on a 1 man server that has a very low ping to you just with the infected, it makes you wonder what was changed to cause this.


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On 25.7.2016 at 11:03 AM, edoian said:


What happened in this clip? simple. At first, you were simply missing. We will never find out how exactly as you were using left-aligned third person.

Afterwards, you were missing / he was simply outrunning your bullets.

Edited by Buakaw

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What happened?

You missed. By a goddamn mile, mind you.

Your firearm has sights for a reason. Use the crosshair to center the firearm on the target, then pop down the sights to actually fire.

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11 hours ago, Whyherro123 said:

What happened?

You missed. By a goddamn mile, mind you.

Your firearm has sights for a reason. Use the crosshair to center the firearm on the target, then pop down the sights to actually fire.

Sure he did, because the other client wasn't there. It was a glitch... and once its fixed like it should be soon i hope these little issues wont come up again.

Even if he did miss, by normal shots one or more would have hit the guy that close.

400m up close still should hit the other client, not go through them or over their head. Physics guys physics.


He is less then 25m, high and low aim points from :53 on you can clearly see this.

(He did not aim above the head, its not a submarine firing straight up in the air)

I am going to mark this up as a total desync, that hopefully gets fixed sooner then later. The memory reference error is a total desync issue.

Edited by sneakydude

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