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New bleeding mechanic

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I really don't like the blood in DayZ SA. It looks awful. So here's my suggestion:

there should be no blood particles dropping like a fountain from your body,

BieP4fK.jpg(just a small example :D )

 but when you are bleeding your character should draw a texture of blood on the floor (or eventually on walls),

sTPGU9g.jpg(how it should be)

so there will be another way to track the bambi you just shot in the leg :D .




Another cool mechanic regards the bandage.

When you bandage yourself you should see the bandage on your body (for example forearms), like an armband and you can remove it whenever you want, but if you remove it too early you'll start bleeding again.

With future softskills implementation the more you bandage the more you'll be able to bandage efficiently.

Let me know what do you think


Edited by simonvic
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Agreed on all points...it would be awesome to track someone by their blood trail. 

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Are you summoning satan in first picture?

I agree to everything you stated here, but it's kinda hard to implement.

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  On 7/19/2016 at 6:12 PM, Just Caused said:

Are you summoning satan in first picture?

I agree to everything you stated here, but it's kinda hard to implement.

We don't know that. Blood splatters, decals, whatever, have been in games for a very long time. They exist in some form in the Arma games. I'd be surprised if blood splatters weren't implemented, and I expect the blood particle effect will be changed at some point. In fact I think there's supposed to be some new particle system coming in at some point, so it'll probably be addressed then. As for the bandages - you're probably right. The devs really don't like clipping, and bandages would be very likely to clip. You never know, though.

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Bandages don't need to clip; it could just be a decal over the skin of the model. Likewise could be wounds.

I agree with all of Simonvic's suggestions. They are good, doable and needed.

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  On 7/19/2016 at 3:33 PM, simonvic said:

I really don't like the blood in DayZ SA. It looks awful. So here's my suggestion:

there should be no blood particles dropping like a fountain from your body,

BieP4fK.jpg(just a small example :D )

 but when you are bleeding your character should draw a texture of blood on the floor (or eventually on walls),

sTPGU9g.jpg(how it should be)

so there will be another way to track the bambi you just shot in the leg :D .




Another cool mechanic regards the bandage.

When you bandage yourself you should see the bandage on your body (for example forearms), like an armband and you can remove it whenever you want, but if you remove it too early you'll start bleeding again.

With future softskills implementation the more you bandage the more you'll be able to bandage efficiently.

Let me know what do you think


I remember devs talking about decals and textures in a status report, a while back. 

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  On 7/20/2016 at 1:29 PM, simonvic said:

A little preview made by me :D

Looks like he's shitting while walking by, hoping no one will notice.

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  On 7/21/2016 at 4:07 AM, billnyetherussianpie said:

I remember devs talking about decals and textures in a status report, a while back. 

'talking about' is about all they do in recent days... 'talking' about choppers in dayz back in 2014... talking about companion animals back in 2015... 

'talking' doesn't get stuff done.. we all know that. best thing we can do is HOPE they have time in their tight mountain climbing schedule to add this to the massive 'shit we still need to put in' list
but i'm honestly afraid this will not even be on the bottom of their 'to-do list' let alone their priority list.

best we can hope for at this point is that someone from the community makes something awesome like @simonvic made as preview and then just runs with it.
kinda like 'Game In Theory' has done back in 2014 and 2015 on youtube.

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So often I thought about that! That needs to be done. Agree with all suggestions. It looks soooo crappy if a blood fountain comes out of the middle of nowhere 10 cm beside your shoulder. Maybe there will be something new with the new anim/character controller thing... 

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