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DayZ staff/devs/Bohemia show their love.

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I have steam games like that too, and i flip back and forth. Once Dayz is finished and announced beta it will change again and again those numbers.


Here is the top steam list as of 7:44pm est.


Current Players Peak Today Game

374,696 950,977 Dota 2
311,391 626,189 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
88,950 100,165 Fallout 4
61,734 74,184 Team Fortress 2
45,641 75,375 Grand Theft Auto V
39,686 46,120 Sid Meier's Civilization V
34,802 40,618 Garry's Mod
33,960 43,955 Warframe
32,539 39,457 ARK: Survival Evolved
31,674 48,438 Football Manager 2016
26,403 33,492 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
24,273 30,243 Clicker Heroes
22,541 29,283 Rocket League
20,664 22,903 Terraria
20,265 28,941 Arma 3
20,211 27,156 Call of Duty: Black Ops III
19,043 23,259 Rust
17,705 27,809 Unturned
15,802 17,841 Path of Exile
15,034 17,579 H1Z1
14,368 17,974 The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
12,644 19,440 Football Manager 2015
12,616 18,339 War Thunder
10,662 24,497 Counter-Strike
10,374 14,185 Europa Universalis IV
10,041 11,812 7 Days to Die
10,005 13,566 SMITE
9,719 16,163 PAYDAY 2
9,480 13,539 DayZ


Dayz went from 5k to 9k just today with a total of  13.5k which rises and falls when people come online.


Once we are given the moding tools it may rise as much as 30k like arma 3. Remember it costs a ton to rent a server for the people that are so damn cheap and wont pay for it themselves.


Only so many people are going to get setup on alpha guys. I don't think you guys being so negative over the numbers are understanding that its still alpha and those servers are rented by the members.


32,539 39,457 ARK: Survival Evolved   <----- free modding and hosting software. Makes a huge difference when you can mod. Expect those numbers when we have the tools.


I am Pro Modding, and so are many others waiting it out.


Edit =

8,713 playing 5 min ago 13,480 24-hour peak 45,398 all-time peak  8:10pm est Rises yet again !
Edited by TheSneakyDude
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Hell, if Dayz Dev's let me, ill help offer my free time to help setup the modding tools and Alpha test them. I will even run a server from the house to test it openly to them. Or rent one, i don't care.


Ill even sign up on the NDA and do it for 0$ I can host arma 3 exile, and Ark server so this shouldn't matter for testing purposes.


Whatever it takes to complete the game, i am all ready for that. <---- i am 1 of many that feel this way. Appreciation of what the Dev's do matters to the few that actually test and debug issues when they arise matters to us all.

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I find it very weird that in that "feature list" nowhere is mentioned that they want to optimize the game so normal people without a 2000€ machine can play it


i love the game and would like to participate in submitting bugs etc, but i can't do that if i need to upgrade my pc for about 1000€ to play it with more than 20 fps


Your failure to buy a quality computer without inflated prices does not warrant a feature change. My PC I bought several years ago plays it at 35fps in a good resolution with many of the options up at "high" or above. If you ignore the expensive mouse and other preiferals my PC itself was about $800. You need to learn to shop smarter. 

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Dunno what the complainers want for £20 quid on release! You would think with all the moaning that they had spent £200 quid with their list of demands... the game is constantly updated, getting better all the time IMO, but what puts a big smile on my face is the planned inclusion of animal comrades, I prefer to play alone, but it would be cool to have a dog that could warn you with a bark or growl or even a whimper when fellow players are around, would help us loner players no end as an early warning system against bloodthirsty groups, and if would be nice to have some animal company on my travels to the north of the map :) Throw in some random player addictions like booze or cigarettes that means you have to find some other stuff apart from food, water clothes and guns to keep your character happy, and I am in gaming loner heaven!

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They failed, simple as that and the absolutely abysmal player numbers don't lie.


I freaking loved this game, putting in 0000's of hours of the mod and then SA but they systematically killed it with "hicks" poorly thought through vision of the game. Not realising the already established player base, the ones that made it popular, had already moulded the game into its category and defined it's place but no, hicks knew best.


SA was suppose to be a less buggy, less clunky, smother adaptation of the mod; not some "hicks" inspired modification of the game cause he has no fucking idea.


You should not have let rocket leave, we all know how your "creative"  differences forced him out and now you are reaping what you sow, with a game that 3 million+ bought and no one wants to play.


But hey keep listening to the new players that cry about KoS and all the other facets that made this game great. Way to ruin the most addictive thrilling game that I had the pleasure of playing.



*slow clap*


I don't completely agree with this in terms of the game being a failure, but I do think the game has been taking a subtle (maybe not too subtle) change in tone since Rocket left.  And my group has a running joke of blaming Hicks for everything bad these days.  I think Hicks exerts too much of his personal bias into trying to create a particular experience for the player, even if he doesn't mean to.  Rocket's design approach was much more throwing things into the game and letting players deal with it, where as the devs after he left seem very focused on creating a "game."


I still enjoy the game though, and I think this patch has been pretty great.

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I find it very weird that in that "feature list" nowhere is mentioned that they want to optimize the game so normal people without a 2000€ machine can play it


i love the game and would like to participate in submitting bugs etc, but i can't do that if i need to upgrade my pc for about 1000€ to play it with more than 20 fps


To be completely honest and as un flamy as possible, you are exagerating sir. A lot.


Get a Radeon r9 290 4gb of some kind, and an 8 core AMD FX chip with motherboard and ram bundle for similar amount. You will run dayz fine. It doesn't cost anywhere near 2 grand.

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Now i am going to bash apart your statements.


They are completely false. Totally false, zip zill nadda correct.


Here is why? http://steamcharts.com/app/221100

read it understand its almost back to peak. Its winter time, and the new games had nothing to do with it.


I like dean hall a ton, but his departure was the best thing for the project and also his new company. Hes a programmer. He was also living away from home.

He might have a family too? don't know, don't care but it explains why.


The rest of it is fixable over time.


Really showing your comprehension there buddy! In your own link it proves what I am saying. Peak players even though that stat still proves me right isn't worth shit. Its average players and that has plummeted. If you can't understand a basic premise like that, then our discussion is over.



So only new players are anti-KoS?


And KoS makes the game great?


I started playing July 2012 and do not KoS.


If all you do is KoS you are the sandbox version of herpes and gooooood riddance.


You seem to have expected the mod+security and are upset they decided to do much more....


Your statements make me think you should do a lot more reading about the state of the game, the process of making it that has unfolded, and the fact that modding will give you the damn version you want.


Have you got your monies worth of game play from the SA yet?


In what part of this have you lost out on anything?


Maybe come back in 6 months, a year, more, and take another look.


1) When did I say that, stop assuming

2) Yes

3-6) Your opinion and irrelevant because they are biased

7) Yes

8) When did I say I had? Stop assuming

9) I will, when the mods come out. cause the devs have no idea the modding community will make it much better, as did Rocket with A2


I don't completely agree with this in terms of the game being a failure, but I do think the game has been taking a subtle (maybe not too subtle) change in tone since Rocket left.  And my group has a running joke of blaming Hicks for everything bad these days.  I think Hicks exerts too much of his personal bias into trying to create a particular experience for the player, even if he doesn't mean to.  Rocket's design approach was much more throwing things into the game and letting players deal with it, where as the devs after he left seem very focused on creating a "game."


I still enjoy the game though, and I think this patch has been pretty great.


I blame hicks cause he is lead developer, in all intense purposes he is the face and final decision maker. If it's not the case it doesn't make my opinion and less relevant just misdirected. I can live with that.


I completely agree with the rest of your post and maybe I am little too passionate for my own good. But it frustrates me to no end watching a game I so dearly loved become one I can't even pay my mates to play again  

Hicks has watched too many youtube videos/twitch streams of the big story tellers and thinks "I want to make the game more like that". Well fucking excuse me, there is a valid niche for that sort of RP game but that's it, its a niche and the main game should not cater for anyone play style. Its a fucking sandbox and the players decide what is going to be on that particular server. 


I am glad you can still find enjoyment in it I wish I could.

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It's kinda weird because Hicks is actually lead producer, and Peter Nespesny is the lead designer.  And if I'm not completely mistaken there's another guy entirely who is the Project Lead, which was Rocket's title I believe.


Point being, I don't think Hicks should actually be making many decisions on game design but he seems to.

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@nex yes we don't have anything more to talk about. Ill let the dev's figure out their own stuff. I am not defending them, i am simpling saying your shit if full of crap.

They haven't failed at all. your just angry they didn't give you all the stuff you wanted right away.


Your just trolling now, looking for arguments that aren't there.


Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players

Last 30 Days    5,656.1 +1,277.3 +29.17% 17,740

November 2015 4,378.8 -1,142.5 -20.69% 9,325


There is why your wrong. This does not show growth? and its dead? how many do you want to return to alpha. 55000? 60000?

Edited by TheSneakyDude

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I freaking loved this game, putting in 0000's of hours of the mod and then SA but they systematically killed it with "hicks" poorly thought through vision of the game. Not realising the already established player base, the ones that made it popular, had already moulded the game into its category and defined it's place but no, hicks knew best.


24h/d*365d/y = 8760h/y

by having 0000's hours you've played over 1 year of SA.  Unless of course you don't know about sig.fig., in which case i'll explain:

1*10^4 = 10000

2*10^4 = 20000


I may have this wrong, but that's about 1/3 of all total time since release, you've spent on DayZ.  If you sleep 8/24 that's 1/3 gone already.  So about 50% of your waking life (global) has been spent on DayZ since release?


that's a lot of time to invest in a grudge.


Not fanboism, just interested in figures...

Edited by q.S Sachiel
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1) When did I say that, stop assuming

2) Yes

3-6) Your opinion and irrelevant because they are biased

7) Yes

8) When did I say I had? Stop assuming

9) I will, when the mods come out. cause the devs have no idea the modding community will make it much better, as did Rocket with A2








But hey keep listening to the new players that cry about KoS and all the other facets that made this game great. Way to ruin the most addictive thrilling game that I had the pleasure of playing.



*slow clap*


Ok, try to follow along now.


1. I didn't assume anything. There it is, jack. You wrote it. "new players that cry about KoS".


2. Just because you learned to KoS (because that's all you can understand) doesn't mean more sophisticated players like myself do not TRANSCEND KoS.


3-6 is not opinion, "I started playing July 2012 and do not KoS. If all you do is KoS you are the sandbox version of herpes and gooooood riddance. You seem to have expected the mod+security and are upset they decided to do much more...."


You made a choice to KoS from the beginning. Somebody did it to you and all you understood was some delusional vengeance. Now you play "CoD pass the grief potato" all day.


You're a griefer.


Congratulations. I hope you burn out on griefing or get frustrated by some new game element and leave or just go play ARMA or a mod when those are done.


8. You don't even seem to understand your own words? "SA was suppose to be a less buggy, less clunky, smother adaptation of the mod; not some "hicks" inspired modification of the game cause he has no fucking idea." - THATS YOU


You think you lost out on the mod 2.0. That you made obvious. Why are you arguing against your own statement to try to discredit mine? Amazing!


9. HEY. You know that mod that's going to "make it better"? It won't be Official Vanilla DayZ Standalone will it?


I guess that means you never understood what DayZ SA was in the first place and it makes you sad.


Let me warm some milk for you and offer you a tissue for your tears.

Edited by BioHaze
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Biohaze you have not "transcended" KOS because you clearly have a strong bias towards it.


If you really understood the game to be a sandbox you wouldn't make such childish remarks about those who choose to KOS.


You're also reading a lot into stuff he isn't saying at all.

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Remember it costs a ton to rent a server for the people that are so damn cheap and wont pay for it themselves.


Since this thread seems to have been sufficiently derailed already, might I take this opportunity to address your recurring disdain for people who simply wish to play vanilla DayZ on an official server?


Just knock it the krunk off already!  If I was interested in subscribing to a game that cost me as much as my cable internet service, I would have gone looking for one.  


Number one reason I never wanted to play WOW:  I did not want another monthly bill.  Number two reason:  I thought the premise was silly, and I'm not into that  kind of grind.


I know I might have a minor case of 1pp-itis, but your constant jabs about people not mattering if they don't rent a server is elitist and complete bullshit; so give it a rest already.  I'll be on the public 1pp servers.  If you have a problem with that, or anything else I've said, come find me there.  In the meantime, stop insinuating that people who don't rent servers are the lowest caste of DayZ.


If you were as important a part of the DayZ playerbase, as you exude, I would expect you to be doing some bug reporting; or at the very least, playing the hotfix so we can get vehicles fixed before everything shuts down for the holidays.

Edited by emuthreat
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Since this thread seems to have been sufficiently derailed already, might I take this opportunity to address your recurring disdain for people who simply wish to play vanilla DayZ on an official server?


Just knock it the krunk off already!


Stop taking things to heart emo, you sound very distressed about your public freebie server. Play on it 1p who cares. Ignore me if your so upset. I am pro modding and private servers. Doesn't effect you at all.


What i said was not towards the people who are playing on the public 1p servers, you sound so deeply upset over that. My mention was towards someone who thought the game was dieing and didn't respect the devs for thanking us, that do test and report things to them. Servers are rented and those people also play in large groups. Most of them also are waiting till beta, when more content comes in. Testing dayz here and there before they return. Dayz is fun, vanilla is good too, just i would like to mod it some and change some of the ways the devs are doing it. This doesn't effect you at all, so clearly i don't understand why you think i care about public free vanilla servers or not, or for that matter Roll playing servers.


I do want DayZ to host some servers for the vanilla game. I also want 1p, and 1p/3p servers to survive.


But my mention is towards Modded private servers. This has no bearing on your wishes and desires. But i don't think that people have rights to clearly blame devs for the changes so slowly in their minds. It will be a modded game and that takes time to finalize all the stuff to make it great like arma series is. I do defend them on the grounds that programmers and artists are working hard to bring good quality stuff. Dayz feels different and i like that.


So maybe you don't understand where or what i come from, and don't read the whole thread. You look for key points in all my responses but clearly don't understand or read the whole topic. Others posts also have been mentioned by you numerous times but you clearly haven't read the whole topic to understand who i was responding too. I have also told you once before it was a response to someone else.

So if you don't like what i say, put me on ignore. This way i wont hurt your feelings. Trolling my threads only means you seems very offended by what i say about modding or 3p defense.


I want the best out of dayz, and i look forward to many more changes. Our full continuation of reporting problems offering suggestions is great for its progress. Yours included, i hope you too offer good quality suggestions and report problems. Then you too should understand how much it feels like to be thanked once in awhile by the company for doing these tests in alpha. We don't get paid and we clearly pay a ton to host servers to offer public or private access to more server spots.


I do agree people can feel upset about its progress why i feel they should also go play other games until beta of dayz. They want to make it fit for all to host, mod, and play vanilla DayZ. It will be clearly close to what arma 3 is. Its success has been already showed by its open modding. People want this in games BI offered it to us, now 1000's are pouring into it and having fun.


Arma by itself seems boring, but with some of those mods its one of the best games out there. Squad a newly released game is also a cross (in my opinion) between Arma 3 and Americans Army. Great game so far, with tactics.


But it doesn't feel like DayZ. I hope you feel the same way.

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Biohaze you have not "transcended" KOS because you clearly have a strong bias towards it.


If you really understood the game to be a sandbox you wouldn't make such childish remarks about those who choose to KOS.


You're also reading a lot into stuff he isn't saying at all.

KOS, survival, non KOS, Bambi PVE, Roll Playing. Is a decision people make, we cant blame anyone for their way of playing a game. If they KOS who cares right? its survival to steal your goods/wares.


Otherwise watch the walking dead, and see how much KOS happens in that tv series. Humans will do the same thing on survival on earth, we transform into something else when it comes to property, eating etc. We will form groups and defend which belongs to us.


So I just say everyone has their own opinions about how dayz should be played, however it wont matter once dayz turns to full modding. It will be a decision how that server runs. Now vanilla servers i have no idea how that will be played out in the open public.


I am roll playing on open public servers right now, A Bandit, thief, and a Thug. I enjoy stealing others goods stored in the open. Its fun to kill someone from 1000m away (doubt ill see that record) but anyways i agree its none of anyone business even mine how someone plays a game. Pick a group, form up and defend against those like me. I don't kill everyone, i say hi to people too. Its fun for me to stalk a person to a shed then wave as they come out, scaring the jabeeeezious out of them. They do laugh with a confusion tone. I also like bio's videos hes playing a much different role then i do.


I am trying to see how long i can survive until i am caught and killed much the same as i do to others.


But who cares right? I concur with Bororm on this. Its really nobody's business how someone plays out their role. Bio you should know better, you play out roles differently. Some may say the same about those roles. However i enjoy all you do so keep it up. Your videos are great buddy.

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Biohaze you have not "transcended" KOS because you clearly have a strong bias towards it.




I'm not sure we are using "transcend" the same way. And I'm positive we define KoS differently as well.


I am against KoS as defined as bambi sniping, bambi rushing geared player, ALWAYS shooting on sight and NEVER talking or holding anyone up....


Much of this will change with new game mechanics and I can't wait for the tears.


The justifications I hear for KoS in general are pathetic and stupid. Sorry not sorry. Go CoD somewhere else.




I moved past the notion that KoS was a means to survival a long time ago and make conscious choices that avoid it.


I in turn survive on average far far longer.


My initial .59 experimental character died the first day from a slip off a roof but my character after that survived 4 encounters with KoS players either through evasion or use of force before being wiped and I played almost every day.


I'm willing to bet there isn't a KoS guy who can top that in .59 experimental.

Edited by BioHaze

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I'm not sure we are using "transcend" the same way. And I'm positive we define KoS differently as well.


I am against KoS as defined as bambi sniping, bambi rushing geared player, ALWAYS shooting on sight and NEVER talking or holding anyone up....


Much of this will change with new game mechanics and I can't wait for the tears.


The justifications I hear for KoS in general are pathetic and stupid. Sorry not sorry. Go CoD somewhere else.




I moved past the notion that KoS was a means to survival a long time ago and make conscious choices that avoid it.


I in turn survive on average far far longer.


My initial .59 experimental character died the first day from a slip off a roof but my character after that survived 4 encounters with KoS players either through evasion or use of force before being wiped and I played almost every day.


I'm willing to bet there isn't a KoS guy who can top that in .59 experimental.


Your attitude doesn't really make any sense.  You've stopped KOSing because you've "transcended" it, yet you have an incredibly toxic bias against it.  It's great if you don't want to KOS, but why judge people that still do?  You don't know their motivations, and their motivations shouldn't even concern you any ways.  You go as far as hoping mechanics change to curve the behavior, to relish in diminishing other people's preferred playstyles.


That sounds less like you "transcended" anything, and more that you are just full of yourself.



As far as your anecdote which I don't even get the point of, I have a friend I play with who has not died since the patch hit.  Has been in multiple fights and even held up.  He also likes to KOS. (.59 stable not experimental)

Edited by Bororm

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Your attitude doesn't really make any sense.  You've stopped KOSing because you've "transcended" it, yet you have an incredibly toxic bias against it.  It's great if you don't want to KOS, but why judge people that still do?  You don't know their motivations, and their motivations shouldn't even concern you any ways.  You go as far as hoping mechanics change to curve the behavior, to relish in diminishing other people's preferred playstyles.


That sounds less like you "transcended" anything, and more that you are just full of yourself.



As far as your anecdote which I don't even get the point of, I have a friend I play with who has not died since the patch hit.  Has been in multiple fights and even held up.  He also likes to KOS. (.59 stable not experimental)


The motivations concern me when they destroy the intended theme of the environment, an apocalypse.


Running around griefing is hardly how a person would act in the apocalypse. Right?


Some of us are "evangelists" for different aspects of the game, my drum to beat is the "anti-KoS" drum.


The prevailing attitude that KoS = survival has dominated the conversation for too long because it's the easiest path and because grief begets grief (grief potato).


I am very excited to see the development is finally going to be pulling Vanilla DayZ SA away from that making KoS a much less survivable tactic (imagine 12 infected eating your face within 30 seconds of firing any non-suppressed gun at any time).


I don't relish the diminishing of others play styles as much as I relish the diminishing of the psychology that perpetuates KoS.


Your KoS friend is certainly the exception, as am I to some extent (most of the people I played with died during those patches).


I would still argue that my tactics have a much higher survival rate AND WILL TRANSLATE OVER WELL WHEN CORE MECHANICS ARE IN PLACE (unlike KoS).


Seriously, thank you for a cogent response. It's refreshing to actually have a conversation where it seems the person read what I wrote! :thumbsup:

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If the game cannot be played in a reliable fashion on the free official servers, I would consider that a fail.  People can rent all the servers that they want, mod anything they want, but I am here for the vanilla experience, and hope that it can be sufficiently facilitated for years to come.


I just get tired of the "go rent your own server" argument, as that should in no way be a prerequisite for playing the game.


On a sidenote, thanks for the workaround on my bug report.  I am already aware of how to take the safe route, regarding handling items.  I play on experimental though, to try and find problems, so that they can be identified and fixed for everyone else.  The way this patch works now, I can go out and come back with a FAL in about four hours of looking, provided I have a working vehicle, and I don't get plagued by the immovable car bug.  No tears were shed for the lost gun, but things like that shouldn't be happening.

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The motivations concern me when they destroy the intended theme of the environment, an apocalypse.


Running around griefing is hardly how a person would act in the apocalypse. Right?


1. Public servers 1p, 3p (untouched)

2. Private PVE servers No KOS (modded)

3. Private Role playing servers (modded)

4. Private KOS, PVP, PVE (modded)

5. Private PVE, PVE no KOS (not modded)


So may ways servers can go.


Exactly how does your group play? PVE or PVP with a twist. (no KOS unless you say stick up your hands?)


You do sound very unsure what PVP means. Do you play games with FPS?, do you enjoy killing others in those games and want dayz to be only PVE?

Just trying to understand your comments Bio. Also where your group plays.



For those that may not understand what terms we are using.

A mode of online gaming that allows players to have full control over their online characters, for example to fight each other instead of going down a pre-determined path. Stands for "Player vs Player".

Also, a long-running webcomic found at pvponline.com; written and illustrated by Scott Kurtz.

If you are on a PvP server, don't complain when some guy named "Left Nutz" kills you and takes your stuff.

"Did you read yesterday's PvP? Brent is such a douche!"

by lancelot323 February 28, 2009
Source Urban Dictionary "PVP"
1. Purposefully shooting or otherwise sabotaging your teammates in an online game.

2. In online gaming where one repeatedly killing the same individual or individuals over and over again, or camping their corpse to prevent them from retrieving it, or otherwise performing actions in a game to prevent the player from enjoying the game.

3. In online gaming, someone who takes pleasure in creating grief for an opponent via various "cheap" tactics.

I wish Jork would stop friggen griefing my guild mates everytime we log in and play.
by [LK]Myrik December 10, 2004
Source Urban Dictionary "Greifing"
What is PVE?     PVE is "Player versus Environment (MMORPG)"


Source http://www.internetslang.com/PVE-meaning-definition.asp




DayZ may invent new terms for Sandbox themes. Slangs are directed by players, differently then other games. Do's and Don't.

It is up to server owners to change the direction of their servers. So no KOSing. However PVP is different then what people in Dayz assume normal PVP is.


Roleplaying "stick up your hands" i dont know.... what people expect in PVP no KOS, how you go about yelling to someone across the map.



wow did this topic Bio get off topic lmao

Edited by TheSneakyDude

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The only way grieving will be stopped is if they take out bullet damage.


No other way.

Edited by TheSneakyDude

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The only way grieving will be stopped is if they take out bullet damage.


No other way.

Well sure, but it doesn't have to be in absolutes.  Making the infected much greater a threat might naturally encourage strangers to band together for survival.  Perhaps on some occasions trust can be built.  It would be terribly shortsighted to not consider this type of emergent gameplay to be much more complex than the current trend of lone wolf KOSer, lone wolf hermit, group KOS squads, and group alternative squads.  KOS will never go away, but I always had the idea that the game design would eventually try to steer the modal behavior towards more diverse emergent outcomes than simply a long-form opportunistic killing platform.

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                 I LIKE this game

              just go right on developing for exactly as long as you feel it - no problem at all



                I stayed on line an extra half an hour this morning just sitting on a hill to watch an incredible sunrise. that was something really worth seeing.  - beanz

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Well sure, but it doesn't have to be in absolutes.  Making the infected much greater a threat might naturally encourage strangers to band together for survival.  Perhaps on some occasions trust can be built.  It would be terribly shortsighted to not consider this type of emergent gameplay to be much more complex than the current trend of lone wolf KOSer, lone wolf hermit, group KOS squads, and group alternative squads.  KOS will never go away, but I always had the idea that the game design would eventually try to steer the modal behavior towards more diverse emergent outcomes than simply a long-form opportunistic killing platform.


The mod had a lot more zombies and various patches where infected were a real threat.  All that happens is people find ways to exploit them to their advantage.


You can make all the hoops you want to try to get "griefers" to jump through them, but they're just going to make other people jump through them too.  And in the end who do you think is going to be more annoyed, the person out to cause annoyances to others or the people trying to avoid it to begin with?


If some one doesn't feel like making friends, they're certainly not going to do it just because the game became arbitrarily more difficult.  In fact, if anything bands players together in my experience it's fighting a common human enemy.  That sniper in Elektro is going to cause fresh spawns to team up to take him out way more than extra zombies ever will.

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The mod had a lot more zombies and various patches where infected were a real threat.  All that happens is people find ways to exploit them to their advantage.


You can make all the hoops you want to try to get "griefers" to jump through them, but they're just going to make other people jump through them too.  And in the end who do you think is going to be more annoyed, the person out to cause annoyances to others or the people trying to avoid it to begin with?


If some one doesn't feel like making friends, they're certainly not going to do it just because the game became arbitrarily more difficult.  In fact, if anything bands players together in my experience it's fighting a common human enemy.  That sniper in Elektro is going to cause fresh spawns to team up to take him out way more than extra zombies ever will.

I'm speaking from both sides of the fence, here.  I play quite a bit of running around through the forest, hoarding helicrash loot and other high-end goodies, as well as occasionally getting bored with my fully geared state and trying to get into trouble.  So far this patch, the zombies are good, but not great.  I still occasionally get bored enough to try some patient PVP.  Just today, I sat at a helicrash, and then went to Myshkino tents by myself; albeit on a low-pop experimental server. Too few people really play on the 1pp servers these days, even on experimental; maybe that is why I sometimes feel the need to taunt some of the more self-proclaimed elite of this game.  I shot all twelve zeds in Myshkino with an SVD, and looted it out for a good amount of decent gear, then went back to Sosnovka to continue my search for sedan tires.  Aside from having one of my mounted tires in Pushtoshka stolen by a server-hopper (on experimental 1pp, nonetheless), my few hours solo were quite uneventful.


I do not condemn KOS/griefing, but I think that the developers should try to structure the game in such a way that more complex playstyles are likely to naturally emerge from the game.


I just hope that once the game is feature complete and filled to the brim with zombies, people will find enjoyment in trying to contact other players by other than ballistic means.  There is so much more to this concept than constantly roaming high traffic areas of Chernarus, trying to kill anyone that you see.

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