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Welding / Welder

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It's simply going to need to be added. After considering a vanilla DayZ with a welder, and a DayZ without, it's clear that if we don't get one something will be very rotten in the heart of Bohemiamark. :D


I've done some research and discovered that oxy-acetylene welding is the most common and the most practical for the world of DayZ. It uses two gasses (guess which ones) that are mixed and ignited to produce a very very hot flame which melts a rod of metal applied to the desired joint. An oxy torch can do all kinds of things in addition to just welding. It can also cut, something called "braize" and a few other things tool nerds would know all about. It requires no electricity, and so obviously in a zombie apocalypse that is an extreme plus. It is also one of the most common methods of welding, making it very common accross the globe, and therefore could be found in Chernarus. Here is a short video which contains excellent educational information (fair use), thanks to the original maker of the video:



Here is a small image which depicts the involved parts: oxy_kit_diagram.jpg


Basically three parts, two tanks, one of each gas, and then a torch which hooks up to them.


As the video details, in order to safely operate an oxy welder (or any other welder really) you are going to need to be wearing protective gloves and ideally flame retardant materials on your body. Additionally, if your eyes are not protected, you can suffer prolonged damage to them.


We have work gloves, we have a welding mask, and there are various suitable garments already in game that would be more than suitable. When people weld without these protective equipments, they risk prolonged damage to their vision, burns to their body, and in the right conditions, they might even set their clothes on fire. (if you weld in a dry wool/cotton sweater, that thing would probably light up like a christmas tree on the fourth of new-years eve).


There are some interesting possible uses for a welder that we would all be remiss to not consider. Welding shut metal doors, or barricading or reinforcing windows or doors would in real life pretty much require a torch to do right. Repairing structural damage to vehicles is basically not possible without a welder, this much is obvious. Basically any crafting that involves metal requires a welder if only for cutting purposes, and with a portable welder, metal could be acquired form any existing metal structure, by expending time and gas to sit around cutting out sheets of metal from a wall of an unused building.


These are just the obvious uses for welders, there are of course many possible other uses for the welder that give it countless additional functions.


Welding shut barrels for instance, for the purposes of preservation or safety. Bandits are going to have a hard time quickly looting sealed barrels when they need to half ruin and axe and the barrel itself just to get it open. Sealed barrels in and of themselves could actually come to enable a whole bunch of functions, but for now I'll leave it at an outlandish one: "Make shift pontoon raft".


Welders would of course be a great way to torture someone, not that that's my cup of tea, but it certainly would be.


In the end, having welders around would add another layer of realism and function to Vanilla, and ontop of all the possible functions for a welder, the mods that will get created would surely adopt it into an integral part of their crafting systems.


Oxy and Acetylene tanks would come to have their own value, given the amount of welding tasks a certain supply would enable you to perform. I think it's important to note that right now there aren't very many items that have the ability to retain their value when amassed (meaning, if you have a ridiculous amount of something, you value it less). Only ammunition and food technically retain their value when approaching large quantities of them, but intriguingly, under a crafting system where an oxy welder is critical, it becomes the most sought after item in the game. A central economy could then control the rarity and quantity of available welding fuel, thereby controlling how much actual welding related crafting a given server would be able to do (i.e, how hard is it to make a base given fuel consumption and fuel rarity, etc...)...


When I first looked at the welding mask i assumed that a welder was on the horizon, and finally the time approaches where it ought to be implemented.




Have I missed any obvious and awesome uses for an oxy welder?

Edited by FlimFlamm

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This is just not really a viable option to obtain or maintain in the Zombie Apocalypse. I doubt to see this implemented, as it just not very feasible. Also, these people don't have any training. welding one's hand in not a pleasant thought.

Edited by HyerJohn
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Welding is a "trained skill": you can't really just pick it up as a hobby. It actually takes a decent amount of work to get a welding certification.


However, there is definitely potential for there to be trained welders among the survivors. Probably not common, but possible.


Again, however, like the above poster said...... it isn't feasible. It isn't sustainable: every time you make a weld, you are using up the fuel that can't be replaced. Hope those welds are worth it!


You can make more wooden boards, you can make more nails, you can't make gaseous oxygen, acetylene, nor the solder needed to weld.


-1, in my book. Or, at least, make them exceedingly rare.

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The argument that welders are not feasible or realistic quite backwards. No welders is not realistic.


All you require is the torch and the tanks. The tool itself is incredibly common, as are the tanks. You would find caches of them at any kind of hardware depot. Any single mechanic garage stands a pretty good chance of having their own welding apparatus, which would most likely be a portable oxy welding setup. It's the most common setup in the world, and not too complex to learn on your own.


When it comes to there only being a finite amount of gas, and therefore not realisticlly sustainable, take a step back and apply that to every other aspect of the game. Guns. Ammunition. Petrol. Nonperishables. Medical supplies. Metal tools. Gadgets of any kind. All of these things are in finite supply, and therefore not sustainable in the exact same way that fuel for a welder would be "not sustainable". This objections loses perspective of what DayZ is. You cannot apply this extreme standard of what constitutes "realism or feasible" without considering what DayZ is; a game that cannot reflect reality with infinite fidelity. In a hypothetical zombie apocalypse there would be a finite amount of welding fuel out there, but there would still be some, just like gasoline for cars, or ammo for guns. We want DayZ to be a game that reflects what people would actually do in a real zombie apocalypse, and this includes using welders to make defenses and repairs. Unfortunately we cannot simulate "some" welding fuel such that it runs out forever like it might in real life, instead, like gasoline, we must somehow implement "some" and make it infinitely respawnable across the world in order to simulate a hypothetical world where a zombie apocalypse is happening, but all the fuel (and ammunition) has not yet run out. Otherwise we would be playing a very different game...


As far as not knowing how to weld goes, it ain't rocket science, and as long as you understand the jist of it works (how to turn the welder on, and that you melt a rod of metal in-between two other bits of metal) it's really not that hard to figure out. You need a welding certificate to be a commercial welder because the quality fo welds depends on the skill of the welder. Just because someone might make some crappy inefficient welds doesn't mean that those welds cannot be useful, or that welding skill cannot improve the more players do it as a soft skill.


As I said before, to obtain one, you walk into any mechanics garage. The world is downright lousy with oxy welding rigs. If you want to object and say that we would run out of fuel, fine, but go ahead and apply that same logic to bullets and gasoline, which without both the game likely would not be worth playing. If we're to have some grand barricading and crafting system, then i want it to be intricate and realistic. Rather than having a guy walk around with a giant hunk of metal in their hands and just slap it onto a doorway with a wrench (oh no, it's just totally not feasible or realistic!), actually having to cut and install metal with a welder comes in to give a more realistic feel to an otherwise gimmicky scenario.


Tl;DR: Welding is not hard to figure out. you jsut suck at it at first; soft skills. Oxy-acetylene fuel is incredibly common, proportionally it's as common as cars themselves, and the gasoline that runs them. Walk into any mechanics shop and find one. If the oxy runs out, so too does our infinitely respawning cars, fuel, and bullets; it's a terrible objection. Not having a welder but having base construction involving metal of any kind, or structural vehicle repair of any kind, or the absence of either of these things, is overall less realistic than implementing a welder and assuming that an average person could learn to weld, and the dilemma that in a zombie apocalypse, there is a finite amount of fuel.

Edited by FlimFlamm
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Gotta agree with FlimFlamm about the whole running out argument. These tools are literally everywhere and have a much longer shelf life than petrol. I would even argue they'd be in almost zero demand too, so the argument for not having them because 'they are a finite resource' is a pretty weak argument. That being said, we've gotta have some reasonable uses for it to be even a viable asset to add to the game, of which there's plenty of good ideas being made by FlimmFlam, The two additional ideas I would have to insist on though is

1) Additional Vehicle Armour

2) Strap the tanks to your back (combine a backpack with a dolly) and set off ready to face the zombie hordes with a portable oxy torch.

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You could find socks in almost every house. There isn't a sock item though. There is a line between needed and wanted.

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I really like the idea of welders.

Another possibility would be rivets and riveting pliers. This would be a little bit easier to implement and would need a simpler mechanic.

Just a box of rivets like we have with nails now, and the tool.

Ofc it would be less solid as welding when putting parts together, but still good enough for repair/maintain vehicles parts or base structures.

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or give us one of those:


thats a motor generator welding power source, and is used for manual metal arc welding on construction sites without electrical power supply.

diesel fuel should be avalible in greater ammounts than acetylen gas, and welding rods are very common as well


i think welding would be a useful addition to dayz, once basebuilding is implemented (you remember those large base towers? i don't think they'd be very stable if made from wood, and we all want only the best quality when it comes to a base, don't we?).

apart from that, vehicle maintenance and modifications could use some more tools imho

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You could find socks in almost every house. There isn't a sock item though. There is a line between needed and wanted.


If you want to do any structural repairs to vehicles, or cut or weld anything out of thick metal, then welders are simply a requirement. I don't want a wedler because I think they're cool, I want a welder because the various functions welders perform are logically/conceptually/practically/visually/intuitively/scientifically/realistically required as a part of vehicle repairs and base building/barricading with metal.

Edited by FlimFlamm

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or give us one of those:



thats a motor generator welding power source, and is used for manual metal arc welding on construction sites without electrical power supply.

diesel fuel should be avalible in greater ammounts than acetylen gas, and welding rods are very common as well


i think welding would be a useful addition to dayz, once basebuilding is implemented (you remember those large base towers? i don't think they'd be very stable if made from wood, and we all want only the best quality when it comes to a base, don't we?).

apart from that, vehicle maintenance and modifications could use some more tools imho


This kind of welder certainly would perform for us in a zombie apocalypse, but they are more rare than oxy welders and a bit harder to transport. The fact that this runs on diesel is a plus. I chose to suggest the oxy rig instead because it seems like they would be easier to get your hands on. If the devs wanted to add this though (using diesel, and an all in one machine, might make it easier to code) then power to them.


There is one more option, and that is arc welding directly off a generator or a car battery. I'm not sure whether or not electricity in he form of a generator will actually make it into the game, but if so, then all we might need is a bunch of wire, some gloves, maybe some pliers, and a welding hat and we could be welding ourselves off to the races in no time!

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or give us one of those:



thats a motor generator welding power source, and is used for manual metal arc welding on construction sites without electrical power supply.

diesel fuel should be avalible in greater ammounts than acetylen gas, and welding rods are very common as well


i think welding would be a useful addition to dayz, once basebuilding is implemented (you remember those large base towers? i don't think they'd be very stable if made from wood, and we all want only the best quality when it comes to a base, don't we?).

apart from that, vehicle maintenance and modifications could use some more tools imho


Not that they don't make them but that's not what you think it is, that welder uses probably 220v to run an electric motor that turns a generator that produces lower voltage at higher amperage.


Same idea but with a small diesel engine turning the generator.





Electric welding machines aren't rare in rural setting, we have at least 3 and 2-3 gensets and I've been on lots of farms around here and the all have at least one. 

Edited by BCBasher
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Electric welding machines aren't rare in rural setting, we have at least 3 and 2-3 gensets and I've been on lots of farms around here and the all have at least one. 


When I was a kid my parents owned an electric welder, it was an all in one machine that basically spits out metal wire out of a gun that is charged with electricity. Once it touches the grounded metal item you are welding together the charge arcs through the wire (melting it) and into the metal and through the ground. They seem like they're incredibly easy to actually perform welds with. If they really are super common maybe they would be a better bet.


If we're going to have any kind of metal constructions or vehicle repairs, a welder is a good way to make the process more realistic, but also to make it more challenging. By controlling the rarity and resource costs of welders and operating them, we can stabilize the amount of metal crafting that servers are able to accomplish. While I do like the idea of an electric welder, I think that oxy welders are inherently more limitable because of the need to replace gas tanks eventually (which you might need to go out and look for, rather than just pull it from a bottomless diesel well).


Do you think welders are a good idea BC? (of course, if not, why?)

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When I was a kid my parents owned an electric welder, it was an all in one machine that basically spits out metal wire out of a gun that is charged with electricity. Once it touches the grounded metal item you are welding together the charge arcs through the wire (melting it) and into the metal and through the ground. They seem like they're incredibly easy to actually perform welds with. If they really are super common maybe they would be a better bet.


If we're going to have any kind of metal constructions or vehicle repairs, a welder is a good way to make the process more realistic, but also to make it more challenging. By controlling the rarity and resource costs of welders and operating them, we can stabilize the amount of metal crafting that servers are able to accomplish. While I do like the idea of an electric welder, I think that oxy welders are inherently more limitable because of the need to replace gas tanks eventually (which you might need to go out and look for, rather than just pull it from a bottomless diesel well).


Do you think welders are a good idea BC? (of course, if not, why?)


My dad is one of the most skilled and highly trained welders around but I personally don't have "the hand" as they call it so never perused anything beyond fitting, prep and helper. Now the welder you described is a wirefeed and yes they are very easy to use, I (or even my kids) can stick two pieces of steel together solidly with one it's not pretty but it works.


In game I can see the mechanics being very hard to figure out where to draw lines with what can and can't be welded.


In a real apocalypse welding would happen with the remaining gas and diesel fuel and machines in which time a resourceful person could/would use one to convert another to run on steam even.

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My dad is one of the most skilled and highly trained welders around but I personally don't have "the hand" as they call it so never perused anything beyond fitting, prep and helper. Now the welder you described is a wirefeed and yes they are very easy to use, I (or even my kids) can stick two pieces of steel together solidly with one it's not pretty but it works.


In game I can see the mechanics being very hard to figure out where to draw lines with what can and can't be welded.


In a real apocalypse welding would happen with the remaining gas and diesel fuel and machines in which time a resourceful person could/would use one to convert another to run on steam even.


That's quite interesting. Now that I know you are a welding insider I get to pick your brain!


I was thinking that welding could be a soft skill. The problem is figuring out what improves. In real life the quality of the welds greatly improves the diversity of possible welds improves, and the efficiency of the welding improves (uses less gas/rod). In DayZ the easiest thing to simulate would be the efficiency. As a novice welder in DayZ, it should take your character much longer and more rod/resources to perform any given particular weld. (this can be simulated with welding animation time, but also with the amount of time the player themselves happens to leave the welding machine turned on (burning fuel) and the amount of rod that is consumed. In DayZ a weld should be a weld, it migh be possible to only make basic welds available to novice welders, and give more advanced welds to trained up ones, but this may end up being needlessly impactful and arbitrarily limiting.




P.S, if a generator gets added, then i would probably side with you on the electric welding machine. I hope a genny does get added. Have you heard anything about them?

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That's quite interesting. Now that I know you are a welding insider I get to pick your brain!


I was thinking that welding could be a soft skill. The problem is figuring out what improves. In real life the quality of the welds greatly improves the diversity of possible welds improves, and the efficiency of the welding improves (uses less gas/rod). In DayZ the easiest thing to simulate would be the efficiency. As a novice welder in DayZ, it should take your character much longer and more rod/resources to perform any given particular weld. (this can be simulated with welding animation time, but also with the amount of time the player themselves happens to leave the welding machine turned on (burning fuel) and the amount of rod that is consumed. In DayZ a weld should be a weld, it migh be possible to only make basic welds available to novice welders, and give more advanced welds to trained up ones, but this may end up being needlessly impactful and arbitrarily limiting.




P.S, if a generator gets added, then i would probably side with you on the electric welding machine. I hope a genny does get added. Have you heard anything about them?


Well as far as soft skills reality would actually work against how they've proposed any they've mentioned working. Better welds generally come from more time put into prep and the weld itself, my first real job was a welders helper and in most cases 95% of the job time wise was my part preparing the surface and fitting the parts. My boss loved that he could pay me $10 an hour and bill me out at $60-120 an hour because I could do anything but the welding.


If it does end up in game this is one thing I'd prefer to see being "gamey" rather than a welding simulator within a survival simulator unless it turns into a simulated society where being good at one thing makes you worth not killing.


I watch the boards daily pretty much and haven't seen anything new since the status report mentioning the generator but yes most generators could run run a hobby grade or light industrial welder and then there's all sizes of the ones I posted a picture of that are a generator that can weld or run anything that runs on 110 or 220v that you would find in your house. Back to my first job the boss had a special cord so he could throw the main breaker in his house isolating it from the city power grid during a power outage and backfeed power into an outlet in his garage with the truck mounted welder/genset and run his whole house.

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Even the electric mig welders still require argon or some sort of shielding gas to get any chance at a decent weld. Those who have ever tried one of those flux-core canadian tire special welders know how shitty they are compared to a proper set up like a good quality Lincoln or something.

Anywho. It takes time and skill to become a decent welder. Like bc said besides good prep (grinding and cleaning the metal, which would involve grinders and grinding discs etc.) You also have to have your welder working properly and well maintained as well as the proper sized wire for what you are doing and what metal you are using (mig welders can do aluminum as well with a change of feed wire). Not only that, you have to have the hang of it. Weak welds from low voltage or wire speed or dirty substrate will break, too much voltage/incorrect wire feed speed/heat and you burn right through your metal as well as warping the shit out of everything.

And thats with something "easy" like a mig. Oxy acetelene is more of an artform and requires more time and practice to get good at it.

There is a reason why welders (and bodymen ;) ) are considered skilled trades.

As far as the game is concerned, it would be cool to build your own vehicle armor and such but i think the game could do without it either way. And as far as end of the world setup would be it would probably look like this guy lol

Edited by cash81
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Yeah, Cash's post reminded me about a trick I've seen used for racetrack emergency repairs.


A decent vehicle alternator can provide enough power to stick weld either in the vehicle or one of these homebuit jobs.



A vertical shaft lawnmower engine mated to a 90+ amp car alternator, this one has a nice aluminum frame but I've seen the made out of pieces of wood, door hinges and stuff you could scrounge in most garden sheds. It's also a somewhat useful 12v generator and could be coupled with an inverter if they're common in Chenarus 

Edited by BCBasher
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Not that they don't make them but that's not what you think it is


you're right, i din't spend enough time on a proper google search, just took the fist nice picture i found without actually reading the description

If it does end up in game this is one thing I'd prefer to see being "gamey" rather than a welding simulator

no give us the welding simulator, like the surgeon simulator, just harder

i want to clean the parts from oil and paint, i want differnce between steels with higher ammounts of carbon, i want to heat up parts before i start and so on...

nah seriously, having a welding mashine and rods would be enough, maybe differnt types of rods (bigger ones that just last longer or cellulosic electroses to work outside)

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If you want to do any structural repairs to vehicles, or cut or weld anything out of thick metal, then welders are simply a requirement. I don't want a wedler because I think they're cool, I want a welder because the various functions welders perform are logically/conceptually/practically/visually/intuitively/scientifically/realistically required as a part of vehicle repairs and base building/barricading with metal.

Yeah, last time I checked in order to access your backpack you need to open it first. After putting a magazine in a weapon, you gotta cock it too. After eating from canned food - there should be an empty tin can. Alcohol doesn't kill you. There are no zombies in the real world.


Your statement is the same as the ones above. What you want is not needed in this game. You want it to be there. I can see DayZ passing 1.0 without welders in it just as it has been with the mod and previous BI titles.

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not a good fit unless we are allowed to make our own weapons and fashion steel plates to vehicles.


I guess if one was to open crafting so much so then this might fit. As of now i think the goal was to do leather clothing and backpacks and go from there?


So right now this is maybe ------------------------------------------------------------------------> this far away from their minds.

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Yeah, last time I checked in order to access your backpack you need to open it first. After putting a magazine in a weapon, you gotta cock it too. After eating from canned food - there should be an empty tin can. Alcohol doesn't kill you. There are no zombies in the real world.


Your statement is the same as the ones above. What you want is not needed in this game. You want it to be there. I can see DayZ passing 1.0 without welders in it just as it has been with the mod and previous BI titles.


not a good fit unless we are allowed to make our own weapons and fashion steel plates to vehicles.


I guess if one was to open crafting so much so then this might fit. As of now i think the goal was to do leather clothing and backpacks and go from there?


So right now this is maybe ------------------------------------------------------------------------> this far away from their minds.


I want the game to have the right balance between fun, realism, and difficulty. A welder might not be all that fun, but it makes the game more realistic while also making it more complex and difficult.


Generators are going to be added into the game, which means electricity, which means all kinds of complex shit that you guys will say is not necessary in a zombie shoot-em-up arcade game; you lose.


Saying welders are too much is extremely near-sighted... As I said before, any base building or structural vehicle repair involving metal pretty much requires a welder; that's just the way it is. If I need to go looking for transmission belts and spark plugs to get an engine started, then It's not a big deal to look for a welder in order to barricade with metal, build a structure from metal, or do structural repairs to cars.


P.S, Stan, the mod hardly had anything at all, let alone welders. If you use the mod as a standard for your vision about what the standalone is trying to be then you ought to look at a roadmap.

Edited by FlimFlamm

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I want the game to have the right balance between fun, realism, and difficulty. A welder might not be all that fun, but it makes the game more realistic while also making it more complex and difficult.

Generators are going to be added into the game, which means electricity, which means all kinds of complex shit that you guys will say is not necessary in a zombie shoot-em-up arcade game; you lose.

Saying welders are too much is extremely near-sighted... As I said before, any base building or structural vehicle repair involving metal pretty much requires a welder; that's just the way it is. If I need to go looking for transmission belts and spark plugs to get an engine started, then It's not a big deal to look for a welder in order to barricade with metal, build a structure from metal, or do structural repairs to cars.

P.S, Stan, the mod hardly had anything at all, let alone welders. If you use the mod as a standard for your vision about what the standalone is trying to be then you ought to look at a roadmap.

My point is that welders aren't something you need. Repairing cars requires you to find batteries and glowplugs which aren't that common.

Brian said in his last interview that he doesnt want people spending hours ovee hours looking for parts for vehicle becausw that takes the fun out of it

Besides, the most apocalyptic approach to repairing cars is doing it with hand and having nice animations which are already in or planned to be in when for removing and adding parts.

Edited by StanleyWasHappy

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I want the game to have the right balance between fun, realism, and difficulty. A welder might not be all that fun, but it makes the game more realistic while also making it more complex and difficult.


Generators are going to be added into the game, which means electricity, which means all kinds of complex shit that you guys will say is not necessary in a zombie shoot-em-up arcade game; you lose.


Saying welders are too much is extremely near-sighted... As I said before, any base building or structural vehicle repair involving metal pretty much requires a welder; that's just the way it is. If I need to go looking for transmission belts and spark plugs to get an engine started, then It's not a big deal to look for a welder in order to barricade with metal, build a structure from metal, or do structural repairs to cars.


P.S, Stan, the mod hardly had anything at all, let alone welders. If you use the mod as a standard for your vision about what the standalone is trying to be then you ought to look at a roadmap.

Specializations are different then crafting. People love to craft, build and create something plain and simple, just this is so far advanced any game creator might not consider it fees-able in dayz 1, maybe in dayz 2 it might hit the table for specializations. Specializations such as gun crafting, gun repairs, smelting, wood working, etc... give people a reason to keep building. Ark on the other hand might be fitted to handle this type of thing. Since they went from dinosaurs to complete building your own home. See they listened to the public mods, and went with it. Its ok for them, but as the road map states they want to complete the game first in dayz.


Maybe something they might consider, but i highly doubt it in dayz. Maybe ARKZ type game, could be in the works :) Jking aside, do check out

survive the nights.net and see what they have to offer, its more along the lines of what your suggesting. Dayz dev's in a nutshell want you to run around and try to survive. If you have a little hut then so be it. I don't think the dev's are really able to change the roadmap to add in specializations like this.


and don't think for one second, i don't like your idea here, sounds like a very interesting concept to add in specializations like this.

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My point is that welders aren't something you need. Repairing cars requires you to find batteries and glowplugs which aren't that common.

Brian said in his last interview that he doesnt want people spending hours ovee hours looking for parts for vehicle becausw that takes the fun out of it

Besides, the most apocalyptic approach to repairing cars is doing it with hand and having nice animations which are already in or planned to be in when for removing and adding parts.


Don't get me wrong Stan, I'm not proposing that in order to get any car started a welder be required, what I'm proposing is that a welder be used in the repairing of whatever might break on a car that a welder could in theory fix.


For instance, you're driving a V3S and you get shot at. You keep driving but your gas is leaking. You make it to your camp but you're now out of fuel. You could go looking for a replacement fuel tank, or you could use a welder to repair it. If something goes wrong in your engine, there's a chance the broken part can be fixed, and there's a good chance that would require a welder. There's also cracked wheels, cracked fenders, and cracked frames. As they exist currently, you find a vehicle and get it running by putting fresh parts into it, and then you drive it until it falls apart. You can repair wheels, but actual structural damage mounts up until the thing explodes. Welders or some replacement for structural repairs are going to need to be implemented to give vehicles potential longevity. I'm not suggesting that you should need to bring a welder in order to make operational a freshly spawned vehicle, but if you find a nearly totaled one, there should be a way to repair it which doesn't simply involve replacing the tires and popping the hood.


How "difficult" 1.0 will be is a tricky thing to talk about when suggesting any mechanic. In the end welding can easily become a limiting factor, and others an enabling one. It can be a supplementary way to repair vehicles, making them markedly easier to maintain instead of having to constantly scavenge for every part, and it can also be a requirement for things like barricading/base construction which involves metal. Base construction the likes of which we are confirmed to soon be seeing in DayZ is something that ought to take hours upon hours to do, and if you're gong to be building out of the highest quality materials available, should require extra steps. At the end of the day, welders need not be exceedingly rare or exceedingly common. Any task which the welder absolutely required could be limited by controlling the rarity of welders and their fuels themselves.


The welder is at the center of so many actual tasks that thriving in a DayZ apocalypse warrant's that for the sake of enabling these tasks in a realistic way the welder is well worth the effort to code, and gameplay-wise, the effort to acquire. Since generators are going to be implemented, I'm forced to envision a future DayZ where an area is able to be made secure by a large group, to warrant setting one up in the first place. They're going to have lighting, vehicles needing constant maintenance, possibly metal siding or barricaded doors they need to add to or replace, hell they are even going to likely have fridges. I think a welder would fit in perfectly...

Edited by FlimFlamm

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Specializations are different then crafting. People love to craft, build and create something plain and simple, just this is so far advanced any game creator might not consider it fees-able in dayz 1, maybe in dayz 2 it might hit the table for specializations. Specializations such as gun crafting, gun repairs, smelting, wood working, etc... give people a reason to keep building. Ark on the other hand might be fitted to handle this type of thing. Since they went from dinosaurs to complete building your own home. See they listened to the public mods, and went with it. Its ok for them, but as the road map states they want to complete the game first in dayz.


Maybe something they might consider, but i highly doubt it in dayz. Maybe ARKZ type game, could be in the works :) Jking aside, do check out

survive the nights.net and see what they have to offer, its more along the lines of what your suggesting. Dayz dev's in a nutshell want you to run around and try to survive. If you have a little hut then so be it. I don't think the dev's are really able to change the roadmap to add in specializations like this.


and don't think for one second, i don't like your idea here, sounds like a very interesting concept to add in specializations like this.


I do hear what you're saying (I like ARK but it is too unrealistic for my taste, it does not try to be a simulator), but I think you're overestimating the amount of difficulty having a welder would necessarily add into the game (and as far as coding goes, it's really only a (more or less) hand held item that would involve it's own animation sequence and some cheap effects, it doesn't need to be perfect or skill based or simulated in any way beyond cosmetically to whatever standard everything else will be). It need not interfere with anything that we currently have or have incoming in the near future, but only enhance it as a supplementary repairing option (repairing a part for instance). When it comes to certain things that should indeed be much more difficult, like barricading with metal, the welder can come into play and make things more difficult so that a single individual would not have the means to build a massive eye-sore of a base or enclosure in a few nights. "building with metal" is not yet explicitly planned, but it is highly likely once building with wood is figured out. As soon as building with metal gets looked at, a welder will be a necessary and beneficial part of that package for all the other tasks it can perform (thereby adding content or making things easier by giving a method of repair instead of replacement).


DayZ is and will always be playable by running around from town to town; basically that's what all new players begin doing in order to find their place in the DayZ world, but what makes for a more lasting experience is when instead of constantly moving around, you decide to stake a claim and try to build up security from zombies or players in an effort to thrive instead of just running around surviving and waiting to die. That said, when you are a new player just running around and surviving, encountering player constructed bases makes the wandering play-style a hell of a lot more interesting.


The devs created this concept art I believe, and it depicts some of what they are aiming to enable:



Edited by FlimFlamm

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