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Random Events, Supply Crate, Supply Truck and Dead Survivor Corpse

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Hello everyone,


I'd like to suggest 3 Random Events to Dayz, they work like heli crash but can contain a variety of loot.







1) Supply Crate which can contain cloth, food, tools or guns.









2) Supply Truck: can contain cloth, food, tools or guns. But they would be located on the roads










3) Dead Survivor Corpse: tools, small caliber guns, ammo, cloth and food






What you think?

Edited by vgbarbieri
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No...I've always voted against heli crash sites to begin with . wrecked cars are one thing , but only if they use the same models that are available to be driven in the game.. so they actually belong there..

Dead bodies and my personal fav, camp sites spawns actually fit into the environment far more then the current crashed military /police vehicles 

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This would be fun to see more dynamic additions I like the dead surviver corpse the best the look should vary by area meaning if the corpse is in electro it should have civilian loot and if in north west airfield military loot and if its right next to a heli crash heli crash loot the body will spawn. The supply crates should be random and spawn in every area in the map.

Trucks should spawn anywhere as well even on the coast but this should be limited to roads only meaning it can spawn on any road. Here's some others I thought of.

1-plane crash- should be limited to air fields only and some large fields can be a civilian and mil both random and can both be scavanged for parts.

2-wrecked convoy- just a bunch of cars with loot around them mostly mil make the gun spawns there rarer than mil bases.

3-abandnded camps- random camps in the middle of the forests that contain random gear meaning it can spawn anything.

4- abandoned caches- the arma 2 lore said they were in conflict maybe an mil camp that can spawn mil gear and guns but like older ones suchs as mosins, ppshs, bren guns, c96s ect make older guns have an apperence used by rebels when the conflict was present I don't know much about the lore but I'm just guessing.

5-barricaded home- while I don't think this much of an event just a thing that could have some use all it is is a home that spawns some more loot than usuall but is barricaded so it can keep zombies out but abandoned.

Thats all I can think of.

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You are getting the barricaded homes/rooms around the wrong way. There should be an abundance of them, booby traps and all, but with absolutely no change in the CLE. The last thing players need when barricading a house is for everyone to be conditioned into thinking that a barricaded home is analogous to a piñata full of candy. The exact opposite is true too. If players are conditioned into thinking every room and house is accessible, then the one that's barricaded is going to stick out like a sore thumb.

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This would be fun to see more dynamic additions I like the dead surviver corpse the best the look should vary by area meaning if the corpse is in electro it should have civilian loot and if in north west airfield military loot and if its right next to a heli crash heli crash loot the body will spawn. The supply crates should be random and spawn in every area in the map.

Trucks should spawn anywhere as well even on the coast but this should be limited to roads only meaning it can spawn on any road. Here's some others I thought of.

1-plane crash- should be limited to air fields only and some large fields can be a civilian and mil both random and can both be scavanged for parts.

2-wrecked convoy- just a bunch of cars with loot around them mostly mil make the gun spawns there rarer than mil bases.

3-abandnded camps- random camps in the middle of the forests that contain random gear meaning it can spawn anything.

4- abandoned caches- the arma 2 lore said they were in conflict maybe an mil camp that can spawn mil gear and guns but like older ones suchs as mosins, ppshs, bren guns, c96s ect make older guns have an apperence used by rebels when the conflict was present I don't know much about the lore but I'm just guessing.

5-barricaded home- while I don't think this much of an event just a thing that could have some use all it is is a home that spawns some more loot than usuall but is barricaded so it can keep zombies out but abandoned.

Thats all I can think of.

nah your list is to military centered, fuck military loot AKs ruined the game.

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If you gonna have more random events then if should be based on clothes / food and not weapons / ammo, its easy enough to find guns and ammo in dayz as it is, dont see why we need more military based items spawning into the game atm.


If you cant find a weapon in dayz ... you shouldn't be playing dayz

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nah your list is to military centered, fuck military loot AKs ruined the game.

calm down bro mil is all over the place its EVERYWERE they just do a bad job making it controlled I'm hoping central loot economy will fix it. Beside aks were in the mod lots of the to many of them.
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calm down bro mil is all over the place its EVERYWERE they just do a bad job making it controlled I'm hoping central loot economy will fix it. Beside aks were in the mod lots of the to many of them.

true thats why I am going to dislike when modding comes out, it will turn out like the mod and everyone will stop playing vanilla


if they add modding I rather have map modding only

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it would be cool to see a Russian Sovremenny ship dead in the water drifting along the horizon of the coast of chernarus. litter that thing with zombies and gear for a high risk high gain timed global event. once it drifts away its going to be gone for a while.

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Hey Brian,


my questions are:



  • 4) are variations of dynamic events planned? I mean something like, you see a helicopter in the air flying around and then it crashes instead of just spawning somewhere? Or an abandoned survivercamp with lots of infected and maybe some civilian supply? Maybe we see some stuff like that? Later? After Beta?





4) We have no soldier AI to pilot vehicles, and no plans for it. I firmly believe if you see a vehicle being operated, or a survivor moving - it needs to be a *real person* - not a predictable AI. 


I dont think we will see something like this without mod support ^^

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If you gonna have more random events then if should be based on clothes / food and not weapons / ammo, its easy enough to find guns and ammo in dayz as it is, dont see why we need more military based items spawning into the game atm.


If you cant find a weapon in dayz ... you shouldn't be playing dayz

do you mean like a crashed hostess truck full of snoballs?

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true thats why I am going to dislike when modding comes out, it will turn out like the mod and everyone will stop playing vanilla

if they add modding I rather have map modding only

same I like modding and all but I hate how everyone stops playing vanilla I'll stick with just mod maps and maybe an occasional mod that just adds new stuff in.
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Overall I do believe there should be more dynamic events but there rarity should be rare for them to spawn depending on what events they are, ranging from common events to very rare events. Here's what I got starting with the most common to the most rare:


  1. Dead Survivor - The most common, consists of a dead survivor that is in the advance stages of decay or nothing but a pile of bones. Most of the gear is damaged/badly damaged. Firearms are almost completely ruined (but can still be scavenged for parts, ammo, magazines and attachments)
  2. Survivor Campsite - A collection of 5-7 Civilian Tents or shelters that spawn randomly in a city or in the forest. Comes in three variants, Abandonded, Destroyed and Infested. Abandonded offer very little loot, Destroyed offers loot that is damged or ruined while Infested spawns alot of loot but is generally heavily infested with the undead. Loot is always going to be Civilian loot.
  3. Fishing Boat - Randomly washed up on the shore or drifting out at sea. Spawns mostly Civilian Loot, ideal locations to find Flare Guns and Fishing Rods.
  4. Wrecked Police Car - Same as we have now, except possibly including a larger "Police V3S" variant which spawns more gear.
  5. Roadblock - Seen at random on various roads comes in two flavours, Police and Military, typically close to major cities / settlements. They spawn random vehicle wrecks with a small amount of civilian loot and often at the main checkpoint can also spawn police and military loot as well. Lets say 80% Civilian, 20% Police, 10% Military.
  6. Refugee Center - Randomly spawns in a small town or on the outskirts of a major city / settlement. Consists of an array of medical tents that spawn medical loot. Almost always considered infested or a biohazard area.
  7. Military Recon Campsite - Very similar to a Survivor campsite but is limited to around 3-4 tents and only spawning in forests, same variants as before, abandoned, destroyed and infested. Infested is always likely to be Military Zombies.
  8. Helicopter Crash Site - Pretty much what we have now except having a two new variants, a News Press Helicopter Crash and a Civilian Cargo Helicopter Crash. Both spawn Civilian Loot.
  9. Small Plane Crash - A small plane crash, mostly commonly found at Airports or runways. Almost always spawn civilian loot and spare vehicle parts.
  10. Commerical Plane Crash - A rare event than can only appear three times in the world. Consists of a Commerical Passenger Plane that has crashed somewhere on Chernarus. Almost always spawns Civilian Loot in usually low states of damage, no firearms, just food, medicine and clothes and some basic tools.
  11. Supply Crate - Comes in two types, Military and Humanitarian Aid. Only the Military Supply Crate remains locked, requiring specialist tools to open which will given players ALOT of military type gear (it's considered a container so it doesn't spawn on the ground). Humanitarian Aid Crates are always unlocked and have large amounts of food and survival supplies. They have a large parachute next to them which can also be scavenged for materials.
  12. Military Plane Crash - A very rare event that only spawns once in the map in a random location. Military Plane Crashes will offer Military Loot in random states of damage. They will also drop vehicle parts.
  13. Abandoned Ships - Comes in three types, Civilian Tanker, Cruise Ship and Naval Frigate. The Naval Frigate is the rarest event with the other two being similar to the Commerical Plane Crash, spawning randomly near the coast or somewhere out at sea. Civilian Tanker and Cruise Ship spawn mostly civilian gear and food (sometimes weapons too of low grade) and Naval Frigate will always spawn military gear.
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3) Dead Survivor Corpse: tools, small caliber guns, ammo, cloth and food






What you think?


this ideia is fucking awesome, in time ago, i posted a suggestion to do abandoned's camp's in jungle with stuff's of last's survivor's that runned out of the city in begin of the infectation and wow ideia can be interconnected

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If you gonna have more random events then if should be based on clothes / food and not weapons / ammo, its easy enough to find guns and ammo in dayz as it is, dont see why we need more military based items spawning into the game atm.


If you cant find a weapon in dayz ... you shouldn't be playing dayz

For now. We will not have this much military loot later. Or so I hope



the only random events that I liked were the heli crashes from the mod, because they were rewarding but also they were always in the middle of a huge open field and a black smoke going up, it was usually a trap.

Edited by Sperglord
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I love all of these ideas! They'd really add more content for players to go after and seek out for survival.


I would also like to see some kind of ALERT Event, that works in some way to draw players all to a central location for a certain goodie. . Maybe like Extraction Zone.


And also something that makes players all run from a certain city or area. . Like acid rain, or chemical gas that the UN is putting down to subdue the infected.

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On 11/20/2015 at 7:12 AM, Draco122 said:

Overall I do believe there should be more dynamic events but there rarity should be rare for them to spawn depending on what events they are, ranging from common events to very rare events. Here's what I got starting with the most common to the most rare:


  1. Dead Survivor - The most common, consists of a dead survivor that is in the advance stages of decay or nothing but a pile of bones. Most of the gear is damaged/badly damaged. Firearms are almost completely ruined (but can still be scavenged for parts, ammo, magazines and attachments)
  2. Survivor Campsite - A collection of 5-7 Civilian Tents or shelters that spawn randomly in a city or in the forest. Comes in three variants, Abandonded, Destroyed and Infested. Abandonded offer very little loot, Destroyed offers loot that is damged or ruined while Infested spawns alot of loot but is generally heavily infested with the undead. Loot is always going to be Civilian loot.
  3. Fishing Boat - Randomly washed up on the shore or drifting out at sea. Spawns mostly Civilian Loot, ideal locations to find Flare Guns and Fishing Rods.
  4. Wrecked Police Car - Same as we have now, except possibly including a larger "Police V3S" variant which spawns more gear.
  5. Roadblock - Seen at random on various roads comes in two flavours, Police and Military, typically close to major cities / settlements. They spawn random vehicle wrecks with a small amount of civilian loot and often at the main checkpoint can also spawn police and military loot as well. Lets say 80% Civilian, 20% Police, 10% Military.
  6. Refugee Center - Randomly spawns in a small town or on the outskirts of a major city / settlement. Consists of an array of medical tents that spawn medical loot. Almost always considered infested or a biohazard area.
  7. Military Recon Campsite - Very similar to a Survivor campsite but is limited to around 3-4 tents and only spawning in forests, same variants as before, abandoned, destroyed and infested. Infested is always likely to be Military Zombies.
  8. Helicopter Crash Site - Pretty much what we have now except having a two new variants, a News Press Helicopter Crash and a Civilian Cargo Helicopter Crash. Both spawn Civilian Loot.
  9. Small Plane Crash - A small plane crash, mostly commonly found at Airports or runways. Almost always spawn civilian loot and spare vehicle parts.
  10. Commerical Plane Crash - A rare event than can only appear three times in the world. Consists of a Commerical Passenger Plane that has crashed somewhere on Chernarus. Almost always spawns Civilian Loot in usually low states of damage, no firearms, just food, medicine and clothes and some basic tools.
  11. Supply Crate - Comes in two types, Military and Humanitarian Aid. Only the Military Supply Crate remains locked, requiring specialist tools to open which will given players ALOT of military type gear (it's considered a container so it doesn't spawn on the ground). Humanitarian Aid Crates are always unlocked and have large amounts of food and survival supplies. They have a large parachute next to them which can also be scavenged for materials.
  12. Military Plane Crash - A very rare event that only spawns once in the map in a random location. Military Plane Crashes will offer Military Loot in random states of damage. They will also drop vehicle parts.
  13. Abandoned Ships - Comes in three types, Civilian Tanker, Cruise Ship and Naval Frigate. The Naval Frigate is the rarest event with the other two being similar to the Commerical Plane Crash, spawning randomly near the coast or somewhere out at sea. Civilian Tanker and Cruise Ship spawn mostly civilian gear and food (sometimes weapons too of low grade) and Naval Frigate will always spawn military gear.

i like all of this. not sure on the rareness percentage of these events but they could be subject to change. (you know everybody likes military loot. especially on a PvE server like the one i play on.)

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On 11/20/2015 at 1:07 PM, Espa said:

I love all of these ideas! They'd really add more content for players to go after and seek out for survival.


I would also like to see some kind of ALERT Event, that works in some way to draw players all to a central location for a certain goodie. . Maybe like Extraction Zone.


And also something that makes players all run from a certain city or area. . Like acid rain, or chemical gas that the UN is putting down to subdue the infected.

here is the problem with this: Acid can and would burn through just about everything shy of a full blown NBC suit.  Considering i keep hearing about the devs putting in some sort of working gas mask and radiation zone thins, the NBC suit COULD be a rare item (unless on a custom server) 

second: zombies are essentially a dead person hence the term walking dead, so they would have no working circulatory system or lungs to make any gas actually work. 

i do like this idea, however i am currently unsure on how they could put in an alert event like this and make it seem like it could actually happen.  

Edited by Pandemic4444

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@Pandemic4444 there are no zombies in Dayz, only infected people that are still alive but with infected brains.

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3 hours ago, Pandemic4444 said:

here is the problem with this: Acid can and would burn through just about everything shy of a full blown NBC suit.  Considering i keep hearing about the devs putting in some sort of working gas mask and radiation zone thins, the NBC suit COULD be a rare item (unless on a custom server) 

second: zombies are essentially a dead person hence the term walking dead, so they would have no working circulatory system or lungs to make any gas actually work. 

i do like this idea, however i am currently unsure on how they could put in an alert event like this and make it seem like it could actually happen.  

One issue here - Infected are not dead.


Think - 28 days later

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