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Just had a random character wipe

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>:(  I just had a random Character wipe for no reason. There was no server lag or anything i was just walking around and logged out, then logged into a new server and it hung at the loading screen and a red paragraph appeared telling me ""your character could not be loaded a system administrator has been notified""   lol this has never happened in the month ive been playing, do you get your character back? i keep spawning as a new spawn.

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Yeah, tried to get online a little while ago, no matter which server I joined I had a LONG wait for host screen and then a fresh character, with a nearly unplayable amount of desync.

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Same here. Server was stuck on wait for host so I restarted. Took forever to restart & spawned in fresh. Ran through electro & didnt find anything. Server restarted at normal time. Took 15 minutes to restart & spawned in fresh again with no loot to be found on the server. But, i can pick apples...lol

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ditto. also there is no loot anywhere and i even mean in smallish towns on my lowpop server clinic where there is ALWAYS an iv starter or blood test kit......i highly doubt anyone was clearing all that out. no hats, no random kitchen knives, nothing, nada, anywhere....


also, when i craft a stone knife it won't leave my hands until i move it around a bunch, showing knife and an apple in the same slot but couldn't eat the apple until i shuffled everything around to the point where it somehow worked.

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Seems like this is happening to most servers. All fresh spawns and no loot anywhere. Lots of sticks, campfires, apple picking and cannibalism.

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I had this happen to me a few hours ago when I decided to change servers due to the one I normally use was going into nighttime hours. My character wiped and respawned when the connection on the second server had issues and I wasn't able to recover it. I've been channel hopping ever since just to see if the issue persists before I start building a character again and unfortunately it just continues to reset every single time. I really hope the issue clears up soon.

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We restarted the server after letting it sit & got our camps & gear back. Seems like the hive must have been down. Seems like the server wasn't connecting to the DB.

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I think its all my fault guys, i killed a guy from long  range trying to get in my truck and then i emptied his beans all over the floor and his weapons then ran him over. The server gods are angry at me for not trying to talk him out of my truck first. Fyi his name was sheryl and he had a pony tail and breasts. Good thing i wasnt wearing my guille suit whew that took forever to craft.

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Wow how it that even possible 2 years later we still experience this?



Taratam tadam dam, only in DayZ.

Just don't troll  :murder:

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Did anyone else loose their stash/camp? At least I'm missing one with a barrel & 3 protective cases.

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Could do with a bit more comms on this one. I've just spent an hour on the same server, getting some basic survival stuff together so I can move north and see if my stash is still there. Now I'm getting re-wiped on every server.

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Yeah what is going on here? I just logged off for a few minutes and come back on as a new spawn? What is the reason for this?


What a load of crap, this has been going on for two years now?


Good lord, maybe instead of designing 87 different kinds of hats they could work on making it so you don't randomly lose everything?

Edited by skepsis_

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I dunno man i need like a different hat for every day of the week. :blush: ..... Anywho it seems ok now but i hopped a few servers and it sent me 10 minutes back in time a few times, lost a few minor items no big deal, seems legit now, wait like 10 minutes to log out and dont server hop for a bit till it seems fine.

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Yeah what is going on here? I just logged off for a few minutes and come back on as a new spawn? What is the reason for this?

What a load of crap, this has been going on for two years now?

Good lord, maybe instead of designing 87 different kinds of hats they could work on making it so you don't randomly lose everything?

Really!?! I mean seriously, do you genuinely think that it is part of bohemias business plan for dayz to suffer serious ddos/attacks on their hives??

Here's a tip, if you don't know what you are complaining about and haven't read anything about what caused the issue then don't comment.

Sorry if it seems harsh and rude but frankly it's ridiculous to come in here slating BI for something they have minimal control over.

It's not a random bug, it's not loot issues or anything of the sort it is some cockwomble deliberately attacking their systems. They are working to fix it, they clearly thought they had fixed it based on eugen's tweet, if it's still ongoing then do something useful and report it.

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My character got wiped for no reason. I could not have died because I was the only one on the server, and I was in Gorka. Has the Hive been ddosed or something? How do I get him back?

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It's alpha, you can't get it back, it happens, deal with it or stop playing until full release like 70% of people did.

Not really helpful tbh.

The hive been suffering attacks for the past day or so and BI are working on it. I've had few issues loading characters atm apart from on one or two public servers so it could be an issue affecting certain gsps more than others.

Devs are working on it atm and loading into another server may restore your character but it's not guaranteed. It could well be the server never saved your info to the hive because of the attacks

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I sort-of enjoyed running around getting geared yesterday, and happily my stash was intact. But I have a couple of issues about this. And before I set them out, no, I am not attacking BI or the devs, because I can imagine how much hard work went into resolving this attack.


The first issue is that the hive is basically a database of items and who has them. Presumably that database updates and backs itself up.  I can appreciate that if a wipe is necessary to deal with duping or other item identifier issues, that's one thing. But accidental ones, where either significant numbers or all players are wiped would seem to be another. Other games have rollbacks (I've been through a few). Perhaps there's an obvious explanation, but why doesn't DayZ?


The second issue is BI's communications with players. I'm not really a fan of Twitter and am not on it much. There was nothing really here early yesterday morning about this, just one or two posts about apparently random char wipes - not unusual. In other words, for someone (and there were many of us) casually logging on yesterday, there was really little if anything to tell us what was going on. Is it really so hard to spend three minutes putting a sticky or a highlighted thread up here and on Steam about attacks or similar issues potentially affecting all players?


Before the predictable 'alpha' or 'don't get attached to your gear'. I don't think they really constitute answers here. Nor does reposting Harton's Tweets. I don't usually go on Twitter before launching the game...

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