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Zombies do matter after all...

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The problem is different, many people who bought the game in the 0.58 patch will have no idea that the game is not a zombie.As we well know today, people judge a game by what they see on youtube and 90% of the videos is assembled with zombies in the lead role.

And do not we all need to know that now there is no zombie game! because in the end even steam in the description of the game or on other sites where you can get early access.

There is no mention of the fact that you are buying now the game without zombies just so much that it was early Access.
And that is what frustrates people who play long in DayZ standalone knows what the situation is but new does not need to know.
Put yourself in their place, you read a description of what it takes to be a great game Survival watch videos on youtube mass as it looks incredible what a nice fight with zombies.
After purchasing a game, a taxi a new player enters the full server and what does he see? lack of zombies that die within a few minutes of playing shot by a player who is not much to do in the game.
If even escape from the city and go explore areas quickly get bored, what he'll get any weapons because they go to the military camp with a shotgun or a single-weapon no chance.
A and site of the game is very empty, and the lack of zombies only what you have to do is browse through all the buildings are not feeling any threat, which after two gets very boring.
And this is now a problem in this game, as there are cases that the lack of zombie players feel unpunished, they sit in one building and only a few hours what they do is shoot from the window into everything that moves. Currently, this game is more like Counter-Strike than the Survival Game. The creators announced that the main players in the game have to be undead.
That's why I am not surprised, new players, they feel disappointed and bored with the game after a few hours because I really lost more than 100 hours and at only turn on the game after a few minutes I leave this game.It is known Alpha version but believe that this game can now weary and very quickly especially new players who often do not have a chance in this game you survive a few minutes in the big cities and must at times to start a new character or as I embark on a journey around the map feel weary that such a large area and nothing in it does not happen, no threat and ba in these small towns, you can gather enough food and drink, that of survival no way!



Man what youtube videos are you watching where zombies are the focus?


Zombies were never the focus of DayZ, anyone spreading that rumor is misleading.  Even the devs, including Rocket, have said zombies are not and never will be the main threat.

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Zombies were never the focus of DayZ, anyone spreading that rumor is misleading.  Even the devs, including Rocket, have said zombies are not and never will be the main threat.

And this is why we cant have nice things is because everyone is to fucking PVP butt fuck focused at the moment.


Maybe if the zombie WERE infact the main focus and should and ALWAYS be we wouldn't have ppl jacking off with shotgun's and M4A1's blowing there load on each other in a bullshit cycle of pvp combat. Vehicles and new guns really don't get me excited at the moment. Good zombie AI thats punishing to players that can't be taken for as a joke by players and that wont break mechanic wise in less than a few hours into a new patch is what id like to see.

Edited by Deathlove

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I believe the main focus of the game is survival, both mental and physical! The infected are just another hazard to that - just like bandits, tall rocks, diseased water etc. They are definitely missed but luckily the announcement for their return in heavy force has been made and come patch 0.59 this argument should be mute in my opinion. I guess the only people that would have been pissed off with this patch were those that bought the game during it as others that have been around for a while should know it's part and parcel of the process. (Something goes in, something else goes out, then both are in) 


"We're going to be spawning infected again at strong quantities in 0.59 as the gameplay programming team has been working hard on making sure we can have a smooth 75 player experience (which is looking really good guys, I'm pumped!). 


Indeed, sounds good from where I'm reading. 

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And this is why we cant have nice things is because everyone is to fucking PVP butt fuck focused at the moment.


Maybe if the zombie WERE infact the main focus and should and ALWAYS be we wouldn't have ppl jacking off with shotgun's and M4A1's blowing there load on each other in a bullshit cycle of pvp combat. Vehicles and new guns really don't get me excited at the moment. Good zombie AI thats punishing to players that can't be taken for as a joke by players and that wont break mechanic wise in less than a few hours into a new patch is what id like to see.


The thing is that's not what the game was from the outset, so getting upset because it's not something it never was is a bit ridiculous.


The game was always pvp focused, from the start.  Yes it has zombies, but they are background noise to drive the player.  They're important, but to say DayZ is about zombies is untrue and always has been.  Anyone who's played it knows that, even when zombies have been at their "best" in various incarnations, it still hasn't been about them.


The game is going into beta in a few months, there is not going to be a drastic change to gameplay to suddenly make it about fighting zombies.  People need to stop being so naive and recognize DayZ for what it is, who the studio is behind it, and what engine it's based on.  Wake up!

Edited by Bororm

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People need to stop being so naive and recognize DayZ for what it is, who the studio is behind it, and what engine it's based on.  Wake up!

Counter Strike/Call Of Duty gotcha. Time to start running around killing everyone i see on sight!

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Counter Strike/Call Of Duty gotcha. Time to start running around killing everyone i see on sight!


I mean it's closer to that than a pve game like l4d or resident evil.  It's a sandbox so you can play how you like, but pvp is the most fleshed out portion of the game and the driving focal point. I don't understand how so many people are rebellious against this when anyone who's played for any period of time should come to this same conclusion.


There's a ton of dayz clones coming out almost literally daily, so if that's not what you're after I'm sure something will come up.

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I appears some people here think that they're here to play DayZ Standalone, you're not, you are here to help develop the game, report the nasty things that are hidden in the miles of code. If you are bored of DayZ then you are doing it wrong as there's still a ton of issues that needs to be found and reported, not to mention there's probably a ton more to come as they implement more content.


Just stop playing this as a finished game and do what you were suppose to do and help build the best survival game to hit the market.

Edited by RagedDrew

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The game was always pvp focused, from the start. 


That isn't really true, the creator of the game has always said that he only ever killed one person in DayZ so he obviously didn't initially design it as a PvP (shooting people) game. Yes zombies were an  afterthought but the focus was supposed to be survival.


One of the best and oldest DayZ mod video series is The Days Ahead, Zombies are most certainly a big factor in that and there's also almost no PvP, only rumors of one rogue group shooting people for weapons. I think there's a lot of people who wish the game was more like these early videos portray it.

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I must confess that I haven't played since they basically took out zombies either. I've been periodically checking to see when they're going to be back. I bought DayZ for a realistic experience of what it would be like in the zombie apocalypse, but I'm still not disappointed. I'm very excited to see what they're going to do with the infected. I want to see scattered single zombies roaming around, as well as big hordes roaming the entire map. I am hoping they make bigger cities more dangerous by filling them with more zeds. Right now, the best completed zombie game for me is either State of Decay or Dying Light. A game with Dying Light's parkour and weapon customization, State of Decay's community system, barricading, and permadeath, and DayZ's unforgiving realism and MMO elements would be the ultimate zombie game lol. 

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And this is why we cant have nice things is because everyone is to fucking PVP butt fuck focused at the moment.


Maybe if the zombie WERE infact the main focus and should and ALWAYS be we wouldn't have ppl jacking off with shotgun's and M4A1's blowing there load on each other in a bullshit cycle of pvp combat. Vehicles and new guns really don't get me excited at the moment. Good zombie AI thats punishing to players that can't be taken for as a joke by players and that wont break mechanic wise in less than a few hours into a new patch is what id like to see.

I remember situations just like they were zombies in DayZ

And several times happened that two guys in PVP want kill me I started to run away and they were shooting at me and I thought he was going to kill me.What was my surprise when he suddenly attacked them zombies! I think 4 it allowed me to take out a gun and shoot them hiding when they tried to kill zombies.
Therefore, I believe that zombies are needed because, so do not be stupid situation like now 2-3 guests with good weapons walking around town or hiding in buildings and shooting at everything that moves. Previously this was not possible because Zombie seen from a distance of 50 meters and had to be in constant motion.
Therefore, I believe that the zombies will greatly enhance the comfort and enjoyment of the game and there will be such a situation that the player with the Sniper sitting there in a building a few hours and shoots all I hope that the zombies will be so that when they hear a shot react to it.
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My fear with the infected is that they're trying to make them too "smart" with their speed, senses, and varying attack animations and such. As someone else pointed out, the mod infected were gloriously stupid and cheap in terms of resource cost. I'd almost rather they just dumb the current zombies down, drastically reduce their speed, and make them shambling slow-moving Walking Dead type beasties. Make them hit like a ton of bricks and hard to kill (head shots/brain bashing only), attracted to loud noises/light, and give them a small "awareness/attack radius" with just enough "intelligence" not to walk through walls, doors, or fences. Sure, in small numbers they'd be easy just to avoid, but if you get stuck in a tight area with a few you've got your work cut out for you. Scatter a handful in the smaller towns, a few random ones off in the woods and fields, and fill the high value loot areas and bigger cities with hordes of 'em. If you get their attention, they'll swat at you and maybe stumble after you a bit (along with whichever ones are nearby), but not chase you for a mile. Make them a giant, slow-moving deterrent rather than the hyper-aware speed demons they currently are. I just don't know if we'll ever see the huge amounts of infected a gameworld this size needs with the current iteration of them.


I'm the opposite. I want them to constantly be changing the AI (or even better, make an AI routine that changes the zombies behaviour randomly or make it even evolve itself so we're constantly on our toes. The MOD zombies were crap and way too easy to beat to the point where they were just annoying because you wanted to search something and a zed shows up. The zeds should be something you fear, not get annoyed at because they're keeping you from looting.

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DayZ love and I can not stand the fact that now three times as many people playing H1Z1! when only logs on to Steam.At the beginning I check how many people play DayZ Standalone and H1Z1.At the beginning I check how many people play DayZ Standalone and H1Z1.
But the fact that a few weeks H1Z1 in playing people on the server exceeds DayZ shows in my opinion that however DayZ does not develop as expected.Games are on the same topic I played in H1Z1 and I did not like, But there must be something in this game you are missing out DayZ Standalone that playing it far more people.
as of 13:20 .26.10.2015 H1Z1 - 12,000 players, DayZ Standalone - 4,500 players. That shown is something not good with dayZ if H1Z1 have always more players..

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DayZ love and I can not stand the fact that now three times as many people playing H1Z1! when only logs on to Steam.At the beginning I check how many people play DayZ Standalone and H1Z1.At the beginning I check how many people play DayZ Standalone and H1Z1.

But the fact that a few weeks H1Z1 in playing people on the server exceeds DayZ shows in my opinion that however DayZ does not develop as expected.Games are on the same topic I played in H1Z1 and I did not like, But there must be something in this game you are missing out DayZ Standalone that playing it far more people.
as of 13:20 .26.10.2015 H1Z1 - 12,000 players, DayZ Standalone - 4,500 players. That shown is something not good with dayZ if H1Z1 have always more players..



Yes thats true :( BUT I hope that the development of the game in the next few months will increase the playerbase again. H1Z1 sold around 1.8 million copys and dayz something about 3.2 million copys. So just 8% of the owners playing right now. After the last patch the playercount increased from about 10k to 24k again, and after a week or so it decreased again heavily. Now the peak is again around 9-10k. So many people have an eye on the development, but the lack of Z´s is extremely boring after gearing up. For me it was the same. The last two months I playd nearly zero hours. But I know if Z´s back, playercontroller is integrated, new engine too, It´ll be the only game I play again. 

Edited by imun
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:) Yes and no.


Youre right it was the peak after .58 stable not the average playercount, sorry. But it was in August 26th, right after the patch. Not a half year ago. Two months.





I mean only the peaks, not average playercount. 

Edited by imun

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errr.... the last peak around 25k was half a year ago ( http://steamcharts.com/app/221100), and that was peak for a month, not average.


There was 24k (23,967) playing on August 26th (exactly 2 months ago). It only peaked at that for a day then dropped right down again. But it shows there are a lot of people watching from the hills to see when DayZ will rise again ^_^ .

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There was 24k (23,967) playing on August 26th (exactly 2 months ago). It only peaked at that for a day then dropped right down again. But it shows there are a lot of people watching from the hills to see when DayZ will rise again ^_^ .


Thanks, thats what I meant :)

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To me, looks like lots of people dont like zombies at all. I just cant imagine dayz without them. Yes, they were dumb in mod but they sure killed new players in first few attempts and easily killed freshspawns. Zombies in standalone were not very dangerous until .55. Some say zombies are just an anoyance. Well I think they should be anoying. They are what brings survival aspect to this game.

How? Well is they occupy big towns and cities players will have to "live of the land". This where hunting and crafting come important.

While waiting for .59 I started playing Arma3 mods. I found one server with brutally hard zombies. They spawned 6-8 every minute, they were fast, they were hard to kill and they were noisy. It was frustrating to play first few days because we died every 15-20 minutes. But at the end I felt exhousted after playing two hours on that server. But I felt good because I really had to fight survive. I had to kill dozes of zombies to pick up some look at baracs. I hope zombies will be that punishing one day. When you raid NWAF or Mishkino, after you have feeling you really achived something (if you survive). Add PvP to that and dayz will be awesome.

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I loved it in the DayZ mod when you had to sneak through elektro to gather whatever supplies you needed to start your adventure inland.
That's not how it works currently and it wasn't like that before the Z's where removed either. Plenty of my playsessions start of with me getting killed before my grand adventure has even started.
Yeah this did happen in the mod aswell people will always kill fresh spawns. Although having a common threat gives players a reason too cooperate rather then fight each other upon start. At the moment the freshspawn killer have no reason to not take the shot on the new player that just spawned in. If the fresh spawn killer knows that he will have plenty of infected coming his way, then taking the shot won't be as tempting as before. Its the same for the sniper hiding in the pine trees across the airfield. Should I take shots at that squad or will the infected give away my position? You always have to put some extra thought into your decisions.

Adding loads of infected in the cities, military areas, around crashsites and maybe add hordes roaming along the coast to the game would bring back some of the true horror that the mod had, maybe even make it better if they nail the AI, the look, feeling and sound of the infected.
The standalone is currently lacking that. Having hordes roaming the coast would also increase the challenge of acquiring netting for the ghillie (which should be an endgame item.)
It was truly scary sneaking passed the hordes of infected roaming the roads in the mod, and meeting a player in the food store didn't always end in a game of boxing.
I'm sure that having a common threat will encourage people to cooperate more.
It would also encourage players to move away from the coast, explore and actually get survival experience that comes from building camps, finding and repairing vehicles, hunting and the thrill of looting military areas, finding chrashsites, hiding from or fighting bandits etc.
So many players misses out on all of these amazing experiences when they just head back to the coast for pvp.
I hope the DayZ devteam puts a tremendous amount of work in to the infected, the infected play a key role in the DayZ experience.
I hope 0.59 will bring back the infected in masses and that devteam put a lot of work into them in patches ahead.
Edited by Killsteal

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Currently server performance doesn't allow for large numbers of infected. Once those issues are resolved the devs will be looking to increase their numbers significantly.

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