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Grimey Rick

Remember when one bullet killed you?

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I'm with you.

I think once guns are like super rare (which they will be one day) then they will be pretty OP and sought after.

Not at all. I don't think guns will ever be rare in this game. What I mean by that is the need for PVP will always here. Sure, guns and ammo with the new loot system have become more challenging to find but still very obtainable. I can't imagine them being any less then what it is now.

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Not at all. I don't think guns will ever be rare in this game. What I mean by that is the need for PVP will always here. Sure, guns and ammo with the new loot system have become more challenging to find but still very obtainable. I can't imagine them being any less then what it is now.

I just want to be able to decide, to configure and balance a server myself.

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I always wear a press vest, plate carrier, or antistab vest.  The press vest has saved my life numerous times.  I highly recommend wearing one.

Anyway, I believe the devs have stated a rework of the entire damage model is coming. 

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I'm aware that the current damage model isn't final...this isn't about that. The goal of this thread is clearly stated in my original post. I'm just asking what people like more.

Personally, I like a more realistic approach to combat. Other people prefer to be able to sustain more damage before they go down.

I might add a poll later when I get home. Then again, I might not. I'm so mysterious.

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-snip-This is just some food for thought, and me probing around to garner other people's input.




-snip- The goal of this thread is clearly stated in my original post. I'm just asking what people like more.

Personally, I like a more realistic approach to combat. Other people prefer to be able to sustain more damage before they go down.



Well no it wasn't that clear really, but it is now. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, I miss the damage system from the early days. It all seemed to start going downhill when the items in your inventory started taking damage and protecting you from it...

Most of the guns in the game lack some serious oomph right now. The one who hits first, with any weapon, should have the upper hand in a firefight, not the one with the bigger gun. I'm ok with not every caliber being a one-hit-kill, but there should be some serious repercussions to getting hit. As many others have said, a bandage doesn't heal a gunshot wound.



I'm glad that the damage system is getting revised in .59 and the wounded animations are getting closer to implementation with the new player controller. Let's hope the medical system, in it's entirety, gets some much needed love. You shouldn't be able to just brush off gunshot wounds...

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The one who hits first, with any weapon, should have the upper hand in a firefight, not the one with the bigger gun.




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I think it's been worth testing both sides.

But I'll go with the higher damage, over watered down. Obviously it's not simple because velocity is also involved, not just caliber. But, more towards initial alpha release.

Here is the reason; it matches the engine..which is about realistic distance and vision, or at least simulating it...so awareness, distance, and the element of surprise should be rewarded

Games with lower view distance need more sponging, because it's not as much your fault being caught off guard. With DayZ you should pay not being aware or be rewarded for playing appropriately.

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It'd just be nice to fear going to a military base again. A higher chance of me being picked off would incite that fear once again!

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I remember me and my mate chased down a guy with a shotgun in the NWAF, I managed to shoot and break his legs, while he was down he fired off a desperate shotgun round and killed my mate from around 50m away, one shot.. ive never laughed so much in my life.The horrifying screams of my mate when it happened still haunt me to this day

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Oh dear.


Not having played for 4 months and just started again and even then, never really getting into combat I have no idea what the system is like. However, I can tell you what it should be like ;)


First of all, we need to talk about and look at bullets. What bullet are you getting hit from? A round from a 7.62 in the chest is going to fuck you up. You may not die, but what IS it going to do to you if it doesn't kill you outright?


We need to think about armour or what other protection we have. How is that going to help us?


Next we need to decide what affect bullets will have on our virtual bodies - what makes sense? Do we die in one shot? Should we be incapacitated when we get hit? How long should it be? what other detrimental affects should we suffer? What can we do to mitigate affects of getting hit?


Well, if you get shot in the head you should either be dead, unconscious or dazed, right? Either way, you should be suffering from something. You might be able to move or you might not.


Shot in the chest could be the same but maybe less of a chance of each - it would depend on what you're wearing just like the head.


Then we need to think about game-play - what is good for the game- OSK's generally are not because that opens the door for Mr No Chance and people don't want to be insta-killed. However, the game relies on being realistic - that's what made the game great in the first place. If you take that away, you might as well re-brand the new game you're making because DayZ was all about the fear of losing everything. If combat is reduced to not caring, you've just fucked over your own game.


Personally I'd like more wounding shots in the game and incapacitations. You might get lucky and crawl away or you might bleed out 10 minutes later. You leg or arm is broken, whatever - getting shot is serious business and should be reflected in the game. If you're seriously wounded, can you hide from your attacker and bandage up? If you didn't bandage, are you now leaving a trail of blood to be tracked? Give us a better wounding and medical system as well as making our avatars feel every bullet that hits us and make us pay for getting hit with blurred vision, shaky aim, unconsciousness, massive blood loss and death.


What we don't want to see are people getting shot 3 times in the chest and running around like nothing happened with perfect aim. This is the worst possible scenario for DayZ. So many games treat bullets as taking away healthpoints. Until you're at zero you can fight just like you were healthy. NO - WTF? Most people in a war get wounded so why don't game reflect this? Penalties for getting hit don't just have to be death.

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