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Survey: Worst part of DayZ?

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Ohhhh, looky here, we got Mr.KnowItAll.  :rolleyes:

Oh looky, someone with their head in the sand?

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Oh looky, someone with their head in the sand?

Nah, just someone understands how game development works.   ^_^ Edit: However, if that is what you think about the development of DayZ; then that is alright. 

Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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No risk for being a dick. Also Banditry and KoS doesn't have any risk and exictement when you can instantly spawn even after murdering the whole Chernarus amount of players.

Wouldn't it be much more exicting if you've killed couple players in one life that after death you couldn't spawn in the same shard for two days just for example? You could still do it but there's actually a risk or potential not playing in the server(s) you've the nice base with your friends for hours/days. This could also be even good against hackers :D


For rough example public could be divided in three shards, EU, US and Asia. Die in an EU server and especially if you've been murdering people, you would be banned for playing in public EU servers for X days. You could still join US and Asian servers but naturally those have different characters because they're different shards just like private servers are different, so nothing carries over from US or Asia to the EU if/when you start to play again in there.


There's always a server you could play in DayZ even with that kind of system because of Private Shards and SP. You're just limited if you start to live the risky banditry life ;)

Edited by St. Jimmy

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No risk for being a dick. Also Banditry and KoS doesn't have any risk and exictement when you can instantly spawn even after murdering the whole Chernarus amount of players.

Wouldn't it be much more exicting if you've killed couple players in one life that after death you couldn't spawn in the same shard for two days just for example? You could still do it but there's actually a risk or potential not playing in the server(s) you've the nice base with your friends for hours/days. This could also be even good against hackers :D


For rough example public could be divided in three shards, EU, US and Asia. Die in an EU server and especially if you've been murdering people, you would be banned for playing in public EU servers for X days. You could still join US and Asian servers but naturally those have different characters because they're different shards just like private servers are different, so nothing carries over from US or Asia to the EU if/when you start to play again in there.


There's always a server you could play in DayZ even with that kind of system because of Private Shards and SP. You're just limited if you start to live the risky banditry life ;)

Ehhh, even as someone who is neutral. I don't personally like your idea (no offense) because it kind of forces you to play a certain playstyle. :3

Edited by DJ SGTHornet

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The worst thing about DayZ is that 3 years into development, it still feels like a much inferior game to the mod in nearly every way possible.


What does release date have to do with anything?


I just thought I would point out that DayZ SA has not been in development for 3 years. It was released on Early Access 3 months into principal development. It's not as bad as you seem to think, although I can understand why it might feel that way.

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I just thought I would point out that DayZ SA has not been in development for 3 years. It was released on Early Access 3 months into principal development. It's not as bad as you seem to think, although I can understand why it might feel that way.

Thank you, I love it when people know the actual amount of time that DayZ have been in development.  :beans:



Edited by DJ SGTHornet
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Ehhh, even as someone who is neutral. I don't personally like your idea (no offense) because it kind of forces you to play a certain playstyle. :3

"Kind of forces". But still you can do whatever you want. Nothing isn't forcing you other than you yourself because you're afraid of the consequences of your actions. If you really want to play the game you can change the shard then and continue there. I bet there even would be shards where that rule isn't be forced.


People even take high risks IRL. Nothing isn't even forcing you to not to be a mass murderer, you just don't enjoy that or you're afraid to take the risk with your life.

Edited by St. Jimmy

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"Kind of forces". But still you can do whatever you want. Nothing isn't forcing you other than you yourself because you're afraid of the consequences of your actions. If you really want to play the game you can change the shard then and continue there. I bet there even would be shards where that rule isn't be forced.


People even take high risks IRL. Nothing isn't even forcing you to not to be a mass murderer, you just don't enjoy that or you're afraid to take the risk with your life.

Well, yea that is true but you said public hive. Public hive shouldn't have such rules in it. I can understand private but public, no. x|

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Well, yea that is true but you said public hive. Public hive shouldn't have such rules in it. I can understand private but public, no. x|

I'm thinking the opposite that public hive should be THE game and private you can do whatever you want :D

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I'm thinking the opposite that public hive should be THE game and private you can do whatever you want :D

Oh. Oops, sorry.  :blush:

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No cigarettes! I have a need, even in-game, you know :)

Edited by Miracool

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for me it's always been inconsistency, be it in the form of bugs, glitches, behavior of weapons, unreliable damage models, etc.

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I just thought I would point out that DayZ SA has not been in development for 3 years. It was released on Early Access 3 months into principal development. It's not as bad as you seem to think, although I can understand why it might feel that way.

Except that's utter BS made up to make people feel better about the development. It's been more than 2 years since the game entered closed alpha testing alone. We all know when the original November 2012 release was missed that they decided to do bigger things with the game but they didn't just scrap everything they had done at that point, and even if they did, it's still much close to 3 years in development than 2.

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The utter lack of survival-related mechanics and developments in a supposedly-"survival" game.


this, its too much of an hinterland PvP shooter currently. Unless you face a player, survival is just too easy. Judging by this, Call of Duty or Half Life are survival games as well.

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Worst part of dayz is timing. 10 hours (over a few sessions) gearing up and looking for player interaction, eventually start taking fire and have to "combat log" to deal with real life rather than hunting the scoundrel down.


Devs, please could you fix the timing of my "real life". Seriously though, progress has been made, keep up the good work and I'll be back to immerse myself soon.

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How one bullet 7.62mm in diameter manages to break everything in a backpack 1m long and 40cm wide.

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I cant help but feel that this whole game got wrecked by the early access model to be honest...

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It's very clunky and extremely buggy. It does not play smoothly which i would like in a game that often requires quick reactions, also it kills the immersion. It can take ages to do anything in your inventory because sometimes things are so laggy. Picking up things in a hurry and not knowing if you picked it up because it takes so long for it to disappear. Don't even get me started on the performance... Development seems very slow and usually doesn't bring much when they finally update.


Also, when are there going to be bigger servers? 40 players on a map this size isn't really a lot.

Edited by grimsonfart

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Except that's utter BS made up to make people feel better about the development. It's been more than 2 years since the game entered closed alpha testing alone. We all know when the original November 2012 release was missed that they decided to do bigger things with the game but they didn't just scrap everything they had done at that point, and even if they did, it's still much close to 3 years in development than 2.

This. The 2012 release date tells me it was in development for at least 3-4 months before that date, otherwise what were they going to release with 4 months of development time? Look at the development speed now, plus they were far far less developers back then.... I'm calling easily 3 years in development.

Edited by grimsonfart

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Worst part of DayZ is bugs that make you loose your gear permanently. There are a few atm in EXP.


Everything else is pretty manageable.

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Bugs: Nothing quite like hearing shots outside the guard building your in at VMC, taking position with your rifle trained on the stairs, with your back to the wall and facing the corridor.....

only to be shot and killed by invisible players who "apparently" saw me just standing prone and weapon switching!!!!


Thats it for this game. I have gone back to the mod. I feel fucking duped that I have three games that essentially are the same thing. Arma 2 Dayz Mod. DayZ SA and Arma 3 Epoch. who fucking new it!!!!

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Bugs: Nothing quite like hearing shots outside the guard building your in at VMC, taking position with your rifle trained on the stairs, with your back to the wall and facing the corridor.....

only to be shot and killed by invisible players who "apparently" saw me just standing prone and weapon switching!!!!


Thats it for this game. I have gone back to the mod. I feel fucking duped that I have three games that essentially are the same thing. Arma 2 Dayz Mod. DayZ SA and Arma 3 Epoch. who fucking new it!!!!

yeah that sucks, i've started having a better time after i accepted that its just me testing the thing. In the beginning i was more inclined to look at it like a game that should function better than it does. I have moved on from that, you prolly should too.

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