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Day Z Urban Legends

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I was running night ops in Cherno International (sounds badass doesn't it? it wasn't), anyway I as walking by the outer perimeter fence, I hear footsteps, almost beside me I look around, confident by the reassuring advantage given to me by the miracles of Night Vision, and what do I see?


Convinced I'm hearing things I head onwards, onto where all good souls come to rest, North West Airfield. Find nothing other than enough mags to satisfy the USMC's needs for eternity, I delve deeper into Cherno International, near the fire station I hear the footsteps once more, in the fire station. I pop my FAL into burst, prepared and ready to unleash the fury of hell on anyone I meet. I painstakingly make my to the top.


Now, this isn't a server hopper no gear was touched, anywhere in the airport, no gunshots fired, no dead zombies, no suspicious movement anywhere. Once more there was nothing. I was paranoid now, worried about losing my precious gear to a marauding player, I was looking around through the windows of the fire station, near the fence I glimpse a pale object move fast, faster than any player. (maybe it was a rabbit that could I have taken me to wonderland?). I wait out around five more minutes and continued my journey of on looting NWAF, nothing worth writing home about was found. Maybe the mysterious specter had already claimed the gear as its own.


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I noticed another similarity among some of the stories that have been posted here: the presence of mysterious "guardian angels/admin" who help injured survivors or break down zombies for them.

(I have found only sociopathic killers who were desirous of my flashlight, apparently.)

Unfortunately we have no evidence that this really happened.

A member of my team has found a boat, as soon as we get together we want to move towards Sikorsky Island to investigate.

Video please!!!!!!!!

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So check this out. We were walking at some hills at middle of the night when we decided to take a break. My friend was taking a video with fraps when we saw this.

Creepy and funny at the same time.

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Mountain Dew is cursed. I don't know why but everyone who carries one dies a horrible horrible death.

Someone told me once that when the infection hit, and people started to eat each other's faces, a mother, out of love and the foolish belief that things would be ok, tried to save her daughter from the horrors that had began clawing at their doors and windows. The mother had thrown her daughter into the crawl space under the house, nailing it closed. As the infected rushed in, the mother grabbed the closest thing to sustenance she could, a Mountain Dew, and shoved it into the girl's frightened hands. The girl lay cluctching the Mountain Dew as the horrific screams of her neighbours and then finally her mother all fell silent. She lay dying for who knows how long, holding onto that can as the last reminder of her mother and her world lost.

She will hold onto it forever. If you see Mountain Dew DO NOT PICK IT UP. If you know someone with Mountain Dew, do not go near them, break all contact and run away, just run and don't look back.


Edited by ENSLAVER
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Bête Noire in Berezino

Tonight I decided to scavenge in Berezino by myself, as my friend was away for the evening. Having lost my NVG's on an earlier character I had to go without them - the server was dark and raining, but not completely pitch black - things were visible enough to make progress. I didn't find much of real value, just the usual residential loot. As I traveled deeper into the city, I saw a zombie dart across the road, but who it had seen was not visible to me, and it stopped near the supermarket.

Cautiously approaching, I entered through one of the back doors, and proceeded to shut all of them in turn. Upon making a quick, but thorough, sweep of the building, I went to the front of the store to loot what little gear was there. This couldn't have taken more than 20 seconds, given the scarcity of the remaining rations. Upon my return to the rear of the building, I was quite astonished to see all the doors were now open. With no zombies in the immediate vicinity, I assumed that a player was reponsible - perhaps the one who the zombie was chasing earlier.

Somewhat confused by his unusual behaviour, I made a sharp turn to exit through the front entrance, only to see a zombie standing 1 foot beside me. The creature was motionless and silent, and in my haste I fired several rounds to dispatch it, but instead of collapsing to the floor, it inexplicably disappeared in front of me. Perplexed, I looked around to see where it went, but instead I saw that the doors had now been closed again. I crouched in the corner to catch my breath, and alleviate some tension, 'Quite the disappearing act' I thought to myself, 'I must have stumbled upon Houdini's corporeal remains'.

There I stayed, still and silent, for several minutes, unsure of my next move. Finally I mustered the courage to make a break for the front entrance, and hopefully escape the town. But when I reached the door it simply wouldn't open, despite my best efforts. I rushed to the back in a state of panic, trying each door in succession - but each proved to be as immovable as the last. I looked around in horror to see the wretched creature beside me again, as silent and lifeless as before, and with no hesitation, instinct acted upon my trigger finger, but the hollow sound of an empty magazine echoed across the supermarkets grey walls.

As I stood there, completely helpless, the zombies palid lips began to move, and through a cacophony of warped, demonic laughter, it uttered "noigel era ew rof". My screen faded to black, and I can still not bear the thought of playing this game again.

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I seem to have some scary stuff happen to me. Earlier today, after hiking from Elektro to Berezino over the course of a few days to meet up with my friend in Berez, he was shot dead and killed by somebandit after he was setting his options. I thought, OK, time to log out cause we wont be meeting anytime soon. So he calls for us to go to a new server and we do, the only two players being him and me. It's dark out, but with just enough light to make your way by. I'm in the Berezino supermarket when I log in, and he spawned near Kamyshovo.

As I look at my map and plan my route, I exit out of the map and turn to the front doors when... A human shaped shadow darts by the front doors, silent as the night. I check the player list. Only me and him. I look outside andsee nothing, not even a zombie. Throwing a flare to light my way and hopefully extinguish my fears, I dart out of town heading south-east to the main coastal road. Then my friend, lets call him Nate, shrieks.

"You OK dude? Zombie's kill ya this time?" His answer was most uncomforting.

"No man, I saw this guy just run past the building I'm hiding in. Full sprint and everything." I check the player list. Again, we are the only two on the server. What the hell was going on?

"OK, just stay there and turn off your light, I'll come get you." Now after both of us seeing the same thing, kilometers apart, within the span of about two minutes we both know something's effed up. Nate decides to come meet me halfway because he's kind of freaking out. So we both run along the train tracks hoping to find each other.

After I pass Solnichniy heading south along the tracks I come to a small village. The tracks run through it, and I skirt the town along the forest's edge as I see the zombie count increase and they begin coming out from behind buildings. No big deal I thought, they can't see me when it's this dark. As I stuck just outside the treeline I checked my map to see where I was. After looking south of Solnichniy, I saw that there were no settlements or buildings from Sol until you hit Kamyshovo. Where the hell was I? It felt like this was the part of the map that "Here there be monsters" referred to. Staying as far from the town as I could without losing the coast I immediately noticed what appeared to be a survivor running through the woods in front of me, followed by 1-3 zombies. So I call Nate up again.

"Dude, you getting chased by zombies again?"

"Just walking along the tracks, no zombies in sight." wut. Checking the server list again, I notice that we are STILL alone on the server. No zombies attacked me, or Nate, and I definately saw a survivor running past me into the forest. Did we see the ghost of some guy who aggroed in this tiny ghost village and ran off into the woods? Was it the same thing I saw in Berez, and Nate saw in Kamyshovo? What the hell did I see?

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I seem to have some scary stuff happen to me. Earlier today, after hiking from Elektro to Berezino over the course of a few days to meet up with my friend in Berez, he was shot dead and killed by somebandit after he was setting his options. I thought, OK, time to log out cause we wont be meeting anytime soon. So he calls for us to go to a new server and we do, the only two players being him and me. It's dark out, but with just enough light to make your way by. I'm in the Berezino supermarket when I log in, and he spawned near Kamyshovo.

As I look at my map and plan my route, I exit out of the map and turn to the front doors when... A human shaped shadow darts by the front doors, silent as the night. I check the player list. Only me and him. I look outside andsee nothing, not even a zombie. Throwing a flare to light my way and hopefully extinguish my fears, I dart out of town heading south-east to the main coastal road. Then my friend, lets call him Nate, shrieks.

"You OK dude? Zombie's kill ya this time?" His answer was most uncomforting.

"No man, I saw this guy just run past the building I'm hiding in. Full sprint and everything." I check the player list. Again, we are the only two on the server. What the hell was going on?

"OK, just stay there and turn off your light, I'll come get you." Now after both of us seeing the same thing, kilometers apart, within the span of about two minutes we both know something's effed up. Nate decides to come meet me halfway because he's kind of freaking out. So we both run along the train tracks hoping to find each other.

After I pass Solnichniy heading south along the tracks I come to a small village. The tracks run through it, and I skirt the town along the forest's edge as I see the zombie count increase and they begin coming out from behind buildings. No big deal I thought, they can't see me when it's this dark. As I stuck just outside the treeline I checked my map to see where I was. After looking south of Solnichniy, I saw that there were no settlements or buildings from Sol until you hit Kamyshovo. Where the hell was I? It felt like this was the part of the map that "Here there be monsters" referred to. Staying as far from the town as I could without losing the coast I immediately noticed what appeared to be a survivor running through the woods in front of me, followed by 1-3 zombies. So I call Nate up again.

"Dude, you getting chased by zombies again?"

"Just walking along the tracks, no zombies in sight." wut. Checking the server list again, I notice that we are STILL alone on the server. No zombies attacked me, or Nate, and I definately saw a survivor running past me into the forest. Did we see the ghost of some guy who aggroed in this tiny ghost village and ran off into the woods? Was it the same thing I saw in Berez, and Nate saw in Kamyshovo? What the hell did I see?

Oh, that would be this

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Ive had so much fun reading this. ERHMAGHERD

As someone stated earlier, the fence rattle thingy is the sound that indicates that new Zombies have spawned near you

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Anyone tried to bring down the Green Mountain tower with satchel charges? I heard whispers that someone is trying to amass enough to have a go.

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Anyone tried to bring down the Green Mountain tower with satchel charges? I heard whispers that someone is trying to amass enough to have a go.

Hmm, if I could ever get one to spawn I would gladly aid in this endeavour. Even if only to temporarily remove that infernal spire. Maybe after tonights loot raids I might be able to.

We should definitely create an anti-paranormal task force. Founded to fight the evils that Green Mountain spews forth.

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I always heard that Black Lake was kind of a strange place so I decided to check it out while doing some hunting in the area.

I didn't expect to see much.

I approached the lake from the west and as I got a good view of it I thought I saw something crossing the water. It was late in the day so I thought it might be a reflection or a bird flying low.

I got a bit closer and saw that whatever it was, it stopped near the shore so I quickly took these screenshots:



Would have taken more but about a minute later I was looking at the death screen.

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Alligators? Oh I really hope rocket is adding alligators. TO hell with wether they should be there or not

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Oh, that would be this

wait, so Slender man came after me because he though I was Michael?

Goddamnit achievement hunter, i used to like you guys

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I always heard that Black Lake was kind of a strange place so I decided to check it out while doing some hunting in the area.

I didn't expect to see much.

I approached the lake from the west and as I got a good view of it I thought I saw something crossing the water. It was late in the day so I thought it might be a reflection or a bird flying low.

I got a bit closer and saw that whatever it was, it stopped near the shore so I quickly took these screenshots:



Would have taken more but about a minute later I was looking at the death screen.

Crikey, look at the size of him! Watch while i jump in and shove my finger up his ass!

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Putting this here because someone requested I do so.


I thought I knew what silence was. The truth of the matter is even in the wilds of chernarus, it's never silent. Even if you're far from the death-rattled of the walking dead, or thesound of gunfire from the towns, you're never truly immersed in silence. The sound of the wildlife, of twigs cracking underfoot as I moved slowly through the woodland with a friend. All these sounds are with you constantly. You don't notice them until they're gone.

Real silence is oppressive, all-consuming, terrifying. I hadn't experienced it before.

I used to travel with a friend. He was a good man, good company. We had heard about a military outpost at Green Mountain. We had been running out of ammunition, and since hunting was our primary method of keeping ourselves well fed, we journeyed westwards towards the place. It's impossible to miss, the giant radio tower rising vertically into the clouds from it's prominant position on top of the mountain. We expected someone had already scouted the place out and looted it clean, but we had to check. It beat the alternatives of venturing into one of the towns. people, we came to realise, were death. Best to avoid them as much as possible.

The journey didn't take long, a few miles by foot to the base of the mountain. Quiet and uneventful... But it struck me there was something odd about this lonely tower. As we aproached I could hardly keep my eyes off it. It seemed cold, stark, bleak, but it had a certain draw to me.

"That thing gives me the creeps." I said to my friend, glancing over at him.

We never spoke to each other much, even though we had been travelling together, surviving together for a week or more. The necessities of life didn't need talking about. There wasn't much to say, we understood one another's situation, the circumstances, and had come to accept them.

He responded with a nod and kept walking slowly up the slope, following the track from Pass Sosnovy. That was enough for me, at least I knew that my concerns were shared, and I wasn't losing it, or rather... wasn't losing it any more than anyone else.

Our pace slowed, something seemed to be holding us back, but we both still felt a draw to the mountain, to that cold steel structure. That's when we noticed it. Silence. Not the normal silence, but real silence. Not a sound. All I could hear was our footsteps, my own heartrate slowly speeding up, my breathing... Nothing else. The birds had stopped singing, the wind wasn't moving the trees. Silence.

I glanced at my friend, trying to find something to say, some words... Something to fill the void, but everything I considered saying didn't seem right. The colour had drained from his face, and mine as well presumably. A cold chill crept up my spine as we approached the gates.

Nothing moved. We crouched in the undergrowth and scanned for any sign of movement. The place seemed dead. There were corpses piled high in the compound, but we didn't see any zombies. We bottled up our courage and slowly moved inside the fenced area. I glanced up at the radio tower once more, my heart in my mouth, and then I saw it... Movement up near the railing, a man disappearing just out of sight around the tower.

"Drop" I muttered to my friend, almost silently. He did, quietly moving to a prone position and crawling to the wall of the old military building.

"Wait there..." I crouched and walked to the door of the tower. Stupid, I know... We should have just left there and then, just cut our losses and headed back down to Pass Sosnovy, but something wasn't working right in my head. Hindsight is always 20/20.

I entered the building, feeling my ears ringing against the unbearable silence, my heart pounding in my chest as I slowly and carfully climbed the ladder. I reached the top, poking my head above the level of the walkway and looking around... Nothing, not a single movement. I climbed up onto the walkway and looked around. Then I heard it...

A thud, wet sounding, like a body hitting the floor. I span around and looked down at the ground to see my friend on his back, unconcious. I climbed back down the ladder and ran across the compound to him. He was out cold, breathing, strong pulse, not an injury on him. I looked around again, and saw nothing. The silence was pressing against my ears. I wanted to scream out just to break it, but I could't make my vocal chords work. I dragged him out of there, down the slope and away from that horrifying place.

As we moved further away, my friend over my shoulder, I began to hear sounds again, the birds started to sing again, and the wind gently rustled through the trees. I put him on the ground and attempted to coax him back to conciousness. After a few minutes, his eyes opened... Wide, terrified. He stared at me with absolute horror in his eyes.

"G... get away from me..."

He backed away, his face pale. His hand went for his gun, he drew it and pointed it at my head.

"Whoa..." I tried to remain calm "Keep it cool... We're just down the slope from Green Mountain. You passed out, I had to drag you down here. Any idea what did this to you?"

He stared at me, a manic gaze.

"You did... You... Just, get away from me."

I tried to placate him. I told him what had happened, how I'd climbed the tower after seeing a man, then looked down to see him out cold, but he didn't believe a word of it.

I've not seen him since, that friend of mine. He left... We agreed to split our equipment between us. He thought he'd be better on his own.

I've not been back to Green Mountain since that day, and I have no wish to return. But that lonely steel structure brushing the sky still has a certain draw to me. On lonely evenings I often catch myself staring at it in the distance.

Never go to Green Mountain. There's nothing there but fear and horrible, all-consuming silence.

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Hmm, if I could ever get one to spawn I would gladly aid in this endeavour. Even if only to temporarily remove that infernal spire. Maybe after tonights loot raids I might be able to.

We should definitely create an anti-paranormal task force. Founded to fight the evils that Green Mountain spews forth.

Lets get some satchels together and bring the Evil Tower down. Someone bring a video camera!

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But what ifthe evil is CONTAINED within that tower, not eminating from it? Couldn't bringing down the tower do more harm than good if that was the case?

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But what ifthe evil is CONTAINED within that tower, not eminating from it? Couldn't bringing down the tower do more harm than good if that was the case?

Good point.

I still say bring it down though - my guess is that it would "mysteriously" rebuild itself anyway!

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But what ifthe evil is CONTAINED within that tower, not eminating from it? Couldn't bringing down the tower do more harm than good if that was the case?

It's doing a pretty shitty job containing it if you ask me. I say BRING IT DOWNNNN

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Basically, this is what happened after going to the mountain we shouldnt talk about.post-60114-0-71448600-1343875229_thumb.j

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It's doing a pretty shitty job containing it if you ask me. I say BRING IT DOWNNNN

What if the tower is actually doing an EXCELLENT job of containing it? I mean, there is a whole lot of evil there, we know that much. But do we know exactly HOW MUCH? I fear if that tower falls, then Chernarus will be plunged into a dark age of such unimaginable cruelty and evil that the world as we know it will cease to exist, and mankind shall truly fall so far as to not even be able to recognize Redemption.

On a side note, nothing ventured nothing gained. let's waste this bitch!

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