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    Woodland Warrior
  1. I think most people will agree that the amount of hours they have gotten from DayZ would rival and $60 game, specially any that were released this year. Personally I have spent more than 200 hours playing dayz, 150 more than Diablo III, considering I only paid $17 for arma II I am happy I have gotten so much out of it.

    Which Graphic Card is best?

    Unless you are buying a $5K Alienware laptop you won't be able to run it. Full stop. I don't think anyone in this thread actually took the time to read your post, seems to be a disease around here.. Get a cheap laptop for whatever you do and a standard PC with a good graphics card for gaming. You will be able to afford both for half the price of an alienware laptop that can run all the games...

    DayZ Disconnecting my internet

    Have you tried dayz on other computers? Perhaps the ports dayz requires are forwarded to another address on your network? Try updating your network drivers.
  4. Loot dependent on player population is a nice idea but it would be heavily tied into what kind of server structure they eventually go with. I don't believe population based loot spawning is the best solution if the new server system works like WoW. Unpopulated hives would be more attractive because of more loot and attract more players, evening things out in the long run. Persistent time passage is a great way of wording it :D You made me think about other things apart from loot, INFECTED! Non respawning infected. Dead players become NPC infected but infected don't endlessly spawn. It would be tricky to balance infected population vs server performance, but heres hoping that the new standalone is a lot better optimized for huge numbers of infected. This would work well with the idea of having an extremely large map where the player population moves away from cities and coastal areas to safer areas (north?). Why are you not a fan of keeping your character in game when logged out? (just curious). I'm not sure of any game where your body stays in the world when you log out. It could be a real feature. But you are right it would depend on the type of server.


    Dat grass
  6. how do i play big booty bitches over direct
  7. Hey, this is a nice idea but do you really apply perks to yourself in real life? I am not trying to make a "realism" argument just that the idea of perks as described doesn't really fit with the game. I do support a modular character system. The ideas you propose are pretty much impossible to implement in the current engine without a huge amount of work, therefore I will address them as if they are aimed at the standalone game. It would be more appropriate to solve these with more complex game mechanics. Eating a lot of food over a long period of time could increase your weight (fat or muscle) and thus your health, but also makes you run more slowly. Mechanics like this would have to be under the bonnet so to speak, and have no real indicator system (numbers/badges/runes/etc) apart from how your character acts and looks. Another example is a medic, since backpack space is limited it's possible to define "classes" or "jobs" by items, and intentions you carry with them. I hope in the standalone version you can wear any number of clothes you find (A dress on a big hairy guy? http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01725/dead-risingtwo4_1725692c.jpg Yes, like dead rising, but more realistic..). 1. Find clothes that look like medic clothes. 2. Find medic items and use them as you please. Even if someone found some kind of medic clothes, they might not have the intentions of being a medic and use them to lure people closer before axing them to death :D
  8. lol and I had so such high hopes when I read the thread title.... inb4 where is your god now

    gas more rare and cars more common!

    Gas definitely would be a finite and exponentially valuable rescource after the outbreak, not only gas but vehicle parts. This is a good idea. Hopefully we can test it in arma II before it goes into standalone. I disagree that cars should be thought of as rare. They should only be limited by 1. Server stress and 2. Breaking immersion, if it felt as if there were too many cars than there actually would be in the area. I am not really familiar with the Chernarus history and why noone actually owns a car. "It's been ravaged by communism and civil war" is not a great excuse for limiting cars. Not sure how people will fuel their choppers, maybe they will need to eat lots of beans and produce another kind of gas. Edit: It would be possible for a group of players to control a gas station and trade gas for things like food/ammunition/chopper parts/vehicles.

    Rocket you silly

    It's a feature to keep you on your toes :D


    You have to admit it's better than randomly nuking everyone on a server or just spawning a really nice gun just to shoot people. I also quite enjoy watching parachuting cows, being a chicken, etc. Thunderdome (even though yes, you are mad because you lost your 'hard earned' gear and life, is an interesting idea. Perhaps they will make a destruction derby thunderdome next. (pls pls pls pls pls pls) It's sad that people who obviously have enjoyed dayz at one point or another are so lacking in creativity and imagination. They truly could make the game so much better if they put some effort into it.

    Switching weapons whilst running

    In the long term-standalone-future this is a must.


    Atleast they are mildly creative. I don't mind creative scripters. It's the 12 year old kids that get mad and run kill commands or nuke the server just because no female humans have talked to them.