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Rogo Ignoscant

Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

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You're right guys' date=' if the world ended and there were no rules or laws we'd all sit down together and have a picnic. We totally don't exploit animals and other people in disgusting ways on a daily basis. Every single person without exception would start a giant hippy communion and we'd all live happily ever after.

Because that's how the real world works.

:heart: "All you need is love." :) - John Lennon... Know what happened to him? He got shot.

While you're building your hippy camp I'll be waiting until you've almost finished so I can execute you all and take your hippy camp.


Ah, the classic strawman argument. How cute.

Nobody here has claimed that everyone would have a picnic, and I haven't seen anybody claim that there wouldn't be violence. Human nature is to fight for survival, and you're more likely to survive in realistic (irony unintended) situations if you work together. Its both the smart thing to do and what human nature pushes most people into doing, as we are social creatures by instinct.

The most likely situation for people that think like you, or at least the vast minority of people out of the ones that act like you do on the internet (but are a complete wimp in the real world), is to try to kill others and take what they have.

Then live in total isolation from human society, hated by any organized groups that do inevitably form because you don't follow their rules (even basic unspoken rules of human conduct, like not randomly killing). This will make life more difficult, not easier, and assuming you didn't get shot by the first group you came across that was even remotely armed and organized, you would die eventually. Die a death alone, weak, and with nothing to show for it except a body count and a life that was far more difficult than it would have been if you weren't an outcast.

I'm really only stating the obvious, however. Strawman arguments tend to come from either the ignorant or simply unintelligent, and if reading the rest of what is in this thread doesn't give you some basic knowledge (these aren't very advanced concepts either) as to how things would play out, then what I say isn't going to change that.

Honestly, this talk of being a badass if you were ever in a real-world survival situation is hilarious as well. Hearing it from a person in the real world is sketchy at best, as people love to inflate their egos when not simply deluded. Hearing it from somebody through the internet is laughable in the majority of cases. Hearing it from somebody who is posting on a zombie mod survival forum is probably one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

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Ah, the classic strawman argument. How cute.

Nobody here has claimed that everyone would have a picnic, and I haven't seen anybody claim that there wouldn't be violence. Human nature is to fight for survival, and you're more likely to survive in realistic (irony unintended) situations if you work together. Its both the smart thing to do and what human nature pushes most people into doing, as we are social creatures by instinct.

The most likely situation for people that think like you, or at least the vast minority of people out of the ones that act like you do on the internet (but are a complete wimp in the real world), is to try to kill others and take what they have.

Then live in total isolation from human society, hated by any organized groups that do inevitably form because you don't follow their rules (even basic unspoken rules of human conduct, like not randomly killing). This will make life more difficult, not easier, and assuming you didn't get shot by the first group you came across that was even remotely armed and organized, you would die eventually. Die a death alone, weak, and with nothing to show for it except a body count and a life that was far more difficult than it would have been if you weren't an outcast.

I'm really only stating the obvious, however. Strawman arguments tend to come from either the ignorant or simply unintelligent, and if reading the rest of what is in this thread doesn't give you some basic knowledge (these aren't very advanced concepts either) as to how things would play out, then what I say isn't going to change that.

Honestly, this talk of being a badass if you were ever in a real-world survival situation is hilarious as well. Hearing it from a person in the real world is sketchy at best, as people love to inflate their egos when not simply deluded. Hearing it from somebody through the internet is laughable in the majority of cases. Hearing it from somebody who is posting on a zombie mod survival forum is probably one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

.... could not have said it better myself.

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Both "sides" of this thread is hilarious to me. On one side you've got the socipaths just waiting burst nd on the other you've got the people who've never struggled a single day in their life talking about how "most" people on the planet would band together and then they'd protect each other with rainbows and lollipops.

I wish my real life so black and white.

What the f%#k do you know about anything, you sell shoes for a living and I believe you'll shoot your wife the first chance you get. oh wait....

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Hurricane Katrina, if the national guard wasn't deployed, there several an by several I mean a shit ton of incidents that reflected no morality at all. Someone shot a humanitarian helicopter. In a apocalypse I would do as I would now. If they were a threat I would put them down, otherwise I would let them go along as they were. There a few other factors, but you get the idea.

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I would have given more beans to those wonderful counterposts but my backpack is empty now. Retards will always be retards no matter what you say. If they think they can really survive in a disaster no matter what kind ( either zombie, natural disaster or whatever may come in mind ) they should try it. They wouldnt even get survive the night. People group up because it makes thing easier and scarce food doesn't make them animals killing eachother for it, sharing is a trait even the lowest primate knows. The worst animal is the human animal but only if he/she is not raised correct.

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I know this dead horse has been beaten too much, but I'll bite. Responses are in red.

1. Supplies. They are short, and two mouths to feed is harder than one. And face it, you might just be carrying something I can use.

Supplies spawn out of nothing. In real life, supplies are indeed scarce and don't just simply "spawn". And guess what? You lack the necessary skills to make those supplies on your own. You can't just randomly drink any water you find (ever heard of cholera?). You think you can manufacture weapons and ammo on your own? Someone needs to make those too. You know enough to drill your own oil and refine it into gasoline on your own? Didn't think so. What if you get sick or shot? You think just simply applying a simple bandage will magically heal you?

2. Liability. If at any point they are bitten / converted / hungry / infected / hurt I would have to use rationed supplies of medical gear to support and/or aid them. Medical gear that I could use on myself.

I already mentioned this on point 1 above. A simple bandage won't cure you from a gunshot. A morphine won't heal your broken leg. What about infection? I don't think you have enough medical knowledge to "heal" yourself out of every medical condition you get yourself into.

3. Trust. Who is this stranger? Are they going to kill me for my limited supplies? How can I trust him/her. There is a high possibility at the point in which I sleep I may never wake up again.

Fair enough. I can buy this argument. But I can also turn the tables on you. Do you really want to sleep alone forever? Anyone, even wild animals have a high possibility to kill you in your sleep.

4. Experience. Everyone reacts to a disaster differently. There are some that huddle together and pray, others that loot the rubble of a city shattering earthquake and others again that simply learn rapidly to adapt to their surroundings. There is no telling what kind of murderous experiences this person has had to do to survive. Including killing friends, family members and relatives.

True, but eventually, people will realize that working together for a common good is much more beneficial than working alone for reasons I stated above. Even animals form packs. I swear, sometimes animals have higher IQ than us, humans.

5. Fear. Quite simply at the point where a world has been turned upside down I'd be petrified of just about everything. A realistic approach to any situation. Panic sets in and fight or flight takes over - trust goes out the window.

Repeat of number 4 above.

6. Disease. I don't know who you are, where you've been or what you are carrying. My survival may rely on what little medical supplies I could scavenge together and in a world where a cold or diarrhea could be fatal - I want you as far away from me as possible.

Right, and that person you just turned away/killed may as well be a doctor or a nurse. Too bad, now that you caught cholera from that contaminated water that you drank several hours ago, you only have yourself to rely on. Have fun.

7. Mental Distress. Many disorders occur during high stress situations, including mental distress, dementia, over self preservation, delusion etc. There is no telling what kind of mental state a person is in after that kind of traumatic experience. There is also no telling what mental state I would be in - you have to factor in the fact that you might just go bat shit crazy. You never know, maybe its you who are the crazed bandit that finds power in numbers and goes around killing and taking what you need. Whats stopping you?

Fair enough. But killing everyone senselessly is just as likely to induce this mental condition. Ever heard of PTSD? Killing takes guts. Not everyone has the mental capacity to do it. This game doesn't exactly convey this idea because you know that bunch of pixels you just wasted will simply respawn 5 seconds later.

8. Bandit Packs. I hate to say this but yes, it would happen. People would band together and forge a new life for themselves, strongest first. Weakest second. The meek are not the mighty.

You just made my argument. You find strength and security in numbers. Civilizations evolved for this very reason. You think we got to where we are today by chance? Yes, there will be some conflicts, that's inevitable considering how dynamic the human race is. But, eventually, we'll realize that the benefits of working together far outweighs the benefits of senselessly killing each other. It's what we call progress.

9. Oppression. Women would become a commodity. People have needs and without law and order, people take what they want. And often kill for it. A persons rights no longer exist when there is no law or repercussions. I for one would immediately turn away anyone of female gender as a companion due to their pull and / or value in such a situation. (I know this is sexist, but lets be 'realistic' here for a minute.)

Too hot of a subject, not touching this one with a ten-foot pole.

10. Area Denial. If you're making a living in a 256 x 256 square mile radius and there are fifty other people or more trying to stay alive in the same area - you're going to have some conflict. Zombies or no someones going to want to take someone out. Whats mine is mine, whats yours can also be mine.

Greed is human nature, that much is certain. That's why we have wars. But wars don't last forever. History has proven that to us time and time again.

So saying 'IN A REAL SITUATION!!' is moot really ... in a 'real' situation it would be doggy dog and people would kill each other just as viciously as they do in the game.

What? You have any proof of that? If you even did any research, you'd know history says otherwise. Google/wiki Toba Eruption. The human race actually went through such an apocalypse event 65k years ago that killed off our population to just several thousands. It's the reason most of our genes are the same (the genetic bottleneck). If everyone really did just go around senselessly kill each other, we'd be extinct as a population already.

Edited by Whattteva

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While it's true humanity tends to group together, in high stress situations those groups are extremely... close knit. If you're sitting on top of a hill with your closest friends during a zombie apocalypse and see someone running in the distance with a bag of supplies and a gun, then I guarantee you're going to have a LOT of thoughts of pulling that trigger. Why wouldn't you? It's stupid not to. He has supplies you need. He could be a threat later on. He's as afraid of you as you are of him, and you're with your closest of friends. You have all the people you'll ever need to trust right next to you. It's not worth the risk meeting a new person.

It's very realistic to kill on sight. It should be a number one policy for people who have close knit groups. For people on their own, they'll want to do everything they can to earn the trust of those groups. To be honest, there's not much that's changed from current social state. People do everything they can to be with other people in awkward social situations.

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Many people got all the good gears and start shooting people for fun because it's a game and they have nothing else left to do. In reality, people would try to retore some sort of order or society and try to eliminate zombies. You can do neither of these in DayZ, so don't even think of talking about realism based on people's behavier in this game.

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While it's true humanity tends to group together, in high stress situations those groups are extremely... close knit. If you're sitting on top of a hill with your closest friends during a zombie apocalypse and see someone running in the distance with a bag of supplies and a gun, then I guarantee you're going to have a LOT of thoughts of pulling that trigger. Why wouldn't you? It's stupid not to. He has supplies you need. He could be a threat later on. He's as afraid of you as you are of him, and you're with your closest of friends. You have all the people you'll ever need to trust right next to you. It's not worth the risk meeting a new person.

It's very realistic to kill on sight. It should be a number one policy for people who have close knit groups. For people on their own, they'll want to do everything they can to earn the trust of those groups. To be honest, there's not much that's changed from current social state. People do everything they can to be with other people in awkward social situations.

Tell me, when do you think your closest friend will stab you in the back? Hm?? Happens in the game, happens IRL too. I'd take no chances and kill him, you never know what drives him to kill you later. Remember, in your opinion you can survive better on your own, friends are not neccesary.

My opinion: your opinion is weak.

Edited by Enforcer

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What I personally would do is trust pretty much everyone. If I help out the weak and don't bother the strong nothing but a zombie is gonna get a 15 year old guy. I mean noone in their right mind would shoot a teenager after he just gave you some of his scarce food and wished you good luck. And if that did happen (Which I hope it wouldn't) at least I would have the comfort of not knowing when it is coming and have a quick and painless death.

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Could'nt resist!!!

TEN Reasons why your a fucking psychopath!!

1. Supplies. They are short, and two mouths to feed is harder than one. And face it, you might just be carrying something I can use.

It would be easier to obtain more supplys if there is more than one. Carry something you can use like what!!! You talking real life here not a game he would have fuck all just like you!!!

2. Liability. If at any point they are bitten / converted / hungry / infected / hurt I would have to use rationed supplies of medical gear to support and/or aid them. Medical gear that I could use on myself.

Yer great idea you break both arms you on your own what then ??? Oh by the way in real life you break a bone, the arm leg or whatever its fucking usless, unless you want a compound fracture. Which can lead to more blood loss, and no morphine wont help!!!

3. Trust. Who is this stranger? Are they going to kill me for my limited supplies? How can I trust him/her. There is a high possibility at the point in which I sleep I may never wake up again.

I dont really think trust is going to come into it really, any face that aint an infected will be welcome. In real life you would be shitting you pants FACT!!!

4. Experience. Everyone reacts to a disaster differently. There are some that huddle together and pray, others that loot the rubble of a city shattering earthquake and others again that simply learn rapidly to adapt to their surroundings. There is no telling what kind of murderous experiences this person has had to do to survive. Including killing friends, family members and relatives.

90% would huddle/band together, the retards and psychopaths would try it on, but in the end they would end up outlaws, demented and dead!!!

5. Fear. Quite simply at the point where a world has been turned upside down I'd be petrified of just about everything. A realistic approach to any situation. Panic sets in and fight or flight takes over - trust goes out the window.

As I have said most would shit a brick and would love nothing better than to see a fellow human being.

6. Disease. I don't know who you are, where you've been or what you are carrying. My survival may rely on what little medical supplies I could scavenge together and in a world where a cold or diarrhea could be fatal - I want you as far away from me as possible.

Where are all these medical supplys coming from you are mentioning !!! They kept under lock and key in every chemist, hospital etc. They dont appear in the middle of waiting room floors in real life. So chances are you have, a bandage ,paracetamol, a few plasters and a fucking nappy pin!!!

7. Mental Distress. Many disorders occur during high stress situations, including mental distress, dementia, over self preservation, delusion etc. There is no telling what kind of mental state a person is in after that kind of traumatic experience. There is also no telling what mental state I would be in - you have to factor in the fact that you might just go bat shit crazy. You never know, maybe its you who are the crazed bandit that finds power in numbers and goes around killing and taking what you need. Whats stopping you?

This is something that would happen over time since the infection broke out/society break down. 99.9% of people would break down at some point, how bad depends on mental dispostion and enviroment.

The psychopaths like yourself would be the first as you would not have any cohesion within a group and would fuck up somewhere along the line. Z FOOD!!

8. Bandit Packs. I hate to say this but yes, it would happen. People would band together and forge a new life for themselves, strongest first. Weakest second. The meek are not the mighty.

We not really pack animals, we can act like it but at the end of the day all you have is INFECTED & HUMAN, so in real life, fact is most humans would stick together.

9. Oppression. Women would become a commodity. People have needs and without law and order, people take what they want. And often kill for it. A persons rights no longer exist when there is no law or repercussions. I for one would immediately turn away anyone of female gender as a companion due to their pull and / or value in such a situation. (I know this is sexist, but lets be 'realistic' here for a minute.)

Yes women would become a valued thing as the first thing we would need to do is fuck like rabbits, as soon as a stronghold was found. But because of value they would be treated like queens, and be given everything to ensure survival of the human species.

10. Area Denial. If you're making a living in a 256 x 256 square mile radius and there are fifty other people or more trying to stay alive in the same area - you're going to have some conflict. Zombies or no someones going to want to take someone out. Whats mine is mine, whats yours can also be mine.

Are you for fucking real!!! You say real life yer!!! 256sq fucking miles 1 person, please come on you be lucky to secure a fucking shed on your own never mind 256sq miles!!!!

Just saying !!!! B)

Edited by Itchy

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i would like myself to think that my ingame char is basically a mentally ill person who shoot humans because he has a long pig fetish, gotta eat ya know?

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If you really believe that if this was a 'real' simulation and there was 'consequences' to your actions if you murder someone and people would for some reason 'not' kill each other in a zombie apocalypse. You're deluded. Shooting on sight might just be your key to survival - any interaction you take with another person would be entirely at your own risk. Who's to say they won't just shoot you first?

TEN Reasons why I would kill anyone I met in real life during a zombie apoc:

(assuming they ignored warnings to keep away .. or I just needed something)

1. Supplies. They are short, and two mouths to feed is harder than one. And face it, you might just be carrying something I can use.

2. Liability. If at any point they are bitten / converted / hungry / infected / hurt I would have to use rationed supplies of medical gear to support and/or aid them. Medical gear that I could use on myself.

3. Trust. Who is this stranger? Are they going to kill me for my limited supplies? How can I trust him/her. There is a high possibility at the point in which I sleep I may never wake up again.

4. Experience. Everyone reacts to a disaster differently. There are some that huddle together and pray, others that loot the rubble of a city shattering earthquake and others again that simply learn rapidly to adapt to their surroundings. There is no telling what kind of murderous experiences this person has had to do to survive. Including killing friends, family members and relatives.

5. Fear. Quite simply at the point where a world has been turned upside down I'd be petrified of just about everything. A realistic approach to any situation. Panic sets in and fight or flight takes over - trust goes out the window.

6. Disease. I don't know who you are, where you've been or what you are carrying. My survival may rely on what little medical supplies I could scavenge together and in a world where a cold or diarrhea could be fatal - I want you as far away from me as possible.

7. Mental Distress. Many disorders occur during high stress situations, including mental distress, dementia, over self preservation, delusion etc. There is no telling what kind of mental state a person is in after that kind of traumatic experience. There is also no telling what mental state I would be in - you have to factor in the fact that you might just go bat shit crazy. You never know, maybe its you who are the crazed bandit that finds power in numbers and goes around killing and taking what you need. Whats stopping you?

8. Bandit Packs. I hate to say this but yes, it would happen. People would band together and forge a new life for themselves, strongest first. Weakest second. The meek are not the mighty.

9. Oppression. Women would become a commodity. People have needs and without law and order, people take what they want. And often kill for it. A persons rights no longer exist when there is no law or repercussions. I for one would immediately turn away anyone of female gender as a companion due to their pull and / or value in such a situation. (I know this is sexist, but lets be 'realistic' here for a minute.)

10. Area Denial. If you're making a living in a 256 x 256 square mile radius and there are fifty other people or more trying to stay alive in the same area - you're going to have some conflict. Zombies or no someones going to want to take someone out. Whats mine is mine, whats yours can also be mine.

So saying 'IN A REAL SITUATION!!' is moot really ... in a 'real' situation it would be doggy dog and people would kill each other just as viciously as they do in the game.

As for being shot in game, if you take the chance to help someone out / take them out completely its an unrealistic in game decision. A lot of people play this game for the experience - and once that experience is over they turn to banditry. What else are you going to do with an AS50, a backpack full of ammo and a range finder. You could die and loot it all again or you can shoot people.

People who agree with this person, are most likely to be the first ones to die / become infected if a real zombie outbreak would occur.. I wouldnt even give them 7 days. Unless they camp in there mothers basement like they do now.

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The difference between real life and DayZ is this: When you die in DayZ, it's your fault. You did something WRONG and you DIED because of it.

What we did wrong was try and play the game?

That's the core issue of DayZ. You're playing it wrong (I.E. dying) if you treat it as anything more than a singleplayer wilderness survival simulator.

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"9. Oppression. Women would become a commodity. People have needs and without law and order, people take what they want. And often kill for it. A persons rights no longer exist when there is no law or repercussions. I for one would immediately turn away anyone of female gender as a companion due to their pull and / or value in such a situation. (I know this is sexist, but lets be 'realistic' here for a minute.)"

Bullshit. We arent items for survive.

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What we did wrong was try and play the game?

That's the core issue of DayZ. You're playing it wrong (I.E. dying) if you treat it as anything more than a singleplayer wilderness survival simulator.

"You're playing it wrong", lol.... I say, "you're holding it wrong". Yes, I am Steve Jobs.

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I honestly can't take any of this seriously...

I think the way people play games can never be compared to life. The death penalty in this game, while harsh, is not ANYWHERE NEAR the death penalty for the real world. Even though in game we play a certain play style, the truth of the matter is in real life we would all react differently. Over my gaming career, across all games, I've probably killed hundred of thousands of NPCs/players. Now, do you know how many REAL people I've ever kill in real life? ZERO. So it's all bullshit to talk about "well in real life, I'd party with my 3 closest friends and shoot everyone else on sight" or "I'd run around giving blood bags to the injured because I'm the white knight." Chances are, you'd be shitting your pants waiting to die like most of us.

There's going to be a time when we're going to have to come to face the fact that this is a game. I'd rather be entertained and having fun than seriously debating what I'd actually do in a zombie apocalypse.

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Heres a reason to ignore all of those reasons in the zombie apocalypse.

Your generation would be the last if you killed on sight as no one would be there to carry on the human race

Lets say for a moment that the unthinkable day z has arrived in real life.

I would shoot to defend myself or my people, anyone wishing to join us would have to surrender their weapons etc until they can be trusted, it would be their price to share our food etc and I would make them work hard until I think they can be trusted.

If someone looked odd, or untrustworthy (see the walking dead episode where two guys keep asking questions to rick, how many of you are there? Where is your camp? What weapons have you got? Do you have women?, these questions thrown into a conversation would make me immdietly suspicious)

If I were forced to shoot, I would take out their shooting arm only, this is enough to cripple them and less likely to be padded with a flak jacket of some kind.

I have no problem shooting someone in this situation as I know I would not be aiming to kill (unless we were forced to)

Then I would leave them to die for trying to rob us etc, only in a real firefight do I need to kill

And what was that bullshit about women? Their are female soldiers in the armies around the world, female police officers in every country more or less, they know how to fight, shoot and can probably do it as well as us guys, that point isnt even valid, you make it sound like they will spent the entire apocolypse crying in the corner, which I think half of the so called 'hard boys' would do the same, shit themselves

And a last thing,when your staring down someone it isnt easy to pull the trigger in real life. The only reason this happens in game is because it has no conciquences, you can hide behind a computer and the guy you killed can never find you.

In real life people have friends and other people looking out for them

I think your under the impression that if you die in real life, you will just respawn on the beach.........good luck with that

Edited by thelonewarrior

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Tell me, when do you think your closest friend will stab you in the back? Hm?? Happens in the game, happens IRL too. I'd take no chances and kill him, you never know what drives him to kill you later. Remember, in your opinion you can survive better on your own, friends are not neccesary.

My opinion: your opinion is weak.

Really? Your friends stab you in the back? I think you need new friends. People naturally enjoy groups. When you're in a secure and safe group, you enjoy the company.

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i'm hungry. Shoot on sight ain't real if you don't have a weapon im gonna use you then rape your dead corpse

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In real life, people are generally not able to handle advanced military equipment, fly a helicopter, be capable of reparing everything from a motorcyle to said helicopter, administer medical sophisticated enough to set a bone, all while being a capable hunter.

People have different proficencies (e.g. a doctor and a mechanic) which immensely increase their chance of survival together. Not to mention the mere fact that having three people allow you to sleep in shifts, preventing you from being eaten in the middle of the night.

These are hardly realistic reasons for CoD with zombies and beans.

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My thoughts on grouping up with another survivor just stemmed to.


Extra Eyes and Ears.

Different Skill Set.

Covering more ground.


Extra Mouth.

Possibly infected.

Possibly Sick.

Possibly Crazy.

Possibly Useless.

Easier to see.

Easier to hear.

Possibility of backstabbing.

Call me a socio-path/psychotic or whatever you want, but in a hypothetical zombie apocalypse, big group of survivors trying to rebuild the old order seems like a giant come eat us sign to me.

But then if the zombie apocalypse rolled around, i just kill myself so i wouldn't be eaten, since it'd be kind of a pointless life trying to survive till i died of old age, wouldn't want to put up with 50+ years of zombies.

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