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About Srt.Tania

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  1. Srt.Tania

    Add civilian skins (female characters)

    Thats nice! Thanks :) Well, the camo... is not possible, but, militar clothes yes -> http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/OA/Units/civ/full/CIV_EuroWoman01_EP1.jpg Thanks n.n
  2. Srt.Tania

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Hehe, Thanks :3 Its a friend! n.n
  3. Srt.Tania

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I took this screens:
  4. Srt.Tania

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    War Z is the same that Day Z. But Day Z has the essence. :)
  5. Srt.Tania

    Add civilian skins (female characters)

    I have only shown the skins containing the game, no offense, I didnt do these characters (is part of Arma II). Just wanted more variety. This isn't to give controversial, if you want a character use it, unless you want another, do not use it. (Sorry my english again) Watch this: Brown hairs: ¿Mmmh?
  6. Srt.Tania

    Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

    "9. Oppression. Women would become a commodity. People have needs and without law and order, people take what they want. And often kill for it. A persons rights no longer exist when there is no law or repercussions. I for one would immediately turn away anyone of female gender as a companion due to their pull and / or value in such a situation. (I know this is sexist, but lets be 'realistic' here for a minute.)" Bullshit. We arent items for survive.
  7. Srt.Tania

    [DayZ] What's your reaction on strangers?

    Use the mic and say: Hello, please, do not shot me! If I see someone... wait... and wait, they usually shot to the girls :P
  8. Srt.Tania

    Character Customization

    More female characters :C
  9. Srt.Tania

    Add civilian skins (female characters)

    I took this pics of my game, I love this characters =) Thats nice for DayZ, as survivors n.n
  10. Srt.Tania

    Add civilian skins (female characters)

    I prefer this characters xD I will not use weapons, only survive :P
  11. Srt.Tania

    Add civilian skins (female characters)

    http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/games_new/arma-zombies.jpg http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/games_new/arma-woman.jpg http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/games_new/arma-lada-scene.jpg
  12. Srt.Tania

    Add civilian skins (female characters)

    Oh, no, with the editor no, but 1 girl is the character of DayZ (the blonde) and she can put weapons (in DayZ) but normally in game no :/ Rocket animated her, i like others girls too :3
  13. Srt.Tania

    Add civilian skins (female characters)

    Jack, try to open the EDITOR, the skin of Dr. Annie (i guess) is the female character on DayZ, she has own anims and no weapon (for normal game) :/ All skins can use weapons =)
  14. Srt.Tania

    Add civilian skins (female characters)

    I wanna play as civilian, no a "militar", i like the normal clothes, the panic... As girl and survivor, i prefer the civil characters... I prefer this skins... more real about the situation... I hate the militar clothes or people like this: http://www.blogdejardineria.com/wp-content/uploads/arbustos_ornamentales_buxus_sempervirens_arbusto_139206181.jpg Rocket: You will say some information about the skins and characters? :3