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Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

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From all the experience that I had in 0.58 and the many guns and binoculars that I have lost, it looks like the source of the bug (not the gun holstering, that seem to be a network issue and players around you) has to do with changing items in your hands while in an animation. From reports of friends and mine, if you are in the middle of an animation and decide to change items in hand, or if you do it right after completing the animation (but due to desync the server thinks you are still in the middle of it), you get 2 items in your hand, one of which you can't see and the other that you can see (when you open your inventory) but not interact with it (like putting it on the ground or on your inventory).


Since then, I have been taking a couple seconds between each action (like drinking, eating, putting my gun or any item away, or cutting trees). I also stopped using the hotbar to switch items, I first open inventory, press X to remove item/gun from hands and only after a second I press the hotkeys to get the other item I want.


I have not lost anything else after adopting that behaviour.

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The only thing I lost was my axe after I accidentally clicked "search berries" and then dragged the axe into  my hands while trying to cancel that shit. Moments later it was just gone. So I can approve of that theory. It must be animations or actions as you described.

Edited by jayfkay

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Quite the opposite and yes, it will be.


I somehow doubt you'll be able to find yourself at the airfield with a bolt action ready to PvP without going through HOURS of avoiding/fighting infected and possible hours to just get healthy.... but ok.

Edited by BioHaze
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From all the experience that I had in 0.58 and the many guns and binoculars that I have lost, it looks like the source of the bug (not the gun holstering, that seem to be a network issue and players around you) has to do with changing items in your hands while in an animation. From reports of friends and mine, if you are in the middle of an animation and decide to change items in hand, or if you do it right after completing the animation (but due to desync the server thinks you are still in the middle of it), you get 2 items in your hand, one of which you can't see and the other that you can see (when you open your inventory) but not interact with it (like putting it on the ground or on your inventory).


Since then, I have been taking a couple seconds between each action (like drinking, eating, putting my gun or any item away, or cutting trees). I also stopped using the hotbar to switch items, I first open inventory, press X to remove item/gun from hands and only after a second I press the hotkeys to get the other item I want.


I have not lost anything else after adopting that behaviour.


indeed, your way works well, i did it that way since the last patch and have not lost one item.

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From all the experience that I had in 0.58 and the many guns and binoculars that I have lost, it looks like the source of the bug (not the gun holstering, that seem to be a network issue and players around you) has to do with changing items in your hands while in an animation. From reports of friends and mine, if you are in the middle of an animation and decide to change items in hand, or if you do it right after completing the animation (but due to desync the server thinks you are still in the middle of it), you get 2 items in your hand, one of which you can't see and the other that you can see (when you open your inventory) but not interact with it (like putting it on the ground or on your inventory).


Since then, I have been taking a couple seconds between each action (like drinking, eating, putting my gun or any item away, or cutting trees). I also stopped using the hotbar to switch items, I first open inventory, press X to remove item/gun from hands and only after a second I press the hotkeys to get the other item I want.


I have not lost anything else after adopting that behaviour.



If anyone can find the appropriate bug on the tracker this ^ is gold because of the specificity and should be added.

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If anyone can find the appropriate bug on the tracker this ^ is gold because of the specificity and should be added.


would be a great idea, but my english is not that good to tell the devs what i mean.

i will try it but...press thumbs for me ^^

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Let's pray for a stable push today!!

Doubt it, Hicks said on Twitter that builds have to incubate for 2 days on experimental before it can be pushed to stable...


We haven't had an update to .58 in awhile.

Edited by Barnabus

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Booby Trap!!  Someone built a fireplace at the top of a deerstand ladder.  As I was crawling up, I thought, "is that a fireplace?"  Moments later, the fireplace blocking my entrance, I fell backwards to my death.  :sadbanana:  

Edited by Thurman Merman

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Booby Trap!!  Someone built a fireplace at the top of a deerstand ladder.  As I was crawling up, I thought, "is that a fireplace?"  Moments later, the fireplace blocking my entrance, I fell backwards to my death.  :sadbanana:  




Trolls gonna love this.


Kinda wish you had not posted this in a public spot but I guess someone is doing it already....


Eh, thanks for the heads up though, he died so the rest of us could live....

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I somehow doubt you'll be able to find yourself at the airfield with a bolt action ready to PvP without going through HOURS of avoiding/fighting infected and possible hours to just get healthy.... but ok.

I will still get there in the usual 45-60 minutes.  :)  Thats always how long its gonna take. No problem buddy.

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Any news about the next experimental coming in? Have they squashed the gun-holstering glitch? 


I mean, it is one, ONE bug that has delayed them over a week. Why dont they just roll it back to the previous exp and release that ? It was perfect...

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There are 2 types of DayZ SA testers.


Ones who played the mod and the ones who came after.


Most people who did not play the mod have a different viewpoint on what DayZ SA should be.

I'll add a third one:

Those who played Arma before DayZ mod. The first couple months were so different. I want to get that COOP feeling back :(

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i dont know how you guys doin, but if i find a weapon in 0.58 i am happy, if i find ammo i am super happy, and if i find ammo that fits into my gun i am the happiest maddafucka on earth, which is very rare! imho its perfekt atm.

well, theres too much canned food and soda sometimes. but the weapons are good!

i can understand everybody who says that he is bored, standing around with an ak and full equip. theres really not much to do right now, but i think (hope) this will change when the game hits beta or 1.0. i am pretty sure that they are going to add some nice end content stuff.

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end content will be being set with vehicles and a tiny base. I am not sure tho, balancing around a base meta is pretty hard. on one hand you wanna make it something worth of your time, on the other hand you dont want impenetrable safe stash bases that take all the danger and fun out of the game. I dont know about that to be honest :/ I would just love a less laggy and slightly more dynamic game with working, threatening zombies and implemented bears roaming the woods killing everything in its path.


Also hooray for "stalker" gasmask.

Edited by jayfkay
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From all the experience that I had in 0.58 and the many guns and binoculars that I have lost, it looks like the source of the bug (not the gun holstering, that seem to be a network issue and players around you) has to do with changing items in your hands while in an animation. From reports of friends and mine, if you are in the middle of an animation and decide to change items in hand, or if you do it right after completing the animation (but due to desync the server thinks you are still in the middle of it), you get 2 items in your hand, one of which you can't see and the other that you can see (when you open your inventory) but not interact with it (like putting it on the ground or on your inventory).


Since then, I have been taking a couple seconds between each action (like drinking, eating, putting my gun or any item away, or cutting trees). I also stopped using the hotbar to switch items, I first open inventory, press X to remove item/gun from hands and only after a second I press the hotkeys to get the other item I want.


I have not lost anything else after adopting that behaviour.


Re-watched the video I recorded last night and this pretty much hits the nail on the head. I forgot when posting about my lost gun the first instance I had. I was making a pumpkin patch because Tulga was kind of short on food, made my plot, prepared 3 slots and hotkeyed to seeds, immediately clicked the mouse wheel when I saw the seeds highlighted on my hot bar and it it continued to dig annother slot with my shovel on the ground and seeds in hand. I did this one more time and relogged to see if the seeds would work but they were gone, a neaby shed had some so I put them in hand and it worked fine. Was exactly the same steps except with my sks and a water bottle that lost my gun.


What I'm wondering is why are they incubating this badly broken build so long seeing as how it's clearly not working, is it supposed to fix itself?


I just plain don't want to play right now and keep checking back for nothing better to happen, are they that stumped? 

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I will still get there in the usual 45-60 minutes.  :)  Thats always how long its gonna take. No problem buddy.


It remains to be seen.


1.0 is a long way off and experimental loot tables are just that, experimental.


I think the devs are going for a specific degree of scarcity that will make 45-60mins from coast to NWA with functioning rifle harder than most people like.

Edited by BioHaze
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It remains to be seen.


1.0 is a long way off and experimental loot tables are just that, experimental.


I think the devs are going for a specific degree of scarcity that will make 45-60mins from coast to NWA with functioning rifle harder than most people like.


I'm pretty sure this is the guy who got suspended for a constant rant and multiple post/threads about how the game was broken because he couldn't find an m4 and the exact parts he wanted. 


Back to the different types of players there's the ones who watched the countless unofficial youtube videos about this up and coming constant pvp game called DayZ and boutght it for that. Then there's the ones who read the description, alpha warnings, roadmap, and developer's visions of what a hardcore survival game should be.


I love the comment well if I don't have a gun i'll just knock you out for yours... When desync, stamina, and the animation controller are sorted no you will not unless you are lucky, the guy with the gun isn't, or you very carefully stealthily ambush him. That run right at an armed guy fists up and win is the biggest bunch of bullshit bad mechanics I've ever seen.    

Edited by BCBasher
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You can argue all you want, being able to knock someone out with a melee weapon or even just your fists makes the game a whole lot more interesting. It should be harder, I agree, and it will be automatically due to less desync, but it will never be as impossible as you describe, especially when the target has something like a double barreled rifle.


Anyway who cares about 57 anymore? its incredibly dull. 58 is the best patch since a long time.

 And you BCB, I reckon you are the guy that calls all KoSers retards and cod kids (most likely due to frustration of dying) while at the same time those people have been big part of your immersion plenty of times.. Maybe you should play on RP servers, see how you like the completely abundant threat of getting KoS'd? Of being able to eat beans in the middle of the airfield and even having people come up to you to take nice screenshots?

You see its my decision to play a PvP oriented playstyle, I am not interested too much in pressing F on inanimated objects or taking screenshots with strangers. Instead, engaging in firefights or generally "interact" with hostile people has been the most heartracing experience of my whole gaming life so far, thats why I love this game.


Which doesnt mean I wouldn't love to have a harder, more interaction orientated, harsh survival game. Thats just not given at the moment and far from it. So is the loot sparcity. Yes it was mentioned that the devs wanted to move away from too much canned foot, no problem, I'll eat some veggies then, but thats not gonna make it hardcore.  Masses of zombies maybe will. They will also give me motivation to have those cool moments of teamwork with random strangers and maybe make new friends. But I doubt it will make going to the airfield within an hour impossible. Also the "hermit" survival elements to me have been kinda dull so far, I mean there isnt much to it anyway or is there? I just love crafting improvised stuff tho and leather crafted items and the difficutly of achieving the corresponding leather are another interesting aspect to me. That and rare military loot.


Also I have mentioned that I like to just go all in guns blazing. Why?`Because I executed like 5 people these days with a single clean headshot at the airfield and it felt not only not rewarding, but also pretty bad. Its also way too easy regardless of the limited options of camoflagued clothing. So I prefer just being the one that gets shot at and ambushed and trying to make my way out of those kind of situations.


Anyway, the point is, I am not blaming you or anyone for their playstyle and I think each to his own, I just dont find it too interesting. I enjoyed looting and jsut lurking the landscapes and discovering for a long time tho and still occasionally do. Hunting for rare loot, just lurking the map, trying to be lucky. Like playing lottery. But the real reason I still play is because of those adrenaline rushes. Maybe you can understand that a little better now.




game is in development, just enjoy as it is and accept that other players have other preferences than you.

Edited by jayfkay

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You can argue all you want, being able to knock someone out with a melee weapon or even just your fists makes the game a whole lot more interesting. It should be harder, I agree, and it will be automatically due to less desync, but it will never be as impossible as you describe, especially when the target has something like a double barreled rifle.


Anyway who cares about 57 anymore? its incredibly dull. 58 is the best patch since a long time.

 And you BCB, I reckon you are the guy that calls all KoSers retards and cod kids (most likely due to frustration of dying) while at the same time those people have been big part of your immersion plenty of times.. Maybe you should play on RP servers, see how you like the completely abundant threat of getting KoS'd? Of being able to eat beans in the middle of the airfield and even having people come up to you to take nice screenshots?

You see its my decision to play a PvP oriented playstyle, I am not interested too much in pressing F on inanimated objects or taking screenshots with strangers. Instead, engaging in firefights or generally "interact" with hostile people has been the most heartracing experience of my whole gaming life so far, thats why I love this game.


Which doesnt mean I would love to have a harder, more interaction orientated, harsh survival game. Thats just not given at the moment and far from it. So is the loot sparcity. Yes it was mentioned that the devs wanted to move away from too much canned foot, no problem, I'll eat some veggies then, but thats not gonna make it hardcore. The zombies play a big role in this and I look forward to them being there in masses and an imminent threat. This will give me motivation to have those cool moments of teamwork with random strangers and maybe make new friends. But I doubt it will make going to the airfield within an hour impossible. Also the "hermit" survival elements to me have been kinda dull so far, I mean there isnt much to it anyway or is there? I just love crafting improvised stuff tho and leather crafted items and the difficutly of achieving the corresponding leather are another interesting aspect to me.


Pretty sure I didn't say impossible and for what it's worth I've been killed by other player less than 30 times in almost 900 hours. I'm not entirely against others kosing but the kill, die repeat, style goes way against the concept of a "perma-death" survival game and there are many games built just for that style.


I Know it will not happen but I'd love a 12 hour lockout if you got killed so you'd learn not to make mistakes and be punished for taking unnecessary risks.   

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Doubt it, Hicks said on Twitter that builds have to incubate for 2 days on experimental before it can be pushed to stable...


We haven't had an update to .58 in awhile.

It's the new reality. The devs' aim is to bake exp longer, so that the stable folks have a better experience.

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That could be interesting, but it brings a whole lot of problems with it. It couldnt account for deaths caused by bugs and what about heavily geared people camping the coast? People would spawn in, scavenge for food in berezino and get greeted by AK fire on the streets and then uninstall the game I imagine.

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