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Aircraft: What kinds would you like to see? Share your opinion!

Select the kinds of aircraft you would like to see (multiple selections encouraged)  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Select all the types of aircraft you want to see in DayZ

    • Full blown military helicopters with mounted 50 cal or m134 door gunners
    • Full blown military planes with halo jumping capability and possibly a rear 50 cal
    • Civilian helicopters with doors which passengers can shoot their guns from, or drop grenades
    • Civilian planes, grenading capability?
    • Large civilian helicopters capable of carrying many passengers
    • Large civilian planes capable of carrying many passengers
    • Light civilian helicopters, limited passenger capacity (4-6)
    • Light civilian planes, limited passenger capacity (4-6)
    • Ultralight helicopters, passenger capacity (1-2)
    • Ulralight planes, pasenger capacity (1-2)
    • Constructable Ultralight aircraft, capacity (1-2)

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So as we all probably know aircraft are set to make their appearance by the end of the third quarter of this calendar year (this, the 2015th year of our lord, Rocket).


I'm sure the devs are already on their secret high horses with their majestic plans, but I think it's important for us to have an on-going discussion about the types of aircraft we want there to be, the roles we want them to be able to fill, and also the mechanics of how we get our hands on them.


Personally I want there to be a decent variety of helicopters and planes, but nothing too big or powerful. Any modern military helicopter is simply beyond what my vision of vanilla DayZ should be. I also want there to be a big emphasis on maintenance and tools. Also very important to me is that the flight characteristics be as realistic and difficult to master as is feasible


The most desired for me in regards to aircraft isn't necessarily what they are, but how we can get them. I would be forever satiated if I had the ability to construct my own ultralight aircraft (flimsy, slow, one seater flying machines that can carry very little weight) because I would no longer have to worry about spawned in vehicle availability and could rely on my own hard-work to ensure access to flying machines in the long run.


I think maintaining and repairing aircraft of any kind (let alone building one from a kit/fabricated parts) should be a major chore and require a host of tools (maybe all of them) and all kinds of other things which present a challenge. Owning and maintaining large ground vehicles and aircraft is something that only organized groups with established bases will be able to pull off. If we had makeshift vehicles with adequate difficulty associated with them, the small frys would be able to have an enriched end game. large groups probably would not care much for makeshift vehicles because their speed and transport capabilities are so limited they serve less function to large groups. If I had to pick just one vehicle that I want to see, it would be the AutoGyro!

Edited by FlimFlamm

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don't you think the maps a little small for this kind of Take On Zombie Helicopters ?

but maybe not - lets have the discussion again


and then napalm carpet bombing

and then orbital strikes


just my opinion

- High tech is a wonderful aid to survival, and  FlimmFlamm is a nice guy, crazy but OK

Edited by pilgrim
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Not exactly sure why you are linking one of my replies to a post from a different thread...


The poster suggested that I was arguing for full militarization in that thread, but really I just wanted to talk about planes.


You have a very strange view of things if you think the next step from dropping a grenade from a helicopter is napalm... I'm guessing you're one of those people who thinks that aircraft are going to ruin what you think DayZ should be?

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don't you think the maps a little small for this kind of Take On Zombie Helicopters ?

but maybe not - lets have the discussion again


and then napalm carpet bombing

and then orbital strikes


just my opinion

- High tech is a wonderful aid to survival, and  FlimmFlamm is a nice guy, crazy but OK


It's a harsh reality that you are going to need to face. Aircraft are coming to a Chernarus near you.


We might as well talk about them in order to figure out the best way to implement them right?


I thought we were past debating over map size dilemmas...


P.S the main aspect of aircraft I have always argued for is an ultralight makeshift/constructable aircraft. I have only ever brought up militarized aircraft to discuss their nature and have expressed negative opinions on anything overpowered.

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might be nice to have a "NO" option in this poll ?

but this has been discussed before, ya know... I thought maybe you'd forgotten or not checked ?


but NoProb Flimm-Flam, I'm really not attacking you, friend. There are a lot of new players since the last couple of helicopter arguments who haven't expressed an opinion.

Go for it.

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While that thread is probably going to overlap somewhat with this thread, the discussion that I am interested is slightly different.


Presuming that DayZ is going to have aircraft, I want to discuss more specifically what kinds of aircraft we should have, and why. Also the mechanics of flying them, and how we get our hands on them in Chernarus. I did a heavy amount of posting in that thread but most of my arguments were related to reasons that aircraft should be in the game or criticizing reasons why they should not be in the game.


With this thread I hoped to move past the issue of whether or not they should be in the game and instead start thinking about exactly what they should be presuming that they are indeed going to be in DayZ.

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might be nice to have a "NO" option in this poll ?

but this has been discussed before, ya know... I thought maybe you'd forgotten or not checked ?


but NoProb Flimm-Flam, I'm really not attacking you, friend. There are a lot of new players since the last couple of helicopter arguments who haven't expressed an opinion.

Go for it.


The problem with a "No" option is that it is an impossible option :)


I'm doing you a service (in my own crazy and convoluted way, hehe) by limiting the poll in this way. Now you can vote for whatever is most minimal (non constructable ultralight planes?) and your opinion will be reflected in a statistic that matters. (the devs simply aren't going to not add in some kind of aircraft)


It's basically like me telling you who is definitely not going to win an election, so you can avoid wasting your vote on them :D


I also think it's important to have renewed discussion, even though nothing has really changed on the aircraft or vehicle front since the old threads, there is only so much utility in older, many paged, and less specific posts. As the game becomes more fleshed out, people can begin to get a clearer picture of how aircraft should be.

Edited by FlimFlamm
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If anyone is interested here are the conclusions that can be drawn from the old threads:


70% of people want aircraft, 30% don't.


Of the 70% that wants aircraft, Around 40% of them want to see "all kinds of aerial vehicles" (rather vague) and the other 60% wants to see something less than all kinds...


We can conclude that 40% of people want Autogyros, 35% of people do not want autogyros, and 25 % are on the fence about them...

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You can conclude anything you like, lol.

I'd be happy with a MH-6 (eight passengers including pilot), 1 per server.

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You can conclude anything you like, lol.

I'd be happy with a MH-6 (eight passengers including pilot), 1 per server.


 I wouldn't mind if numbers were very limited, but 1 I think is a bit too rare.


One of each kind of heli and plane, 2 planes and two helis or 3 planes and 3 helis, per server, might be enough for me, but even then I would feel like they are too few in number, especially given Chernarus + and ideally a higher player count per server.


When it comes to the so called conclusions I draw from the polls, the numbers I give are supported by the poll results :)

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i don't care what aircraft they add as long as they take a lot of work to get going and to maintain they should also require tools possibly special tools, notan aircraft mechanic so not sure if they would require certain tools just an assumption that they would. An aircraft should be something that your not going to risk losing for lols.

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[FlimmFlamm .. if this is off topic say so an I'll delete it]

Fun :

Any kind of realistic military helicopter with weapons more recent than 1950 is total overkill - might as well put tanks on the map as well or instead.

Game graphics properties mean that a helicopter can spot anything from altitude - cover does not exist.

Maintenance - In DayZ Mod you could run with an engine and a rotor assembly in your backpack. But realism is an aim of this SA survival game, right .. er, or not ?

Helicopters are difficult to hide because forest area and has been reduced enormously. The result is only the Admin will have the helicopter.

Teams of geared-up players jumping from helicopters sounds really exciting gameplay - oh, wait, that's ArmA 3.

Civilian helicoptes and anything smaller (ultralights) are TOTALLY easy to shoot down with automatic weapons. You might as well jump off a building.

For geared up yolo paying - helicopters are definitely a must. On your server ask the Admin if you can ride in his. Or shoot him down and get kicked.

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Don't forget 1st person AFM as well, just to sort the men from the boys (or pilots from angels).

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Don't forget 1st person AFM as well, just to sort the men from the boys (or pilots from angels).


The first good idea.. perhaps I should rethink a little

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The problem with a "No" option is that it is an impossible option :)



If "no" is not an option

I think the kind of helicopter that will be introduced is not an option either

why not just ask ?

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A minigun or .50 cal might be a bit excessive (minigun because of all the ammo necessary and the firing speed, and the .50 because it'd need an ammo type we probably won't have for anything else), but I don't really see any problem with having some of the inevitable military-operated helicopters having per say a PKM, or M240, or M60 or some GPMG/LMG mounted on the side. I'm pretty sure we're going to have user operated versions of those kinds of guns at some point anyway, so what would really be the harm in letting players put them on a mount and firing them from the helicopter. Hell, I could even live with dedicated versions for vehicles, such as the PK-T, M240D, or M60D, so long as they generally did not spawn with the vehicle and you had to find all of the ammunition separately. It's not like these machine guns are overpowered in anyway, because shooting accurately from a moving helicopter is very hard (especially with ToH flight mechanics), shooting from a hovering position is vulnerable, and you still have to gather tons of .308 or 7.62x54mmR rounds to even allow it to be sustainable. They should be a feature for those who are dedicated, nothing super complex, but enough to make air warfare a part of end game fights.


As far as planes go I feel like the map is just too small for anything but light planes to be useful or viable. I mean, the mod had the C-130 which wasn't very problematic, but that was still because it was a slower cargo plane. ArmA 2's jets can cross the map extremely quickly and are obviously excessive. Still, I think some small planes to allow for a full range of air mechanics to be utilized (per say for future maps) are ultimately necessary if they want to test everything they can.


Ultralights are a must have for me, whether you have to find them or build them (maybe a combination), they seem great. They're very mobile and good for scouting and just moving around quickly, at the tradeoff of being extremely vulnerable to any attacks. They're also generally easier to fly than larger craft so if they were the bare minimum of aircraft we got you could at least explain them away as being "easy" to fly and thus realistic (and this would have a tradeoff in game anyway, because with real flight mechanics you actually would have an easier time with an ultralight than bigger vehicles, left for the experienced pilots among us.)

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If "no" is not an option

I think the kind of helicopter that will be introduced is not an option either

why not just ask ?


The problem with a "No" option is that it is an impossible option :)


I'm doing you a service (in my own crazy and convoluted way, hehe) by limiting the poll in this way. Now you can vote for whatever is most minimal (non constructable ultralight planes?) and your opinion will be reflected in a statistic that matters. (the devs simply aren't going to not add in some kind of aircraft)


It's basically like me telling you who is definitely not going to win an election, so you can avoid wasting your vote on them :D


I also think it's important to have renewed discussion, even though nothing has really changed on the aircraft or vehicle front since the old threads, there is only so much utility in older, many paged, and less specific posts. As the game becomes more fleshed out, people can begin to get a clearer picture of how aircraft should be.


Although I don't agree with pilgrim's stance on aircraft, he's technically right in that a "no/none" option would be perfectly viable, because you're here asking for the community's opinion on aircraft as a whole, rather than petitioning the developers about what they "should" do. It's obvious that aircraft in some form will be added because it was on the list of things to be added by 1.0, but if you really wanted to get a good idea of the community's stance in microcosm, even just on the forums, a "no" option would've helped, because some people might just not vote at all now and thus skew the results.

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I'm not against aircraft (and there is no point being against aircraft, they are planned to enter the game)


I want to point out the "bad" features as strongly as I can, hoping some of the major problems can be taken on board and dealt with

If that is possible.


The way most players play this game - and any other - is this (and I'm not being elite.. I'm just saying this is what happens) ...

At present in DayZ MOST players log in and go looking for LOOT SPLOSIONS

This is what they do, they have fun doing it, they do it because you CAN -  check YouTube to see how popular this is.

So they search for a loot splosion, gear up and kill each other around the splosion or in the next town, then do it again.. end of story. That's the whole game.

They dont even have to carry food. Survival is not an issue.

ATM this is what the game is about. Let's hope it changes (or - I HOPE it changes). But most players are doing that right now.


Seems to me that helicopters will be - in the same way - a main game-changing event, totally altering gameplay and turning around the reason DayZ exists.

This is what happened in the mod.


In the mod I hunted helicopters - they were the most interesting and most dangerous big-game on the map. You don't need wild bears , or team combat, etc..

Just go solo and hunt copters. Is Nice. Requires skill, gear, patience, weapons, observation, map reading, survival, cunning

And generally on any server it was the Admin had the copter - of course.


Anyway - they will be in the game

Will probably be a LittleBird style copter, to start IMO, followed by something larger with a weapon option

Will be as complicated to repair and maintain as the trucks

they will belong to the Admins


ok - remember folks, you saw it here first

Edited by pilgrim

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I could see a news, medical or police helicopter being possible options. Perhaps in the larger cities a secondary building is added to police stations and/or hospitals with a helipad. Larger hospitals would have these for use in life fighting critical patience.Small single engine planes at NE airfield abandon on the strip perhaps?

I agree that the addition of flight has the ability to derail the current gameplay mind you. But like everything they add it's all about finding the right balance of maintenance/repair difficulty and rarity. Maybe a chance while flying that you rotary or engine seizes up ;)

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Hard to fly and maintain ones

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I don't really want aircraft at all.


But if we're going to have them, agree with Boney on the one per server, eight passengers, and ideally no offensive capability.

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The  Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik and/or Ilyushin Il-10. Combined they were the single most produced military aircraft.  

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