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Notice: All those who get stuck at loading

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Yeah I only get stuck when I run the beta patch or whenever I join servers that just restarted.

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I've tried joining about 20 different servers, each one I get stuck on a loading screen. I've been able to connect in the past but 99% I get stuck on this god damn loading screen.

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Stuck. As is most of my server's regulars.

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Yeah I only get stuck when I run the beta patch or whenever I join servers that just restarted.

When you join a restarted server too fast, you seem to be joining during the startup phase. (dunno why the server lets you in when it isn't ready yet)

This seems to mess up the startup and forces the admin to re-restart.

Today I had to restart the server 4!!! times to get it locked before someone made it in to ensure a stable server.

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installed 93825 today, and always got the script #16 ,stuck at loading.

even if i got in, FPS drops strangly, I almost thought i burnt my cpu.

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i Stuck ... on the construktion map ... and when i start with beta patch (93825) i got script #16 error

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Hate to beat a dead horse, but yes. still getting stuck on loading.

i will probably starve to death in the next couple of hours.

this is bad.

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Had no issues until installing 1.7.1. Now consistently stuck at Loading. Also can't get my server restarted properly.

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I seem to avoid getting stuck on loading by making sure the required version matches the beta patch version that you're using. Even though the server name might say it's running the latest patch I find that only servers that require it rarely freeze on loading


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If you get stuck at "Loading..." try a different server. This happens to me on some servers and I have to alt-tab out and manually end the Arma executable then restart. It's a hassle but other servers seem to work fine.

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I still can't get into the game. It worked this morning early and now I get terminal "loading" most of the time. A couple of times I got into a game to a barren landscape with a few people standing around??

Update. so now I can get into a game server but I'm in the "wilderness" that goes on forever. Is this a new "feature"? I ran for miles south and never did find the ocean. What's up with that?

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I haven't had any issues loading so long as I join a server that actually requires[\u] the correct beta patch version. I also avoid any servers that only show a few players in, because that's a good sign the server is fubar'ed.

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Anyone stuck at waiting for loading' date=' please email your RPT files to [email protected] with "Waiting for host bug" in the subject line urgently.


I've done this but I'm struggling to see how it is supposed to help. I've had this issue for days now.

Unless 'waiting for host' is supposed to be a survival feature

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Black loading screen of death is a known issue to the players but maybe not to the devs.

For me and my friends we get stuck on the final screen before entering (All black with centered "loading" text.) This requires us to restart ArmA.

It's very frustrating to try and find a good server for us but have to restart the game and reload the map every 5 mins.

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Black loading screen of death is a known issue to the players but maybe not to the devs.

For me and my friends we get stuck on the final screen before entering (All black with centered "loading" text.) This requires us to restart ArmA.

It's very frustrating to try and find a good server for us but have to restart the game and reload the map every 5 mins.

I've had this problem as well, but it went away with one of the updates.

It has, however, been replaced by 'waiting for host', which does not go away no matter what I do.

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Only join servers in the server browser that have "1.60.93965" or the latest beta patch listed next to "Required" at the bottom of the screen and "v1.7.1.5" or the latest DayZ version in the Server name.

Should fix the majority of connection issues.

The beta patch is a must so always install the latest beta patch


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