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The bonecondition issue a.k.a. insta-death .. still a thing ? (videolink)

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So, a while ago(6 month), Aggathor from the Wobo Youtube channel published a video.
In this video, he is talking about a Phenomenon where the Character/Player would die intantly
from one hit, even if the Player is at the Healthy status (fully regenerated blood and health).

He is assuming, that if you get hit, an hidden status that he calls Bonestatus would decrease 
and this status decreases with each hit you receive and will lead to instant death if it reaches Zero.

This status is not replenishable, what means that the longer you live the higher the chance you will get instakilled.

Here is the video i am talking about:

My Question is.. did one of you recently experience instadeath ?
because it MIGHT (not must) be related to this..

I would like to know if the Devs are aware of this..?!? even though, i do not want to cry about this error/issue/whatever
but i want to say that i think this would make longtime-survival close to impossible.

Since i do not know if this still is an issue in 0.55 maybe someone is willing to test some stuff.
If my friends are online again we will maybe give it a go and have a look if this is still a thing in the current version.

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I'm finding zombies tend to do a volley of hits when they connect now.

I get hit maybe five times when I should get  a single hit.

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I think this is still an issue related to desync/fullservers/lag-ping/etc.
But i do not fight infected with melee anyway.. i am going for silencers or .22 
(infected really stutter arround on full servers since 0.55)

If i have to do melee, what seems to help is standing still
(i.e. walk slowly forward/backwards)since circleing does not work anymore
and hit them in a way they constantly get pushed back so they can´t hit you.
Or just punch em to the head.

Edited by dawud

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Aggathor = good guy.
Interesting research, flawed:

At 0:54 Aggathor says there is a 4th primary stat, the 'bone condition stat' which doesn't ever regenerate
He demonstrates 1 shot to the arm which does not break the arm, then a second shot to the arm breaks the arm.

But > If the 'bone condition stat' does not regenerate, every following shot to the arm will break the arm
However he does not show this to be the case

Even if the 'bone condition stat' exists as he hypothesises, he does not test to see if it regenerates over a period of time.
A better test sequence would be, 1 shot to the arm followed by a waiting period (5-10-15-20 mins), then a second shot to the arm.

He says himelf that "spinal fracture" does not exist in the code at all, and suggests a "a side effect" of the 'bone condition stat'
But > nowhere in the video does he show that the "bone condition stat" does not regenerate over time.

If there is a specific bone condition stat (of any kind) it will be visible in the code, of course.

If you die when your bone condition stat reaches zero, there is no need to suggest there is also "side effect" stat. It is not necessary to the theory.

All he must do, is demonstrate that the bone condition stat exists and does not regenerate over time.
But in this video he does not do that.

Edited by pilgrim

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Yes ,you are right with every sentence.




nowhere in the video does he show that the "bone condition stat" does not regenerate over time.

later on, he commented the video where he was writing that he waited in a bush to regenerate the bonestatus but got instakilled

but none the less, i am still very thankfull for his informative vids.

He sated the the devs mentioned to him that:

Zombies have a chance to hit for crazy amounts of damage at random. This is the main cause of insta-death from zombies.

This makes me think that the devs intentionally implemented a "feature" that will sooner or later kill your Avatar off.
.. unless of course you avoid infected totaly -_-

but .. yeah.. i am still confused if it´s intentionaly implemented or not

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Yes ,you are right with every sentence.


later on, he commented the video where he was writing that he waited in a bush to regenerate the bonestatus but got instakilled

but none the less, i am still very thankfull for his informative vids.



I agree - Aggathor = good guy, very interesting and helpful.

IMO he doesn't prove his idea. It's an interesting theory, but not proved.


If it was true, I think word would get around by now that the fifth or sixth time you had a stand-up zombie fight, you always died.. Players would have noticed.

Or maybe the devs are more evil than we think.

Edited by pilgrim

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I was insta killed just the other day... Very very interesting stuff.

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I really hope it's a bug. I've lost more characters to instakill this patch than ever before. 3 of which were healthy. It seems to ruin the whole " End-Game " Aspect for survival characters. The longer I'm alive, The more fragile I am.. Well, What's the point in aiming for long term survival? Just nut up and take down as many people as I can before It's my time.

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I really hope it's a bug. I've lost more characters to instakill this patch than ever before. 3 of which were healthy. It seems to ruin the whole " End-Game " Aspect for survival characters. The longer I'm alive, The more fragile I am.. Well, What's the point in aiming for long term survival? Just nut up and take down as many people as I can before It's my time.


I like the fact that you can die instantly sometimes fighting zombies, it makes sense - also the longer you live getting in battles with zombies and or people would over time give you injuries that "add up" that cannot be healed - there isnt going to be many people who can endure the long term in this scenario

Edited by tiadashi

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I like the fact that you can die instantly sometimes fighting zombies, it makes sense - also the longer you live getting in battles with zombies and or people would over time give you injuries that "add up" that cannot be healed - there isnt going to be many people who can endure the long term in this scenario

This brings up the whole realism vs gameplay though. Imagine you've had a character alive for 6 weeks, you've been playing it safe, but over those few weeks you've taken a few hits here and there, and it's started to add up. Then, your 6 week character old character gets 1 hit.. Well fuck. What's the point in doing it over? 

I've had characters alive for 4 - 5 weeks, who have been shot, stabbed, and so on.. Yeah, it get's kind of old, but insta-kill is not the way to do it.

I'd rather see a proper wound and infection system added. You get shot? You're in a bad way. You can't sprint anymore, you actually need to pull that bullet out of yourself, If it's still in there, you need to keep the wound clean, change the dressings and so on. Even if it takes 3 - 4 hours of gameplay to get better, I'd rather a system like that over, " Oh, that zombie punched you at mach 3, It hit you so hard, your internal organs turned to liquid, and you projectile vomited your lungs.. You are dead. "

The fact that the zombies hit 5-6 times now per hit, means they're not punching you, they're just scratching the living shit out of you.

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My Question is.. did one of you recently experience instadeath ?

I did experience quick deaths lately but I think for a deifferent reason: I had disabled post-processing which also hides the blur caused by being on low health basically hiding your health status. This or using the "workaround" (removing the blur via "video options") might be a more common reason for those "instakills". Though there are some reports of people dying instantly even though they were "healthy".


I would like to know if the Devs are aware of this..?!?

They are and it's basically confirmed that this is related to an unfinished damage model.

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I always eat some vitamins in the hope of it keeping me healthy just to be safe. XD

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If you had taken the time do do some research you would know that :

"Just WIP sqf/fsm taken out of context. Nothing is final nor finished at this phase"


In view of the OP I suggest you bring some new evidence forward because this old this horse has been flogged.


To answer the OP's question sent by PM...


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