Survivor1965 15 Posted April 2, 2015 General discussion for the new update .55 I think its going to be a different game what we are used to.New zombies are fine by me. just try to aviod them. If not, the only good way to get rid of them is shoot. We need to absurt much to eat and drink. Thats someting that the Dev's shoud change a bit.Just ridicules to eat and drink every 5 minutes to stay healty. food is much harder to find at all, but the items that normaly spawn at heli chrash site are spawning random everywhere.Found a smersvest and high capp. vest in small houses Overall. Until update .56 comes out its gonna be a hell of a lot harder to stay alive. (Sorry for my bad enlish) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted April 2, 2015 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted April 2, 2015 Opened for discussion... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jesus Christ The Goblin 71 Posted April 2, 2015 I like how difficult the game has become and if persistence was working I would rate this patch 10/10.Pretty much all my characters were geared to the point of ridiculousness but now I actually have a chance to lose that gear without having to actively seek out trouble. Once persistence is actually working I can foresee people relying on their gardens and tents instead of it just being an unneeded bonus.It has made solo adventures fun again and I look forward to meeting my doom to a bunch of zombies.Thank you developers, I love you all. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mookie (original) 799 Posted April 2, 2015 I really do think I'll take a break for a little while. I like the idea of people having to team up more, and that the game is going to be more about survival. But it seems to me that the mechanics around (eg) water purification, cooking, etc, need fixing. in contrast to JC, I suspect this patch is going to make solo much more difficult - perhaps that's as it should be. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebrim 998 Posted April 2, 2015 The patch is great and while maybe tents were a bit funky, persistence itself isn't wholly not working. You can leave stuff on the ground over the course of a sever reset and it'll still be there - which is huge. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
too-easy 56 Posted April 2, 2015 (edited) I played 4 hours today and I loved it.We started north of the ship and moved to Berezino. Met quite a few people. All without weapons, so they were no threat to us.Everybody was looking for food but it's impossible to find anything on the coast.Zombies were ok. Harder to kill and they will get in some hits when you fight them with a melee. We started shooting them instead.Stealth works good!Only real issues we had were related to things despawning.We killed a geared guy and before we could loot him (we were after his mosin) his body dissapeared suddenly. Less than a minute after we killed himThe other thing were the tents.We found many tents but all (we tried 2) dissapeared right after we pitched them.Anyways. Besides that we liked the changes a lot. Have to check every house again as the good houses are not necessarily good anymore.We are almost starving at the moment because we can't find a pot to cook our meet, but at least my mate didn't get sick when he ate 2 raw meat because he was starving to death.We moved inland and found at least a bit food to give us some more time to find more. Edited April 2, 2015 by too-easy 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J4G 92 Posted April 2, 2015 I ike the new patch. OBV there is major problems/bugs, but loot is much more sparse and random, i really like that.I had really hard times with zeds last night and i started to avoid zombies first time in SA, it was amazing. Welcome back zombies. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor1965 15 Posted April 2, 2015 I love to hear you guys like the changes so far.There are a view thinks that the Dev's has to fix, but overall its more a survival game what it supose to be. I like the way that we have to manage to stay alive with the lack of food till the next update.There will be more in .56 i have read on the posts of the dev's. Keep your head up and stay alive. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GrimGreener 8 Posted April 2, 2015 (edited) Not a fan so far. Buggy beyond belief, zombies are too erratic and almost clippy. To melee them is impossible without them hitting 5-6 times like a machine gun. I spawned into a character that had lost all of it's ammo and drum mags for some fun reason, got all my gear ruined by one zed. Couldn't find a single bandage in Zelenogorsk and then bled to death on a character I had survived 2 weeks on.. which was okay because there also wasn't a single morsel of food in the town either so I would have starved soon enough considering the hunger rate now is just beyond absurd with the rate at which it reduces. This character lived for 2 weeks on .54, and I know character's die, that's not my point. I'm also aware the game needs to be harder but I am not finding the current build of .55 any fun to play. I don't have hours and hours and hours at my disposal to sit down and scour the map for a pack of bullets. I have a life and job outside of gaming and being a big DayZ fan, it saddens me that I basically can't play right now because there is nothing to be had and trying to go anywhere as a freshspawn with SuperZeds is repetitive and time-consuming to say the least. You die 4 times with fresh spawns thats 4x less loot for players on the shard that are actually trying to enjoy some immersion. This build needs some serious tweaking, it has amazing potential but in my opinion is not very desirable in it's current state.I know I'm going to get the "DayZ is supposed to be hard/You shouldn't play if you don't have the time" and I don't disagree entirely but it is just my point of view that .55 is currently just a lump of clay that needs immediate molding to a better shape before it hardens into the mess that it is currently due to all the fanboy "I love the devs" sucking up that comes with any new update. Edit/Update: Yep, just tried to shoot two zombies and they just kept clipping and popping around in my face, hitting me like 20 times before I could shoot them and drag in even MORE! Yay, wasted 30 rounds on 4 zombies. I am done until this build is out the door or fixed because it is just horrid. Edited April 2, 2015 by GrimGreener 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squelch (DayZ) 9 Posted April 2, 2015 (edited) It's still very early but I'm not sure about it, tbh I'm probably leaning more in the direction of 'its not good'. I don't play on the coast at all, for me the coast is something at my back as I move inland to explore but I've found persistent loot to be, well, broken or just plain weird. The broken - I joined a random Priv hive as a freshie and spawned at the boat north of 'Zino. I searched the boat - nothing (at all), ran to Svet - nothing here either, ran to Chernaya - nothing and it's there i died of starvation. So I tried again. Spawned at Kamy - nothing. Ran to Msta - nothing, Staroye- nothing, Guglovo - nothing, Stary - nothing, well I couldn't search it all as I died of starvation once again. And when I say nothing I mean not a single item at all, so that's not a positive however new the implementation is. The weird - Another random Priv hive but this one had loot! HUZZAH! Although finding just dresses on Military trucks, High cap vests in residential houses, Sheds with medical loot, and Gate houses (or whatever they're called) overflowing with weapon loot made little sense at all. Oh and pickaxes and hardhats in Military Barracks....and nothing else. Before the new loot economy was enabled, where the loot spawned made sense. Now not so much. I understand the desire to force the player to scavenge everywhere for the gear needed to survive and I'm all for making the game tougher to survive and have no problem with learning how to loot again after 1362 hrs played, but looting through Pustoshka and finding TTSKO in almost every house that had loot is odd. I also saw very little sign of loot respawing even though I played for around 10hrs straight on one server. Perhaps not long enough for the respawn timer to kick in? Only a Dev could answer that one (Oh, and Tents can disappear when you pitch them and the same with fires but it differed from server to server if this would happen or not.) So, Yes its new but after giving it a good go I'm not convinced whats been delivered should have been in its current form, and that's disappointing. Edited April 2, 2015 by squelch 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheScruffyBandit 382 Posted April 2, 2015 Well, I'm swimming in PM73 and MP5k, along with 5.45 ammo & PU scopes, however food seems MUCH rarer now, the zombies work okay on a good server with little desync but are a nightmare on a bad one. Some previously amazing loot spawns now seem junk while others have been boosted. side note: does the PM73 support the pistol suppressor? I kind of want to play around with it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theevancat 94 Posted April 2, 2015 Definitely feels like an experimental patch put out on stable for some reason. IMHO it wasn't ready. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aasand 92 Posted April 2, 2015 Mhm.. broken, but some new features that should have been polished more. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted April 2, 2015 I love this update! You can one shot kill zombies with brass knuckles!!! Also, found a pristine sword at the top of a big yellow crane in berezino this morning. Motorcycle helmets are back!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hekatoncheyr 7 Posted April 2, 2015 (edited) I spent last night playing on 3 different servers (server restart induced changes) I love the new Z's. Hellish to fight in melee. I'm scared again of meeting them. And that how I should have felt all along while playing. The V3S without a cargo bed is still way to fast. Feels like driving a race car. Nothing bad to say about the one with a bed, except that both are way too fragile. Blew both front tires after a face to face with a tree at low speed. The loot is crazy rare or totally lunatic. The 2 servers I first played on had almost no loot (few clothes and no food) in them in all the towns I visited (Vavilovo, lopatino, vibor, putosh, cabanino and the small military base south of the NWAF) The last server, I headed down to the mishkino military camp. There I found tents full of civilian clothing, no food, no drink, no guns or ammo (appart from a box of .22) and a few useless ramdom items. Continued my jouney towards Sosno only to find houses full of TTSKO jackets. My final toughts, I get it why they want to force the persistence, but doing so before the fix the looting system is just dumb. The new Z's force us to team up but the broken loot means my most likely source of it will be other players. What I expect from the coming days of the .55, alot fun fighting Z's, but mainly more KOS from players... a lot more, even less player interaction then what their already are and death from starvation/dehydration or from the new v3s death trap. Edited April 2, 2015 by Priest79 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SonicSonedit 36 Posted April 2, 2015 I'm in love with new zombies.New weapons and mechanics are very nice too. Overall is the best updates so far. I'm playing for over an year now. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
netzzwerg 9 Posted April 2, 2015 My 2cents from the official feedback topic: I spent an hour ingame today and really enjoyed it.As I logged off on a tower/chimney in elektro last time on stable I was confronted by the sign of a few zombies roaming the nearby streets. Roaming instead of standing still is already a great improvement in my opinion. When I got down I got charged by a nearby zombie but could finally defeat it with my axe. I then sneaked around town and could avoid most zombies as I saw them before they saw me. Them slowly walking around makes this especially rewarding as one just cant say if an area is clear. Found some stuff in elektro but nothing special. I then headed north and looted two hunting cabins - one had a cz rifle (dont know the exact name) and the second one a fitting magazine which made me pretty happy and was fitting loot as that is a hunting rifle as far as I know. The cabins also had some clothes.After I killed a pig I experienced the campfire despawn problem but that is promised to be fixed as I just read.All in all I am pretty happy, of course everything needs tweaking but the general direction the game is going (harder zombies, more stealthy approach in towns necessary) is to my favor! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor1965 15 Posted April 2, 2015 side note: does the PM73 support the pistol suppressor? I kind of want to play around with it.Yes you can use those.Its on Dayzwiki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor1965 15 Posted April 2, 2015 My 2cents from the official feedback topic: I spent an hour ingame today and really enjoyed it.As I logged off on a tower/chimney in elektro last time on stable I was confronted by the sign of a few zombies roaming the nearby streets. Roaming instead of standing still is already a great improvement in my opinion. When I got down I got charged by a nearby zombie but could finally defeat it with my axe. I then sneaked around town and could avoid most zombies as I saw them before they saw me. Them slowly walking around makes this especially rewarding as one just cant say if an area is clear. Found some stuff in elektro but nothing special. I then headed north and looted two hunting cabins - one had a cz rifle (dont know the exact name) and the second one a fitting magazine which made me pretty happy and was fitting loot as that is a hunting rifle as far as I know. The cabins also had some clothes.After I killed a pig I experienced the campfire despawn problem but that is promised to be fixed as I just read.All in all I am pretty happy, of course everything needs tweaking but the general direction the game is going (harder zombies, more stealthy approach in towns necessary) is to my favor! Thats the way this game should be played.- Thumbs up -Look at other places then just buildings.Lots of loot on cars in trunks, gasstation buildings, Toiletshads. really. some of them are packed with loot.If you are starving, search for berry's, Appels and go hunt with your melee weapen.Raw meat doesn't kill you when you have no matches.Think differend then you supose to do.New gameplay - new chances. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nudelwalker 99 Posted April 2, 2015 Best DayZ experience since a long time.This is the best Update ever. I am dieing A LOT.And i'm an old Mod vet. This update brought back what made DayZ so great: its f*** hardcore! you have to fight HARD to stay alive! You die A LOT! You are AFRAID again! I am back playing this, after just trying to for the last updates. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BCBasher 2465 Posted April 2, 2015 I like it. I think it'll do wonders for the "glitch" where you see the "you are dead" screen and hear one of Alvin and the chipmunks mouthing you off talking "street" lol. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LateLikeYourPeriod 2 Posted April 2, 2015 I don't know yet.I like a couple of the things added, but the zombies are too much for me. Zombies were buggy enough, fast, and easy to kill, which I liked. If zombies stay like that, then I'd say add more zombies. But if we were to stick with the patch we have now, I'd say just make them a tiny bit weaker or a bit slower. I do want to change how zombies work, but in a reasonable way. In a way where people who don't know much about DayZ and dont know how to find a gun can kill zombies without thinking they can kill any zombie. Or just in a way where people who play DayZ can be scared and careful but not in a sense where it ruins gameplay. For example, after dying (for no reason), I spawned in Novo. It's clear there are not many zombies around. But then, as I exit a building, a zombie finds me. So Im trying to hit him with a pickaxe, but I cant kill him for three reasons.1) Keeps going through my body and hitting me.2) So fast that I cant even hit that much.3) Takes too long.So Im trying to aim for the head but I keep getting hit. So after hitting me like 15 times, i finally kill it, but now my coat is ruined. Most stuff I find are already damaged, so now with these zombies, it makes it easier for stuff to just get ruined. This happened to me for a while, and I managed to survive since I had bandages. But those ran out. Another zombie comes for me and hits me until I start bleeding. i run away, and luckily, i found a way to kill it. I got in a house with a window, let it come at me, and then hit it in the head. But even then, I was still bleeding. I searched a couple of more houses until I was unconscious. Then I died. I dont really have anyone to play DayZ with except my one friend who is new and barely plays. I love DayZ (most of the times), but since almost everyone is a bandit now and everyone has a group, its hard for me to survive. So if my friend joins, see how it is impossible to kill zombies, and he dies? I probably wont have anyone to play DayZ with anymore. I don't mind all the other patches or updates, I just really want this to be fixed. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted April 2, 2015 (edited) I think the game was getting down right stupid before .55 stable. There serously was to much loot. The survival side of dayz was a novelty to many players. Becuase dayz has become so main stream, were seeing more and more of this call of duty, type mantality in the game. Its either horse around and joke, or instant grad aimless pvp. Infact I started to notice that players like me the survivalist solo, over watch players were kind of the odd ball. In game in fact I have been ridicualed for surviving to long, and being a careful shit. Becuase of how much loot there was more and more over time really dayz sa turned into nothing more a pvp fuckfest. M&B did that well........but dayz? I almost just wrote the game off becuase of it, I was getting really sick of it. That combined with .54 hitting stable all messed up and some other stuff, really cause my interest to sink fast, and hit an all time low. .55 turns DayZ SA into a surival game. Theres less loot and the zombies are more deadly, theres more of them too. So now you have to really think about what your doing. You will not just be able to gear up in a half an hour any more. Its going to force players to consider hunting, fishing, picking, even farming as a option now. You cant just drink out of a pond anymore. There is real challenge now out side of aimless electro pvp. Your going to have to think about keeping your avatar alive, because if he dies all that gear is gone. Now its much harder to regear.... It was a much needed change and over due. I mean really. If you like all the cool gear, guns ect ect....try ARMA 3 or ARMA 2 that has the same engine. Becuase this is a survival game. I watched a couple of videos about the new patch, and thought now were talking. I loged in last night and my avatar for 3pp was still there. I wanted to see how these new zombies were.....god dam there all over the place and less predictible. For the 1st time ever I say dayz zombies are cool. The sneaking mechanic works well. I was able to simply navigate around them. I found my self really having to plan. Oh thats how I get in that fire house without the seeing me. What gathered from it, if your not a chuckle head and really think about what your doing, you will be ok. But if you just aimlessly running around like before, GOOD LUCK! Its def a welcome change. Edited April 2, 2015 by CJFlint 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reg Park 160 Posted April 2, 2015 (edited) im finding quality loot in areas i haven't in the past but not finding quality loot in areas i used least in my experience thus far. now, zombies.... this is my biggest gripe, they are easier to sneak around yes but they are still annoying. They'll teleport so fast to you, and start swinging before you can even react....and their arms are not even up when you're getting hit over and over again, quite frustrating. I was shooting at one zombie coming at me, and another i guess blindsided me with one hit to the head, dead. It really hurt since i was completely geared. They still need a lot of work obviously. oh and trucks, they are a hit the slightest thing and they break down - just too darn fragile.....nearly useless. Edited April 2, 2015 by Reg Park 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites