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About too-easy

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  1. too-easy

    Having trouble Using control pad in .59

    A wild guess, but it seems that a controller is simply not supported in .59. Either wait for the next update (exp usually gets updates rather fast) or play with keyboard and mouse.
  2. too-easy

    I found 3 v3s in middle of the forest

    Ah, you wrote it by yourself. For that it's not that bad actually. Yup, our grammar is almost impossible to learn. ^^ Thought it was from google translate. I am from Germany and even though France is our neighbor, chances are slim that they speak German. Just as most German don't speak French. True, many learn it at school but most will forget all about it again. ;)
  3. too-easy

    I found 3 v3s in middle of the forest

    Don't use the google translator for German (why German btw. when the OP is french?).Never gets it right. Doesn't make any sense. But I can guess what you typed in.
  4. too-easy

    0.59- Shout out to a Hero in Chernobyl!

    He didn't say that the guy bandaged him. Sounds to me that he dropped him the bandages and went on his way. My friend loves the masks but doesn't KOS. Wy judge someone from what he is wearing? It's not like in real life where a mask can hide someone's identity.
  5. The zombies decided to support the development of the game and can only be found on the experimental servers at the moment.
  6. too-easy

    0.59- Shout out to a Hero in Chernobyl!

    Lol. Yeah, you should take that picture. :D Thanks for pointing out that he's talking about .59. I didn't notice that. Was half asleep when I answered. Might be time again to jump into DayZ and the experimental servers.
  7. too-easy

    0.59- Shout out to a Hero in Chernobyl!

    I thought there were no zombies in the game at the moment. Or are they just vere rare?
  8. too-easy

    I'm done with 0.58

    Nothing wrong with taking a break. I only played .58 on exp but never on stable. I have been playing the standalone since release but I just have other games that excite me more at the moment. I love DayZ but that doesn't mean that we can't play other games, too. ;) Will come back eventually. Maybe next patch, maybe later.
  9. too-easy

    Recurve bow

    I killed a guy with one shot (improvised arrow, just the sharpened stick), but that's some patches ago. He was not geared and standing still. Distance about 10 meters. I was quite surprised that he died instantly, but who knows how healthy he was.
  10. too-easy

    Hypothermia Issues?

    Maybe a silly question, but you guys are sure it's hypothermia and not hyperthermia?
  11. too-easy


    Hiding corpses and carving them up is in the game for many months already.
  12. too-easy

    Akm or blaze 95 as primary?

    Depends on your playstyle. Do you have firefights often, then go with the akm. Otherwise I would go with the blaze. Get the hunting scope and you can snipe people if that's something you like doing. Ammo should be easier to get for the blaze, too, but I haven't played the latest patch much to really know that. A lone wolf player living in the woods has no need for an akm. Like I said it depends on what you are doing in DayZ.
  13. too-easy

    DayZ Avg Players Monthly

    Would love to read it, but light green on white background is impossible to read. (The mobile version of the forum has a white background). I never understand why people change the font color in their posts.
  14. As far as I know server admins can reset the server and this would delete camps, yes. A normal restart or maintenance would not delete it.
  15. Theoretically public servers, too. But it can be difficult to find the same server sometimes. At least for me. Always best to find a good private server.