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Automatics>Snipers soon?

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well, i agree that shotguns are really good in urban combat. but in urban combat, a lot of things also happen though windows in the 2-3 story buildings, and i'll guarantee you'll regret to not have a longhorn or mosin+LRS to take some piece of head at 60m-120m distance.


MP-133 + longhorn, that what i call a good combo ;) , as well as the mosin + sawed-off or magnum.

.....Nah. I've never had that problem. Either they give themselves away by trying to shoot through the window and clipping the building geometry, or one of my clan-mates with an AK-pattern assault rifle takes them out while I stalk the side-streets with the eyes of a tiger.

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I like having a bunch of smaller weapons like the sawed off shotgun, or the Mp5 as  a hidden gun. This way I am not sporting a mosin around as my clearing gun. 


I am sure many others do the same for closer up snipers. I know some ghillie right out and sit in the hills looking for people. I don't really do that, as I tend to move around.


Someday ill try running like this, but for now its the PVP, engage restock up, die etc.. hehe

Edited by FIRMSneakydude

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Sniping will still be one of the most effective ways to go but there also still going to be the most vulnerable in most situations. A good SMG for back up is what your going to want eventually. Unfortunately your going to have to give up a Ghilie suite if you want that option.


If they added in a few full automatic handguns though or even an Uzi i dont see much of an issue with space at that point for when you need something better for close combat situations.

Personally I'm usually happy with an FNX, CR75, Ingraved 1911 or 357 magnum as an "close support and breaching" backup weapon when using a Mosin on no-backpack lives.

The FNX and CR75 in particual work well for me because they can mag-dump fairly rapidly dispite being semi-automatic.


A Mosin+LRS+Compensator, CR75/FNX a stack of 45 or 9mm ammo, a magazine for either gun and a stack or two of 7.62x51(54r) and I'm very happy with my gear usually, that said... I've only used a ghillie once so far and I don't particually like them since I feel they're currently overpowered, It goes against my sense of fair play I guess.

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The circle dance is gone in .55 prepare to fight and loose gear if you decide to play recklessly. You cannot circle around them without taking hits now.

The axedance is dead?  Welp, I'm a goner.

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Automatic rifles have always been better than snipers. They kill zombies just as good as they do players, unlike a sniper rifle where you get caught in a close quarters situation, you're dead.


The AK is the best overall weapon in this game, and I hope it remains that way

Edited by mullraugh

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Automatic rifles have always been better than snipers. They kill zombies just as good as they do players, unlike a sniper rifle where you get caught in a close quarters situation, you're dead.


The AK is the best overall weapon in this game, and I hope it remains that way

Thats a matter of preference. I know the mp5k can tear anyone apart no matter what they have if your in the right situation. Iv had some really good kills with just pistols to. But dont get me wrong i like all automatics quite a bit.

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Thats a matter of preference. I know the mp5k can tear anyone apart no matter what they have if your in the right situation. Iv had some really good kills with just pistols to. But dont get me wrong i like all automatics quite a bit.

The thing about the AKM is it has all the right traits (while not being really the best at any single situation, its a solid choice for almost any situation.)


  • Enough knock-down power for all your zed and player killing needs
  • Sufficient rate of fire for suppressing fire in combat
  • 'accurate enough' to get the job done in almost any scenario save perhaps camping in a hillside.

all in all if i were going to just take a single weapon as i found it (not going out of my way to hunt down parts to add to it)it would have to be the AKM.

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Longhorns are nuts. I shot a guy in the leg with one from a couple hundred meters and it immediately killed him.

Personally, my ideal setup is an m4 with an acog. Golden at close range with decent mid to long range capability.

Edited by albinoclock

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The thing about the AKM is it has all the right traits (while not being really the best at any single situation, its a solid choice for almost any situation.)


  • Enough knock-down power for all your zed and player killing needs
  • Sufficient rate of fire for suppressing fire in combat
  • 'accurate enough' to get the job done in almost any scenario save perhaps camping in a hillside.
all in all if i were going to just take a single weapon as i found it (not going out of my way to hunt down parts to add to it)it would have to be the AKM.

101 trumps it in accuracy and suppressor use for me..

I will sacrifice a 75 round mag for that.

In to active when using the akm rarely have I need all 75 rounds at once

101 still has a better optic and twice the rate of fire than the m4 as well

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101 trumps it in accuracy and suppressor use for me..

I will sacrifice a 75 round mag for that.

In to active when using the akm rarely have I need all 75 rounds at once

101 still has a better optic and twice the rate of fire than the m4 as well

The 101 does not have twice the rate of fire as the M4...

It shoots 10 rounds a second or 600 rounds a minute the exact same as the AKM. Also the 101 does not trump the AKM in accuracy the only thing the 101 has on the AKM is that it has less recoil and can use a suppressor. The AKM holds more than twice the amount of ammo and does more damage. So depending on what you want from either rifle they can both work very well

Edited by fg45rr1

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Automatic rifles have always been better than snipers. They kill zombies just as good as they do players, unlike a sniper rifle where you get caught in a close quarters situation, you're dead.

The AK is the best overall weapon in this game, and I hope it remains that way

This is not strictly true. I play Darkest Hour 44-45 (RO 1... From way back) I have over 1000hrs on this game and often rock the sniper. Close quarters in a building if you get caught a no scoped Kar98 is very good weapon. The problem with dayz is that stupid dot which makes hip shooting very hard as it distracts your aim. I've lost count of the amount of time someone unloads a BAR on me and misses then gets a hip shot to the face ;)

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This is not strictly true. I play Darkest Hour 44-45 (RO 1... From way back) I have over 1000hrs on this game and often rock the sniper. Close quarters in a building if you get caught a no scoped Kar98 is very good weapon. The problem with dayz is that stupid dot which makes hip shooting very hard as it distracts your aim. I've lost count of the amount of time someone unloads a BAR on me and misses then gets a hip shot to the face ;)

Different game, different genre, different engine.

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Yeah but surely same principle? I used to practice hip shooting on trees utill I was sure where the bullets land. I understand the bullet mechanics are probhably more complex in dayz but I'm sure a very good sniper with a good amount of hours with a mosin will be a good shot from the hip?

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Yeah but surely same principle? I used to practice hip shooting on trees utill I was sure where the bullets land. I understand the bullet mechanics are probhably more complex in dayz but I'm sure a very good sniper with a good amount of hours with a mosin will be a good shot from the hip?

 Until they miss because of rifle dexterity, then someone with almost any other weapon introduces their face to the ground.


Can you use a long rifle effectively "firing from the hip" in close quarters? Sure. Is it probable, or likely? Not really.


This is why battle rifles, and eventually, assault rifles, had bayonets. You generally don't try to shoot them if they get within stabbing range, it is too awkward. 

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Yeah true mate.. Will they ever make bayonets functionable?



Can't wait, though.

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I remember the DAO-12 from Battlefield 3.  Give me Slugs and the Extended Magazine, and I could turn an entire team into blood.



It looks neato until you watch a video of Ian making fun of it.


I'm all for more Battle Rifles. Still waiting on that SVT40, and newer.

Edited by Heav

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I wish they would get rid of the "dot"




I suspect eventually it will go the dot is actually also in Arma 3 when you use the function keys.

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"Snipers have almost always been the best way to go"....




No, the overwhelming majority of "snipers" of this game just tend to have an extremely over-exaggerated view of themselves. Hell, my clan has two snipers, both very good at what they do. They will be the first ones to admit that they tend to not get as many kills as others, and "Overwatch" usually means "watching for  movement and keeping an eye on the assault teams flanks". The guys who get the most kills? The guys with the assault rifles and shotguns, deep "in the shit". Of course, we also die more often than they do, but "tactical movement" is a constantly-evolving skill, and a large portion of our deaths occur due to shit-tastic desync and related shenanigans.

Well, in DayZ most "snipers" are just people who are only mildly familiar with the ranging system and don't know how to TRULY snipe. True snipers will set up in spots where no one expects them (aka not the main spots that people snipe from) and only take a shot if they absolutely 100% can guarantee the kill. Also what you said is right about our overwatch role and that is one of our main roles in a team, but tactical movement and spotting are characteristics of only the best snipers. The reason you haven't gotten killed my any more than 1 sniper is because you know how to move tactically in cities. But one you get outside a city, I can guarantee a TRUE sniper would be all over your ass and you'd be dead within maybe 10 minutes. But really, it's all about adapting to your environment and only "elite" snipers can do that perfectly. 

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Well, in DayZ most "snipers" are just people who are only mildly familiar with the ranging system and don't know how to TRULY snipe. True snipers will set up in spots where no one expects them (aka not the main spots that people snipe from) and only take a shot if they absolutely 100% can guarantee the kill. Also what you said is right about our overwatch role and that is one of our main roles in a team, but tactical movement and spotting are characteristics of only the best snipers. The reason you haven't gotten killed my any more than 1 sniper is because you know how to move tactically in cities. But one you get outside a city, I can guarantee a TRUE sniper would be all over your ass and you'd be dead within maybe 10 minutes. But really, it's all about adapting to your environment and only "elite" snipers can do that perfectly. 

Turns out the elites are




Yeahhhh . . . . .



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