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Inventory UI Concept

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Get that guy on the dev team please.

Edited by Yazar8
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It certainly looks nicer than what we have, and putting aside the fact that a new UI will happen sometime down the line, but there are two questions I would need to ask:

1) How responsive would it be? All fine and well when running a fast rig but I would rather have a shitty UI that responds quickly and doesn't affect the frame rate rather than an all signing all dancing one that screws with both of those.

2) How scalable is it. Some people need to run the game at lower screen res just to get a decent framerate. There is a UI scaling option in the menu options but would this UI work if scaled down to small?

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Looks a bit to arcade-y for it to catch with the community, if you ask me.


I personally think it looks awesome, but I'm all about functionality, and I'd have to test it out in combat scenarios to truly decide if I liked it or not

Edited by DeatHTaX

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Id rather go with the one that has already been shown as the WIP for our new UI..


Im pretty sure we dont need random people off the street replacing BIS employees also.. just saying. 

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It's interesting to think though that the SA UI is now a year or so old now. Would any of us return to the, quite frankly, retarded mod UI?


I still say that the two largest jumps that SA made over the mod was the introduction of building internals and the UI, everything else is nice but it's those two changes that were real jumps of game evolution.

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  On 12/28/2014 at 4:24 PM, lrish said:

Id rather go with the one that has already been shown as the WIP for our new UI..


Im pretty sure we dont need random people off the street replacing BIS employees also.. just saying. 


Could you link that, Irish? :D

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Looks pretty good, but I like the WIP one better. Only because as someone stated above, it looks arcade-y. I do like the attachment of the flashlight to the pistol with duct tape, that would be awesome.

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  On 12/28/2014 at 4:24 PM, lrish said:

Id rather go with the one that has already been shown as the WIP for our new UI..


Im pretty sure we dont need random people off the street replacing BIS employees also.. just saying. 


I don't like that UI, I hate the fact that It's all at the top.

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  On 12/28/2014 at 5:28 PM, solodude23 said:



  On 12/28/2014 at 5:36 PM, Yazar8 said:

I don't like that UI, I hate the fact that It's all at the top.


Hmm, got to agree, that UI looks shite, I'd rather keep it as it is than change to that very poor HCI example.

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Just to add the make shift light he made would not work IRL.  Taping it to the slide of a semi automatic pistol would prevent the gun from firing or would tear the heck out of the tape when it did since the slide moves back and forth. Also that ui is horrible the one that is at the top of the screen that irish is referring to.

Edited by huf757

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  On 12/28/2014 at 5:49 PM, ricp said:

Hmm, got to agree, that UI looks shite, I'd rather keep it as it is than change to that very poor HCI example.


Yeah, keep it as it is instead of adding that one.

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While it looks nice it isn't really functional and is quite wasteful space wise.


Having to scroll down to see the rest of your inventory is a major issue at the moment and is what really needs fixed. Everything has to be seen at once and unfortunately this doesn't address that issue.


The 7 horizontal lines of inventory at the top is wasteful with large amounts of white space that when used properly would help pull the rest of the inventory up into one screen space.


I'm not a fan of the huge 'CRAFTING' icon that appears in the middle hiding your character.


It does look nice though and has some cool additions like rotating inventory items to place them in any way you like. I would like to see whoever done it try a revised version.


Of course, all of this is just my opinion, I am by no means an expert. :)

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  On 12/28/2014 at 2:47 PM, Yazar8 said:


Get that guy on the dev team please.

looks nice and all. but aren't devs making a new UI. i mean they would have to stop working on that UI just to create this. so much time wasted.

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  On 12/28/2014 at 5:36 PM, Yazar8 said:

I don't like that UI, I hate the fact that It's all at the top.

Based on the write-up it sounds like it'll be fairly customizable:


"Inventory is fully modular so it fits even on 4:3 and offers future possibility to be even organizable by players themselves. All slot sizes are same through whole UI so player is always sure whether item fits in slot or not. Player can choose whether he wants to have avatar panel on left or right side of the screen and can also organize order of containers."

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  On 12/28/2014 at 2:47 PM, Yazar8 said:



Get that guy on the dev team please.

Having a good idea + skills at Adobe video editing = dev?

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  On 12/28/2014 at 9:04 PM, Grindstone said:

Having a good idea + skills at Adobe video editing = dev?


Being sarcastic. He can help them out though.

Edited by Yazar8

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  On 12/28/2014 at 2:47 PM, Yazar8 said:


Get that guy on the dev team please.

I like the concept of this for crafting etc...


I don't like the one the dev's working on atm, if that is still the look I saw.


The current one at .52 looks fine on my 27 inch monitor. 16:9 stretching doesn't matter to me atm.

Edited by FIRMSneakydude

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  On 12/28/2014 at 9:24 PM, Yazar8 said:

Being sarcastic. He can help them out though.


Joe is on Skype with the devs and us, was part of the pre-alpha testers group, he also designed the dayzmod.com website and has done a number of other UI concepts for DayZ and designs for the mod over the years, don't worry they have seen a lot of his concepts.



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I like the OP it is better than the current UI, well done!


However I do like the Dev's one too, while not as beautiful it allows much better view of your surrounding area. The idea of the UI completely blinding your view is a bit average.  

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I don't know why the current UI still has no numbers in the hotbar. But at least we had teddy bears.

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  On 12/29/2014 at 4:08 PM, TEST_SUBJECT_83 said:

Found this on YouTube,

I really like it and think something like this would be awesome when the new renderer is complete.




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