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Ruining the christmas

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So I was in Novodmitrovsk handing out presents (free food etc.), sitting in front of a camp fire on the road with free stuff laying around for people to grab, and then this guy runs at me asking where my friends were, once I told him I was alone he proceeded to take all the food, and then I got shot in the back even though I would have given all my stuff away if asked, now they got a bunch of ruined items they can't use and I can't help any fresh spawns.


So next time you see a player giving away food and wishing you a merry christmas at least be a man enough to watch me in my eyes when you shoot me you filthy cowards!


Merry christmas!

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You always have douchebags in these types of games to ruin it for newbies or bambi's. To me I like it to find stuff myself. I always end up finding different stuff, but I have to say it's a nice gesture! :)

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So I was in Novodmitrovsk handing out presents (free food etc.), sitting in front of a camp fire on the road with free stuff laying around for people to grab, and then this guy runs at me asking where my friends were, once I told him I was alone he proceeded to take all the food, and then I got shot in the back even though I would have given all my stuff away if asked, now they got a bunch of ruined items they can't use and I can't help any fresh spawns.

So next time you see a player giving away food and wishing you a merry christmas at least be a man enough to watch me in my eyes when you shoot me you filthy cowards!

Merry christmas!

I like your carefree attitude.

Have my beans!! :)

Merry christmas

Edited by McWendy
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its not christmas today, you know?


wait until christmas and try again, but be careful, its the end of the world out there  :(


anyway, happy holiday mate

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Those are the kind of people I force feed bandit raw meat to...

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So I was in Novodmitrovsk handing out presents (free food etc.), sitting in front of a camp fire on the road with free stuff laying around for people to grab, and then this guy runs at me asking where my friends were, once I told him I was alone he proceeded to take all the food, and then I got shot in the back even though I would have given all my stuff away if asked, now they got a bunch of ruined items they can't use and I can't help any fresh spawns.


So next time you see a player giving away food and wishing you a merry christmas at least be a man enough to watch me in my eyes when you shoot me you filthy cowards!


Merry christmas!

Imagine if you will, its real life. The apocalypse is here we are all starving and dying, being chased by infected monsters and there is a guy sitting around by himself giving away free stuff that people would kill for. 


That guy is nuts. That guy is capable of anything. That guy should be shot before he shots me and does nasty things with my dead corpse.

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See this right here? This is why I shoot anyone who has any sort of equipment beyond a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.


Then again, if someone in jeans and T-shirts bee lines towards me, I assume he wants to fisticuffs me and shoot him anyways.

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Imagine if you will, its real life. The apocalypse is here we are all starving and dying, being chased by infected monsters and there is a guy sitting around by himself giving away free stuff that people would kill for. 


That guy is nuts. That guy is capable of anything. That guy should be shot before he shots me and does nasty things with my dead corpse.



I don't agree with this at all. :lol:

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That's hilarious. I would shake the hand of the man who shot you



You're a welfare santa! You deserved to be shot.





Seriously though, I would've done the same thing. Hilarious.

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Imagine if you will, its real life. The apocalypse is here we are all starving and dying, being chased by infected monsters and there is a guy sitting around by himself giving away free stuff that people would kill for. 


That guy is nuts. That guy is capable of anything. That guy should be shot before he shots me and does nasty things with my dead corpse.






It is called "altruism", and it, and its derivatives "empathy" and "teamwork",  are pretty much the sole reason we are no longer being eaten by proto-lions in the Paleolithic African savanna. 

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In real life.....A lawless land would have no such holidays....One does not have to look to far here on earth to find that this is true......I submit exhibit A.  ISIS over in Syria and Iraq that is what the worst of the worst do when there is nothing to hold them back. Kill and steal and many many other horrible things that just defy any logic.



Point out to me any place on the planet where human beings live without laws, and I will call you a liar.


Look up a little concept called a "social contract". It is a little vague, but ultimately, it applies to human interaction all the way down to the family level. 


All areas of human interaction are governed by rules we make up. "True" anarchy is a literal impossibility, and has never once existed in the entirety of human existence.


Day Z in NO WAY is realistic, ESPECIALLY with regards to human-human interactions in a disaster situation. See, in real life, you don't respawn, and tend to care just a little bit about dying. Most people want to avoid death, and band together in order to work to avoid that fate. The current "lawless" state in Day Z exists because 1) it is a game, and (relatedly) 2) there are no consequences to acting like a total pants-on-head gigantic throbbing cockhole to everyone you meet. In real life, murdering random people would have consequences, EVEN in a post-apocalyptic society. Bandit clans would be hunted down and exterminated like the vermin they are in short order by organized militias.

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Point out to me any place on the planet where human beings live without laws, and I will call you a liar.


Look up a little concept called a "social contract". It is a little vague, but ultimately, it applies to human interaction all the way down to the family level. 


All areas of human interaction are governed by rules we make up. "True" anarchy is a literal impossibility, and has never once existed in the entirety of human existence.


Day Z in NO WAY is realistic, ESPECIALLY with regards to human-human interactions in a disaster situation. See, in real life, you don't respawn, and tend to care just a little bit about dying. Most people want to avoid death, and band together in order to work to avoid that fate. The current "lawless" state in Day Z exists because 1) it is a game, and (relatedly) 2) there are no consequences to acting like a total pants-on-head gigantic throbbing cockhole to everyone you meet. In real life, murdering random people would have consequences, EVEN in a post-apocalyptic society. Bandit clans would be hunted down and exterminated like the vermin they are in short order by organized militias.

Yeah after I posted it I felt it was a bad example I have to say I agree with you.

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In a postapocalytic wasteland the line between "bandit clans" and "organized militia" is really thin. 

Go look at Congo or any other war torn hellhole if you don't believe me -_-'

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>its close to the holidays

>I am alone

>Decide to put myself in a very dangerous position in the name of helping those who can help themselves

>Sit in the road with no way to protect myself and no friends to back me up

>Someone comes up and shoots me to take my stuff as people are known to do in this game

God this game is so retarded why are people so mean, this is what I was wearing when I was KoS'd tell me I asked for it!


At some point your commonsense has to outweigh your need to feel like a good person, let me know when you find the tipping point without getting deaded. Until then I am going to kill people who look like they are asking to get killed.

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>its close to the holidays

>I am alone

>Decide to put myself in a very dangerous position in the name of helping those who can help themselves

>Sit in the road with no way to protect myself and no friends to back me up

>Someone comes up and shoots me to take my stuff as people are known to do in this game

God this game is so retarded why are people so mean, this is what I was wearing when I was KoS'd tell me I asked for it!


At some point your commonsense has to outweigh your need to feel like a good person, let me know when you find the tipping point without getting deaded. Until then I am going to kill people who look like they are asking to get killed.


rofl, at what point of the post did I call the game retarded, or did I say the guy was mean? I love it how you put words in my mouth.


Helping people in this game is much harder than staying alive and at this point of the game where surviving is child's play I rather help people out and seek for cool people interactions rather than sit on a hill with a mosin in my hand and an AK in my back wrapped in ridiculous ghillie suiting, waiting for people to shoot. Then again that's just my preference and I won't judge you being a total pussy just because that's what you like to do.

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Oh boy another x-mas win thread, this is starting to get entertaining. This reminds me of the X-mas ceasefire thread. LOL


Good will in dayz hahahahaha Oh jesus...well.....we are aware that about 80% of players who play dayz are not freindly and many of that % are pure ass-hats.......right? And thats a vary modest conservitive % I gave....Its prob much higher. You can either just take my word for it OR go through the school of hard knocks....you pick...but I do not feel that sorry for ya. Its a dam shame people cant be nice to each other in game but its just the way its set up...Its by design...better just get used to that one.


What amuzes me is how some people on the forums, talk so down about KOS ass hats and mean spirited players, yet in game it seems there is no shortage of people that play like that, infact most are just jerks to each other.....are we all playing the same game here? Once a player get that impowering gun they want to shoot someone lol It also really amuzes me how players try to or feel the need to justify there KOSing...."oh well he was a bandit".....not even really knowing, not even a clue really lol...Then go search the "bandits" body...lol.Everyone else is a bandit.......right...so dumb. Hypocrites. Infact all I hear in  every TS I have been in is how people want to shoot other players, and how bad they want to get into PvP, to shoot other players...My question is why they even need to justify what your doing or lie to their self??....just do it. Stop pretending.

Edited by CJFlint

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I'd like to point out to those arguing the whole "Social contract and cooperation in an apocalypse would not have us all as homocidal monsters" a few points I've picked up during my classic education...


A) Human beings are inherently violent, we evolved to be so ( I'll poke religion in a second, right now it's science's turn ) because we needed to fend off hungry predators and territorial herbavores. Yeah those harmless leaf eating mammals that the drippy hippies fight so hard to save the rights of? You know, the ones with horns/claws/body mass far outstripping our own that we killed for food? Those things like to kill us right back. We human beings over the course of our evolution have been inherently violent because we killed other creatures out of necessity and in doing so, killed those of us who weren't violent as well because if we -could- kill them and take their stuff, we totally would.


B ) Social contract - if modern sociology is to be believed - was formed by most basic religions that eventually got distilled in to one basic concept: Work together, live in harmony. ie: Don't murder your neighbor because it hurts the collective. I would theorize that having an omniscient, all powerful deity that would punish us in the life beyond for our transgressions (not a concept born in Judaism or Christianity, actually pretty widespread) made controlling and keeping the masses from killing one another fairly easy.


Which brings a final point...


C) Our society, our modern day contemporary society is the longest lasting largely atheistic society to survive on its own in history. Empires rise and fall but what has stood the test of time over and over again is keeping people together under one common belief structure and one common moral code. Whether it be "Do unto others" or "Don't covet they neighbor's Ox", having a similar belief structure has kept human beings together of a like mind functioning on a societal level. In fact, every conflict in history can be traced back to some level of disagreement in belief structure (which isn't a statement about the pros or cons of religion, just an observation of fact) and often lack of resources as well. When two groups of differing belief structures encounter a scarcity of resources, they -will- clash.


Take those in to account when considering that in contemporary society everyone is largely allowed to have whatever belief structure they so choose, without one unifying concept to hold them all together; throw them in to a scenario where the confines of our omnipresent judicial system is no longer enforcing the social contract so belief structures with no unified core are conflicting alongside a scarcity of resources and our innate instinct when someone has something we want is to take it from them and might equals right...


What I'm getting at is, people don't realize how thin and fragile the threads holding our society together actually are and DayZ is a wonderful example of how a mixture of (theoretically) finite resources with no constraints or boundaries to what one can do - with a dash of natural tension and distrust of strangers - could and probably would actually play out.


So... suck it Cracked. :P

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I´m trying hard to find the right words..........


Mabybe......: merry christmas

and.....: don´t take it too serious, it´s just a game B)

and last but not least......: merry christmas


and to the douches and hackers and glitchers and cheaters and kosers and havenomicrophoners and i´am friendly callers and giveyoufoodandkillyouwhlieyoueatit´ers....: merry christmas :lol:

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I disagree with almost 100% of your points. People are assholes in-game because there are no repercussions (I barely count death as a repercussion, as you can gear up so fast it is almost a chore), whereas real life has repercussions to being a cockhole.


What sort of training or education do you have to refute those points I brought up? A Psychology 101 course doesn't count. Did you actually read the links referred to in the article? A majority of them were from actual sociological and psychological studies, with the findings being extrapolated from actual peer-reviewed journals. Such topics may be considered "soft science", but they are still legit.


A real-world example: Hurricane Sandy a couple of years back. Here in southern New England, a majority of places lost power for a while, and with that, the accompanying heat, refrigeration, and lighting. There was little "official" response, and we pretty much had to live on our own for a couple of days. There was little to no crime (or an increase, anyways). People with power cooked mass amounts of food, boiled water, and let others charge their phones. Some guys from my neighborhood went around with a pickup truck stuffed to the gills with gasoline and some generators, so people could run the heater for at least a little while. Neighbors helped each other with broken windows (plywood is a gift from God!), and with bailing out cellars when they flooded. There was one reported break in, where some guys broke into an old ladys house, in order to make sure she was ok. The whole community banded together for the couple of days until we got power back.


I hold the opinion that what you think the apocalypse would be like, and how people would behave, says a lot about you as a person. Believe that people would become frothing animals of rape and murder when the lights go out? You are probably a pessimist, and might just join in that behavior. Think people would band together and help each other out? Probably an optimist, and probably would do the same. 


Note that just because I believe that people would band together and help each other out, doesn't mean I think the TSC would mean everyone would hold hands and sign KUMBAYA. Humans are tribal by nature. We would help the members of our own group, and distrust (until they prove themselves) at best the members of other groups.

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Well OP, I feel you bro. Today I was up to do some good to freshrespawns too, so I proceed to look for a V3S truck, found one, gas tank almost full after finding enough jerrycans so I take my way to the coast to find some lucky freshrespawn. BUT, I had my char, I had my gear'n stuff, I really didn't wanted to die, so I droped it in a road near Dolina and got to a nearby house to eat something.


Man, the truck didn't last 10 minutes, I got into the house and when I was eating, I hear the truck door opening, closing and then the engine turning on! Man, it was like REALLY fast lol. I hope this stranger enjoy the gift!


I belive that if you want to do charity without getting fucked, you best bet is to fill a backpack with can oppeners, food, drinks and drop in a freshrespawn area. You won't have the direct "thank you", but hey, what really matters is that you helped someone right.




I hold the opinion that what you think the apocalypse would be like, and how people would behave, says a lot about you as a person. Believe that people would become frothing animals of rape and murder when the lights go out? You are probably a pessimist, and might just join in that behavior. Think people would band together and help each other out? Probably an optimist, and probably would do the same. 




Gud post man I agree, and I have to say that in DayZ I feel safer alone then with a group. People talk too much, run too much, are not organized, want to rush everything, are trigger happy... I can control myself quite good, I can be invisible alone in DayZ!


This would be so diferent in a real life situation...

Edited by Avant-Garde

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Stuff :D


I think you read too much into this game lol. I run around and kill people because I can, and because it's fun and I enjoy the firefights and executions of unsuspecting victims :D


Doesn't really make me an asshole, per say. I just play the game differently. I play a survival game where in order to survive better for my play style, I need to murder you and take your stuff in whatever way possible. I'd agree if you said that makes me a tad lazy, but I don't really think it constitutes being an asshole. Why just the other day I stalked a guy as a freshspawn in hardcore and came up to him pretending I was lost and didn't know where to go. The guy didn't have a mic and tried to force feed me some pipsi.


I punched him in the face, stole his stuff, and ran off. It was glorious.


The man with the gun and the gear and the food in DayZ is king. That's the way I play it.


Trusting people is for the weak ;)

Edited by DeatHTaX

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