rickyriot 1009 Posted December 3, 2014 (edited) It's asinine.Actually the definition of asinine suits your sarcasm, my request for the removal of scopes is not. That said, I did find your sarcasm funny, so fair play, thanks for the chuckle. :) In all seriousness I understand your objections. Sniping, at this stage, is pretty easy. All you have to account for is bullet drop and travel time. Down the line, however, I imagine that factors such as wind will have an effect, which will making sniping considerably more difficult.And this is exactly the point. It literally is zoom and click. Pay attention to your surroundings. I've never been sniped.For a start I've been playing DayZ for nigh on 3 years (mod/SA) and have clanned since the 90's, so I'm not some reckless noob that runs down the middle of the street making as much noise as possible. The "pay attention to your surroundings" advice is good, I'll not deny that, but you're teaching your granny to suck eggs here.Secondly as for never being sniped, you simply do not know this. As there is no kill cam, or text announcing which player made the kill, are you seriously telling me you have seen every single person that has killed you? If so, then either you haven't played the game much (not an insult, just playing Devil's Advocate), you always played on empty or very friendly servers, you live almost entirely in the woods encountering nobody or you have just been extremely lucky. I have, however, had an M4 mag emptied into the side of my head. He didn't even need a scope.Now, allow me with humour, to give you your advice back; "You should pay attention to your surroundings." ;) You see I can understand why people think, "oh, look at him, all up on his high horse", but it's not. My dislike of snipers and their modus operandi is based on both experience and the mechanics of the game, added in with a level of realism. Allow me to address them separately so that people can fully relate to the point I am making. Experience: For nearly 15 years the sniping game style has changed very little. Now before people think I am being elitist, I am not, I am not a very good sniper to be fair as I prefer being involved in the fire fight at the ground level, toe to toe, building to building, euphemistically referred to as a "pray and spray merchant". Very few snipers genuinely hunt or trail their prey, sure some do but the vast majority do not, it's reduces the efficiency of the role. This reduces any interaction with between shooter and shootee, which goes against the ethos of the game. Essentially snipers are KoS by implication, if not by practice. Mechanics: At present the sniping is simply too easy. Zoom, aim, click, that's it. Now there is some level of bullet drop, but it's as far removed from real as it is close to the cartoon like CoD. Realism: You can find high powered pristine scopes all over the place. This is just not realistic at all. Perhaps to Americans as they can pop down to their local gun shops and purchase the latest high tech gear. If you have spent any time in Eastern Europe (and I have) you'll find people keep a plethora of low grade rifles (mostly left overs from WW2 and the Bosnian War, albeit I was there before the Ukranian crisis) with the occasional scope here and there and none of them high powered optics. So, combine those viewpoints, and you will see why I find the sniping gameplay such a negative element to the game. This is my opinion, and I am entitled to it, as much as others theirs. Am I "demanding" that scopes are removed? No, I would like to see far less of them, and ideally none until the sniping is made far more difficult. I would however like to see more rifles included in the game. Phew, that was way too long a post, but I felt I needed to explain my position as to provide some "workings behind the maths", as it were. Edited December 3, 2014 by ricp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5mirkeh 98 Posted December 3, 2014 "You should pay attention to your surroundings." . . . . . *looks around blindly in a field* . . . . Wha? *mosin shot* 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeefBacon 1185 Posted December 3, 2014 -snip- See, when you take the time to explain your position you sound much more reasonable. Making sweeping statements like "I think all scopes should be removed" is like making a strawman of yourself ;D And yeah, that M4 kill was one of my first deaths. Was at the barracks in Zelenogorsk, he shot me through the window. I am still yet to be sniped, however. I make use of defilades and treelines, and generally stick to the outskirts of towns where I can easily find cover, unless I make a beeline for a fire station or police station. I also watch rooftops for silhouettes, and do my best to break line of sight as regularly as possible with any likely sniper spots. Even at NWAF I've never really run into trouble, at least not of the sniper variety. But, again, I stick to the edges for the most part. I actually completely avoid the ATC and fire station and go for the barracks and jail buildings since they're less exposed. I've got 94 hours in DayZ. Isn't the 900 that some people have, but hey. I figure my caution has gone a long way towards me not being sniped. But yes, more rifles would be nice. Also, CR75 (or whatever that carbine is called) mags would be nice. I've never seen one. Recently I've been using lever-action rifles but I always drop it for an SKS. Just seems to be the most versatile weapon, and suits the ranges that I tend to engage at while allowing me to spam bullets at close quarters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rickyriot 1009 Posted December 3, 2014 Making sweeping statements like "I think all scopes should be removed" is like making a strawman of yourself ;D Hmm... personally I feel people apply context that wasn't there. Still as we are both singing from the same hymn sheet I'll move on.. :) I am still yet to be sniped, however. How do you know? Have you never had a case where you are dead and a bullet sound plays? While that is, of course, no guarantee it was a sniper it's certainly a good indicator. If you've never suffered this, then as I alluded to before, then you've been pretty lucky. I make use of defilades and treelines, and generally stick to the outskirts of towns where I can easily find cover, unless I make a beeline for a fire station or police station. I also watch rooftops for silhouettes, and do my best to break line of sight as regularly as possible with any likely sniper spots. DayZ 101, really. The SA has been pretty benign since it's release. The zombies are now getting worthy of avoiding and while KoS merchants always have been and always will be around the addition of vehicles adds a certain pique of panic to those who remember jumping for hedgerows in the mod while a battered old car packed full of bandits rushes past. But yes, more rifles would be nice. Also, CR75 (or whatever that carbine is called) mags would be nice. I've never seen one. Recently I've been using lever-action rifles but I always drop it for an SKS. Just seems to be the most versatile weapon, and suits the ranges that I tend to engage at while allowing me to spam bullets at close quarters. I've yet to fire a carbine. I've had a few in my inventory since it's addition, and I've had a couple of magazines for it too, I've just never had both at the same time! I would love a Kar98k to be implemented, purely for nostalgia reasons from using them in WW2 FPS games. Despite not being made in 50 odd years, there are still a shit ton of them knocking about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted December 3, 2014 (edited) For me I almost never die from snipers....ever. I'm much more conserned with some 12 year old with an AKM, then a person with a mosin. Infact every person I ever shot at long range were out in the open or on top of buildings. Sitting ducks really. If your serously having issues with snipers, I got a real peice advice. Stop running out in the open and when you do zig zag...if you do that a guy with a mosin prob will not even bother shooting at you. If you think your safe on top of a building your wrong. Always check treelines, hills and apartment building windows and roughtops. Get smart instead of demanding nerfs, stop blaming your failures on a other player play styles. Check your self. It seems now the hackers are gone (WHICH IN REALITY WERE REALLY RARE) people need something new to blame there deaths and failures on...."snipers" LOL This is so clear as day to me :lol: This is the second thread in the past 2 days that had anti mosin talk, anti ghillie talk LOL People are really getting nervous lol Its really dumb guys, just cut it out. Infact the poor guy that started this thread just wanted his questions ansered, instead of giving him that, you all started in with this anti scope, anti sniper BS....Why not just anser his question, he's probably new and really wanted to know. Hes prob not even a threat ingame anyways. Jesus This thread should have about what new sniper rifles or long guns are coming to dayz.......its what the guy wanted to know Edited December 3, 2014 by CJFlint Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AdamantiuM 8 Posted December 3, 2014 It seems now the hackers are gone (WHICH IN REALITY WERE REALLY RARE) people need something new to blame there deaths and failures on...."snipers" LOL This is so clear as day to me :lol: This is the second thread in the past 2 days that had anti mosin talk, anti ghillie talk LOL People are really getting nervous lolSo you apparently don't play the game at all, as I'd say at least HALF my deaths (maybe more) have been by someone hacking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted December 3, 2014 (edited) So you apparently don't play the game at all, as I'd say at least HALF my deaths (maybe more) have been by someone hacking. Let me ask you, did you film it? How did you know it was a hacker? If you really are dieing from hackers everyday, lol you should filming it. Report them. I have my doupts though lol Out of serveral hundered hours of game play on light, med and high servers. And really only 2 times a saw someone I was certain was a hacker. The whole crying hacker thing is really out of control with this game to the point now, they have to search cpus for "hacks". Not saying there not out there, Im saying its a vary overblown issue. There are legit cases, but most of the time its people crying wolf, or using it as an excuse. So I say film it if you see it, report it. And now that there searching our systems, hackers will be no more. Now people need something new to blame there short comings on........ghillie suited snipers......OMG the horror!........... <_< Edited December 3, 2014 by CJFlint Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rags! 1966 Posted December 4, 2014 I guess I just don't see the enjoyment in buying a game like DayZ and spending your time in it as far away from other players as possible and shooting them. I suppose my version of "player interaction" just isn't limited to "shoot all other human beings at a distance because fuck other people I want to pretend I'm a 1337 sn1p3r". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
methr1k2dop3 323 Posted December 4, 2014 (edited) I hope they dont add anymore weapons like this.So everyone and their mama is gonna be in the tree line "killing bandits".Justify it all you want but really you are griefing.you are 300 meters away, just run.....Not saying we shouldn't have them but ammo for these should be uber rare. (so people cant easily obtain 40 rounds and just camp popular loot places, eventually they will have to go find ammo) Edited December 4, 2014 by methr1k2dop3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted December 4, 2014 (edited) The reality is more players are shot by AKMs and M4s then mosins with LRS. Its just a fact. Most of the "KOS" that is always brought up on forums happen with rifles like that. Wanna talk about a one sided shoot out lol I really think this going to be one of those threads that is completely derailed. No offence but I think theres some people posting here who have a complete mis-understanding of what overwatch is, or why a player would want to be armed with a mosin and the pros of having a mosin are to group pvp doing over watch for your team mates and solo....or even hunting or just killing zombies. Its also great for scouting use too. No its not all about camping loot areas, and shooting players for no reason. People love dissing players play style's. Also the mosin also has some serous dis advantages too anyways like close end fighting. The sway is really a issue to over come firing long range 2. Also the damage it does on clothing items was nerfed, so it sometimes takes a few shots to take a player out. Back say maybe 5 months ago the mosin was kind of OPed. But not so much anymore. Now theres some issues to contend with, that not everyone has the patience for. So its not like people armed with them are all the sudden KOS gods or something LOL not even the case. Oh well its ok, oh well the person who started this thread will just have to visit dayz tv and find out the info about up coming long guns.........that is what this thread was about.......remember? :huh: Maybe the lesson here is don't use the word "sniper" say overwatch instead, it prob hits peoples nerves the wrong way, they may have had a game session or 2 ruined at some point by a "sniper"...or KOS in general. Any mention of anything related to "KOS" or Pro banditry talk will set off a fire storm here on the forums. So maybe word differently next time lol Hey its prob happened to everyone who has played this game more the 50 hours. Its happened to me I know that. I took at as lesson of what not to do next time hehe I think right of people assumed, "this person is just out to KOS....so fuckem" When the reality is that might not be the case. Edited December 4, 2014 by CJFlint Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted December 4, 2014 Personally I think sniping is a very low level of gameplay, chosen by those unable to play the game any other way, and as such hope that all scopes are removed from the game. I want to see more rifles, but no scopes. Realism: You can find high powered pristine scopes all over the place. This is just not realistic at all. LOL. Finding LRS everywhere is not realistic, it's a "tactical" scope costing thousands. Scopes in general? None? Really? Don't try to say scopes are unrealistic and you can only buy them in America. It's coming up to 2015 now. The words "hunting rifle" conjure up images of a scoped bolt action. That's fairly universal wherever rifles are allowed. The most common form of hunting rifles should be totally excluded from the game? Pfft. Hey look, pictures from Eastern forums. Couple of the first Russian results for "optical sight". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rickyriot 1009 Posted December 4, 2014 Scopes in general? None? Really? Don't try to say scopes are unrealistic and you can only buy them in America. It's coming up to 2015 now. The words "hunting rifle" conjure up images of a scoped bolt action. That's fairly universal wherever rifles are allowed. The most common form of hunting rifles should be totally excluded from the game? Pfft. I think you've misunderstood my comment. It's not that there is some sort of Soviet block embargo on Western goods still in place, but that they seem (at least from first hand experience) not as common as they would be in other places in the world. Certainly during the time I travelled in Eastern Europe - and the caveat here was that it was before the current Ukrainian crisis and I have no idea what that has done in terms of the proliferation of weapons and their attachments - while many had rifles for hunting there weren't many that has scopes and of those they weren't particularly high tech. Now, in the game, I've found myself tripping over PU and LR scopes, which just seems a bit unrealistic, even more so considering the locations I find them in (garages and sheds). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Element47 2481 Posted December 4, 2014 (edited) And you are entitled to your opinion. Do you like KoS merchants? They too are "within the rules of the game", but they don't add anything to the DayZ experience. Snipers, in general, are in that bracket in my opinion. I think as well you have missed the point of my post, I want to see more rifles, but no scopes. Let's see people use a bit of skill and judgement in taking out a player from a distance. i disagree. Betrayal, Bait&Kill, Long Range Area Denial (aka "die in a fire you camping pos sniper swine") are not only valid play styles, but also add a lot of flavor to the game. If not for them, we would have much less adrenaline when crossing large open areas or meeting strangers, and accordingly would feel much less acomplished when surviving said actions without a scratch. I love me a good amount of ruthless sociopaths trying to make my life miserable - because they make the positive experiences of befriending random strangers or exploring an airfield or a milbase completely without incident so much more exciting and rewarding Edited December 4, 2014 by e47 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DerrocK (DayZ) 39 Posted December 4, 2014 Your not a sniper or player. You just want to make life miserable for other players. Your a griefer. He plays as he wishes. End of story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirov (DayZ) 585 Posted December 5, 2014 He plays as he wishes. End of story. I mentioned I don't have any real bee with snipers, but what I don't like in this forum is the above kind of comment. Guys, you really need to recognize that if there are two kinds of gameplay, one "I shoot everyone I see" and another "I like to prance about grasslands with my animal friends", then upon meeting, the first one already enforces his gameplay on the another. Some people here sound as if a jock started a fight and when the police are called, cried how his liberties are being restricted. Guys, when you shoot somebody in the face, especially not threatening or not in PvP zones (e.g. long distance shot), they you give him a very severe case of restricted-libertisis. His gameplay, his expectations, his sense of fun, don't really mean much to you when you pull the trigger. So maybe, just maybe, invoking your constitutional rights to defend aggressive game is a bit hypocritical. That being said, I like how Chernarus is a dangerous place and not a Disneyworld. My main complaint is that if 80% encounters is KOSing, then it's really hard to talk about variety and diversity. Creative with social interactions, most Survivors are not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caboose187 (DayZ) 3036 Posted December 5, 2014 (edited) Lack of survival makes sniping easyLack of alerting others to your position(sound bug)makes sniping easyBeing able to lay in one spot without freezing or getting thirsty or hungry makes sniping easy Moral of the story is: at this stage in development sniping is easy. Edited December 5, 2014 by Caboose187 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Knifeguy 17 Posted December 9, 2014 I've always enjoyed playing as the sniper, primarily so I can provide Overwatch for my friends. I've been able to direct my squad to safely avoid people or surround them with as little risk to themselves as is feasible in a game like this. If I'm by myself I'm more likely to take a shot near someone if I want to scare them off. Getting blown away without any warning or provocation sucks, so I try to avoid doing it to people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wili 156 Posted January 19, 2015 I think sniper rifles are ok if they are very rare, but I think since Christmas patch there are too many Long Range Scopes. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alldaypk 63 Posted January 20, 2015 (edited) The Mosin with a PU/LRS is a sniper rifle, the bent-bolt ones in game were specifically made as snipers. The only real demeaning factor for the Mosin is that the accuracy doesn't stand up to most of the long-ranged rifles of today.An SVD is going to be added at some point when the central loot economy is implemented, so you'll have a marksman rifle. As for other snipers, I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that we'll get more ranged capable weapons in the future. For now though you're just going to be using the Mosin as your go-to sniper rifle and SKS as a marksman rifle (or an AKM/AK101/M4 with a PSO-1 or ACOG) There's a Winchester to be added soon, hopefully with the new hunting scope. I can't find any posts about it, but I remember reading somewhere it might replace the Mosin as the designated "sniper" rifle. EDIT: The Winchester Model 70, comes with built in iron sights: Edited January 20, 2015 by Alldaypk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chaingunfighter 917 Posted January 20, 2015 There's a Winchester to be added soon, hopefully with the new hunting scope. I can't find any posts about it, but I remember reading somewhere it might replace the Mosin as the designated "sniper" rifle. EDIT: The Winchester Model 70, comes with built in iron sights: Mosin will still have the PU scope so potentially using it as a ranged weapon will still be possible but the original plan was to remove the LRS from the Mosin once other rifles that are more accepting of scopes get implemented. Winchester was chosen probably precisely because it has built-in ironsights so you have to loot the scope separately. Hopefully we'll get a different rifle without irons later on, maybe with a larger capacity to compensate for it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted January 20, 2015 It makes me giggle when I see kids say 'sniper' on the forums. It's a word that we're all just saturated with at this point. It's especially comical when they are directly referencing Dayz long range shooting mechanics or more accurately the over simplified point and click "sniperinz". There is nothing hard, challenging or rewarding about shooting someone at long range in dayz currently. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaverProductions 441 Posted January 20, 2015 This is my contribution to the "snipers are nasty players" mentality a few of you seem to have. http://youtu.be/O2y9j1uHC2Y Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaverProductions 441 Posted January 20, 2015 It's especially comical when they are directly referencing Dayz long range shooting mechanics or more accurately the over simplified point and click "sniperinz". There is nothing hard, challenging or rewarding about shooting someone at long range in dayz currently. Lets see your videos of 800m+ shots on moving targets then Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sachad 1016 Posted January 20, 2015 When gun shots are as loud as they should be, and zombies are numerous and belligerent, and suppressors are done realistically and made rare, sniper will become a challenging career choice. Right now it's just shooting fish in a barrel mostly. Most, if not all the times I got sniped out of nowhere, I was standing still on a rooftop or in the open field, just begging to get picked off by any sniper who happened to be nearby with a clear shot. The shot won't even attract much attention except for maybe one or two zombies and a player, if there are any even within a 100 yards. But when your unsuppressed sniper shot becomes a dinner bell for the dozens of dangerous zombies within a half mile or even a one mile radius, and working rifles and ammo become difficult to find, then it becomes a challenging playing style. Until then I'll hold off on paying respects :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gibonez 3633 Posted January 20, 2015 Lets see your videos of 800m+ shots on moving targets thenWhat good would posting one do?It doesn't change the fact that sniping is laughably easy in fact it's the easiest way to kill in dayz.This is problematic because in real life it should be the hardest practice.But in dayz it's as easy as page up 8 times line up and shoot. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites