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Insane Ruffles

Player Data on Leg Break Glitch in Buildings.

Player Data on Random Leg Break Bug  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Has your character been randomly hurt/had items ruined by being in a building in the past 7 days?

    • Yes, I have either randomly broken/hurt my legs and/or my pants have been ruined in a building in the past 7 days.
    • No, I have not experienced any such bugs in the past 7 days.

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So having heard of a lot of problems concerning this particular bug, I decided to make a poll. This will allow us to gather how much of the population has been effected in a certain amount of time. Please remember, this is within the past 7 days. 

Edited by InsaneRuffles

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Not sure why it has to be within the past 7 days as I haven't had this issue at all in the past 11 months.  Still voted No.

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Not sure why it has to be within the past 7 days as I haven't had this issue at all in the past 11 months. Still voted No.

When collecting data you have to have a frame of reference. In this case 7 days is the frame of reference. Edited by InsaneRuffles

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Fell through the bottom of the crane furthest east in Elecktro, the one right by the shore.  Happened last weekend.

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Has happened to me once or twice but my pal that I play with is forever breaking his legs upstairs in buildings.

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Just an fyi, a poll on this does nothing here.  Go vote it up on the bug tracker if you want to give proper data and feedback.

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Last time it happened to me was in. 49 cherno construction buildings.

Anyone ever have your pants and boots ruined from walking in water? Happened to me and a buddy last week.

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For me this bug is rare or bugs like it or rare.


In the begining of .49 stable (over a month ago), I fell and broke my leg on the rify ship. When I landed I was inside the 3d parim of the ship, with a broken leg. Really bad lol I was stuck til I died. Luckly it did not take to long


I also fallen of a ladder and died monthes ago.


To me its so rare I don't worry about it too much.

Edited by CJFlint

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Happened to me twice this week, once last friday.


First at the construction site north of orlovets. fell through the stair and died.

 Then at policestation in  Novo. Broke my legs, ruined my pants, shoes, canteen and two packs of ammo. I had to crawl a mile to cut some kindling so I could fix my legs. Then when I'm sitting on the third floor of a bluedoor building eating and drinking a zombie hits me from the outside and kills me. Funny. Lost my M4 which was the first one I had found in months.


 Third time was at Severograd fire station 2nd floor. Broke legs, ruined pants, shoes, nothing else. I had morphine so I could fix it easy.

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So having heard of a lot of problems concerning this particular bug, I decided to make a poll. This will allow us to gather how much of the population has been effected in a certain amount of time. Please remember, this is within the past 7 days. 


The devs are already on to a fix.. had one respond to a reddit post a while back. It happens more often in high ping situations, where the server does not update your player position properly but can happen randomly to just about anyone when upstairs of a building.


In the mean time.




Once you are upstairs, vault somewhere safe to do so. This forces the server to update your player position, removing the bugs chance of happening about 95% if not 100%. 

Edited by lrish

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Twice in the last two weeks, first time I was on top of the fire station when suddenly "My leg is in pain" "I think my leg is broken" You Are Dead.


Second time I was running down the tracks north of Berezino on a rather full server and had a buddy with me when suddenly the same thing happened, heard no shots, heard no impacts, and my buddy said I just fell down and died.

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Only a couple of times on stable in my ~200h but couple of days ago I died 4 times in a day on 0.51 exp. Someone said its probably cause od higher ping server filled with people.

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its happened a total of 5 times since release and I am not careful about running up stairs at all.  Not a big deal to me. Would only be a problem if it happened 2 or 3 times a week.

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Have also gotten trapped falling into the bottom of a house in the last 7 days, and previously fallen out of the wall of a house as well as witnessed my friend dying walking out of a tent in tent city in recent weeks. Chernarus is a strange place!

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Andy (Bohemia Interactive - manager)
2014-10-23 15:43

Hey everyone,
we are aware of the problem, but it is a tricky one and the eventual fix might take some time to come - please be patient!
We have investigated this again recently and might have identified the cause. The issue is now scheduled for a fix.



Again like I said above, use the bug tracker.  Talking about it gets zero results.

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i have honestly never experienced such, the same with deadly ladders: never happend to me. it bugs my mind a bit to think that this is a common thing yet i fail to experience this by myself.

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Just happened to me today in a barn.

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