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Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

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so ive just had an odd experience in experimental, i was running down a road up in the country side and i heard a v3s truck coming, at this time i had a jerry can in my hand , so i was hiding in the tree, the v3s went passed and stopped abit down the road, the v3s started to drive on the grass in reverse on the other side of the road ,when the truck was directly oposite they got out and fired at me, theres no way they could of seen me without them using some kind of hacks that detect the jerry can model, so if you want to know if a player is hacking simply hide in some trees with a jerry can and if they stop , you know to get off that server and wait for a battleye update as hacking is cleary still in this game..

Edited by Anddos
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Just got killed by a hacker in NWAF. I tried running out of a building but the doors kept shutting on me. then he appeared and disappeared in front of my face and kept opening doors. then i finally got outside and died. no gunshots or sounds. just died.


I thought the hacking would cease but now its only easier to hack??? Since they are doing it on experimental.

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so ive just had an odd experience in experimental, i was running down a road up in the country side and i heard a v3s truck coming, at this time i had a jerry can in my hand , so i was hiding in the tree, the v3s went passed and stopped abit down the road, the v3s started to drive on the grass in reverse on the other side of the road ,when the truck was directly oposite they got out and fired at me, theres no way they could of seen me without them using some kind of hacks that detect the jerry can model, so if you want to know if a player is hacking simply hide in some trees with a jerry can and if they stop , you know to get off that server and wait for a battleye update as hacking is cleary still in this game..


How do you know they did not see you? If it was two in the VS3, there is four eyes with zoom function that searching the side of the road for anomalies. And even if you think you are hidden, that's not always the case. 


If you had a backpack, a gun, or a meele weapon on you perhaps one of this items was visible from their angle. And prehaps some of the gear stood out because they had different colors then the surroundings. It could simply been a good job of them spotting you.


So prehaps the reason they saw you was simply because they did see you? Maybe you did a mistake?


That's seems more likely then any "jerry can hack" even though hacking on 0,51 experimental is happening.



Anyway, i think this thought you a very valuable lesson. Do not travel to close to the road.

Edited by skoms
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I've heard that experimental was a "more" friendly place to explore but it hasn't been the case for me.  Every stranger encounter I've had so far since the .51 update has resulted in an exchange of blows or bullets.




Keep in mind that the implementation of vehicles sent a good ammount of the stable-regulars to exp. I did not bother to play 0.51 so far at all, but i'm really looking forward when it goes to stable, maybe exp will be less "stable" again then.

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Keep in mind that the implementation of vehicles sent a good ammount of the stable-regulars to exp. I did not bother to play 0.51 so far at all, but i'm really looking forward when it goes to stable, maybe exp will be less "stable" again then.

I'm in the same boat. Haven't played 0.51 more than a couple hours total. If we're not careful though, the Experimental forum will become known as "where those Exp elitists hang out." ;)

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Send me the proof, I will pass it on.

There is absolutely nothing in either of these posts that comes close to proof of hacking, collective paranoia more like it.

Also BE is passive  ("currently the new version of BE is in observer mode") in Exp build at this time, so if anyone is hacking the hammer will fall sooner or later.


Please read the Guidelines.

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Send me the proof, I will pass it on.

There is absolutely nothing in either of these posts that comes close to proof of hacking, collective paranoia more like it.

Also BE is passive  ("currently the new version of BE is in observer mode") in Exp build at this time, so if anyone is hacking the hammer will fall sooner or later.


Please read the Guidelines.


Wow! Collective paranoia??? Are you serious?


This is not a good way to respond on reports of hacking. Hope i never see answers like this again. Especially not for a forum administrator.


Hacking is occurring on 0,51 and that's a fact. I was shot through the wall last night, when i was covering the only entrance of a stairwell with no windows and a closed door,  and a friend told me he and all of his clan was taken out simultaneously by what he described as a "carpet bomb" hack. But this is just collective paranoia i guess??  lol 


Not everyone is recording their gameplay, so proof is not always available. But that doesn't mean there is no hacking. If BE is passive, that might be the answer why hacking is still happening.I really hope the hackers will be taken care of eventually, because they are the biggest problem of DayZ. Nothing want you to quit playing more then being taken out of a hacker.



Wait, let me edit the last part: The biggest problem might be that people ignoring the fact that hacking is a problem?

Edited by skoms

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Wow! Collective paranoia??? Are you serious?


This is not a good way to respond on reports of hacking. Hope i never see answers like this again. Especially not for a forum administrator.

I refer to the above quoted posts.

Nobody denies hacking is taking place, least of all myself.


Please read the Guidelines.

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Wow! Collective paranoia??? Are you serious?


This is not a good way to respond on reports of hacking. Hope i never see answers like this again. Especially not for a forum administrator.


Hacking is occurring on 0,51 and that's a fact. I was shot through the wall last night, when i was covering the only entrance of a stairwell with no windows and a closed door,  and a friend told me he and all of his clan was taken out simultaneously by what he described as a "carpet bomb" hack. But this is just collective paranoia i guess??  lol 


Not everyone is recording their gameplay, so proof is not always available. But that doesn't mean there is no hacking. If BE is passive, that might be the answer why hacking is still happening.I really hope the hackers will be taken care of eventually, because they are the biggest problem of DayZ. Nothing want you to quit playing more then being taken out of a hacker.



Wait, let me edit the last part: The biggest problem might be that people ignoring the fact that hacking is a problem?



Talking and ranting and complaining about it doesn't get anyone anywhere. Reporting it the way you're supposed to helps. So many people get "shot through walls" or are "instantly dead for no reason from a hacker." I don't think Boneboys denied hacking, I think he was making a comment on the appropriate response to it.

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I refer to the above quoted posts.

Nobody denies hacking is taking place, least of all myself.


Please read the Guidelines.


Ok, then i apologize. My mistake. :)


I most have misunderstood something. 

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I'm in the same boat. Haven't played 0.51 more than a couple hours total. If we're not careful though, the Experimental forum will become known as "where those Exp elitists hang out." ;)


Aren't we though?  B)

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Saw BE global ban a few last night on SWE-1, gives me warm fuzzies when I see that. The SWE servers are doing local time so I get to play them at night and the wee hours. I love it.

Edited by Barnabus

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I don't understand this picking berries and apples at all. I tried last night for a few hours and I could not get far enough inland to get an food spawns before I dide. I would try picking apples but out of 20 tries only received one apple and out of 15 tries for berries I only received one set of berries and they were poisionous. So I dont get the live off the fruit part. Could not fish cause I could not find an axe to chop down a ashewood tree. Could not hunt cause screwdrivers and pick axes will not allow you to kill prey cause they run away if you get too close. The closest I got to the west was Grishino before dying. But I sure did have my pick of back packs and books though. :)

Be patient and keep looking, the red berries are the ones you want to eat and those bushes are quite a bit darker and more reddish than the ones you get the blue colored berries from. Also, move around the bush, check from crouching and standing, don't forget to look up and down too. Same goes for Apple trees although I think that berries are better than apples for hunger, but apples are good for thirst too whereas berries aren't so hot for water. If you survive long enough to make it to apartment buildings near Cherno, look for food there. I know it is tedious. If a house looks empty search with inventory open, sometimes things will spawn in certain styles of houses just under the floor where you can't physically see it. I can't begin to tell you how many times I had characters starve or dehydrate to death before I started doing this over the last week.

Sometimes you get lucky and find a loot bubble.

Edited by Barnabus

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My first objective when I spawn now is to get an axe, machete, rope and matches. With those four things you are well on your way to self sufficiency and can basically use the land to live off other than nipping into the odd chicken coop for feathers every now and again to restock your arrows.

Killing your first animal with a bow and arrow you made when you are dying of starvation is quite a nice feeling. :)

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What is the situation with drying clothes in this build?


I can wring them out and while the status won't change until I put them back on, they do change to being damp. However I can't seem to speed up the drying of clothes with a fireplace. Either while wearing them or by taking them off an placing them next to the fire. All that happens is that I become hot, and the status remains damp.

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I'm in the same boat. Haven't played 0.51 more than a couple hours total. If we're not careful though, the Experimental forum will become known as "where those Exp elitists hang out." ;)


Nah, no elitism at all, experimental usually just plays different, and some people prefer it. I did not mean to make a "Experimental masterrace" comment, as there is no such thing. After all we predicted that it would be like it is now once vehicles come into the game. :)

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What is the situation with drying clothes in this build?


I can wring them out and while the status won't change until I put them back on, they do change to being damp. However I can't seem to speed up the drying of clothes with a fireplace. Either while wearing them or by taking them off an placing them next to the fire. All that happens is that I become hot, and the status remains damp.



Just a heads up...


Placing cargo pants on the fire (literally, I thought they'd burn but didn't)...



Several minutes on the fire, still wet...



Even putting them back on doesn't change the status...



One other thing to note, the "wring out" option is not available on the Summer hunter pants for some reason...


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I think you can get the cannibal disease simply by being hit by zombies now. At least I have heard the cannibal laugh up close twice now where I was certain there was no other players around (and I hadn't eaten human flesh, but had been hit by zombies).

Edited by BadAsh

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Switch to what, Direct von/voip ?

I've taken a quick look earlier today and wasn't sure, switch channel binds work and I've set a direct talk bind which works fine (not talking chat channels btw).

Is it the same little mic symbol as direct talk that shows ?


I should know all this but hey, everybody needs a :facepalm: now and again.

Yes it shows the same symbol, but it will pop up saying 87.9 hertz or something like that instead of saying direct communication

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Got a little base up in myshinko now, right next to the truck spawn :) ... I got a bunch of cows that the zombies herd into town every now and again I can kill , hardly any bandit traffick, and a nice gas station down the road a ways near sosnovka so I can fill my Jerry's ... I'm so set , any other friendly survivors with their bases near myshinko on first person only servers should come visit me some time soon I'm on the us /uk / some times Australian servers (when i need a Jerry can) !

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Just a heads up...


Placing cargo pants on the fire (literally, I thought they'd burn but didn't)...



Several minutes on the fire, still wet...



Even putting them back on doesn't change the status...



One other thing to note, the "wring out" option is not available on the Summer hunter pants for some reason...


your hands need to be empty to wring out clothes btw :p

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My first objective when I spawn now is to get an axe, machete, rope and matches. With those four things you are well on your way to self sufficiency and can basically use the land to live off other than nipping into the odd chicken coop for feathers every now and again to restock your arrows.

Killing your first animal with a bow and arrow you made when you are dying of starvation is quite a nice feeling. :)

Btw live of the land. Since the coastal area is wiped clean i usually run deep intou the woods. From deerstands and that cabin kinda thing with ladder walkable i can have enough stuff to make it realy long.

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Hey guys I am trying to get a taste for 0.51 - doing fine but I was wondering what people suggest I try out? And where are people finding the gas canisters? Are they as rare as can openers lol? I have searched inside and out of towns and industrial areas with no luck. What about the cannibal disease stuff? 

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Hey guys I am trying to get a taste for 0.51 - doing fine but I was wondering what people suggest I try out? And where are people finding the gas canisters? Are they as rare as can openers lol? I have searched inside and out of towns and industrial areas with no luck. What about the cannibal disease stuff? 


Read the original post by SmashT to see everything that's new with this build.


The first iteration of vehicles is the biggie, really. Other than that, crafting a ghillie & partaking in cannibalism with at least one of your characters makes for some real fun.  :)


The cannibal disease is brain disease (Kuru). My suggestion is to just eat some cooked human flesh & see for yourself -- exp. is getting wiped tomorrow anyway.


Just don't eat any raw human flesh. You'll get food poisoning on top of Kuru, & only Kuru is fun.

Edited by blunce

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Any news on experimental going to stable right away?  Haven't read anything since the weekend so I'm curious on if it's still a go.

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