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justa rant on food and starvation

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2 zukinies and 4  peppers and 4 coals, and die of starvation? so i have worms? that more than i've had to eat in RL, in before players have zero body fat (muscle and fat broken down as same rate)




zucchini and 4  peppers and 4 colas, and die of starvation? so i have worms? that more than i've had to eat in RL, in before players have zero body fat (muscle and fat broken down as same rate)

Edited by Sooden
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The way you spell "zucchini" is amazing. Beans for you. 

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Does coal (and by that I presume you mean charcoal) give you any energy?


Before this build, on the experimental .49, I was stuck in an orchard. Unable to travel because I was near death, but I could stave it off by searching for an eating apples (each rotten one was met with an exasperated sigh). No idea why I bothered, but I managed to keep at a consistent near death level for about 2 hours. 


Thing is, in .50, it's nowhere near as harsh and I've been able to find food fairly easily even on populated servers. Many people overlook tin cans hidden in corners and under tables.


What *is* annoying is being really hungry and finding a tin of food but nothing to open it with!

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I have been playing for about 6 hours on .50 although I have a few tin's I have been surviving off of cans of drink and fruit and veg, I certainly am getting more than my "5 a day"

Food does seem to be more scarce now but I have tramped from Novo, all along the cost and then north to Grishino. Always fully energised.

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Dayz is a game, every aspect of it isnt 100% modelled after real life


Doesn't matter, our characters are required to eat way too much food. The loot spawns for food should be toned down in turn for a better and in-depth starvation system where you can live long without food but malnutrition and weakness from hunger will creep up on you instead of a quick death. Starvation should also be directly influenced by hydration, meaning that if one is hydrated, they will last longer then if they were thirsty when starving. Also, movement should factor in - If you're not doing much, you should survive longer then a starving man running four miles searching for food.

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Doesn't matter, our characters are required to eat way too much food. The loot spawns for food should be toned down in turn for a better and in-depth starvation system where you can live long without food but malnutrition and weakness from hunger will creep up on you instead of a quick death. Starvation should also be directly influenced by hydration, meaning that if one is hydrated, they will last longer then if they were thirsty when starving. Also, movement should factor in - If you're not doing much, you should survive longer then a starving man running four miles searching for food.


OP was making a direct comparison to real life...OP said I have to eat more than in real life. So yes it does matter in that context OP descibed.


What ur saying is a slightly different but related matter...is there to much or to litte food. If u ask me Id say there is to much...getting food is zero challenge for me atm, not dying from hunger is also zero challenge for me. So why its so hard for some, and totally the opposite for some...I dunno..

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...Null (delete)

Edited by Sooden

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main point is, dies form starvation within an hour after having food along the way. wont get into realizum about what should happen before, just that the system is not correct yet

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I honestly have the opposite thing happening. Although I do need to eat and drink much more often, I am finding food everywhere. Also, try hunting and cooking meat. It fulls you up quickly and gives you a good sense of immersion. I didn't start hunting until yesterday and I really liked the whole process.

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I would hunt, but cooking stove always burns the meat and I am too lazy to make a camp fire >.<

Edited by Zing Freelancer

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I would hunt, but cooking stove does always burns the meat and I am too lazy to make a camp fire >.<

That seems more like a personal problem than a game-mechanic problem. It seriously takes about 30 seconds to build a campfire. The campfire also provides warmth and doesn't burn your food.

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