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Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

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Where have you been for the past 11 months?


Actually, not playing alot or watching forum.

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I thought if you use that overwolf program in Teamspeak it would show you your frames?

Overwolf does show framerate, I think you have to enable it in the settings, though.

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I haven't been on stable in so long....


It seems like there are a lot less 1st Person servers than there were in the past. I'm forced to play on higher than optimal ping servers if I want 1st person; possibly resulting in less reliable hit detection, and which may be compounded by server related issues. :(

I don't generally play in first person servers, but I did notice that as well. Only like 1 in every 50 servers was first person. Very weird.


Hello guys,

finaly, do you have  a ETA for the release of dayzmod version 1.8.3, or should we wait for a 5th week till you find the "Upload" button on Steam UI?

Posts in the wrong section of the forum with a condescending attitude and expects something positive to happen  :rolleyes: I hope they never release it just to spite you.

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Yeah I noticed there seemed to be a relative lack of 1st person servers too, but I'm happy as long as there's one or two that stay pretty full!  :D

Edited by solodude23

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Only issue I found was drinking from bottles/canteen. If I "drank all" then the bottle would stay in my hand and I'd have to cancel action after waiting a while, and it would have the same amount of water in. Then when I selected "drink", the canteen was then completely empty afterwards.

Were you standing or squatting at the time?  I get no benefit from drinking out of a canteen or water bottle if I am crouching and the canteen/bottle still shows 100% once I stand up.

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Yeah I noticed there seemed to be a relative lack of 1st person servers too, but I'm happy as long as there's one or two that stay pretty full!  :D

I found one called "The Fog", it's a private shard server, so now I have six possible characters 2x stable public, 2x experimental, 2x stable private.  Oui, oui!!  Remember when experimental had public and private too?  I miss experimental private, last time I was there was the 60 round 5.56mm bug and Novo was new...  I wonder what happened to Idle Thumbs?  They went 1st/3rd Person last month, not too sure if that was by design though since every time I try to log in now I get an authentication time out message..

Edited by Barnabus
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Cop cars spawning in as events again possibly?




This was in a junkyard up north.

That car has actually been there for quite a while.  Not sure why as Hicks said he was gonna speak to the map team.  There are still three that are set in the same spots all the time, this is one of them.

Edited by Barnabus

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That car has actually been there for quite a while.  Not sure why as Hicks said he was gonna speak to the map team.  There are still three that are set in the same spots all the time, this is one of them.


Ah- hah!


I thought there were only 2 of those "static cop cars" stuck to the map. I recall screenshots of the other locales but not this one.


I do remember Hicks saying he would, "talk to the map team" about this, possibly inferring that they would be taken out....



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I can't wait to play tonight :D


On a side note does anyone know if the Russian helis are spawning above ground now, and if so what loot they spawn? Cheers.

Edited by snipertrifle

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Amazing job devs! Can't wait for the full release. Amazing work! You guys should be proud of it! :-)

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Found this on random server. I'm sorry I can't recall the name of it. I hope this is getting fixed soon :(


EDIT: found it in my server history. Maybe this is one of the servers that didn't get updated correctly yesterday..... 


DayZ (Public/Veteran)125360 - Hosted by GameServers.com 

Public Hive          




15729422712_21272cf666.jpg2014-11-06_00005 by , on Flickr

Edited by The Riddler

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I found one called "The Fog", it's a private shard server, so now I have six possible characters 2x stable public, 2x experimental, 2x stable private.  Oui, oui!!  Remember when experimental had public and private too?  I miss experimental private, last time I was there was the 60 round 5.56mm bug and Novo was new...  I wonder what happened to Idle Thumbs?  They went 1st/3rd Person last month, not too sure if that was by design though since every time I try to log in now I get an authentication time out message..

Yeah not to mention the two "crossover" characters that occur when the stable and experimental versions match up. I didn't opt out of experimental so when I joined a stable server I found an old kitted character from some number of months ago that I barely remember. Never been on the Idle Thumbs server but I might check out that private shard.

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I haven't been on stable in so long....


It seems like there are a lot less 1st Person servers than there were in the past. I'm forced to play on higher than optimal ping servers if I want 1st person; possibly resulting in less reliable hit detection, and which may be compounded by server related issues. :(


Some strange differences performance wise in this update from .50 when it was last on Experimental.


I get small freezes in the game more often it seems and I might have seen a small dip in performance in general.


It felt really weird to play my old 3rd Person character and see all his gear etc but I found myself saved in a nice locale up north where I can start skipping between newer towns/locations.


Upside down pickup trucks have loose piles of 7.62 under their beds and humvees have .45 ACP in the center console area.


I found a burnt out tank near the civilian airstrip that had 3 SKS on and around it.

I was experiencing small freezes as well. Anecdotally, these freezes seemed to be accompanied by a spike in hard drive activity. For grins, I moved my install to an old SSD that was sitting around, gathering dust. While I still have a freeze from time to time (no doubt due to my geriatric AMD processor), they are now few and far between. 

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Dehydration and overheating are really bad. Just drank 3 canteens full of rain to get hydrated. 3 THREE litres of water. Go drink that in real life, you'll explode even when you are thirsty. 

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I am having extreme difficulty finding spawned drinks or wells that work to fill my canteen. Don't want to play much more for fear of dying...   :(   Anyone else?

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I am having extreme difficulty finding spawned drinks or wells that work to fill my canteen. Don't want to play much more for fear of dying...   :(   Anyone else?

Wells are dry at the moment.

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So far this patch is great everything has loot I went to a cabin and found a waterproof bag. I've also noticed that hitting things is super easy now and realistic. All items seem to spawn except pm 73 rak(I went to a heli crash a while ago in .50 stable found amphibia w magazine). There's only one thing I've noticed and that's that izh 43 doesn't one shot anymore cost me my life.

Is it a bug or a change.

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Wells are dry at the moment.


Dry wells may be move towards Cholera, with messages "I feel cold","I start to shiver","I feel shivery","I'm shivering","I feel exhausted","I feel extremely tired","I feel a rumble in my bowels","I just soiled myself", when you loose 12 water/sec, and 3 blood/sec. You can tough it out with clean water from wells, but wells are dry, ponds dirty water gives you new infection, so its a hard call.

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I am having extreme difficulty finding spawned drinks or wells that work to fill my canteen. Don't want to play much more for fear of dying...   :(   Anyone else?

Don't forget you can fill your canteen up with rain at 5% per "catch". No wells work at the moment so try to plan your trips with streams/ponds in mind.

Edited by solodude23
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Dehydration and overheating are really bad. Just drank 3 canteens full of rain to get hydrated. 3 THREE litres of water. Go drink that in real life, you'll explode even when you are thirsty. 


Drank 2 liters during the course of a 3 hour bike ride yesterday and I still could have drank more, easily.


Drinking 3 liters in one shot, much less doable.


After having trouble finding a decent 1st person server I finally spawned.... naked and afraid in Vybor.


Switched to another server hoping for a quick reset but still naked.


Thankfully, I was able to get enough food to strike out north and find some small towns with decent gear.


I'm not sure if it's coincidence or not but I did not see a single zed in my last 1 hour+ play session.

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Has anyone else found a Press Vest in a Hospital? I found one on the ground floor stuck between the stairs.

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You need to rename the lockpick to MasterGriefer tool 

Today I locked 3 police stations, 2 barracks and one military prison. 


Open can of food with brass knuckles 29% left

Open can of food with sledgehammer 90% left




Drank 2 liters during the course of a 3 hour bike ride yesterday and I still could have drank more, easily.


Drinking 3 liters in one shot, much less doable.

How is that even a comparison ?

Edited by General Zod

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i experience a lot of problems with this 0.50 stable :


- overheating is badly balanced, i had to wait 15 minutes butt naked in a house to go from overheating to hot (my character was hot for hours until he died)

- having the healty status is way to easy : as a freshspawn, i had to eat 1 canned peach and 1 baked beans + 1 soda and i was healty

- i had huges problems picking up items, nothing occurs and i had to leave for 2-5 minutes then come back to pick up items. very very dangerous in military area. sometimes, i had to leave the server because in couldn't interract anymore.

- loot respawn may work a little in civilian area, but in military barrack, high end items barely spawn anymore. visited all barracks on 2 differents servers (that's 22 barracks) and the only interesting thing i've looted was a 75rnds akm mags that was hidden under a bed.

- rossi lever accuracy seem to have been toned down a lots compared to xp. hard to hit thing releably with it now.

- we can't drink from well anymore

Edited by Zboub le météor

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