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How much food is too much food?

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I tend to carry a lot of food and drink around with me. Even after I'm fully energized, hydrated and healthy I will carry loads of food.

Just looking for some advice on how much food and drink ya'll carry around.


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when i'm healthy, i usually carry 2 bags of rice and one canteen. most of the time i don't even touch it since you can find food everywhere.


on exp, i carry the most food that i can take, mainly rice, milk powder and canned peach. after some days into exp, finding food can be difficult !


so, focus on rice, milk powder and canned peach, 4 slots for food when you are fully energized is enought for a long time.

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Well that depends on your playstyle, if you play medic or trader then having a bit of extra food and drink isnt bad. Also how much inventory space do you have? If you are limited by space I would say no more than 4 or 5 spots assuming you have a childs briefecase or a courier bag. Once you hit the light green energized and hydrated you should have little trouble maintaining it as long as you "top off" every so often. I can't speak for those who play snipers though, as I don't have the patience to lay in a bush for days on end waiting for something to run by

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I tend to carry a lot of food and drink around with me. Even after I'm fully energized, hydrated and healthy I will carry loads of food.

Just looking for some advice on how much food and drink ya'll carry around.



I carry about 3 cans of beans and two water bottles when im healthy. Never had any problems with starvation/dehydration

Edited by svisketyggeren

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Usually carry four cooked animal steaks in reserve, two water canteens, and lots of berries for padding out space in my bag.  Berries are easily found, easily discarded without regret if I happen across something better, and nice to munch on when loafing around in the woods whilst players are out murdering each other.


Mmm.  Berries.

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I tend to carry a lot of food and drink around with me. Even after I'm fully energized, hydrated and healthy I will carry loads of food.

Just looking for some advice on how much food and drink ya'll carry around.


I say you do not need advice, you should be giving it.


I say as much as you can carry. Having the 3 green bars are really important. It means your making blood and really heathy. It means your doing a good really good job keeping your avatar alive and healthy.


When you are well geared gun, plenty of ammo, 1st aid, food and water. When you have all three green bars. You have huge advantage over players who dont. It means you don't have to venture into towns too loot, you go at your leasure if you feel like it. You can easlily avoid other players and get the drop on people at your leasure not theres. You don't have to do things out of pure desperation. Deperation kills in dayz. You call the shots. Theres tons of adavantages.


So to me your have the right idea. Its what I do. I have kept my avatar alive since late Sept. I have survived a few really close calls and was able to walk away each time becuase I was prepared. People who are ill prepared in dayz are normally are the onces that die quickly and only live a few hours. People who take the time to prepare by putting together a good kit, are patient, and have a good understanding or the game. Tend to live much longer durations then those who dont. Hell I have to go look for trouble lol


Also another killer of players is being a sheep to a group, that dosn't really know what there doing. Other players that act and talk like they know what they are doing sometimes really don't. They will dish out bad orders and advice. I have seen and heard this before in groups. You have to becareful your not just being lead into a death trap for a quick COD thrill. If things seem off, and just don't feel right. Sometimes you just have to make the call your self. Just don't be a sheep. The biggest problem I ever had, is not trusting my intincts and my own knowlege of the game mechanics, and leaving it to someone else. Don't get me wrong there are some really good groups out there and group leaders.

Edited by CJFlint

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I keep some spare cans of peaches on me at all times, and a canteen, but usually I eat and drink on the go, and save the storage space for other stuff.

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I carry two canteens, but no food whatsoever. I just eat it when I find it, and I know where to find it when I need it.


Filling inventory space with it seems useless to me. In fact, carrying two canteens is probably a bit of a waste too.


My green bars are pretty much fully lit at all times.

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The only food I carry is stuff I plan to give away, and that is generally 2-3 pieces of stuff that doesn't need to be opened. (Steaks, or tuna generally) Asking to open cans is a good way to get people to drop their guard as they fumble through inventory and switch out weapons. If I'm planning on a cross country trek to meet up with friends I'll also fill up and carry a couple items of food to top up so that I can avoid towns. (Zeds/players)


I avoid carrying food to free up inventory space especially around military locations where fumbling to free up space will get you killed. Also, the more items you carry the more damage you take when you get hit/shot.

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The majority of my loot space is food. Stocking up is never a bad thing, it means you only go into towns when you want, not when you need. It allows you to hold a position for an extended period if necessary---which can be a big advantage if you are hiding from/stalking someone. It means that you can get energized at any time---which is handy if you get injured.


I personally would not heed the advice of those who don't carry much food. The last person you want to be is the guy running wildly around a town cause you just got mauled by a zombie and you're hungry. 

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The majority of my loot space is food. Stocking up is never a bad thing, it means you only go into towns when you want, not when you need. It allows you to hold a position for an extended period if necessary---which can be a big advantage if you are hiding from/stalking someone. It means that you can get energized at any time---which is handy if you get injured.


I personally would not heed the advice of those who don't carry much food. The last person you want to be is the guy running wildly around a town cause you just got mauled by a zombie and you're hungry. 


Carrying a lot of food means you take more damage. Up to 15% more. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDHpIS8GR-8)


Food isn't scarce, and you should easily be able to keep yourself light-green energized, especially considering the amount of extra food you can eat past the initial light-green state. Getting shot/ambushed spending an extra couple minutes fiddling with inventory space when you're looting a military location is a far more likely scenario to be concerned about than suddenly finding yourself injured and starving. (Aside from being a newspawn, in which case you should be stuffing yourself with food)

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You know you have too much food and drink when your entire inventory is full of it and you can't carry any ammo for your guns...That has happened to me with a Orange Mountain Backpack.. ;)

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I tend to carry a lot of food and drink around with me. Even after I'm fully energized, hydrated and healthy I will carry loads of food.

Just looking for some advice on how much food and drink ya'll carry around.


It depends on what you are doing, if you are just going town to town, carry food, you never know when you wont find food and you are hungry..

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From my own experience, I usually carry 1 canteen (= 2 slots) and about 4 slots with food. When I find anything else, I just eat or drink it until I'm stuffed instead of taking it with me.

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There's currently no reason not to fill up your backpacks with all the food you find, dropping it when you need to make room for ammo or other tools.

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Carrying a lot of food means you take more damage. Up to 15% more. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDHpIS8GR-8)


Food isn't scarce, and you should easily be able to keep yourself light-green energized, especially considering the amount of extra food you can eat past the initial light-green state. Getting shot/ambushed spending an extra couple minutes fiddling with inventory space when you're looting a military location is a far more likely scenario to be concerned about than suddenly finding yourself injured and starving. (Aside from being a newspawn, in which case you should be stuffing yourself with food)


If you play well you rarely take damage. The risk of 15% more is worth it in my opinion.


I prefer the ability to be able to wait patiently and meet other players on my terms than to ever find myself having to run around after food. I order my inventory on the fly so that ammo, first aid are at the top and food is to the bottom. I don't suffer any issues with this. I have suffered many a time through no having any food though.

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