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AK 101 Mags

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Are there still AK 101 Mags in the game right now on stable servers?


Ive had this AK 101 for over a week and cant find a mag, only time I found a mag I loaded it in to the AK 101 and ran around for about an hour just to find the mag had some how disappeared.


Its getting really annoying not finding one, I hit all the Mill bases and nothing, Ive tried server hopping (I know that sucks) and still cant find anything, even on fresh restarted servers.


Is it a bug and should I just drop it and go with Mosien and SKS?


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they're around - I've seen half a dozen or more since .49, mostly in barracks.  I'd give you the one I have on me but it's promised to someone.

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I still have that very AK101 I mike tyson'd a guy for in my encampment. With one loaded magazine in it.

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AK101 mags are rare. The last few days I have seen 7 AK101s but only one mag for it.

I'll keep my eyes open for one to give it if I find. I rather the AKM over AK101 though because the mags and bullets are more common to find. The AK101 attachments lok sick on the AKM though.

Playing third or first person?

Edited by Yazar8
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Almost impossible to find.Before I died tonight I found one in Zelenegorsk,this was after 3 days of searching and the only reason I found it thought was because the first two servers I was on lagged out.

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  On 10/10/2014 at 3:56 AM, Gladias said:

Are there still AK 101 Mags in the game right now on stable servers?


Ive had this AK 101 for over a week and cant find a mag, only time I found a mag I loaded it in to the AK 101 and ran around for about an hour just to find the mag had some how disappeared.


Its getting really annoying not finding one, I hit all the Mill bases and nothing, Ive tried server hopping (I know that sucks) and still cant find anything, even on fresh restarted servers.


Is it a bug and should I just drop it and go with Mosien and SKS?


Akm mags are much more frequent than AK101 mags, I noticed it myself. I found like 4-6 of 101 mags in couple of weeks. Even drum mags are not as rare as ak101 mags.But it's good. Better weapon, more rarity.

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They are rare. I have 2 stored in my tents atm. 5.56 ammo IS NOT rare though. I've thrown away/skipped tons of it.

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AK101 are rare indeed, so are its magazines. I found 3 mags in the Zelenogorsk barracks (not jail) all at the same time after something like 10 days running with my SKS and it took me another 3 or 5 days (can't remember) before I found the AK101 in the very same place. Before I could find the AK101 I had to carry these 3 mags and also AKM mags and both ammo (my backpack was pretty much a gun shop).

I may be wrong but in my experience the Zelenogorsk military base seems less visited than the NWAF (maybe because being sniped in Zelenogorsk seems easier). I barely found something of interest in NWAF (too many people visiting it and so often empty). Pavlovo military base seems to spawn nothing of interest aside Gorkas or ballistic helmet (only weapon I've ever seen in there was the crossbow <_<).

I'd say try to visit Zelenogorsk instead of NWAF (NWAF is so easy to infiltrate) as it may be considered a less interesting target for players or server hoppers.


It's really a matter of luck, since 0.49 its seems like all the good loot spots are raided in seconds after server restart. You need to stay close of one of these locations and go there as fast as you can after a server restart. It's just pure luck.

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Seems Ak101 mags are about 6x more rare than AKM mags.  They are around though.

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They might not be in the game much longer at least thats what it appears in regards to the latest dev blog.




AK 101 might be renamed into the ak74m.

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They are insanely rare when compared to the AKM mags.  Hell in the last couple of days I have replaced the 5 AKM mags I was carrying with 2 drums.  I have yet to see a 101 mag.  Sucks because I want to switch to a 101 I have stashed but I just can not find mags (loads of 5.56 ammo).

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  On 10/10/2014 at 3:56 AM, Gladias said:

Are there still AK 101 Mags in the game right now on stable servers?


Ive had this AK 101 for over a week and cant find a mag, only time I found a mag I loaded it in to the AK 101 and ran around for about an hour just to find the mag had some how disappeared.


Its getting really annoying not finding one, I hit all the Mill bases and nothing, Ive tried server hopping (I know that sucks) and still cant find anything, even on fresh restarted servers.


Is it a bug and should I just drop it and go with Mosien and SKS?

75rnd drums are harder to find than those.... my 3rd person alt has 101 and M, 4 mags for 101 and 2 75 drums, passed on many 101mags just looking for that 2nd drum...

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  On 10/11/2014 at 1:59 PM, freethink said:

barracks and mil tents

Do mil tents spawn anything except beans and water in 0.49?

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  On 10/12/2014 at 2:28 PM, saamohod said:

Do mil tents spawn anything except beans and water in 0.49?


afaik tents with grass in them spawn decent stuff but the ones with wooden floors don't spawn anything really useful. I was at the nwaf tents last night got some ammo, nothing much else. I was also at veresnik mil base and say some 101 mags.

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  On 10/12/2014 at 2:42 PM, freethink said:

afaik tents with grass in them spawn decent stuff but the ones with wooden floors don't spawn anything really useful. I was at the nwaf tents last night got some ammo, nothing much else. I was also at veresnik mil base and say some 101 mags.

Ok. I thought any tents in 0.49 are useless (and verified it by visiting those camp sites couple of times)

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  On 10/10/2014 at 7:11 AM, KrackProphet said:

They are rare. I have 2 stored in my tents atm. 5.56 ammo IS NOT rare though. I've thrown away/skipped tons of it.


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  On 10/15/2014 at 8:03 PM, Grundlesmuggler said:

Yeah I'm still trying to find one :(


Commie blocks. Search every room, since I found out that they spawn not only on roofs or balcony, but inside the room too.

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  On 10/15/2014 at 9:26 PM, MaxRain said:

Commie blocks. Search every room, since I found out that they spawn not only on roofs or balcony, but inside the room too.



Commie blocks = apartments?

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In my experience, normally gearing up with 2 friends, traveling to 5 bases/airfields before switching servers... My 2 friends wills have their AKMs EACH with several clips or drums in about the same time we are able to find 1 single ak101 clip.


The AK101 is slightly less common then the AKM, but in no way can the gun be called rare.

The 556 ammo and the 39mm ammo are both equally if you dont counter heli crashes.... if travelling and you come across Helis the ak101 ammo is actually way more common.

As far as the clips go... id expect to find 2 drums and 4 clips (or more when dayz hates me) for an AKM  in the time I can find 1 AK101 clip.



Personally completely satisfied having 2 ak101 clips and just refilling them as combat happens... even just 1 clip isnt a horrible situation in my book.

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