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My friends shoot anyone who is geared ...

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If everyone seems to kill on sight, aren't you special for thinking you won't get shot by strangers in the game?  


I get KOS all the time.  I wash the sand out and get right back into the game.


If you ALWAYS get killed on sight, maybe you are just annoying?

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PVP and KOS are two completely different things. I also get shot all the time, just respawn and go again. Its part of the experience.


Today something strange happened though. I met a guy at NW airfield and he didn't try to kill me. Theres a first for everything I guess. I ddi get shot an hour later by someone else though so the happiness didnt last long.

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I never said but being anti-KOS was anti-PvP but KOS is just a different tactic.  Just like you run around with a squad and overwhelm opponents with numbers, they do it through sheer surprise.  They are both valid tactics, you just happen to play a different way but that doesn't make either play style any more or less valid.


KoS does not utilize surprise. The ones I see don't surprise anyone. 


Case in Point: There was one of the guys shacked up in Berez, killing anyone that got within his sights. A bambi ran up, said "I know you are in there, can you just tell me where I am?" ( Everyone makes stupid mistakes.) Guy shoots bambi, without even talking to him.


Was that surprise? No. "Ambushing" is a very viable tactic that requires advanced tactics and knowledge to pull off.  Running up to someone and killing them while they are eating/drinking/what have you doesn't involve much tactics, skill, or much of anything beyond button mashing

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I attempt to kill on sight with only my fists, if necessary. Momma always said the best friends don't talk, they listen. ;)

Edited by Grimey Rick
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I always try to at least talk to someone, whether its telling someone to leave or whatever. Even just a few minutes ago ran into a couple of clan guys logging into a military prison and talked to them, before their actions and dialogue made me very uncomfortable and I had to take them out.


When I'm with my friends its pretty much the same. Generally we just want to have some fun, wandering the woods, shooting zombies and messing around. If we encounter someone it depends on their body language and perceived intent whether we avoid, talk, or engage (for example we shot one guy that had gunned down a fairly low geared player that had pressed F2, and we approached a fully geared player with weapons on his back to ask what he was looking for on the ground). I can't really say we've KOS'd anyone as a group, but we have engaged in a fair bit of PVP. Usually its people we've seen KOS'ing or people that have shot/shot at us.


Its all good in my opinion, I wish more people would try to interact or be interesting bandits/PVP'ers but the beauty of games like this is the freedom to play however you want.

Edited by Hells High

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A good rule of thumb for not wanting to be shot by someone when attempting communication:

-Do not wear anything that covers your face. Weird I know but it makes people on edge. Blame immersion.

-Do not hold any sort of weapon in your hands. This also puts people on edge and makes you seem threatening.

-For the love of god, stop trying to locate new life long friends in airfields, it is not going to work.

-Looking like an average Joe will also make you seem less threatening. A man stomping along the road in a wool coat and jeans is not as intimidating as a guy sneaking out of the shadows clad in full black tactical clothing and a heavily modded assault rifle

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I generally avoid other players, but there are times when you just run into someone, or someone finds you first. Out of the last 6 people I met, only 1 shot me in the back. The others were friendly.

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Hey. Guess what?


DayZ is unfinished in nearly every regard. Its hard to play the game for hours on end without getting bored.


Now, people fight this boredom in multiple ways.


Some people enjoy the military PVP scene. They like to go to military bases and engage other well-armed or slightly armed groups. Does this make them a bad person, a twat? I don't think so. This is a video game. They decided to shoot at some people because they were bored, didn't want to risk getting shot by those people, and maybe wanted to enjoy a bit of the rush DayZ gives when it comes to PVP.


Some people enjoy the coastline PVP scene. They like to go to spawn points with their kits and mow down everyone they see. Does this make them a bad person, a twat? No, not really. Like I said before, this is a video game. If they want to go and shoot everyone they damn see in an area where they won't have a challenge, who gives a shit - It keeps things tense and puts other players on edge.


My point is, this is a video game, and seeing so many of you guys spit on people for doing something half of you probably do - Shoot on sight in Military bases - is kinda silly.


I'll be honest. I don't shoot on sight on the coast or when I'm dealing with unarmed, but when it comes to armed? I like a good firefight, and I'd rather get into something tense and enjoyable with another well armed player then attempt to be mister nice guy. If I do that, guess what? I get shot. Boy oh boy.


I don't get what the problem with is KoS. People will KoS. No matter what.


The only thing you can do about? Make ammunition a bit more scarce - Make it so Military geared dudes aren't hauling around hundreds of rounds. Then, you might see a bit more caution when it comes to using guns.


But really, these two guys shot some armed fellows coming into a hostile environment to protect themselves, to get a bit of a rush, and to combat their most likely piled up boredom. This doesn't make them immature, this doesn't make them some sort of morally wrong twat, it just makes them players with a play style you don't necessary enjoy. 

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I only had one encounter since the release of 0.49 and that was only "friendly" because I had a gun on the guy. I told him to just pick a direction and go, I wouldn't follow. He went away.


My gun was not loaded. xD

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My gun was not loaded. xD

harrr...very nice. I allways Forget the Name of the dude that posted the BEST Bandit/holdup Videos on the Gallery here BUT he did the same with a unloaded gun.

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harrr...very nice. I allways Forget the Name of the dude that posted the BEST Bandit/holdup Videos on the Gallery here BUT he did the same with a unloaded gun.

Doesn't really work with good/perceptive players because you can see if a mag is loaded in the gun or not. :P Ofcourse you can have one in the chamber though.

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Recent encounter:


Friend and me are running north from berezino towards coast, we both have axes - no guns - backpacks - and motor cycle helments, along comes joe shmo fresh spawn, he runs up to us saluting and spamming over voice... "hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, alan, alan, alan, alan, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, alan, alan, alan, alan..." no word of a lie this goes on for like 2mins straight as we are asking him questions over voice...


So, next step- axe the obviously just recently escaped mental patient, however things do not go so smoothly... friend and me are both old - im an alcoholic, he smokes a lot of weed - so in our wasted state we try to start axing this spaz attack.... much to our dismay, he is circle jerking us like fuckin muhamed f'n ali.... and still continually spamming insane shit over voice chat - we'r talking 5mins plus at this point and psycho hasnt shut up once...  His insane babble has now turned to death threats and rape...


As he is circle jerking my friend like floyd mayweather i am trying to axe him while not hitting my friend and he is doing the same but we seem to be losing... My buddy smartly puts his back to a wall and stops his super fly weight boxing skills cold = WHAM, an axe shot lands square = blood gushin all over= voice chat = AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH - over and over and over like the guy was really just hit by an axe...


Not once, ever, did this guy shut up.... so he starts running down the road screaming over voice chat - AAAARRRRGGHHHH, me right on his ass ready to deliver the final blow, blood gushin like mad all over...   No Response from Server 1,2,3,4,5,6,7     I was so f'n pissed off - this was THE most priceless encounter iv had yet in dayz, about to end in glorius fashion in an amazing axe kill on a full blown mental patient...


Moral of the story - everyone is a threat.

Edited by Cptn_Miller

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Doesn't really work with good/perceptive players because you can see if a mag is loaded in the gun or not. :P Ofcourse you can have one in the chamber though.



how can you tell my mag is full?


perception indeed....

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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I tried something new: Every time I saw another player I greet him with a hearty "Hello!" 


The result:


Dead: 1

Friendly: 2

No response: 2

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Funny in my 150+hours only around 5 of those are pvp. There are plenty of things to do then run around mindlessly shooting anything that moves.

Funny, I didn't realize that 'pvp' meant mindless shooting.

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Funny, I didn't realize that 'pvp' meant mindless shooting.

A very large portion of the "pvp" players just spam shoot in the general direction of anything that moves. That is mindless

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You really thought you where in control of the situation? You decided to be cocky and it got you killed.


Because if some 13 year old asshole comes and shoots you for no reason and talks to you like that you're going to be super friendly and offer your life. They're going to kill you if you are super nice or a dick right back. It doesnt matter to people like that.

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Maybe, but a large portion of that crowd isn't even old enough to own the game...

A very large portion of the "pvp" players just spam shoot in the general direction of anything that moves. That is mindless

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Military bases and airfields are very iffy areas. Most people will kill you on sight because now there's competition to gather the loot in the area. Since I've started playing I've only met one friendly person at an airfield, which isn't very much at all when you consider I've been shot at or killed at airfields/the old Balota military base probably around between 15 and 20 times.

Because of that I will usually kill most people in those areas.Outside of those areas though I will only kill people who are alone and have rifles, when it's a small group they're usually more friendly (that's just my own experience)

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Shoot anybody you see cos when yer back is turned or your at your weakest these folk could quite happily kill you and steal all yer gear ! Screw what anybody else tells you 100% of them have did this before themselves and if you want to make the world a better place step away from your keyboard and go volunteer at your local charity ! 


See THIS is exactly the narrow minded bullcrap that causes the crap in the 1st place.. I have NEVER turned on anyone who was friendly. Truth be told ive been turned on. I wouldn't and Havent shot anyone who didn't shoot first. So its NOT 100% at all. That's Just YOU.

I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, You all deserve the chance to NOT be an asshole.


Even then I still wont.

There are enough socially inept loosers out there without adding my name to the list.

Edited by Destructo_Brat

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