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Stable - 0.49 Discussion

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Do all hardcore servers transfer your 3rd person character into hardcore now? wtf?



EDIT: Oh wait some do some don't still a weird bug tho  :huh:

Edited by Dudester100

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So persistence isn't working on .49 stable from what I can tell. Found a tent and laid it down on  NY236: and it's gone. Nobody could have found it in the short time I was offline from last night, given the place I set it up at.

Edited by IIvIIozzie

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There is a temperature bug from today's hotfix now where your character is constantly cooling off regardless of environmental factors. My fully geared character from yesterday is now shivering despite being dry, clothed and in the sun. New spawns also rapidly become cold.



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Yup... I had to dump my sweet riders jacket for a down jacket to keep the 'I am slowly cooling off' spam away...

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I just want to point out that the temperature gauge is whacky. It's surely known. But one hting I think needs to be solved is the fireplace ability with the cold. Right now, we need to start fires for warmth. I'm fully geared and cold every time i enter the game. That said, if I try to light a fire say, in the tower at grenn mt. I doesn't work for my temp. I can make one, but i can't be burnt, nor is it attributd to my stats.


Just throwing it in there.



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Servers locking up left and right, need to restart them with hand.

Don't like the hotfix so far.

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I love the game, and overall, i like every update.

BUT - we can sew our pants while running at full speed, yet cannot walk while eating?? I've always found this dumbfounding.

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We are running a fairly popular server and tried enabling persistence when the last patch went live yesterday. Server ran smoothly for about an hour and a half before it froze up (no actions registered, people running in place, doors not opening, etc.), and later after restarts crashed or froze up several times. Never had any file corruption but the possibility for the server to stay frozen without a manual restart prompted us to disable persistence in order to keep the server running without constant supervision.


Other than that things appear to be working quite well, the only other problem being item duping with persistence on. If items are left on the ground (in backpacks, for example) they may easily duplicate themselves when removed from containers or moved. All of a sudden 1 mp5 with a single mag turned into 2 mp5s with 4 mags.


And really - you ought to be able to fix a balaclava with a sewing kit. There's no logical reason I can think of why you shouldn't.


Also getting constant "slowly cooling off"-messages. Temperature is bugged again, was working fine in previous .49 patch.

Edited by Sinnaman
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The last time that persistent servers got locked up, they wiped everything on it. Let's hope it won't happen again because I had a full M4 on one of those.

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The last time that persistent servers got locked up, they wiped everything on it. Let's hope it won't happen again because I had a full M4 on one of those.


The last time that happened was likely due to a corrupted storage file on the server. Each individual server has their own which may need to be deleted if corruption occurs. So far this hasn't been an issue since the hotfix.

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Here's a list of issues i found or coming back to light after the hotfix.

Zombies walking through the majority of walls/doors.

Constant cooling off messages.

1 hit from zombies ruins gear.

Hold breath not working as intended.

Floating loot items (sometimes 20ft in air).

Too few and too slow loot respawns.

Desync issues making zombies teleport.

Things disappearing when dropped on ground (sometimes found within a radius, sometimes gone).

Loot tables are off balance...unless you like bags, boots, bino's and boonie's.

Most of these have been reported, just a heads so you guys know what to expect ;)

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"1 hit from zombies ruins gear." It exists since the very beginning of DayZ SA unfortunately. everytime a zombie hits you your stuff gets damaged a bit, but sometimes it ruins the whole stuff. Once I even got my backpack ruined.

Edited by Karakoz

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Only managed 5 minutes on it so it might just be my imagination but has there been graphics/fps improvements, certainly seemed a lot sharper with less lod texture popping and seemed like higher frames in places as well.

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I have tested four servers with persistence on (incl. two officials), three servers (incl. the two officials) completely vanished, so I can't check if my 2 pitched tents and hidden leather backpack are still there. The fourth server is crashing every 30 mins, kinda pointless to go on with testing...





The two official servers are back, the tents are still there but they didn't save all things I put in.


items which were saved:


- 2 x AKM Aftermarket Mags

- 1 x Makarov Mag



items which were not saved:


- 1 x Gorka E Helmet with visor

- 1 x Gorka E Summer Pants


So don't put clothing in tents, they will disappear! I am 100% sure that nobody found my tent because it's unreachable.





The second tent (1st person server) saved even an UK Assault Vest. Is it random which clothing get saved and which not?

Edited by Sharplooter

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Our |g4| server crashes every 30-60 min. We pretty much need a full team watching it, if not the server will be locked up for hours, like last night. (6 hours) We have place a form on our website to report crashes if you play on our server. (g4-gamers)

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And really - you ought to be able to fix a balaclava with a sewing kit. There's no logical reason I can think of why you shouldn't.


Nail on the head!

Out of all of the issues I've come across since the new update (I haven't met many) that is the most annoying thing. Of course you should be able to mend a balaclava, please fix this issues before ANYTHING else :)

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I've been using the shotgun (long-barrel) a lot with stable 0.49 and I'm really liking it. There's a pretty tight scatter even out to around 100m though enough scatter that you're likely to score some sort of hit. At some point I'll suck it up and take hacksaw to it to see the scatter variance.

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Sunny day, it's not raining, I'm wearing wool coat which is supped to be warm... and I'm freezing. 

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Sunny day, it's not raining, I'm wearing wool coat which is supped to be warm... and I'm freezing. 


So the interesting question becomes, why would this happen to you and not everyone?

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So the interesting question becomes, why would this happen to you and not everyone?

How am I supposed to know ? All I know that I'm getting colder and colder not matter what I wear, I'm not even wet.

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Hi, i have one question. Can you tell me where can i find tents? :)


Hi, in apartment complex (high-riser), balcony, rooftop and sometimes rooms. But I think you can omit kitchens and bath rooms on your search. 

Edited by Sharplooter
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I seen some one else is having the I'm cold bug with the Hotfix when the 0.49 hotfix updated I keep getting spammed by my guy saying he's cold all the time no matter what and so is my friend when we play   

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That zombie is cool... I want more variety of players to choose from though! 


People that look more survivorish

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