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How was your Day(Z)?

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so I logged in on a private server without realizing it. but figured it was good for me to try to survive with a fresh spawn since my geared character has been alive for a month or two now. 

I start off in Solnichniy and loot what i can, heading north I find not much. i end up making a stone knife and hand drill kit to start a fire ( i got wet from making the stone knife from a water glitch) so that was pretty cool for me, to be able to literally live off the land and survive. somewhere i picked up a wood axe and starting searching for burlap to make a backpack. by this time i was able to find 3 apples (took forever) got myself a wool sweater and then to make myself look less intimidating, a black checkered cap. makes me look like a farmer. found a mosin in a barn, so maybe not.

i get to benenzino and loot the western section, guard house, hospital,  etc and head into the city proper. I hear a single rifle shot far to the north and attempt to hide myself from the fire station, i got another guard shack loot finding a vest, boot, combat knife, I trade out the mosin for an AKM and get a 30rd mag, and pick up Binoculars and scope the fire tower out. nothing. then i hear another single shot, sounds like a mosin. north of the station and slightly center of town. i stick to the lumber mill area and switch to 3p to see the road and building better. suddenly i see a body laying in the middle of the road. from far off he looked dead/unconsious. he was pointing one direction as i ran along a wall to get a better look. i see him change directions and aim due north. so i get into a corner of wall and talk on mic. 'Hello, do you need help?' nothing.

'hey guy in the road, did you get shot by a sniper?'

still nothing

i try in the chat, and keep trying on the mic. nothing. byu this time i think he is afk. OR glitched onto the ground and decynced from far away. so i make the decision to kill him. he is fully geared with a gorka helmet, so i know a head shot is possible but unlikely(for some blasted reason i didnt pull out my akm  to shoot the guy so i pulled out my axe) i zig zag on the road and get closeer to him, trying to not stay put too long in case the sniper was his friend. i try the mic one last time before swinging the axe down. Mid swing he wakes up and starts shooting me. he also has an ak of some sort but silenced. my axe hits his head and his 3 shots knock me unconsious. then without hearing another shot....

'You are Dead'


i hope he has a masive headache

i respawn in Cap Glovana and start looting the nearby buildings when i hear 'hey buddy'

totally crapped my pants

i turn around and its a fresh spawn. 'oh hey you scared me!'

'hey sorry. you gonna be freindly?'

'yea no worries, im friendly, just died and looking for revenge in berenzino'

'hey i have a friend in elektro you wanna run with us?'


so after plesantries, pulse checking and a steam add later, im running with Pokercat and Jester. a couple of nice kids who speak clearly, know how to protect one another, know the map, and are pretty cool. we end up killing a fairly geared guy in Elektro at the school, who was acting pretty funny and was a bit twitchy. me and jester stayed hidden and poker took care of him with a shot to the head from quite some distance as the guy was running away. got loaded up with some of his stuff and raided the gurad shack next to the school. by this time all of us were very well geared and feeling good. we headed east to Kamy and bumped into a bambi girl who was on a quest for green clothes. we ran around some buildings and she picked up a coat and beret and we asked her nicely to not follow us ( her mic was super low and she kept trying to make small talk) after we waved our guns at her she ran west to elektro and we turned north to go inland and get away from the coast. raided msta, and staroye where i found a truck and managed to flip it in a bush after about 20 feet of driving. :( (ill post the video later) we blew out the tires and headed to goglovo where we decided to take a break for a while. 

so very happy to meet nice some decent people for a change. i smell many more adventures coming. 

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Mama, I just killed a man! Put a gun against his head, pulled the trigger(11 times) now he's dead! Mama, life had just begun, but he shouldn't have killed bambis like a noob!


Since it seems patch time is upon us soon and most likely a hive wipe, I have begun a great migrate of characters and gathering them all in the same room in Cherno. Its a secret room(the top room in the TEC building by the docks) so be quiet about it. As its cherno theres always shooting and I usually have fun with some PVP before going to my lair. Tonight I shot a guy at the top of the firestation. I watched him fight another guy through my scope but as they were both armed I let them be. The guy died and a wild bambi appeared, went up the ladder and got beaten to death by the guy up there. In all fairness he was probably just defending himself but it can't be helped, death to all bambikillers. I had my scope set to 400 m but had a very hard time getting the shots to hit. They went way low. In the end I got him though.



Edited by Killawife
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Bam, Dave and I decided after a bit of loitering around Svet that what with the hive wipe upon us it was time to head down to Zino and see what was going on down there. Dave had generously hunted down a Winchester for me so I had my baby back, while he and Bam were nicely kitted out with AKs, scopes and silencers. 


We were off to a rocky start where, at some point during the run, Dave mentioned his gun had disappeared. No amount of looking around helped him find it again so he went back to Svet to check the guard house. Bam and I carried on to get some eyes on Zino and find a place for me to hide out and suck at pvp. 


Back in the beginning I'd played an overwatch with Zombie Hunter (son in law) around the hospital in Berezino and knew there weren't a ton of really great places that had a good view that wasn't a remarkably obvious spot. I was a bit leery about how useful I'd be to them but we found a decent spot that gave me a good view of the fire station side and the shipyard. We heard shooting almost immediately. 


"SKS," Schwab thought out loud. Single shots at first- then some quicker double and triple taps. "Zombie is running down the street over towards the fire station." 


"Rgr. I've got nothing over there... Wonder if anyone is in the cranes?" I pan over and zoom in... "Well lookie here- there IS a guy up there." I ranged it on the map at about 780 meters... the best shot I've ever taken was on a zombie I figured was about 820- and it was a full frontal static target. This dude was ducking back and forth and moving around plus I had about the top 4 inches of his head to shoot at. I took the shot and missed high- but I'm sure that round went over his shoulder and did more than just ask him if he had any grey poupon. The guy ducked into the corner of the crane and stayed there for a minute or two then came back out. Of COURSE I shot at him again and of course he ducked out of site for a bit. 


But as I was zoomed out waiting for him to reappear I noticed some movement at the base of my scope near some hay bails. A guy with a red bandanna both on his head and over his face coming towards us moving very tactically. This guy was being very aggressive and when you see that you know they're confident. They're usually confident because this isn't their first rodeo. Fortunately, it wasn't Bam's first dance either. 


I'm PRETTY sure the guy thought I was alone up there. I followed him up with my scope but was having some trouble dialing my range down while being scoped in on him. He was zigzagging across my sites brilliantly and even if I got a shot on him would have trouble connecting- of this I had no doubt(2 year old gaming laptop / +100 ping doesn't help on fast moving targets!). So when Bam stepped around the corner and started putting rounds into him I think it caught him off guard. They fired back and forth a bit- Bam got hit pretty badly. 


"Back off man- I'm grey and bleeding. I think I got him but I'm not sure." Retreat? I NEVER retreat! Stand and fight- hold your ground! Fuck that. 


"I'm out- heading for the treeline!" I zigzagged like a BOSS- not even air could hit me at the rate I was moving. 


"I'm behind some pine trees... I can't see the guy." Bam got some bandages on and some nutrients. I looked around from my vantage point and saw no movement. No shots. 


There was relative silence for a few minutes. I could still see the crane- and guess who still had his nose poking out? Range now was about 850... 


First shot was a total spoiler since I had my range dialed down and forgot. I drilled for oil and came away empty handed. 


Next one was at least in the right grid square and I adjusted a bit.


But the weirdest thing started happening. I kept seeing smoke and weird flecks of flame against the side of the crane. It was very intermittent- Sort of looked like someone was shooting a shotgun against the side of the crane but there were little mini explosions happening as well. 


"It's like someone threw a grenade at the guy but hit the side of the crane or something." 


This continued for a couple minutes. I was very confused. I watched this with great interest until the server reset. 

Edited by ENO75
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For my fourth day, I haven't had a very INTERESTING day, but it was certainly productive.


I began all the way Northeast in Svetlojarsk, and found out that the friends I wanted to play with were in the Southwest somewhere. 


I moved over to a server with two people on it, and began my journey, scavenging food, water, medical supplies, and whatever else I found along the way. 


I found 'The Pit and The Pendulum' and 'Gulliver's Travels', carrying the books with me to ward off boredom on cold nights while I rested.


I collected an AK-74, silencer, wooden stock, ammo, and a magazine from a guard house, (alongside a wealth of other gear, such as gloves, a backpack, and a high capacity vest) and found a can of green spray paint in the next shed I investigated. I painted the gun and magazine, carrying the spray paint with me. 


In a house, I found a magnum handgun, with a couple boxes of ammo.


I found a silencer, two additional magazines, and a sight for the AK at the guard house at the "3aBoA Factory."


I decided to name this weapon Luigi, in honor of my Italian heritage, and it's new color.





I found a shotgun, and sawed it off, finding some ammo in a house nearby. I later found a pen and some paper, and made out a will, asking that in the case of my eventual death, "Luigi" and my survival supplies be brought to my loving wife and dog, so that they might survive this apocalypse. 





After long travels, I have finally reached Kamyshovo, and hope to play with my friends later on.


So if you kill me, please read my will, and make sure my family survives.

Edited by xSkeletalx
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*** For some reason, my images won't save. I had a picture of Luigi, and my Will.

Try uploading to imgur (imgur.com) and pasting the link in your post.  You can edit your post afterward.

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I met two guys. They said they were friendly but I could see one of the guys sneaking into a bush and drawing out a firearm. I placed myself so the other guy was between us while talking but then he moved and the other one started shooting. I shot the talker and wounded the other but he got me with a lucky shot. Good for him.

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I logged on last night wanting to get my 1pp character into some type of trouble.  I could not find a server under 100 ping with more than 6 people in it, so I picked the one with 6 peeps and in I went.


My 1pp character is totally decked out in full military gear, complete with a plate carrier, pistol carrier, and pouches (all matching).  




My goal was to find someone and engage in a fire fight or to help them out as I normally like to do.  I logged in on the coast (out in the open for some reason) near the shore just north of prison island.  My character was cold so I quickly built a fire and warmed up.  I have noticed that I never get hungry anymore on my 1pp or 3pp characters.. like the status never goes below green.  However, I do get thirsty quite often.  I ate some beans and drank some water to fill up as a "just in case" so I don't get bit by the death bug and die from starvation in the event that my character is indeed hungry and I not know it.


I ran to Cherno and climbed to the top of the police station, lit flares, yelled over voice as I literally patrolled the city (walking and also at a slow jog pace at times).  No luck.  I then ran to Elektro and did the same on different buildings at different heights as I looked around with binoculars.  No luck there as well.  I then decided to run BACK to Cherno as the server got up to 8 people and I was hoping to get lucky.  I ran down the middle of the road, yelling and totally playing the role of a survivor.  When I got back to Cherno I climbed the crane near the construction site and kept searching with my binoculars, seeing nothing.  I climbed down to hear my character scream out in pain once he hit the bottom.  I checked my boots and they were ruined.  My pants went to "damaged" state and a lot of the items in my pants were damaged as well (nothing ruined thankfully).  I fixed my pants with a sewing kit, took my boots off, and ran like an idiot trying to find shoes as fast as I could, hoping that my pants wouldn't get damaged again.  Darting from house to house with no luck for what seemed like forever..


15 minutes later I found some boots in a shed if I recall correctly.  I patrolled the city for another 20 minutes or so calling out with no response.







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Empty servers are no fun, either you run around alone for hours and find nobody, or you want to loot the airfield alone and get shot by the only guy on the server in a tent :(


 I had a very intense firefight yesterday which went well and for once, left me alive. I met a guy outside Elektro and we went to dubky together, I( was going to cherno for.....a thing. As we got to Novoselky we met a guy, We tried talking to him but he wouldnt respond, instead he tried hiding in a bush. Then he started firing at us. I didnt have any good gun so I ran around him and bashed his skull in with a hockey stick and there was much rejoicing. I took his SKS but left him alive and then someone else started shootign so I ran. I ran into one of the high apartment buidlings to get a better view and climbed the stairs. As I got up theres a guy right there!  He started shooting with a sawn off mosin so i ran and we had a little standoff. I talked to him but he didnt respond so i bandaged. Meanwhile I could hear the guy I had met fighting for hsi life outside. I went to a balcony to get a better view and sawn-off mosin guy went right past me without seeing me. I couldve shot him but I didnt. I waited for a while til i couldnt hear him and tried to find him again. I saw him lay pinned behind a wall with two assailants. I needed to move. Just as i was prepping to move Saw-off mosin guy appears and goes right for me so I shoot, he shoots and he drops. I reload and shoot him dead. I bandage and set a splint then start checking his body. I try to get his name when i hear something below so i rush to the roof.

 From the roof I look around for a bit and see one of the guys shooting at my friend in a window of a nearby apartment. I gather my breath and as he pops up to shoot I shoot him. He drops right away.  I notice another guy running away but I have no shot so I run along the roof trying to get him but he dissapears among the houses.

 I go down and loot the dead guys corpses then look for my friend but I cant find him. And the guy I knocked out with a hockey stick is gone too.  I go on to cherno and hunker down. Waiting for 0.58

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Had a good experience yesterday that I wanted to share and also give props to two players.

I was south of the NWAF looking around a small industrial area. I was inside one of the buildings when I saw a fully geared up player at the door. I started talking to him to see if he was friendly. No answer. That's a bad sign. I shut the door to the room I was in and said I didn't want any trouble. He started to shoot. He tried shooting me through the wall. I wasn't getting hit for some reason. Maybe bullets can't go through walls? Then I realized he had a buddy with him. The buddy was on the side of the house trying to shoot me through the window. I still wasn't getting hit. So the first guy must have thought I was preoccupied with his friend in the window because he came busting into the room. I had a Mosin with 2 clips. I shot the first dude twice and he was dead. Don't hear the second guy anymore. I move to a different position inside the room so I can see out the window where he was trying to shoot me earlier. I see a geared up player a ways away trying to get a look at me. I figured it was the second dude. I take aim at him but he shoots and knocks me unconscious. Next thing I know I wake up with no gear and two guys are in the room with me. I'm handcuffed. It was the guy that shot me from up a ways away and his buddy. They killed the second guy already. They weren't sure if I was with those two guys. We talked and I said I was alone. They gave me a saline bag. They let me wiggle out of the handcuffs and let me take some of my gear back. They also led me over to an adjacent building where they killed the second dude and let me grab some of his gear as well. Glad to know not everyone in DayZ is a bandit. There are some Heroes out there.

The two guys screen names were DavidBlaine  and  Flint.  If you are reading this, thanks again guys.


side note: we went our separate ways and I was hanging around the industrial area I was attacked in when all of a sudden I hear a truck coming. I figure cant be any worse than what just happened to me so I wave at the truck and it comes to a stop. Driver yells out do I need a ride? Its DavidBlaine! the same guy that just moments ago shot me then saved me. lol

I hop in the back and we drive around picking up random players. Eventually making our way up to the NW airfield with two other guys. Then he flipped the truck on its side after hitting a Zed near the hangers. No one died from the truck crash.


sad end: so after all that, I ended up going south towards the shore. I found some really tall and steep rocks. So I figured I would walk up them for a better vantage point. I get close to the top and try walking to the edge...then next thing I know I'm falling. Dead. That was a crappy way to die. But a fun day overall. 

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Eno messaged me saying he got a new video card and that he had one last night to play before the wipe.  So we logged on at relatively the same time and decided to get into some PvP if possible since we normally stray from it and try to help people.  We also thought we would try the bandit route for a change of pace.  I logged into my 3pp character and immediately got the "You are unconscious" message.. uh oh.


Rewind:  A few nights back, (one of Eno's last posts in here) we got into a fire fight outside of Berezino where I killed a guy, but I was shot up pretty good.  I had bandaged and eaten some food, but the server reset a few minutes later.  So now, when I logged in, my character was unconscious and shortly after.. dead.  Poop.  That guy was alive for a loooooong time even after countless interactions with players of different varieties in Svet.  Poop, poop, poop.  Oh well..


So I spawn near Skyrim mountain (in between Cherno and Elektro).  Eno spawns in near the factory on the coast and is heading towards Kamyshovo.  I run straight for Elektro and stop at the first guard house, finding a smersh vest smersh backpack, SKS with some ammo, and a 75 round drum, which I empty and take the ammo for my SKS.  I gear up within a few short minutes because I also find an FNX and a mag for it at the next guard house as well as a boonie hat and black m65 jacket.  Bam!


We meet up in Kamy on a high pop (40/40) as Eno takes overwatch on the hill, his range of view isn't the best where he can see in both directions, so he shuffles position a few times through our session to help.  I immediately come across a relatively non geared guy crossing the road looting houses (I think he had an axe and a black m65 jacket), I run up to him asking how he is doing just as a freshie runs up to my side and starts talking to me. 


Me: "Hey guys, need anything?  Food? Wa-"


**The freshie runs at me


Me: "Back up man, do you need anything?"


Freshie: "I, uh, what did you say?"


**I raise my weapon


Me: "I said BACK UP man"


Freshie: "Okay okay, i'll take whatever you can give me"


I drop two cans of soda and one can of beans, I noticed the guy with the axe and black m65 jacket took off towards the warehouse along the water.  I wish the freshie well as he thanks me and heads west towards Elektro down the coast.  I run up to the warehouse to see the guy with the m65 jacket yell out to me as he closes the door:


Dude: "Go away man, *long rambling*... I don't have anything"


Me: "Alright, it's cool, just checkin' on ya"


Dude: "I'm actually cooking some breast in here if you want some.  Come try some."


**He opens the door


Me: "Are ya? Hrmmm.."


I recall there not being much of any animals in this patch and with him being relatively fresh, I figure it's of human variety.  I rush into the doorway in a sprint and look around and see a guy in the far right corner, and without stopping, in one move I do a 180 and zig zag back out and around the corner..  I was expecting that!  Ha!


Dude: "It's cool man, he's only got a trumpet, blah blah blah (hard to understand him)"


Me: "Tell you what, you guys have fun, I'm leaving.  Cya!"


Shortly after, I hear the guy shooting his trumpet randomly (at least it doesn't sound like he's shooting at anyone).


A few minutes pass by and I hear gunfire coming from the west.  I figure someone is shooting at the freshie I helped earlier.  Just then Eno says he sees two relatively geared guys (with weapons in hand) running towards Kamy between the tracks and the road.  I get ready behind a fence and await their arrival.


Eno asks if he should shoot or not, I tell him we should go for it since we really have nothing to lose (with the upcoming wipe in mind).  Plus we figure we are taking care of two bandits as well.  Eno lets a shot rip, then another, and another.  He thinks he hit one guy because he went prone.  The other dude ran north into the tree line past the train station.  I notice a concrete wall along that tree line next to the train station with a hole in it, so I decide to follow him and just as I cut across the opening he turns and comes back towards me, but by then I am already at the wall waiting.  I am assuming his friend saw me and notified him.  The guy cuts 90 degrees and heads west, I line up a shot and let er' rip.  One shot, one kill.  I am not the best when figuring out the desync and such, but that was a beautiful shot I must say.  He was running full sprint and I guessed correctly.  His body fell behind a tree part way up the hill.  I run up and see that he is still alive and shoot him in the head.  I check his gear, finding stuff of not much use other than a bandage and a water bottle.


I then turn my attention to his friend who is still apparently prone near one of the sheds entering Kamy from the west.  I rush down the hill and around the area, just as Eno shouts out that he is to my left.  Eno fires off a couple rounds as I rush to the right of the guy.  I start talking in a retarded foreign accent as Eno is raining hell down around him.  He is still prone behind a chicken wire fence next to a shed along the road.  I run up behind him as I am telling him I am coming to get him.  I round the corner and open up on him.  He expires without firing a shot at me.  I check his body and notice he had an ak74 with 16 rounds still left in the clip.  Why didn't he fire?


Shortly after that, we hear a truck approaching.  I decide to go into bandit mode and I open fire on the cab.  On my screen, I hit the driver 3 or 4 times in the face.. the truck crashes as I celebrate my victory.  As I start to approach it, it suddenly vanishes and appears down the road still going forward.. wtf?  The truck slows down and two freshies jump out.  Just then Eno shouts out that three more guys are approaching from the same spot.  I see two run to my right (north) and one guy circles my position and runs up to the wooden fence I am behind.  He shoots through the fence wounding me as I rush around and put two in his back with my SKS.  He keeps running as I fire one past him.  As I turn I see a guy with a crowbar round the fence and rush at me.  He gets a hit on me in one try as I start running past (wow, lucky hit?).  I run forward and then stop and fire a couple rounds and miss as he zig zags, I then cross the road and do the same, missing all three times just as I hear the dreaded *click* *click*.  He shouts to me "Yer gonna die today" or something of the sort.. as I tell him "Okay, come and get it".


I sprint around the fence and (as I am still moving) hit tab to bring up my inventory and drag the ammo onto my rifle as my character reloads..


Now, before I continue.  I need to note that I use SHIFT + W to sprint.  I know some people just double-tap "W" and they sprint.  I don't, but I definitely need to rethink my key layout or not be a total retard next time.  


So, as my character is reloading and I am still "jogging" with the menu up, I press the SHIFT key as I hit TAB to close my inventory.  Crap.  That pulls up the steam overlay and my character stops dead in his tracks.  I quickly hit it again and take one step as my buddy with the crowbar pops me once in the back.  Down I go.. he shouts out "good game" and kills me.  First off, this guy was a maverick with a melee weapon.  I don't think he missed once.  He only had two opportunities to hit me during that short fiasco and he hit both times perfectly.  PROPS to him.  Secondly, I hope that it would have went down differently if I hadn't accidentally pulled up my steam overlay.  Oh well, lesson learned. 


Shortly after, Eno got bum rushed by all 5 guys.  Fun times!

Edited by schwaBAM
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ah, the steam overlay death. yea you have to change that soon, got killed that way a week or 2 ago. 

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A guy attacked me in Berezino and we both died, I think he was in cahoots with a guy on triple yellow spotting for him. I respawned outside Solnichy so ran to Elektro. By the time I got there I was well-geared again. The server restarted so I went for one of the guard houses and got sniped :/ . I respawned on Kalisty so made my way to elektro again, listening on on some guys and a girl talking in the kamy police station. When I approached the place where I died people were shooting. i looked for them but found nobody. The guard house was unlooted but I left it and ran.

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My stash got robbed, I've had an AUG and UMP45. I wanted to try them for the first time today but when I logged back in all I saw was the chopped tree where my guns where, thought it was well hidden but apparently it wasn't :/

So that's about it, sad day for me ^-^

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From 0.58, two night ago...


I had been going since the last wipe and I was pretty decently geared up - full camo, scoped blaze, magnum with two speedloaders and an FNX45 I had just found (no ammo yet though) sitting in my backpack - not great but holding my own. The problem was, it had been raining on the server for about two days straight and I was approaching hypothermia from being wet and cold for so long.

I was in the middle of nowhere somewhere around Vyshnoye and found a house at the side of the road. I checked out the area and all seemed quiet, so I gathered what I needed, made a fire in the hearth and hunkered down with my magnum at the ready just in case. I finally lost the cold status and everything was drying off when someone comes bursting through the door swinging an axe! I jump up, get past him (he missed) and make a break for the door only to run right into his friend, also with axe drawn. I unload my magnum into his face (no way I missed at point-blank range, but he doesn't go down, thanks game!!!) and a second later I'm unconscious. Oddly they didn't kill me and I start seeing my items disappear from my hot-bar.

Then, about a second later I'm awake! I popped up and just started running! They took a couple shots at me (with my own damn blaze!) but miss and, bleeding and in naught but my skivvies, I make for the hills. I'm probably a minute from going unconscious again when I come across the heli crash site of all things where I had gotten the FNX45, and quickly cut up some rags with a knife I had found in a shed along the way.

Bandaged and bruised, I picked up what clothes were at the crash site and head for the nearest town to try to re-gear with full plans to go hunt down the bandits who robbed me. I quickly found some water and food and started healing and things were looking up.

About 10 minutes later, as I'm sitting enjoying a can of peaches in the upper room of a two-storey house, I see movement across the hall! I quickly shout "I'm friendly, I have nothing on me!!" but it's too late, he was decidedly unfriendly.

I see the flash from his AK and I'm dead.

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I performed an experiment on high pop servers to see how many players would attack me unprovoked. out of 6 encounters, 7 people, all of them tried to kill me. In one of the encounters i was unarmed and standing still apart from turning so i could watch two guys approach me. "hey, yea, i know what you're going to do." and they shot me. no words spoken or anything. In conclusion don't bother with other players. Still had some fun combat.

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Last night, Eno and I decided to team up and get into the thick of things.  I got on earlier than he and ran from Cherno to Berezino looting everything on the way.  My guy was pretty decked out in almost the same military gear in the screenshot a few posts back, except I was missing the pistol holster for the plate carrier and the fact that I now had an AK with a wrap on it to match my gear.


Eno and I met on the western side of Berezino and proceeded to sit on the hill overlooking the southern edge of the city on a high pop server.  I was along a stone wall, hidden in the bushes with Eno about 10m to my right, doing the same.  I noticed a truck was parked on the main street along the coast but did not pay it much attention other than checking on it periodically to see if it moved.


We watched the area for about 15 minutes before we saw two semi-geared players run down the road in front of us and run inside a small yellow house with blue shutters.  They both lined up in front of the windows and were facing my direction, not moving.  I wasn't sure if they had a good line of sight on me so I didn't move, with my binoculars fixed on them.  Shortly after they disappeared.. they apparently went in to log out.


We scanned the city for another 15-20 minutes talking about random shite with both of us still in awe that we had not heard ANY shots in that amount of time.  Eno got ants in his pants from the lack of activity and decided to walk down towards the truck.  He literally walked down the road, through the fields, past the houses, allllll the way to the lumber yard before he picked up the pace.  His reasoning was that he was "in good hands".  I told him that he should think differently because I will only react after a shot is fired and with all of the possible hiding spots for someone, chances are he will be dead before I can figure where they are at.  Watching him walk that far in the middle of Berezino on a high pop server was pretty hilarious to me.


So once we hit the lumber yard, I heard someone eating close by.  I looked around in 3rd person and didn't see anyone.  I heard it again (full sound effect) and figured it had to be coming from across the street near the water fountain (what we refer to as "Chez Eno").


We decided to rush it so I went in and charged the nearby 2-story green house and cleared the upper floor while Eno cleared the bottom floor.  I then rushed to the next building over and cleared that upstairs and down.  From there, we could see the truck sitting in the middle of the road just north of us with both doors wide open.  It looked like a set up so we looked around for a few moments before we devised a plan to follow the coast up past it towards the light house.  As I step onto the shoreline and turn to head north, I notice a guy in a full ghillie suit running towards me along the shoreline.  I duck behind some rocks and sit and wait while I alert Eno.  


At this point, the guy clearly hasn't seen us and he runs closer to me and then ducks behind a large rock sitting in the water.  I yell to Eno that we should rush him and I go for it.  I tell Eno I will go right if he goes left, which he does quickly.  I rush around the right side of the rock and shout commands for his to drop his weapon.  He complies by going prone and dropping everything but does not type or talk over voice.  Eno has been looking for a winchester and this guy had a nice one with Eno's name on it.  Eno declines and says he can keep it, so I relay to the guy and tell him we will let him keep his gear if he goes south after we leave (the guy's name was "yolo").  I ask him to shake his head if he understands.. he nods up and down.


We run north along the coast as Eno keeps an eye over his shoulder.  Just as we get to the fencing leading into the docks, we get shot at.. and again.  We run around in circles before realizing it is coming from behind us where we let the guy go.  We do a 180 and serpentine back towards our little friend.  Meanwhile, another shot goes off but not at us.  As we approach we see the ghillie guy run towards the bridge for cover.  I veer off to the right (over the railroad) and west of there to intercept him but he does not come out the other side.  I noticed the bridge was sitting low to the ground so he was probably on the other side still.  I run around the bridge and come back down the coast and end up coming up behind him.  I do not give commands and I do not say anything, as I fire 4 shots into his back.  He drops.


I was pissed that he tried to kill us after we had an agreement!  So I cuss at his dead body over comms and leave his body.  A few moments later, Eno says that there was another body (a female) near the lighthouse.  I run up and see that she had a blaze rifle and we try to figure out what happened.  Clearly our ghillie guy killed her, but was it him shooting at us or was it her?  If it was him, then I am glad I killed him, but if it was her and he SAVED us from her, then.. oops?


Anyways, the female had a pistol carrier for my plate carrier (YAY) and we survived.  We ended up heading into the center of the city to follow some other gunshots, but the server restarted shortly after.


Sorry "yolo" if you were not the one shooting at us.

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Today the game annoyed the hell out of me when  I lost three fights only due to it not working. First I ran a truck to kamyshovo, a guy stood by the wayside shooting at me and there were bodies everywhere, I ran him over but he took no damage, I exited and pulled out my mp5, didnt work, pulled out my ak, didnt work, pulled out my 357, didnt work. I ran and hid behind a rock while he tried to getaway in the truck. I tried everything to get at my gear but it was totally inaccessible to me. Finalöly the guy ran the truck up on a rock and got out and shot me. I almost punched my screen.


I respawned and geared up a bit, met and unfriendly person who stood five metres away punching the air, I fell unconcious. I woke up a bit later and all he had taken was my trumpet. Good for him. I then found a longhorn and ammo in the house just nearby.


Later I met another guy with the same character, he ran into the house I was in weidling an axe. I shot him six times with my sks before going unconcious without even taking any hits. When I ran back to my corpse only my body remained so it seemed bullets don do anything when I fire them.


Fuck this shit!

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That was an intense engagement but notice how nothing bad happened until the moment we started running around all crazy like? I was walking along, cool as a cucumber and not even a shot is fired at or around us. Went tactical and blamo! Getting shot from behind from all directions- people dead (not us, this time)... chaos. 


There is something immediately threatening about a guy running around with a gun... It also draws the eye much more quickly. Have to admit that whole scene in the OP (observation post) we were at on the edge of the city was pretty cool. Close enough to see and react to things- but I don't think we were in a spot that jumps out as a "the place EVERYONE goes." The rock face in Svet was a bit like that... as much as I enjoy it up there I think everyone with bad intentions is up there and the people who know what they're doing know it. 


At that rock wall OP outside of Berezino with our binos out just looking for anything at that point- Seeing that truck and going to check it out was pretty cool... knowing it was probably a trap (both doors open, high pop server, Berezino between two guard houses) and just working through that part of the problem was great. We went from just hanging out looking for anything to happen to having a "mission." 

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So it kept on raining yesterday. I was sick, I stitched up my wounds, but ended up making them "infectious". Didn't find any medicine, and the wounds just got better by themselves. I still can't see correctly. Also found a helicopter crash, got a ump from it. My mission now is to make myself a improvised leather backpack. Still struggling to find food/water.

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I think your mission now just became to survive the infections from the wounds... Where abouts are you chicagoboy?

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