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Bit of a mixed bag for us today. I got in early before SBJ and ran into a guy wearing a mask and had a shotgun- We had a very brief standoff and figured out pretty quickly that we were friendly. He was very cautious and I understood. I didn't have much- but was getting ready to head up to NWAF to grab my Gorka gear back so I was hunting for some food / drink.... I asked him if he needed anything- he said he was good- then asked me to put my hands up. I thought to myself: "Ah crap- here it comes." He then stripped almost naked and said "Take what you need." He was loaded to the gills with good stuff but I was so taken aback by the gesture all I could see was the spaghetti- I left him with all his other stuff. He said something to the tune of "you've been so nice to deal with, you should be rewarded." 


Wow- top shelf. Truly top shelf. 


So my gaming experience was good- but that exchange made SBJ want to come in with me. Unfortunately he was flogged by zombies and had to respawn... so he did- I think northern spawn near Guba. He went in there and started looking around and in the process stumbled into someone- I listened over SBJ's shoulder (our computers are next to one another) and he was saying all the right things... he was a fresh spawn so he asked the guy for some food and water or a drink... the guy told him there was some canned goods in the building they were in but SBJ didn't have any tools to open them. They had a brief conversation and SBJ mentioned he had a friend (me) by the shipwreck and wondered if he wanted to come with him to join up with us. I didn't hear a reply but suddenly SBJ was taking shots in the face with that pitch fork thing... SBJ was saying: "What are you doing?! Why man why?" but the guy just kept hitting him. So SBJ grabbed his cattle prod (crap btw) and started hitting him back in the face. Round and round they went... eventually I think they were both unconscious- 


He ended up respawning pretty much as far away as he could have... got ambushed by zombies and killed... So we're hoping to be brought closer together now.  I was close to Guba so I was going to kill the jagoff- but then the server either crashed or reset... either way- was time to switch out. 



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Got geared on a new server, got a shotgun and some shells. Then i ran into some guys with axes as i exited a house near Elektro. The came straight for me axes drawn. I told them i was friendly but they kept silent and continue to come for me. So i fired a warning shot in the air. The halted for a moment, but then advanced on me again, strafing...By then it was obvious they wanted my gear, so i ran around for about 5 minutes trying to lose them in the streets, but no use. Some zombies attacked me and i decided to try and make a stand. Killed one guy, but the other chopped me in the face with an axe.... Hope he made good use of the one shotgun shell i had left. All my other stuff was ruined anyway. 


Re spawned on a new server with only a few people on it. Berezino spawn, geared up and headed north. Get some guns and ammo, and plenty of food & water. Headed north towards Novo in the hopes of meeting up with a friend there. As i exited the police station in Khelm i ran into a guy. I had just dropped a bayonet in order to try and grab another item for use. He said he was friendly, but i backed off anyway keeping a .45 at hand. I accidentally grabbed my axe as i was waving to him, so he got scared. But in the end i convinced him i was also friendly, told him there was a bayonet inside he could have, and wished him good luck. Then i got as far away from there as possible. First human i meet that doesn't instantly tries to kill me. I wonder if he would have still been friendly if i had not been holding that .45, but i will assume this was just a good guy. 


Made my way to Svetlojarsk and found a guy lying dead in the police station. Probably killed by another human so i decided to play it safe and hide. Will cautiously continue on north towards Novo tomorrow. Ty.

Edited by nillie

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Today a lot of things happened, some good, some bad, some rather funny.


First I spawned in with a character on a private hive. Turned out he was in a camo building on the NW airfield. Not the best place to be on a full 40 man server as I noticed ten minutes later when some guy killed me in the firestation after a brief talk.

 Respawned outside novo and got some good stuff almost right away among the industrial buildings. Met a nice guy there who led me to some ammo and stuff. Went to Svet and further down the coast. At the wreck I met some other guys I talked to but the server restarted. I logged in a bit later then went to Berezino. People were shooting so I try to sneak by but am spotted by a guy with a head ghillie. I tell him I'm friendly and only looking for food and fire but he starts chasing me. he doesnt respond over comms. Soon enough two more wearing head ghillies appear and one shoots me in the legs so I fall prone. One of them draw an axe and moves near so I pull out my repeater and shoots him. He drops dead and I laugh as the other two pump bullets into me.


Logged into the WOBO server and was in green mountain. I went to the Veresnik military base and heard people shooting in there and some guy yelling insults over comms. I went to check it and heard the guy rustling about outside the camo building so I went inside and waited by the entrance. I was then shot. Don't know from where because nobody was inside and nobody was at the door. the guy then yelled insults over comms as I was dying. Not a very pleasant fellow.

 I respawned on the same server and started in solnichy. I found some decent stuff and was running towards Kambiwobo when a very strange thing happened. My guy stopped and by himself emptied out all the ammo from his gun then proceeded to drink. I left the server.


 I went out and fired off some rockets then spawned in with my 1pp character. This character has been alive for some weeks and got an AKM and some other nice things but I grew kinda bored of beign careful all the time so i went to Solnichy. When I get there I see three newspawns. Two run away immedately as they see me but the other one starts to follow me, talking and taunting me. I realize ofcourse that he's going to try to take my gear so I run along the beach with him in tow, talking to him for a bit. After a while I grow bored so I shoot a clip at him but misses most of my shots, then continue running while reloading. I then hear gunfire ahead and soon spot a guy shooting the newspawns that ran from solnichy. I run towards him through the bushes and open fire. I hit but he doesnt drop, he turns and fires and I hear a shout from behind then a thud and I go down. I'm out for a bit then someone kills me.


 And this bothers me a bit, not that I died but its a bit boring with this game when theres a fight and things happen and you don't get to see the outcome. I don't know if the guy that chased me died and i don't know if the guy with the gun died and I would really have liked to know that at the time.

 Because, I respawn in Kambiwobo, run all the way to the place of the battle and theres nothing there, no corpses, no loot on the ground, nothing. And It only took me maybe three or four minutes to get there. And as I'm runing around there, looking an old friend comes running. Its the guy who chased me. I believe he respawned but I don't know. He's weilding a wrench so i run to one of the landings and make my stand. he kills me.

 I respawn outside cherno. I see a guy by the beach so i go talk to him. He seem to have some mic issue since I can see his lips moving but theres no sound. He lays down in the water and drowns himself. I craft a stone knife and try to skin him but it doesnt work. I go to Cherno. While roaming around a guy comes running. he talks but theres no sound. i realize its the same guy adn he attacks me. I run for a bit then turn around and kill him, I guess its what he wants as hes not fighting back. I try to skin his corpse again but it doesnt work.

 I proceed into cherno. I'm really hungry but can't find any food. I meet a guy in a dress who tries to cuff me so I cuff him back and succeeds. He laughs. I don't have any keys, he doesn't have any food so I suicide in the street right in front of him with my stone knife.

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Happy New Year folks... 


Yesterday was pretty mild. I spent most of it trying to connect with SBJ who, unfortunately, kept spawning on the south side of the map near Cherno and Electro... He was getting mauled by zombies left and right- finally he ended up east of Cherno so we started running towards each other brazenly along the beach. I was in Berenzino... so it was a bit of a haul. 


I was also "extremely hungry" but had a canteen that was keeping my thirst in check. One thing I know for CERTAIN is that Cheranus' economy was heavily orientated towards welding and the manufacture of chem sticks and gas stoves. When I first got into this game- I couldn't walk a step without tripping on bacon and peaches... and now I can barely stay alive.


As I was running down past Solichny (sp?) I came across a relative fresh spawn (I had some warm stuff on, a fire axe and a camo Mosin (no rounds)... and he was just jogging along with a crowbar on his back. I had my axe out... I got eyes on him about 5 seconds before he saw me standing there looking at him. He stopped... then crouched and drew the crowbar. We still had 20-30 feet between us... so I got a little brave and put my axe away and then put my hands up. I asked him if he needed anything and that while I didn't have any food I did have some water. He sat down, then applauded... (seemed like a familiar process to me considering my first interaction). He then stood up and I asked him if he had comms. I got the impression he could hear me but not talk- I told him he could come with me if he wanted and he pointed behind me... While he was doing that I saw a Zed boil up from behind him. I warned him about it "Zombie behind you!" and started to draw my axe. He pulled his crowbar out but took a hit. This is tricky- since he's right in the zed's face and I pull out my axe wanting to help him but knowing my luck I'd kill him instead. He got hit again so I took a careful swing and hit the zed... knocking it out / killing it (whatever you do to a zombie). I asked him if he needed any bandages and put some down for him thinking he might need them- but if memory serves he waved at me and turned back heading his own direction towards Berenzino. I turned and headed south- keeping an eye open behind me as he ran out of view. 


I ran into SBJ around that coastal "corner" and he gave me some bacon. He was dying of thirst so I gave him some of my drink stuff. Seems to me we found a fountain there or nearby which helped. I remained starving in spite of his generous offer. We investigated Tulga (again sp?)  and headed NE towards MSTA. I'd had some luck there finding good stuff once before but we found it lacking everything except welding helmets and stoves. SBJ and I were getting critically low on energy / food so we explored gardening. He suggested we leave some plants up for others which I thought was extremely courteous of him considering some of the jagoffs he's encountered in the game. 


Takes about 8-10 minutes I think to grow fully? My times may be off but that's in the ballpark. You need to turn over the ground with the hoe and then set pit or something like that for each seed that you intend to plant. Was pretty cool actually- for a noob! 


I'm going to be heading in tonight- I do hope to bump into some of you guys from the forums. I keep thinking someone will say "Oh yeah! I remember you... you're one of the good guys!" and then work with me... maybe join teamspeak (I have a TS3 server running 24/7.)


Anyway guys- looks like we're all still enjoying the game... Will enjoy it more when people are motivated to work together first before resorting to killing out of boredom. 

Edited by ENO75

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met what seemed like a cool guy. we rolled for about two hours, then i had to leave. told him i was logging off. he said he would watch my body for me. normally this would start ringing alarm bells for me, but not this time, cos by this stage, we where friends on steam. logged in and woke up on the coast. seriously, Mazza, if you are going to kill me, at least have the balls to do it whilst i am online.


but then i ran into a lootgasming police station, so its all good now.

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I had something similar happen to me but I was with SBJ- and I know he didn't kill me (he sits beside me, remember. My character got wiped and his didn't... so not sure if he (your buddy) did it or not?

On another note- WEIRD thing happened today... I was at the air strip closer to the coast up north last night bopping around looking for some decent kit and ended up going into one of the multi story buildings closer to the corner- can't remember which side. I was standing near a window not being TOO careful since there might have been 4 other people on the server (it was about 3am my time)... walking along the shelves looking at stuff when with no warning whatsoever my guy sort of glitched and then had a broken arm, broken leg and was bleeding.

I'm PRETTY sure that I just glitched like a fall through the floor (similar to our gear sometimes when you're upstairs) which resulted in me getting busted up pretty badly. My pants were ruined- but my jacket was okay. At the time I figured I'd been shot from someone off on the hill spying me with a long range scope through the window (mostly broken I think). It would have been a heck of a shot that's for sure. I crawled down the stairs (well... actually crouched since you can't crawl prone down the stairs...) and to the nearest tree and was able to make a couple of splints and put them on my character. The fact my character is still alive is one reason why I figured I might have glitched. I tempted fate a little by running around to find some new pants and boots- I wasn't shot at or anything...

As time passed I realized it may have just been a glitch- but I have to say that was FRICKEN intense for me! Trying to get healed, wondering if someone was making a mad dash to finish me off... Very creepy feeling indeed!

Edited by ENO75

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Had a rather intense moment at the factory between Solichny and Berezino... I was scrounging looking for some stuff and while on the main floor I heard what I thought was the sound of a V3S- Again, I'm a noob- might have been the wind blowing but I'm pretty sure that it was a truck approaching. I looked around various openings in the factory building I was in but didn't see anything... The truck sounded like it drove around a bit, then stopped. I figured- ah frick... do I go up or go down? Hide or get ready to stand and fight. There were 50 people in the server and I know folks who are of the feint of heart (like me) don't come in there except to get it on. 


When I joined there was 5- must have been right after a reset... when I looked and saw there was 40+ I thought about dropping out- but what kind of story would that have made? I stuck to the grind. To top that off- I don't have comms because my laptop mic decided not to work so I'd be stuck to typing. Not fantastic odds. 


And, speaking of stuck- now I'm stuck in this building- KNOWING there is someone on my doorstep but not sure which one, front or back?! Crap. What to do? There was a ramp leading down onto the main floor of the building with a little notch between it and the wall and it was in a shadow. I pushed myself in that corner and crouched down hoping at the very least that the guy wouldn't come in and if he did maybe he wouldn't see me. I waited there for what felt like 10 minutes but was probably 30 seconds... I was JUST about to head out when the guy came racing in from the left side- from towards the water / train tracks / road. He ran past me and it looked like he must have looked to his right to see if there was anything in there (I'd just grabbed the paint I needed) just long enough for me to zip out the door (I was on his left as he ran in). I just beat cheeks out of there- waiting to start hearing bullets flying over my shoulder... or hackers eating my food and unloading my weapon... Or screaming over my headset for me to put my hands up and get on my knees. 


I quickly made it to the treeline- but as I ran I actually heard the sound of someone eating. I'd just watched a video where a guy was talking about the ghillie suit and a hacker started unloading his weapon, making him eat his stuff- all sorts of weird warping stuff... I thought for sure the same was happening to me. I ran and ran... looking over my shoulder. Finally after I'd ran a few hundred meters at least I settled in and waited- listening... watching. Unfortunately I kept hearing this sound like smacking lips- so I couldn't tell if that was someone taunting me? 


Only about 30-40 seconds passed and I was watching the side of the factory- I saw the guy come out and run around the corner out of site. Perhaps he hadn't seen me at all? 


I know one of the first rules to this game is to not get attached to your stuff- but I also know that finding the stuff you want can take PAINFUL hours- and I ALSO know that's the point! 


But caring for your stuff also makes you more careful- just like playing in a server with 50 people in it makes you play more carefully than a server with 5. What I'm really interested in doing is getting kitted out so that I can act as an overwatch in busy areas and watch out for the freshies. My concern is I know what it looks like- and the assumption from some who have been playing awhile (if they encounter me out there) would be that I'm poaching the freshies instead! Or as someone said in another thread "target practice." 


Anyway- I spent hours running around the beach to the boats and then packing burlap sacs... ugh- just to find the last paint can I needed to finish it off and get killed in the same building I found it?! Goodness no. 


I'm working my way inland now to go see if I can grab some webbing to get some additional pockets and a warmer set of clothes so I'm not shaking like a leaf when I look through my scope... once that's done I'll head back down and keep a watch over Berezino and that highway along the coast. 

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I can't believe what just happened today. I was following a group of three bandits from elektro to cherno where they were killing everyone they saw. I had just watched them disappear up towards the highrises and as I go into the fire station third floor I get the leg break bug. I try to fix it but my morphine got ruined, even though I had it in my jacket. I crawl dowsnstairs and the server crashes. The server doesnt come up so I go on another private hive and start fresh. I gear up a bit in Polana then go to the Novo industrial complex. I go up a stair AND MY FUCKING LEGS BREAK AGAIN! I have nothing to fix it with and the nearest tree is ways off. Thankfully I have a knife so I can kill myself.

 I rejoin the first server as it has restarted and manage to mend my legs. I go to look  for a v3s that i saw earlier but it is gone, probalby lost in the server crash. There was no gas in it but I found a jerry can. I see one of the tall industrial buildings that my previous character broke his legs on and think to myself "it can't happen again" But it does.

Edited by Killawife

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I'm starting to realize my drama at the air strip was just a glitch and not a sniper- too bad, really. That was intense. And now I know never to go upstairs^ 


I had a really frustrating night last night in a relatively quiet server fortunately. I don't know what my problem is with landmarks- but I sure wish there was a way to look back at a trail on a map of what amount of ground I covered- where I stopped and got directions and sped off in the wrong direction. LITERALLY HOURS running around the NWAF- not sure if I made it to the NW corner but holy F. In one instance I got 3 directions from the compass... One when I looked at it, another once I'd put it down and looked at it again... and yet another when I put it down and looked at it again. VERY difficult to identify where you are when your at a crossroads with road signs and 2 of them aren't on the map in the stylized script. At least at my level. 


I did stumble into one little town and saw more loot in a single building than I have in any 3 days I've ever played. One full shelf of just books- I mean a full shelf, every single level... books upon books. 


FINALLY I just gave up and started running down this road- eventually wound up where I started off. HOURS. 


Anyway- confirmed directions from my known point this time and just ran straight. Just disregarded everything and ran straight. Had lots of food... lots of liquids... good to go. 5 minutes later I arrived. I ran back to the coast (probably 15 minutes of holding down the shift-w key) and tried to figure out a place to work. I'm hoping to help some people out between Berezino and Solnichniy (sp)- watch for freshies or others in trouble and generally just wait for the inevitable wipe lol. 

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Found my first V3S today, just north out of the forest on Green Mountain.


Drove a few hundred meters to Sosnovka. Found another. Funny thing is, neither was a spawnpoint on the map.


I proceeded to screenshot and ditch the both of them. Not fun to drive. Feel super slow, run super loud and handle like a barge. Awesome to see them in game and working though. I may have crashed them slightly.



Edited by Beizs

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I crested 100 hours last night- learned a few things and shot my first Zed with the Mosin.


I've been romping around in my familiar area now, kind of relieved to know where everything is (or could be)... and I noticed a couple of zombies hanging out by the hospital. Figured... hmmm- 2 of them eh? If anyone heads into the hospital they'll have their work cut out for them (if they're still relatively fresh. Out comes Mr. Mosin with the LR Scope and the compensator- 


First thing I want to say to those of you new folks- your "hold breath" and "zoom" keys are configured the same by default... so I recommend you get that squared away and if you don't you'll figure out why when you try and shoot anything. I'd read about the "sway" in another thread and I wrote it off as guys just complaining that they couldn't KOS fast enough- but man... when I tried to aim for the first time it was a bit ludicrous. I read in another thread about a geometric shape the sight travels- look it up since it may help you predict the best time to hold your breath. 


Anyway- I'd found a range finder a bit ago and lazed the building near the zed and dialed in my zero, then tried to aim. I hadn't yet figured out about the simultaneous zoom / hold breath thing (I knew I was holding my breath- and I knew I was either zooming or "concentrating / focusing." Realized maybe I wasn't zooming at all- I tried to aim (I was about 500 meters) but just couldn't hold it. Then, one of the zeds launched and headed off towards the hospital! The other stayed still... No idea what that was about- other than the fact that about a minute later a cow raced across my LOS with about 4 zeds in tow... not sure if my target was one of them but meh- there's another one to worry about. There was about a dozen people on the server so I was feeling pretty confident- but I figured I should probably go practice some place less likely to have anyone. I'm not sure how far people can hear you- so I headed over to the factory and low and behold there was a zed "outstanding" in its field. I lazed it and was about 500 meters again. Kind of winged it a bit- I'd never fired the mosin before and didn't know what to expect but even with the chaos in my scope I managed to drop the zed. I was kind of proud actually! 


So I mozied around a bit... server reset... went back over to Berezino and saw the second zed was still there by the hospital. Hmmm, okay, let's try this again. Lazed him again- still set at 500... tried for 5 minutes to get the aim to work properly but it wouldn't cooperate. I fired and missed.


It got me thinking to my earlier gaming days where folks recommended that snipers switch their fire button to one off the mouse for their sniper rifles or at least have a second input- reason being when you move to fire you could slightly move your mouse at the same time... Taking that off the mouse as well as the hold breath really helped (I have a simple non gaming mouse on my laptop- I'll probably put the breath hold back on it when I have the buttons) afterwards. I got my second shot in and dropped it. 


Nothing really remarkable about it- I can't IMAGINE what it's going to be like tracking moving targets but now I definitely understand why it is that most people transition between areas at a full sprint. 


Hope everyone  had a decent night!

Edited by ENO75
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I was circling around the North of Novy Sobor when I heard a single gun shot.  Now I know that humans are by far the most dangerous things in Chernarus, making the infected look as harmful as bunny rabits in comparison, but the only thing that outweighs my desire to stay alive in this nightmare is my need for human interaction.

I carefully make my way into the town when I hear a girl talking.  I cannot make out her words but there's definitely a woman talking - I cannot remember the last time I heard such a sweet sound.  I take a peek around a wall and see 2 men and a woman standing in the middle of the junction.  The guys have rifles of some sort and the girl has a close combat weapon.  Now I'm not a killer, never have been, never will be, but even I know that this is slack positioning - I'm packing an MP-133 shotgun (I'm a hopeless shot so I need a short range cannon rather than a precision rifle) but I reckon even I could take all three of these guys out, no sweat.

But like I say, I'm not a killer.  And, whilst I'm practically shaking with fear, I'm not getting a bad feeling from these guys, they just don't look that "hardcore" and anyway I remember something - this territory belongs to a group calling themselves EU:GS.  Three people together has got to be this group, right?  I call out "Hey EU:GS!  Over here, just past the church"  They seem surprised to hear another voice and suddenly seem to be a hell of a lot less slack.  They advance towards me as I slowly back away from them.  I'm keeping the chatter up as I go, trying to put them at ease.  As they come closer they're fanning out - the guys with the guns on the sides moving out towards the flanks and the girl in the middle in front of me.  I keep backing up, trying to keep all three in view and as them not to get too close.  Eventually, we all stop and, whilst I still have 2 guns pointed at me, I don't feel threatened.  I ask if they need anything (Of course they don't but it pays to be polite) and they return the compliment, but I'm good.  I aks about tents, have they seen any, but they haven't.  They say that they are just looking for somewhere to camp down for the night (despawn) and we say our goodbyes as they head off North whilst I head South into the town.

I'm sure these guys wouldn't have attacked me anyway, certainly not after I made first contact without a weapon drawn, but this encounter made me realise how much I love the MP-133 shotgun.  It's so short that when slung on my back no one can see that I have it and that must help to put people at ease.

Passing through town I get jumped by an infected.  He's on me so quickly that I don't get time to dodge.  I dispatch him quickly but I'm bleeding and out of rags.  Left with no choice I turn to my sewing kit to stop the bleeding but simply infect my own wounds.  I've had nightmares in the past where I've always died from this infection and, probably not thinking straight, I figure that if I am destined to die now I may as well give my shotgun to the unarmed girl.  I run North after the EUGS guys - a risky tactic since it's bound to alarm them but I'm yelling out to them that I am coming so I just hope that will be enough to not spook them into shooting me.

I clear the North of the town and run out into the field.  I cann't see them anywhere and am panicking.  I'm sprinting across the field when suddenly a guy stands up 5 metres in front of me.  He's got a big gun and is decked out like a proper soldier.  I'm yelling "EUGS!! Are you guys EUGS??" but I don't know why - he's not one of the 3 I was just talking to.  Then another guy, stands up behind me.


How to deal with bad situations 101 - act dumb and talk a lot.  I stick my hands straight up and start blabbering "Are you guys EUGS?  I'm looking for EUGS" and just keep yammering away spouting gibberish.  Keep them confused, stop them thinking, look around work out the situation.

The other guy is scannng the North and suddenly it clicks - these guys must be hunting the EUGS guys.  I have to warn them but I have problems of my own right now  The first guy speaks to me in a Russian accent.  Now I've been around long enough to see a lot of the world and I know accents pretty well and this isn't your usual mock Russian accent, this is an actual Russian guy speaking Russian.  He points the gun at my face and simpy says "speak Russian"...

"Privet tovarishch . Eto ne rabotayet . Do Svidaniya. spasibo" says I.

He points his gun back to the town "run that way"

Well, who would have thought studying Russian at school for 6 months 20 odd years ago would save my live?  I start to run away, then realise I'm so scared I still have my hands up.  I lower them and sprint away, expecting a shot any second, but they ignore me and return to hunting EUGS.  A brief vision of being the hero and saving the trio crosses my mind as I imagine sneaking back up behind these guys and gunning them down with my shotgun.  Then reality kicks in.  I'll never take these guys out and I'm NOT a killer.  I'll stick to just warning my friends what is coming their way.  I perform a loop around to the North but cannot see EUGS anywhere - then I remember that they said they were done for the night.

I reverse my loop and swing past the South of Novy Sobor heading towards Rogovo.  My sickness is worsening, I'm burning up and everything is going grey...

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Got to Grishino, desperate for water and was busy looking for water or cans when I heard a truck pulling in to town, with zombies in tow.


I watched the player run out of the truck into a nearby building and decided to see if I could steal his truck....was fed up walking to airbase for days!  (taking so long due to weird compass issues)


Anyway I managed to sneak into the truck and was about to start it up when the player whose truck it was comes back and instead of shooting, he offers advice on how to start the truck!


I was so taken aback that I apologised for nearly stealing his truck and got out, returning the truck to him.


Makes a change not to be kos.


No idea why I'm heading to airbase anyway, as I prefer auto shotgun & magnum and need no gear?  Just seems that is where everyone heads for.

Edited by Swither
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Swither, we've all had moments like that.  They're precious, rare moments of surprise when you suddenly get a momentary insight into why dayz is so very special.  :thumbsup:  :beans:

Edited by Sula

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Met the friendliest dude in Berezino just now. He was going door to door with the most basic of gear and no weapon but a splitting axe. He needed food so I gave him some beans and fruit, and he gave me some shells for my shotgun. We parted ways and I continued looting the town when I heard shotguns going off a little further. I went down to investigate, and I saw my new buddy zigzagging across the street, bleeding profusely, followed by a bandit with a sawn-off. My buddy fled into the office building, so I quickly got onto the roof and entered through the top floor. My buddy was hiding in one of the rooms bandaging himself, so I covered the stairwell without him noticing I was there. The bandit tried to sneak up the stairs, but two shotgun blasts at point blank range took care of that. Most of his gear was ruined, but we managed to salvage the shotgun, his fire axe, some buckshot and .357 rounds, his hunter pants, his jungle boots, a can opener and a pair of binoculars saved by his protector case. Alas his Magnum was ruined. Still, a good day. Met a friendly, saved his life, and got some heart-felt thanks.

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^ That is what I want to help deal with... though I'm not good enough to get up close yet over time I think I'll build that confidence. I JUST found out that I had a broken arm for however long so trying to aim the mosin was like trying to aim a pissed off rattle snake... Someone mentioned there is a bug with broken arms where you can suffer the results but not get any indication. I "ghost" splinted and now my aim is true! 


Berezino is the area I'm working around in an "overwatch" capacity. Wish I'd seen that go down and been able to interdict. 


Nice work Sacha

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^ That is what I want to help deal with... though I'm not good enough to get up close yet over time I think I'll build that confidence. I JUST found out that I had a broken arm for however long so trying to aim the mosin was like trying to aim a pissed off rattle snake... Someone mentioned there is a bug with broken arms where you can suffer the results but not get any indication. I "ghost" splinted and now my aim is true! 


Berezino is the area I'm working around in an "overwatch" capacity. Wish I'd seen that go down and been able to interdict. 


Nice work Sacha


I get up close precisely because I'm a terrible shot even without aim glitches. If I had had an SKS or Mosin instead of the shotgun, my buddy would likely have died, and maybe I would have as well. But a double blast from a sawn-off at point blank will kill them 100% of the time, so it's my preferred weapon in close quarters.

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*continued from above*


...I make it to Rogovo but I know the end is near.  My wounds feel like lines of pure fire carved into my skin and the heat is being channeled directly into my head and I can barely see.  I want to survive but I know I won't.  
Fine, so be it.  But I won't go quietly and I'll do everything I can to help my fellow survivors, whoever they are.  

I stop in the main junction of the town and take off my backpack - it's packed with ammo, food and water and will keep someone going for days, if not weeks.  Then I gently lay my beloved shotgun next to it, along with my Makarov.  The three of us have had a good run together, taking out dozens of infected, but now it's time for them to find a new owner.  Finally, I unstrap my ballistic helmet and sit it on top of the pack.  I remember when I found it and first strapped it on - it felt so weird, the straps were set for someone with a much smaller head than mine, a reminder that this belonged to someone else before me.  I wonder why they out it down?  But now, taking it off for the first time, I realise how much it's become a part of me.  I wonder who will find it and of they will think about me?

Anyway, all I have left, other than my boots and tattered clothes is my pick axe, a few tins of food and a bottle of water that I couldn't fit into my backpack.  As much as I find the pick axe a slow and cumbersome weapon there's no way I'm leaving behind.  I might be close to death but I'm going down kicking and screaming and if I can take an infected or two with me all the better.  So it's time to die but now I have a plan...

In these nightmare times where the infected roam the land and our conventional gods seem to have abandoned us many have turned to a new religion they call NWAF - North West Airfield.  They think that the solution to all their problems lies there, presumably in the form of some sort of military hardware - as if all the bullets in the world will save us when the real problem is that we've forgotten our own humanity.  So they make their pilgrimage to that holy place, their Mecca, thinking they are heading for heaven.  Instead they find themselves walking straight into hell.  See, NWAF may well have the odd assault rifle, boxes of bullets or other military tech but what it mainly has, and in an overwhelming abundance, is killers.  This is the home of the bandit, the sniper, the vigilante and those who will end your life without thinking or even blinking.  This is the place where the innocent, the naïve and the foolish come, looking for salvation only to find death, destruction and despair.  Those that survive often find themselves forever changed, tainted by the madness that pervades the blood stained grass they walk upon.  And the gateway to this hell hole, the last stop on the pilgrim's highway of damnation, is where I will make my death stand.

I’m heading to Vybor.

I’ve never been here before and I’d like to see it before I die.  Why not, eh?  It's as good a place as any.  I know the inhabitants will kill me but I’m a dead man walking anyway.  I think I’m close enough to make it and I force myself to finish the food and water I couldn’t fit into my pack when I left it in Rogovo.  I'll need every ounce of energy I can get to make the hike there.  IT takes an eternity but I finally reach the outskirts of the town, raise my hands above my head and then just walk slowly down the main road.  It’s deathly quiet.  I can hear the birds singing and the occasional noise from the deserted town but there’s no sign of life.  I’ve reached the end of the line, my time is up, so I slump down in the main square with my back propped up against a wall as the darkness takes me.  I didn't think much of Vybor.

I wake up.  I’m cold and it’s raining.  I take a look around, trying to work out where the hell I am when I suddenly realise I’ve seen this place before.  I’m still in the main square in Vybor!   I’m alive!  And then it hits me.  I’m cold.  The fever has broken!  I’m tired, exhausted even, but I’m alive and I can feel a core of strength in my body that wasn’t there earlier.  I’m going to live!  Only now I’m sat in the middle of one of the most dangerous places in Chernarus, without any form of protection short of my pick axe.  I’ve got no armour, no food, no drink and all my clothes are ruined.  Oh, and did I mention I’m cold, I mean really cold, and it’s raining?  Just great…

Ok, so if I’m not going to die today I need to get organised, make a plan and do it quick.  There’s no way I’m sticking around in this town, nor am I heading to NWAF or South – like I say, this is a pilgrim road and I don’t want to meet any of those people.  Better to run back to Rogovo and see if my guns, pack and helmet are still there.  Million to one chance but I’m still alive so clearly luck is with me.  I break out of town, sprinting straight across the fields, the pouring rain masking the sound of my footfalls and obscuring me.  Even so I still expect a shot at any second but Vybor seems to still be dead.  I'm bitterly cold as I break through a line of trees and come up to a wall – this can’t be right, I must still be a mile from Rogovo?  I find a break in the wall and peak around.  It looks like some sort of abandoned military base.  Normally I would avoid somewhere like this at all costs but I’m desperate.  The rain is still lashing down and my ruined clothes are doing nothing to stop it or to keep me warm.  I urgently need warmth and new clothes.  I run into a barracks building and find a Blaze Rifle and ammo!  Great but not what I really need, let’s be honest, I cannot shoot straight to save my life and I won’t be hunting any infected in my condition but as a bargaining chip in case I meet another human it's better than nothing.  There’s another building next door which yields a pack and I find a little food and a knife in another nearby building.  Still no clothes or anything to warm me.

I run out of the base into the lashing rain.  It's absolutely hammering down and I'm freezing with the cold but if I can just make Rogovo, a town I'm familiar with, I know I'll be ok.  I keep running across the fields when I spot movement up ahead.  I crash down into the ground and freeze - almost literally thnks to the bitter cold and rain.  For ages nothing moves, and I'm about to try and get my numbed muscles working again when the biggest stag I've ever seen moves out from behind a large bush in front of me.  Though the cold is my main concenr I know I'll need food soon so I take careful aim with my rifle and take the stag down in one shot.  Sorry Mr Stag - when I say I'm not a killer I mean people.  I take the time to skin and quarter the majestic creature and then, on a whim, make a pack from his skin.  I leave my backpack along with a few things I don't really need and a note explaining why I've left it - as I struggle to write the note under the cover of my ripped coat I notice my fingers are blue.  I takes me minutes to unlock my fingers and drop the pen.  Then I set off for Rogovo.

I run and I run.  The rain doesn't stop coming down, driven hard by the biting wind and I'm slowing as my numb muscles start to refuse to work.  Normally I heat up as I run but now I just seem to get colder.  I'm past frozen and, once again, I somehow know that death is close to me.  Damn it, where the hell is Rogovo, I must have run past it by now?  Up ahead, a building appears out of the rain.  Nearly there, but hang on, this isn't Rogovo, where am I?  A road sign says, Vyshnoye, not somewhere I am familar with, but it doesn't matter, I must just be moments from safety.  If I can just grab some dry wood and some matches I can get a fire going and warm up.  I start to look in a barn for some hay and twigs and that's when the infected find me.  Struggling to wield my heavy pick axe I take a few hits and start bleeding profusely before I can put them down.  With no rags or bandages on me I once again have to resort to stitching myself up.  Seriously weakened from blood loss and the cold I can barely hold the needle.  I stagger into the nearest house but there are no matches to be found.  At the end of my strength I look at the bed in the corner of the room.  Most of the windows in this house are broken and the bed is wet from the driving rain and looks filthy but I've got nothing left in the tank.  I'm spent but if I just lie down for a few minutes I'm sure I'll feel better. 


I collapse onto the bed...

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Tales like these are what give me hope for the future. 

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Having purchased DayZ a few weeks ago I have been reading this tread like my daily newspaper, the stories are stimulating and similiar to my own experiences to date on this fantastic game. It takes time to do and I'm sure allot of people appreciate the written word you guys put in, I love it !

Being so new I have learnt loads of you guys and this shapes my own approach to the game. I have never played any of the Arma stuff, just this.. I have so many stories I could tell already and I frequently find myself indulging in the memories of interactions I have had with others which have lead t my demise and what. Can learn from it.

In my short time the most memorable experience was trying to meet up with my brother (who I had discussed the game with over Xmas and bought it for him) I came across the lorry. Now i had seen these twice before. The first time I didn't know what I was doing, I thought it was a wreck t loot but found myself getting in the cab, and then unwittingly starting the engine.. It was so bleeding loud it scared the crap out of me! It took me forever to figure out my scroll button activated the function menu and I managed to turn it of and ran away in fear of being heard.

The second one I found I thought right let's do this and have a drive. I had more experience by this point, so jumped in and started her up, freakin load as before and slowly started t move her out of the space she was in, the steering was so heavy and the power felt terrible but I didn't now how to check the health of her, so took her o to the road and down hill where she started to wake up a bit. Took me a few corners to figure out the steering and keep the omen rum up as much as possible. Came across the next village and took a right which I had to slow for, it was up hill and with no momentum I was just crawling... I pulled her in to a side dirt track next to a church. I get out cussing the performance and I'm in 3rd person mode, I see over the wall 2 fully kitted guys probably wondering wtf? I immediately open comma and say 'hey I'm friendly, you guys can have this truck if you want it' they nothing... Oh lord, I have only an axe and unloaded weapons... I try again over comms but they start to move toward the truck. I panicked and jumped back in, fiddling with the keys I got her started again but the dirt track went sraight onto a slop- I drove forward and up the slop, the girl couldn't cope and struggles at slower than walking pace to jiggle its way up the slop. I circle round the are coming at me with guns raised, I steer down hill as straight away to get some movement- shots being fired, Im okay as I pick up speed downhill through a feild and into some woods. My Colin McRae skills lasted longer the I thought as I whipped though the trees and undergrowth only to crash her up into a tree. I jumped out and ran for me Iife. I survived another dayz.

3rd go, found another old girl, I assumed the previous find was damaged and down on power so jumped in got it on the road and headed I to the village I was near. The road takes me to a hill and truck grinds to a crawl, I'm practically jumping up and down in my seat to get traction and distracted by its lack of power and suddenly my driver door opens, I look left to see a guys aiming his gun and I shouted 'you can have it! It's yours take it' BANG - You are Dead.

But one of many I could tell, I hope to meet with some nice guys soon enough, I hope to meet with you, until then, stay safe out there in DayZ 'everyone hears you opening the pepi'

Kind regards


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Slope lol, as well as other many spelling mistakes, momentum was supposed to in there somewhere too, damn beer...

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Slope lol, as well as other many spelling mistakes, momentum was supposed to in there somewhere too, damn beer...


Did you know trucks have a turbo function? Hold the shift key as if you were sprinting, your truck will get a nice boost, at the cost of spending your gas 25% faster.

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Did you know trucks have a turbo function? Hold the shift key as if you were sprinting, your truck will get a nice boost, at the cost of spending your gas 25% faster.


Just how far can you make it in a fully juiced truck?


Today I found my first one (in Zeleno) and fuelled it at the nearby gas station. Then I slowly made my way through Drezhino and Kozlovka, starting to get the grasp of the car (it's clumsy like hell) and taking screenshots. After a moment I felt like the king of the road. Then I saw a deer. Got out of the truck, killed the poor bastard and started to quarter it. Out of a sudden and out of nowhere, a Mosin round almost takes me down, the screen shakes and goes B&W. Since this is my HC character where survival is top priority, I ditched the car and zigzagged to the woods, running in panic for good 15 minutes, deciding against flanking the sniper (he would most likely kill me first).


One moment a king, 5 minutes later almost dead, a lot of precious gear ruined, on the run and hiding in the bushes. If there's any other game like it, pray tell. :)

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Today i killed a human in DayZ for the first time. It sounds a lot more dramatic than it was, but my first murder is a fact. Here is what unfolded  :


 I ran from the northwest to the northeast stopping at every garage, bar and pub to search for a scope for my SKS, finding only damaged ones. I know that one usually spawns in the boat wreck near Rify, so i decided to push out towards there in a final effort to find what i was looking for. 


Arriving there from the northeast coastline, i could instantly tell some things went wrong there. Its a common spawn and loot area so always prepare for trouble. I can see two bodies lying on the ground in front of the hull of the ship. I take a moment to scan the area with a longhorn, and move in closer when i see no further movement. The first body is looted completely, with no items left on the player. The second body is still geared, so i move on for a closer look. 


I then realize, this isn't a body at all. The guy is still alive and just laying on his belly, trying to play a trick on me perhaps. I have learned to keep my rifle handy at all times, but i decide not to aim at him as his shotgun is still on his back. I keep a distance and try to make contact. But he says nothing and sits up. Again, no reply. Finally, his hands go in the air and i begin to relax. I ask him if he can hear me, and if he has been inside the shipwreck...he finally breaks the silence..."Kill me..." 


I ask him to repeat his words, as i am not sure if i heard him correctly. 


"Kill me, i am dying"...he says again.


For a moment, i hesitate...why would i kill him? I am not a bandit, i am friendly !  I have bandages, morphine and antibiotics. I could help this guy and he could live. But then i realize what actually happened. This guy came across the other guy and obviously tried to kill him for his stuff. One guy got killed, the other guy seriously injured. He had looted his victim, but he didn't get very far and now he was dying a slow and agonizing death. I also realize my character is getting hungry and thirsty, and that i should leave here ASAP instead of risking my own life! 


I ask him one more time just to be sure, and he asks me again to kill him. So i put a single 7x62 mm round in his forehead and release him from his misery. Good riddance comes to mind...


There was no scope in the shipwreck, only a weapon flashlight. As i leave the shipwreck behind i wonder about what could have happened if i got there earlier... I survive my 7th day in Chernarus, and head inland again to meet up with my friend. It will be nice to interact with a friendly human that i can trust, after 2 days of solitude and caution.  

Edited by nillie

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