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How was your Day(Z)?

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I was decked out in green medical scrubs and hat again, with nothing but food, water, and medical supplies.  I entered Elektro and helped a fresh spawn by telling him where we were at and gave him food and a full canteen.  I then ran to Cherno where I helped another guy by giving him food and some canned soda.  From there I ran around the police station and all through town calling for others.  I entered one of the guard shacks and found a guy in a stall with a hoe raised.  He was a fresh spawn other than the hoe.  I asked him to not hit me because I was unarmed.  He complied and put it on his back.  I gave him some food and water as well and he let me check the place for any iv starter kits.  I then ran back to the police department and was shot at by a pistol.  It literally made me jump and I swished my mouse around in a retarded way.  I got my bearings and ran down a side street when I saw the culprit stop in the middle of the road.  I asked him not to shoot as I had nothing (while I was out of sight and running a block down).  I looped around from the next block up and peeked back at him.  He saw me and responded saying something like "Sorry man I won't shoot" or something to that extent.  I asked him if he needed anything; food, water, supplies.  He said "No, i'm relatively geared, I don't need anything".  As he got the last word out I heard one shot as my screen went black.


I spawn just a few blocks away and run back as the guy that initially shot at me (with the pistol), shot at me again and killed me.  They were clearly together.


Those guys were bad-asses.  Tough guys killing freshies and people with no weapons.  Must be fun doing that :)

Edited by schwaBAM
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Not a lot interesting happened today, I shot a guy with full ghillie with my scoped cr257 from about 50 metres but nothing happened. Ive noticed you almost always miss your target with that rifle if you have a magzine and scope. Magazine and no scope works fine and scope and chambered also. Somethings surely amiss there. Anywwho, i ran away to hide in another house as the ghillie guy killed people all over cherno so I thought I'd try to get another shot at him but as I enter a twostory red house a guy sits in one of the rooms. he shoots and I quickly go for the next room when the door to that room closes right in front of me! I have to open it but is hit again and go unconscious after entering the room. Very strange and it happens again right after on the same server. I respawned and after gearing for a bit a guy attacks me. I run towards a tin shack and just as I am to enter the building the door closes right in front of me.

 I go to another server but is immediately killed by a hacker in Elektro whos killing all the newspawns with infinite ammo and some kind of weird thing where hes gliding along the ground under the floors of the houses.  I leave the server and go back to the other one. I am accosted by some annoying french guy calling me names and tormenting me. I grow tired of him and shoots him with a IZH rifle but ofcourse he doest die but continues to annoy me. I lead him on a merry chase then jump from the docks in Kamenka. I then log out. I log in five minutes later after getting a cuppa tea and as I make my way to the military base the annoying bastard appears again. Luckily I can shake him off in the forest.

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I was just doing some looting around and decide to head to the big city not far from nw airfield to get a tent. i cut through the woods and as i'm running i spot something. a nice pristine tent. i go to it and its a full player stash. I get a ump, food, fnx45, ammo, and the tent itself. A good day for me, sorry for whomever owned that tent.

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I was just doing some looting around and decide to head to the big city not far from nw airfield to get a tent. i cut through the woods and as i'm running i spot something. a nice pristine tent. i go to it and its a full player stash. I get a ump, food, fnx45, ammo, and the tent itself. A good day for me, sorry for whomever owned that tent.


Nice find :) His fault for using a tent instead of something smart ;)

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Some glitcher killed me at the NW airfield. He was inside the walls of the ATC. I talked to him for a bit before running out as I thought I had just shot his friend but apparently that was another guy. He then followed me and shot me as I exited the prison building. I just wish the character wouldn't stop reacting to input when your legs are broken. I wouldve survived if that hadn't been the case.


 I then respawned in Cherno and got shot immediately. I then got a Svet spawn and as I was climbing a crane somebody shot me with a Winchester, lol. I then spawned there again and tried to find the culprit but it seems he logged out. I then went to Berezino, survived the dicks there, killed a murderous bambi in Solnichy and made it all the way to the curve between Kambyshowo and solnichy when someone shot me. I got a Berezino spawn again and ran around with the douches there for a bit before I tired and went to bed.

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Some glitcher killed me at the NW airfield. He was inside the walls of the ATC. I talked to him for a bit before running out as I thought I had just shot his friend but apparently that was another guy. He then followed me and shot me as I exited the prison building. I just wish the character wouldn't stop reacting to input when your legs are broken. I wouldve survived if that hadn't been the case.


 I then respawned in Cherno and got shot immediately. I then got a Svet spawn and as I was climbing a crane somebody shot me with a Winchester, lol. I then spawned there again and tried to find the culprit but it seems he logged out. I then went to Berezino, survived the dicks there, killed a murderous bambi in Solnichy and made it all the way to the curve between Kambyshowo and solnichy when someone shot me. I got a Berezino spawn again and ran around with the douches there for a bit before I tired and went to bed.


Hadn't heard of anyone in the ATC walls in ages, prison of course tho :P Dya think the anger you felt toward the hacker may have contributed to the overall "Dicks & Douches" vibe of your postage?




Never let us forget the balance :)


EDIT : My DayZ just ended with a hacker "swimming" up the stairs in a piano house, swimming under the floorboards into the back room and wiping out my 3 man squad with an AKM. We emptied a total of 4xM4 60Mags and 6 shotgun shells into him as he made his way from stairs to us with 0 effect on target :P Feelin the balance myself right now :D

Edited by KenoSkir88

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I hit a new record of 11 deaths (3 of which were suicides) in one day.the first 5 were to hackers, one was just some guy who had recently showed up that i never got a good look at, another was from a dudes friend that he hadn't told i was friendly, and one was just me running back into cherno where 90% of this occurred, i was killed while looking at my friends new truck (was hiding in a bush, figured i'd die) and this story has gone on long enough. Seems hackers have been a problem for me recently as they have caused a good deal of my deaths. coupled with my extreme bad luck.


I did have another friend for a short time until some frsh spawn ran at us with a cattle prod and spitting out profanities (surprising huh?) after a long time of us running due to lack of weapons o lose my friend but the guy is following me. fortunately i had found a gorka helmet and a steak knife. so i ran into a house and he followed as planned. i shut the door behind him and ran upstairs before he realized there was no good escape. I begin stabbing and stabbing and stabbing until he drops. I then butcher his body for fun. My first real melee kill in DayZ.

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I hit a new record of 11 deaths (3 of which were suicides) in one day.the first 5 were to hackers, one was just some guy who had recently showed up that i never got a good look at, another was from a dudes friend that he hadn't told i was friendly, and one was just me running back into cherno where 90% of this occurred, i was killed while looking at my friends new truck (was hiding in a bush, figured i'd die) and this story has gone on long enough. Seems hackers have been a problem for me recently as they have caused a good deal of my deaths. coupled with my extreme bad luck.


I did have another friend for a short time until some frsh spawn ran at us with a cattle prod and spitting out profanities (surprising huh?) after a long time of us running due to lack of weapons o lose my friend but the guy is following me. fortunately i had found a gorka helmet and a steak knife. so i ran into a house and he followed as planned. i shut the door behind him and ran upstairs before he realized there was no good escape. I begin stabbing and stabbing and stabbing until he drops. I then butcher his body for fun. My first real melee kill in DayZ.


Congrats on your first close up butchery :)


Can you illustrate the kind of hacks that were used against you? Just for my personal interest.

Edited by KenoSkir88
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Congrats on your first close up butchery :)


Can you illustrate the kind of hacks that were used against you? Just for my personal interest.

Shot through walls(not from bullet penetration), guy appearing through a wall, infinite ammo m4, usual stuff it seems. Not sure what all an admin can do so it could've been a rogue admin but as a said i'm not familiar with their capabilities.

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Admins have no such capability. The being shot through walls could be a glitch rather than a hack but still just as irritating. Infinite ammo mags / bullets seem fairly common these days so hopefully they might be looked at one day soon. Was recently squad wiped by a guy swimming in the floorboards too <_<

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I logged in on Gents server and was in Berezino. I was a bit perplexed as I'm pretty sure I logged out in Svet but then I remember that they have serveral server so.... I sat for a bit and heard shooting nearby. I spotted a guy on the firestation roof and corpses nearby so I popped him with my Longhorn. Headshot, right through the Mandala. I then went south all the way to Kambiwobo where I was assaulted by some crazy Bambi. I hid and waited for him for a bit but he left. So I left too.

 I then logged in with another character and was on triple yellow in cherno. A guy climbs up and start punching. I tell him to stop casue I dont have nothing and he does. He asks for my backpack and I give it to him. He asks for my stick and I give it to him. He then kills me with my own stick. People are fucking shit. I respawn in Elektro and go towards cherno. I meet a guy near the lighthouse who attacks me and asks me to kill him. I tell him to fuck off and leaves. As i leave I see him leaping from the lighthouse. i go back and find him crawling around with broken legs. I go to him and tie him up. As Im leaving he screams and screams adn screams so i go back and talk to him. Turns out he doesnt know that you can log out while tied up adn respawn. I tell him but hes a bit daft so I leave him there instead. I get to cherno and sneak around for a bit. I find a deer in a shed that I kill with my bow and slaughter. Someones shootign a winchester and m4 so i take it slow. I meet a guy with a shotty who just have to kill me even though I only have a bow. Unable to defend myself I die. A minute later Therunningmanz see my body on his stream seconds before he's shot dead.

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I logged in on Gents server and was in Berezino. I was a bit perplexed as I'm pretty sure I logged out in Svet but then I remember that they have serveral server so.... I sat for a bit and heard shooting nearby. I spotted a guy on the firestation roof and corpses nearby so I popped him with my Longhorn. Headshot, right through the Mandala. I then went south all the way to Kambiwobo where I was assaulted by some crazy Bambi. I hid and waited for him for a bit but he left. So I left too.

 I then logged in with another character and was on triple yellow in cherno. A guy climbs up and start punching. I tell him to stop casue I dont have nothing and he does. He asks for my backpack and I give it to him. He asks for my stick and I give it to him. He then kills me with my own stick. People are fucking shit. I respawn in Elektro and go towards cherno. I meet a guy near the lighthouse who attacks me and asks me to kill him. I tell him to fuck off and leaves. As i leave I see him leaping from the lighthouse. i go back and find him crawling around with broken legs. I go to him and tie him up. As Im leaving he screams and screams adn screams so i go back and talk to him. Turns out he doesnt know that you can log out while tied up adn respawn. I tell him but hes a bit daft so I leave him there instead. I get to cherno and sneak around for a bit. I find a deer in a shed that I kill with my bow and slaughter. Someones shootign a winchester and m4 so i take it slow. I meet a guy with a shotty who just have to kill me even though I only have a bow. Unable to defend myself I die. A minute later Therunningmanz see my body on his stream seconds before he's shot dead.

on the bright side your corpse is a celebrity for a short time. I know how it is with essentially everyone trying to kill you for no reason.


I had a fantastic day. I hopped on and started running down the main coastal road and just loot and scoot. i loot one house and make my way to the back shed. i see that its locked. i only have a chambered makarov but i shoot it open. What do i see inside? A huge player stash consisting of what seemed about 9 barrels. inside was clothing, an aug, akm, blaze, kitted out mosin (which i just lost to a glitch.) a ump (still a happy owner of) plenty of ammo, and supplies. I'd post my screen shot but i don't know how nor do i have the patience for. 

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on the bright side your corpse is a celebrity for a short time. I know how it is with essentially everyone trying to kill you for no reason.


I had a fantastic day. I hopped on and started running down the main coastal road and just loot and scoot. i loot one house and make my way to the back shed. i see that its locked. i only have a chambered makarov but i shoot it open. What do i see inside? A huge player stash consisting of what seemed about 9 barrels. inside was clothing, an aug, akm, blaze, kitted out mosin (which i just lost to a glitch.) a ump (still a happy owner of) plenty of ammo, and supplies. I'd post my screen shot but i don't know how nor do i have the patience for. 


In steam games, F12 is the screenshot button. Then you can just post links to the screenshots in your online steam gallery. Good find :)

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Been playing on a private 50/50 server lately, headhunterz is it's name.


Spawned at Svetlo, went to Olsha, made myself a improvised backpack. Found some food, etc and then made my way to kraspnostav I think. Was there for a day or two.




Going to Gorka:




At Gorka, I decided that I should check the barn first before heading out, and that saved my life.


I checked the barns, and decided that I should get back on the road, and when I was in the trees, I saw two people going towards Gorka. I decided not to interact with them, and went on my way.


This was after Gorka, I think:




Went to Stary and Novy Sobor today. I found a heli crash, and got a pristine sposn backpack out of it. As I made my way towards the Green Mountain, I found another heli crash. This time I got two coupled stanag mags out of it, with a nato supressor(all useless to me), but I kept them anyway.


Checked a lot of deer stands to find a hunting scope for my winchester, but haven't found any.

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Was looking around cherno for some action today, spotted a guy looking towards me only seeing his head at a stonewall edge, tried to do a quick shot at him before he eventually saw me. I missed the shot and the dude nailed a shot at me that lead me bleeding. I was in the open from his direction, so at the disadvantage I made a run for it to a bush on the other side of the building. Bandaging up, I heard the eager pursuer closing up at my location. He didnt see me so i fired off my 9 shots left from my sks and luckily enough the guy fell unconcious so i finished him off with a shotgun shell to the head.


Oh dang, he had a winchester with a scope, lucky me gonna try have so fun with this later today. Why he even rushed after me is beyond me with this baby, but thank you. Whomever you were. I can't seem to scroll down to check peoples pulse anymore, but thank thank you. ;) 

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..he had a winchester with a scope, lucky me gonna try have so fun with this later today. Why he even rushed after me is beyond me with this baby, but thank you. Whomever you were. I can't seem to scroll down to check peoples pulse anymore...


Sweet just find a Blaze :P for that scope and you're officially a badass. You can still check pulse, it's just kinda.. sticky. Keep rolling the mouse wheel lots and eventually the option will light up.

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I went to the airfield with a mid-geared character. I found a mag for my AK74 and quite happily went to teh Quenset hut. Through the windows I saw a shitload of items in there, looked like hundreds but when I went around the corner a guy sprayed me down. I went unconscious and bled out. A pity. I respawned and tonight I'm going there again. Gotta get that loot!

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My day went exactly as anticipated. I tried to find a sight for my ump and as im running across the airfield, sure enough i'm sniped. after that i jump on to a full server to do some social experiments. Yep. everyone will shoot or punch you without saying a single word. Simply by walking (literal walking) in the general vicinity they will shoot you. Pretty dull. After spawning in what i believe is berezino i see some guy get gunned down and the 2 go on their merry way. Turns out the guy had an svd and they just left it behind. Well one mans trash as anothers treasure. I took it as payment for my social experiment.


As for Dayz players; they'll kill you. so don't bother.

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Couple weeks ago I was thinking to create a small camp just for one guy, but the official server I'm usually in spawns all kinds of tents and barrels, and it feels like I'm the only one picking them up there, so my one guy camp just keeps growing and growing. With all the stuff I have become super paranoid and super careful, but still seem to enjoy exchange with other players. Haven't met many people lately though, except had a mag trade with other campers, which went well. Everyone kept their gear and lives. Later I did have a firefight in eastern part of Severograd, I had the guy pinned behind a wall and was about to close the deal as he had a Blaze and I have a hunting scope missing one, but he logged off or ran away in those two seconds I spent reloading my SKS. It was okay, as I din't have anything against the guy really, it was just one of those meeting engagements when finding the talk key takes one second too much. And I found a Win 70 from a house soon after. Yea, I've stayed alive for two weeks. Maybe even three. If so, that'd be my personal record. Smooth runnings.

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As for Dayz players; they'll kill you. so don't bother.


Gotta say i make friends regularly even since they took zombies away. I get shot at a lot too, but i think a lot of it is down to personality.

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Gotta say i make friends regularly even since they took zombies away. I get shot at a lot too, but i think a lot of it is down to personality.

I guess I just have a shootable personality? anywho I guess I died after logging with the svd or it was a private server or a glitch. no idea but i'm not exactly surprised.


Still playing today but i'm at a moment of having to decide what to do. I have no idea what to do apart from gathering what gear i still want. I may make a run to snag some netting and burlap to store some ghillie. Maybe hunt deer since i've seen them twice now but were never still enough for me to snag one. They must be mocking me those Bambi bretherned bastards..

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I alt-tabbed for a minute to check something and someone finds my body laying behind a boat on a remote shore where nobody goes and kills me, stealing all my stuff. I didnt have much though but a few guns and a pristine m65 jacket. I respawned nearby and ran to my corpse but the culprit was gone. Kinda weird though as I came from the cherno direction as a newspawn and met nobody. When I later go into cherno I find my gear(whats left of it) on a dead dude in the hospital. So he mustve gone past me somehow, 

 I geared up while someone with a hacked m4 killed everybody in the town. As I was leaving someone annoying appeared trying to punch me out. It always amazes me that idiots come to punch you out while they can clearly see that you have nothing, no backpack, no weapons, no decent clothes. Idiots. I lured him away from the town quite a bit then jumped into the sea and logged out. I logged into another server and found a pristine hunting pack right away. But as I'm climbing up on blue to kill a pesky winchester sniper up there I am shot. So I go and play battlefield4 instead.

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I alt-tabbed for a minute to check something and someone finds my body laying behind a boat on a remote shore where nobody goes and kills me, stealing all my stuff. I didnt have much though but a few guns and a pristine m65 jacket. I respawned nearby and ran to my corpse but the culprit was gone. Kinda weird though as I came from the cherno direction as a newspawn and met nobody. When I later go into cherno I find my gear(whats left of it) on a dead dude in the hospital. So he mustve gone past me somehow, 

 I geared up while someone with a hacked m4 killed everybody in the town. As I was leaving someone annoying appeared trying to punch me out. It always amazes me that idiots come to punch you out while they can clearly see that you have nothing, no backpack, no weapons, no decent clothes. Idiots. I lured him away from the town quite a bit then jumped into the sea and logged out. I logged into another server and found a pristine hunting pack right away. But as I'm climbing up on blue to kill a pesky winchester sniper up there I am shot. So I go and play battlefield4 instead.

No idea why freshies always try to punch people out. helmet or no. and there seems to be an abundance of guys with hacked m4s these days.. its gotten quite old. on another note, where in the hell did you find a hunting backpack? Since .58 i haven't found a single one.

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