PlasticAssasin8 (DayZ) 78 Posted June 15, 2015 Had some decent dayz so far, found some good stuff. Lost some good stuff, but i blame that on server connections rather than the game itself. Explored where i havent been before and enjoyed it , even places i have been have changed a bit.we just need persistence now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted June 16, 2015 I'm enjoying this patch also. Most things work and its quite easy to gear up after you've died. But I'm pretty sure all the "Bear-gryllers" are tearing their hair out. Found my first Hunting scope yesterday so now I just need a gun to put it on. It didnt fit on the mp5 :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted June 17, 2015 Today I met people, some nice and some less nice. First i came to balota with a semi-geared character. Almost right away a guy with an axe attacked me for no reason. I avoided him and told him to stop but he wouldn't. Then I noticed why. There were two people with guns chasing him and he probably thought I was one of them. I hid but a lot of zeds came and flushed me out. They killed the guy and I shot and wounded one of them but got hit myself a few times. One guy then chased me into the big building with sliding doors but I could sit and play door with him for a bit while bandaging, then i burst out and killed him. I was just gonna reload and get the wounded guy when I noticed my bullets had gotten ruined. I didnt have time to split them so I ran instead. I didn't get far as someone shot me from afar with a winchester. I guesss they were three :/ I respawned and met some nicer people. not one attacking me and most talking and trading. Til I got to Chapaevsk. I heard someone eating as i was moving up the hill from cherno and saw a guy sitting in the grass eating. I said hello but he didnt respond so I moved on. After exiting the prison building I see him run across the street a bit ahead of me. He sees me and takes cover and almost immediately someone snipes at me from the high rises. i run into an apartment building readying my sporter. Nobody comes in so I check for the sniper. i cant spot him so I set a mine at the stair and wait. I wait for almost ten minutes but nobody comes. I decide to make a night of it and log out. Exciting stuff. I also played with another character but met no people with it. I found a v3s and a kashtan scope though. It doesnt fit on the ak47su though so I need to find something else. Also looking for a gun to fit the hunting scope on with that character but sofar only found a trumpet and a blaze but no blaze ammo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirby12352 67 Posted June 17, 2015 Logged in for the first time in a couple months. I decided to head to Cherno. Found myself a bit of food and just as I entered a house, I saw a guy crouched on the ground facing away from me. Apparently he didn't notice me, because he got up, went out the door, and started picking berries. I left out the other door so he wouldn't see me, and continued down the coast. Found myself a child briefcase, a sledgehammer, and other goodies. I also found a tent, but sadly my briefcase wasn't big enough to carry it. So I continued down the coast, and headed towards a police station. I thought to myself, "There's probably somebody in there", and sure enough, a new spawn opened the door and ran out. As soon as he saw me, he ran back in, and he was yelling to his friends that "There's a guy out there". It sounded like there was 2 or 3 guys in there, and right when I was about to ask them not to shoot me, I got shot in the leg. I started to crawl away, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't the guys in the police station shooting me, because I didn't see anyone on the roof and they were saying "Sounds like someone's getting shot up out there". After several misses, the guy finally managed to kill me. I respawned a few minutes away from that village, and started to head towards it. Along the way I ran into a newspawn, who asked me where I was headed. I told him I was heading to Cherno, and he said "Good luck man, Cherno's a long run from here." We were both heading in the same direction, so I ran beside him. He started singing some random song, but I was a bit too far away from him to hear the words clearly. We made it to the village, and ran into 2 other guys. After about a minute of small talk, we all went our separate ways. I headed back to my corpse and only picked up my sledgehammer, because everything else was ruined. I heard the guys in the police station talking, and it sounded like they were in a gun fight with someone, because I heard the one guy saying "I'm bleeding and don't have a bandage", and then there was a lot of gunfire. I hauled my butt out of there, and kept going towards Cherno. I ran into a guy, but we just said "Hey" and kept going. I made it to Cherno, and looted for a bit. I drank from a water pump, and went into a house and logged out for the day. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schwaBAM 200 Posted June 18, 2015 Last night, I logged on to my 1pp public character to see what I could find. The 1pp servers with good ping had only 4-5 players tops, so in I went. I found an ak74 with a silencer and one mag. I painted the gun + clip black and put on a black buttstock to make it look better. I roamed around Novo and thought I saw movement along the road heading west. I flanked around and did not see anyone, nor a zed. I took my time in the tree line scouting the area for about 10 minutes before I gave up. I then headed back into Novo and killed about 5-10 zombies as I looted houses and such. I've noticed that their screams sound like they are coming from different directions and also sound like multiple zeds are giving chase at once. It's really quite discombobulating. I'm really glad that they don't hit me 5 times in one swipe like the last update. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andytran 1 Posted June 18, 2015 I chose Mp5-K and .357 magnum revovler.Reason:For the MP5-K,since it is chambered with 9mm round, it isn't hard to find ammunition, good for Close quarter combat, great rate of fire, almost concealable on the back. Great looking firearm. Put a ACOG optic on the MP5-K and you will have a great combination, no need to have a binocular. I have like 300 rounds of 9mm, never afraid to run out of anno.For .357 revolver, the ammo is also plenty and easy to find, 1 shot to kill zeds, 2 shots to kill a players, mini cannon I say. I have played 25 hours, died few times before I figured out how to survive in this game. I can go whereever I want in Dayz without worrying, I got supllies that will last me for hours without looting 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PlasticAssasin8 (DayZ) 78 Posted June 20, 2015 Well, where do i start. Anyway id been running around, had a fully kitted character, mp5k , longhorn, model 70 with hunting scope plus a second hunting scope and then i log out. When i log back in to do a trade for the scope everything is gone. Im new again on the coast. I tried a few more times in case it came good like its done before but no luck, Here i go again on my own, goin down the only road ive ever known. So im running about trying to find some gear and i see a guy running sth near Elektro, then come across two other players and they were really into it , this is a no KOS server so they must have been not happy with each other. I dodged a few bullets and ran on, found myself a model 70 and not long after a longhorn. A female new spawn came out of a house as i was running towards it and asked me to kill her. I offered her some food but she declined and said she was annoyed that hse had been re spawned like i had been. After a short chat and me saying that happened to me as well i said ok then, she thanked me , i raised the longhorn and shot her between the eyes. :(WOW, i looked at her body for a few seconds, didn't check it for anything and ran off. That was a first for me, but anyway. Heading further towards my goal, picking stuff up as i went and dodging some players . Even a squad didnt see me as they rolled past, all 6 of them :thumbsup:I didn't see the reset as a bad thing although i was annoyed, more like a test as to how easy it was to get up and running again, i had a looong way to go to get to where i need to go, so it is head down arse up. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thatguyoverthar11 47 Posted June 21, 2015 Well today, just a few moments ago, i killed my first player in DayZ. I was looting around the military installation in zelenegorsk and walk out of the upstairs room and see him. i get to a point where i could shoot him in the small space while also waiting a couple seconds to see how he reacts. After seeing him raise his gun i shot him. He may have been friendly but i wasn't expecting company so i didn't have my headphones on. I had learned my lesson in the past so odds are he wasn't. Quite the rush. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Helix2000 128 Posted June 21, 2015 got knocked out by a de-syncing freshspawn. lost my nice pristine hunting scope. bad times. :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FlashD 1 Posted June 21, 2015 spawn and get killed every time, that's what happen so much. You can see it here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PlasticAssasin8 (DayZ) 78 Posted June 21, 2015 Met up with some guys today, first time i actually stopped and talked to more than one person, after about fifteen minutes one of them must have decided my AKM looked to threatening and shot me in the head. Luckily i had a gorka helmet on and i went unconscious, his friends went mad at him and killed him , lmao, then they brought me back. Was a funny one, its not that bad right now if you get knocked, fairly easy to gear up again. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mookie (original) 799 Posted June 22, 2015 I had a pretty good weekend, finding an SVD and a mag on a single server, and then finding another mag several hours later on. This turned sour when, briefly getting confused by ladder mechanics, I fell ass-backward out of a deerstand and somehow damaged the PSO-1 on the SVD. You know that thing we do where we go most of the way up the ladder to see what loot's actually there? Be careful with that... But finding a pristine combat knife and two more SVD mags yesterday evening were some consolation. Good luck trying to trade just for a PSO. :blush: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted June 23, 2015 (edited) I went into a house in Severograd to eat and drink and heard a truck approach. And the strangest thing happened. The guy ran straight for my house, ran upstairs, opened the door and ran inside. He seemd surprised to see me crouching with an ak raised. I said Hi and he ran away. I yelled that I didnt want to kill him but he ran to his truck and drove away. I wonder why he went to that particular house? It was empty and not a highvalue house either. I then went on my journey and about an hour after Im sitting in the policestation when I hear someone come in and start rummaging around. I say Hi, Im upstairs adn everything goes quiet and I hear someone readying his weapon. I say hello but he doesnt repsond. I prepare for battle but it doesnt come. I throw a flare downstairs but nobody responds so I check and hes gone. I log out. I then spawn a new guy on another server. Goes towards kamyshovo and finds food, a backpack and a sporter with ammo in the space of five minutes. Then a complete asshole shoots me. I break my leg and try to crawl away but the guy ties me up and accuses me of attacking him and his mates. I tell him hes wrong and that his mum must have mated with a gorilla. He shoots at someone else and i wriggle out of my bonds. He tells me to bandage myself so i do. he says I snuck on him with my sporter but as it was on my back I say I was only looking for the alley where his mum blows every guy on the server and then for some unknown reason I am shot dead. Bastards. Edited June 23, 2015 by Killawife 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mookie (original) 799 Posted June 23, 2015 I say I was only looking for the alley where his mum blows every guy on the server and then for some unknown reason I am shot dead. Bastards. People can be so unreasonable. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schwaBAM 200 Posted June 23, 2015 If I were him I would've at least helped you find the alley. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted June 23, 2015 I found it later so all is well. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schwaBAM 200 Posted June 24, 2015 Last night Eno and I teamed up (with lots of hand holding) to see what kind of trouble we could muster up. We met up at the NEAF on a mid pop server that filled up to capacity within a few minutes. We hung around the airfield looking for activity for about 10 minutes before we decided that roaming the main road that leads from Novo to Severograd should be busier. As we came into Novo we encountered no player activity and only had resistance from two zeds that were quickly dealt with. We looted some buildings on the way to Severograd. Along the road we looted more random houses, still, with no movement anywhere. This server was maxed out, so we thought for sure we would see someone even if for a second! We eventually came across the quarry and just south of it is one of the new schools. Since I had not been inside one yet, we decided to clear it and see what we could find. Those school boys and girls sure left a lot of hunter pants behind. We found about 50 pairs of random hunting pants with nothing else inside. Meanwhile, we keep scouting out the windows hoping to see another soul somewhere, ANYWHERE. We figured that most people must be at the NWAF, or southern coast, but the run was too long for our liking. We called it a night with nothing note worthy to speak of. This whole process took nearly an hour and a half to two hours. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted June 24, 2015 I had an interesting time on the UKAFEED server. I spawned in Berezino and made my way to the police station. A guy comes in so i talk abit with him then give him shotgun shells and food. As Im leaving i see another guy hiding downstairs so i bolt away, hide and wait for the carnage to ensue. Nothing happens. Dissapointed I go on. I notice someone following me so i hide and wait. He runs past so I wait for a bit then check out the guard houses. Theres ridculous amounts of loot as usual so i pick up a Ak74su but no clips. I continue out of town and go to the factory. I hear a few shots ahead so I sneak up and look for the culprits but fidn nobody. I go through Solnichy without event noticing a newspawn dashing for the town. I leave him be. I finally get to Kamyshovo and the fun begins. I check out the town from the hill and see nobody so i go to the police station. I close the doors and go upstairs. Suddenly I hear shots from the coast, a winchester and a mosin. I sit up top looking over the edge and suddenly the door downstairs open. A guy appears and I shoot thingking its a murderer. Turns out it was just a newspawn and hes not happy. He hits me once before going prone with a broken leg. We chat for a bit, I give him a morphine and apologize. I give him one of my guns and to my suprise he doesnt kill me. Suddenly a newspawn rushes in swinging wildly so brokeleg guy kills him. Theres more shooting outside so i decide to get a better look. Bad idea. I go to the hill near town, i see a guy and he sees me then I'm shot. I don't die or break my legs so I run like hell and hide in a bush. My vest is ruined, my jacket and my backpack and every fucking item in these! I dont even have a rag so I take my blackskull balaclava and tear it into rags. As Im bandaging a guy runs past on the road. Hes not geared and doesnt have a rifle so I let him be. I think it was the guy I saw before I was shot though. I clear out some ruined crap and I have three bullets for my winchester and my screen is gray As Im contemplating my situation a bambi comes walking. i greet him and he attacks me with an axe so i shoot him. I now have two bullets. sigh. I take a roundabout way and try to find the guys shooting and notice that the shooting comes from one of the islands. i check em out with my binos but cant see anyone. I decide to swim there so i move west for a bit then swim parralell to the coast. As i sneak around there I hear mosin and winchester shots from town. I look and sure enough, there they are. Unfortunately I cant shoot them as I dont have a scope so i move along the islands towards Elektro. Suddenyl I hear ak shooting so i check the town. A truck has arrived and theres a great battle. The guys in the truck is pinned by the mosin/winchester fags and theres a lot of shooting by both sides.At this time my game starts lagging like a bitch so i log out and play with another charater for a while, going to Stary yar for a hunting scope. Finsishing that mission i return to the carnage in Kamy and now there two trucks parked in the middle of the road and people running around. I decide to go to Elektro instead. It was probably a bad mistake as its picked clean and not long after some mp5k guy kills me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted June 24, 2015 (edited) Last night Eno and I teamed up (with lots of hand holding) to see what kind of trouble we could muster up. We met up at the NEAF on a mid pop server that filled up to capacity within a few minutes. We hung around the airfield looking for activity for about 10 minutes before we decided that roaming the main road that leads from Novo to Severograd should be busier. As we came into Novo we encountered no player activity and only had resistance from two zeds that were quickly dealt with. We looted some buildings on the way to Severograd. Along the road we looted more random houses, still, with no movement anywhere. This server was maxed out, so we thought for sure we would see someone even if for a second! We eventually came across the quarry and just south of it is one of the new schools. Since I had not been inside one yet, we decided to clear it and see what we could find. Those school boys and girls sure left a lot of hunter pants behind. We found about 50 pairs of random hunting pants with nothing else inside. Meanwhile, we keep scouting out the windows hoping to see another soul somewhere, ANYWHERE. We figured that most people must be at the NWAF, or southern coast, but the run was too long for our liking. We called it a night with nothing note worthy to speak of. This whole process took nearly an hour and a half to two hours.And to add to this, ZH and I had been on for about an hour before that working in that area in a relatively high pop pub server and found nothing in the way of players. However a few days ago I was running just north of Chez Eno in Zino to meet up with ZH at Riffy in a server with 4 or 5 people in it and I met 3 of them in 2 minutes. One of the guys came up to me while I was being chased by a zed / zin- asked if I was friendly (whatever that means anymore) and I replied that I was friendly but was going to have to draw a weapon to take out my pursuer. He already had a weapon drawn and started shooting at the zed / zin- killing it but drawing more attention. I pulled out my axe and started my drunken weed whacker routine until we were ambushed by silence. "Where you heading?" he asked me as we sniper shuffled around each other. "Up to Riffy to meet up with a friend. You?" "I'm meeting a friend around here- listen... you seem nice and I'm pretty nice too but the friend I'm meeting up with isn't as nice as I am. You should probably just keep moving north since he's coming up from the south." "Okay, I hear that... well thanks for helping and the words of warning. I'll beat cheeks out of here! See ya!" I ran for a few minutes and saw someone coming from the north down the main road. I paused for a minute and I think he saw me since he paused as well. I waited him out and he finally started moving again. As he got closer I stepped out from cover from about his 9 o'clock and started calling out to him. I had a weapon drawn and ready but was speaking in a non-hostile fashion. He wasn't rammy at all so I stowed my AK to put him at ease. "Hey man- you going to Berezino?" "Yeah... running through." "Okay well just a heads up- you may run into two dudes on the north end... One of them was pretty nice- but I'm told the guy he was going to meet up with isn't very nice. May or may not be worth the risk at this point considering 4 of the 5 people in the server right now are right in the same area." "Thanks for the info but that's okay- I'm going to keep going." "Rgr... need anything in the way of supplies? Food? Water?" "No man- all good. Thanks." "Very good- see ya!" We carried on our way. I met up with ZH and we proceeded back up to Szvetlojarsk to check out a few buildings before proceeding south west towards Olsha. We decided we'd wanted to stay off the grid for awhile and try our luck with hunting and living off the land for awhile. There wasn't an animal in sight anywhere- but we picked through Olsha, topped up our water supply and he logged. I headed over to overlook Novo from above the tracks to the south and just sat there watching. I sat there for quite a long time- just watching and listening. No sniper scope- but I did have binos- so really no threat to anyone but curious to see if I could watch a few people going about their business. No joy- didn't see anyone. The next day ZH and I met back up... and noticed something really neat on the map at 126022. We decided we'd go and see if that's actually on the terrain- which I confirmed it was. Kind of neat since if you just ran over it you probably wouldn't have been able to make it out. Probably not worth going out of your way for... but still kind of a neat feature if you're in that area. Edited June 24, 2015 by ENO75 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted June 25, 2015 Let me tell you of the ambush I was finally able to pull off. I had recently been gunned down in Novo, trying to engage in friendly banter. That didn't work out so hot so I was feeling adventurous, seeing as how I was freshly spawned and still on day zero. Spawning near Cherno, I grabbed some grub, found a magnum, some ammo for it, and made my way to veresnik. When I arrived there it was vacant. I took position on the hill and waited for the right victim. A couple of guys with armbands and assault rifles showed up, coming from the direction of the chopper crash. They checked the tanks and guard house. I decided to let them leave. I wait patiently. Finally! The right victim came along. I had a plan. I watched SKS guy get out of his truck on the east side of the base, outside the fence. I watched him go into the nearest barracks. I moved south along the fence line. He went into a second barracks. Clearly, he had no idea where loot spawns in .57. I fired two shots into the air. He must have heard them. He ran out of the barracks and then north towards the wrecked tank in the trees. I watched him from the south, he ran west towards the hill side of the base, trying to find me. It was too late. I had already made my move. I booked it like a Kenyan Olympic marathon runner to his truck. I got in. Turned on the engine and put my foot to the floor. I built up a good amount of speed and rammed that truck squarely into a huge tree, laughing all the way. I jumped out after totally destroying it, door still open. I continued south on foot, full sprint, dropping my ruined boots and putting my athletic shoes back on and looking over my shoulder. I want to assume this guy was mildly amused although his shooting mouth and shooting firearm suggested otherwise. I would have loved to know what he was thinking when he first heard his truck start back up. Hee hee. One of my best bandit moments ever. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted June 25, 2015 My first character died in a guard tower at balota airfield. I didnt hear a shot or anyhting just: You are dead. Ah well. I then had some firefights in Cherno. I spawned at bluetop and just a minute after I spawned in two fully geared guys spawns in too. I quickly climb down and talk to them a bit. They thank me for not killing them by shooting at me ruining stuff which i only noticed later when a guy comes unexpectedly around a corner. i raised my mp5, click click, I switched to the cr, click click, I ran. Both had been ruined as well as a waterbottle, medpack, vest and jacket, grrrr. Later I spot the fellow again while crawling in some bushes and somehow he sees me lying prone behind a tree at 300 metres. I couldnt believe it so I ran again. I checked out the action with my hunting scope from a great distance but it was too far to get a shot so I went to Elektro instead. Just as I got there the server restarted. I tried another character and things went well. I met a new player but he didnt want to talk. I found a truck but flipped it at Novo and almost got killed getting out. Found an AK and called it a night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PlasticAssasin8 (DayZ) 78 Posted June 25, 2015 (edited) Was heading down the coast from my home area. I decided to go back up to the NWAF and have a look see, all of a sudden three z'ds emerge on me , i ran into the military jail and shut the door . Went up stairs, they were still hitting me, i was bleeding badly already from another encounter and for some reason couldnt bandage myself. There was no way out , screen was going white, i couldnt bear giving those creeps my flesh to feast on like id seen them do with so many others.Hopefully another survivor would find me , hopefully he could use what i had to help them survive. I wrote a note and stabbed it into my hat on the door above me."hopefully you can use what i have to continue the fight to survive, sadly for me the fight is over, so is the hunger, the cold, the loneliness and the sound of those evil animals echoing in my head ". "Please dont morn, dont cheer just survive, find a way. I knelt, placed the gun under my chin and in one short second the pain was over. Edited June 25, 2015 by PlasticAssasin8 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mookie (original) 799 Posted June 26, 2015 What , you had to time to pen that little ode while being assaulted by three Zs? Hmm. Anyway, I neglected to notice that it was exactly midnight, tried logging in to a new server and got wiped, after a solid three weeks of pretty successful pillaging. So a pretty shit day tbh. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted June 26, 2015 I got robbed today. Bastards. Well, at least they didn't kill me. I also lost two mp5's and a magnum for no apparent reason. One second they were in my inventory and then they werent. I'm not bothered to go back and look for them either but its quite annoying. I also got shot when the game wouldnt let me swap to another weapon. I doublecarried a winchester and a shotty. I was looting a humvee when two guys approached. i greeted them and they started shooting. They were quite awful shots so I pressed my buttons to get my shotty or makarov out but nothing happened. I tried again and again but it just wouldnt work. In the end I had to tab to move the weapons and then they got me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted June 26, 2015 They were quite awful shots so I pressed my buttons to get my shotty or makarov out but nothing happened. I tried again and again but it just wouldnt work. In the end I had to tab to move the weapons and then they got me. This has been UBER annoying for me too... I can't think of any time I haven't had to triple or quadrupal tap a key to change weapons. Hope they have that on their drawing board. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites