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I was calmly going through the Zelenogorsk barracks and only had the prison building left, so I entered it last. All this time there was a guy sitting inside the building (must have heard me crash my truck ^^) and just waiting for me to open the door. And then it was one of these Pulp Fiction moments. He fired the MP5 at me and must have shot all around me, because I didn't take a single hit. I ran towards him and fired the CR75. 7 shots later he was dead. The last two were just to make sure ^^. This guy fired 20 rounds at me, waited in prone all that time and didn't hit once. I have some bad XP with the MP5 in PvP, but my god that was even new to me.


And he carried 4 protective cases, not the greatest stuff, but since I had only a pistol, I could pick up his Mosin (why didn't he use that...) and his silenced MP5. That was a lot of fun. Especially since the guy had been in that base before me, and I could just take his truck too, which was parked conveniently behind the base. 


Then I played with a friend, who is a bit trigger happy. I already got him to stop shouting "friendly, friendly" and then opening fire anyway. So let's hope he will also learn to appreciate tactical superiority, instead of firing at anything he sees moving. It can get quite annoying to be honest, since that type of players are the only ones I actually enjoy shooting ingame. Everybody else gets a pass or shoots me. Anyway that friend later died due to glitch in the Kometa holidaycamp. I picked him up again, gave him my MP5 and took him back to Kometa, which had 5 chainsaws lying around. Considering we had very little at the beginning, it is almost sad to see we now have four tents and quite a lot of ammo and rifles. Itis just so easy, especially when you are running a truck. I need to keep a weapons cleaning kit with me, because I lost my trusty CR75 today, which was already damaged, and I had to shoot some zombies with it and got hit and ruined that pistol. It's a sweet pistol. At least I still have the mags. Hopefully I'll find an FNX again, but those mostly spawn at chopper sites?


I don't know. All in all it was a good day, but I'm starting to think I am playing with the wrong people. I don't play like that at all. I don't even enjoy shooting people if they just run around. I just like it when it happens in surprise situations like in the milibase and the other guy eats it :)

Edited by S3V3N

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Well where do i start.


Found the 2 things i wanted after 4 days of searching.

1/ Fire Axe


And the top of the pops

2/ Long range Scope for my green and black mosin.


The family is now complete :D

and i am very happy.

I will now retire back into the hills and watch the passers by, eat my vegs and stay warm by my fire with my truck not all that far away.

Someone died and his full pack is still there.

I re purposed a couple of things but left most there for when he gets back, if he gets back, poor person would be stressing after loosing that gear, not about to take it all from him. If another takes his gear they wont be a threat although i did leave his gun there. Its a Mosin , now without a scope :P




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I beat food poisoning ("sick") today by doing nothing but running around, eating/drinking and sitting at the fire. It's been a bad day for food poisoning and a good day for me ;)

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I had a  very weird thing happen today. First, I spawned outside vybor military base. As i was there y-day I started to go south, i noticed a heli crash just a bit from the base and ran to it. As I got there I was shot at and hit. i fell uncounsious but awoke. I bandaged myself and peeked to see my attackers but couldnt see anyone and they were still firing with mosins and m4. i told them to stop but they didnt. I checked my gear and my m65 jacket and vest were ruined with all my ammo and grenades :/   I tried to spot em again but saw nobody adn a guy was shooting with an m4 from not far away. I decided to take the cowards way out and log out. Later I logged in again on that server and my chracter was alive. The attackers were gone and I could limp away to safety. took me two hours to heal up.


 Heres the weird part, Later I come along the same spot with another character but from the other directions and a differnet server ofcourse. There a heli crash in the exact same spot and also a crashed v3s. The heli crash is picked clean but I spot a couple of v3s's a bit from the spot. I scope em out and they seem abandoned. I apporach adn then someones shooting at me. I'm hit in the legs adn has to use a morphine but its gone ruined :/ I peek around but see nobody then someone shoots from very close with a shotgun. I still se nobody and is shot dead from what I can hear a shotgun fired point blank. But thers nobody to be seen anywhere?

 Very weird. Same place, different attackers and I cant see them. Ghillies maybe?

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I you meet this guy: DIMITRI ON SOLO. Kill him.  I met him and talked to him for a bit then he killed me for no reason and was obnoxious. When I got back to my body it was unlootable and he appeared again  and killed me, even though I had no weapon and proceeded to talk shit. I then spotted him again on another server with another player. They were looking for someone to kill so I stayed away.


 I also happened upon something I've never seen before, a lootgasm at Kamyshovo. Lots of crap everywhere. Unfortunately some asshole had to ruin the fun by killing everyone.


 And one of thsoe damn mines got me again, grrrrr.

Edited by Killawife

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I went for trip a day or so back

I wanted some netting to make a ghillie suit . I went across the top all the way to the coast from the NWAF base, stopped in on the clock tower at Novo and had a bit of a look, id heard so much about it. I went to Turovo and on to Berez, the delightful little fishing village, i saw one of the fat zeds cavorting about.

No nets there to be found :(


Went around the coast to Svetlo but didnt stop in other than to fill up with some water.

Trekked south to the ship and then onto Berezino.

Down through Niz, Solni and headed to Tynra, no food around there at all so moved to Kamy where i still found no food and then onto Elektro.

Then it was onto Cherno for  a look, id decided to have a look at the prison while i was down that way and id been stopping at every boat site to look for netting, id found none. This is what the trip was for, netting.

Went through Balota airstrip and then to Komarovo then onto the dock for the swim over to the prison. By this time id started running out of food and hoped there would be some over in the prison , but really all there was is 100 odd books, damn they read alot over there.

I was starving by the time i swam back, id tried to grow food over there but something wasnt working right and it wouldnt grow.

I got to kamenka and i was in dire straights, starving, :emptycan:  i was holing on because of my water use. I saw that i was about to die of starvation so in a desperate move i dropped my back and scoped mosin and ran to try to find food.


You are unconscious..............................


I re spawned and had one goal, that was to get some stuff on the way to my gear.

Now i know some may say that's cheating , but you know what. I had the foresight to know when i was about to kick the bucked and planned ahead for it by dumping my gear. Much of this game is to plan ahead and that's what id done.


So i started my way back to kamenka, damn that's a long way from anywhere, i spawned between Kamy and Elektro, remembering id died fully kitted out the day earlier. Byt the time id gotten to Komarovo i was on the brink again. I went to "every" apple tree and found as many as i could, i was dodging Zeds as i had no firearms at all . I managed to get enough in the tank to just make it to Kamenka.

I found a good amount of ammo for the guns i knew i had at my pack and there was cattle in the area so i also knew that if i was able to get there i could hunt them down.

But when i got into Kamenka the first house i went into had a can of beans :beans: :thumbsup: SAVED!!!!!!

So i went through a few more houses on the eastern edge and found a couple of pieces of fruit. Now here is the thing with the fruit, its invisible until you pick it up to eat it.

I then found cereal and rice and then two more cans of food.

I was energised and healthy again :D

I went to where i thought id dropped my pack and there it was. Id lost a few things such as an axe etc, but i now had enough to survive again to get home.




Edited by PlasticAssasin8
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Frankly, the thought of all that effort for a bit of netting, makes me want to scream hysterically and bash my own brains in with a brick.  So well done to you for having the strength and determination!

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I went for trip a day or so back

I wanted some netting to make a ghillie suit . I went across the top all the way to the coast from the NWAF base, stopped in on the clock tower at Novo and had a bit of a look, id heard so much about it. I went to Turovo and on to 



..funny i found 4 netting inside a backpack in a military camp on the west near Zele...someone must left it in there lol

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Frankly, the thought of all that effort for a bit of netting, makes me want to scream hysterically and bash my own brains in with a brick.  So well done to you for having the strength and determination!

I got bored, so i made a little quest to go on, plus i wanted it

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I don't see whay we can't make a wrap without netting? Its not like its absolutely nessecary to have it.


I had a rather uneventful dayz. I grew a pumpkin and tried to grow some zucchinis but the server restarted and they were gone. I later found a v3s and went on tour through Elektro. Someone shot me and I got unconscious from one shot. When I came to I tried to talk to the guys and stepped out but they killed me right way for no reason. Bastards.


Other than that it was mostly running, eating, running, eating.

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I don't see whay we can't make a wrap without netting? Its not like its absolutely nessecary to have it.


I had a rather uneventful dayz. I grew a pumpkin and tried to grow some zucchinis but the server restarted and they were gone. I later found a v3s and went on tour through Elektro. Someone shot me and I got unconscious from one shot. When I came to I tried to talk to the guys and stepped out but they killed me right way for no reason. Bastards.


Other than that it was mostly running, eating, running, eating.


I got thrown through a wall by a door and was killed. Lost all my good stuff, scoped mosin,longhorn  etc. oh well time to get it on again.

I remember thinking that is didn't look right and was about to drop my gear to go into it but i didn't, lmao, my own fault.

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Bought my second copy today and got to play with my fifteen year old son for a good four hour session. He's played before with my copy and has a good understanding of the mechanics and knowledge of the map. My computer is in the back corner of the living room and he plugged the wife's laptop into the main tv in the livingroom giving me a good view of both games. 


I've been playing on an under ten pop private and was set up near the radio antenna at neaf and he spawned in at Kamyshovo. Someone had found my truck but had to drop the SKS they were double carrying to relieve me of it and junior found me two boxes and a cz527 mag to feed it at the police station. I told him to mind the 3-4 zombies that call it home and he got comfy and ate apples and the bit of canned goods available watching the town from the police station roof. I needed my compass more then a gun to get there fast so rather than double carry I bagged the trumpet that I had bullets for and set out with an unloaded SKS shouldered. I followed the line of deerstands heading roughly south avoiding Berizino, it took me an hour to get there so we chatted about a game plan while he got his stats together. He talked me around the two zeds in the north of town right in the police station door. I gave him the trumpet and loaded the SKS and we set out to bag anything worthwhile and put it on a nearby hill. Three hours of sneaking, shooting, some awesome kiting while the other guy does the shooting and some really purposeful communication just looting the first town.


I was so happy to see a youngin actually playing a game trying to survive rather than yolo, respawn, repeat.  

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Bought my second copy today and got to play with my fifteen year old son for a good four hour session. He's played before with my copy and has a good understanding of the mechanics and knowledge of the map. My computer is in the back corner of the living room and he plugged the wife's laptop into the main tv in the livingroom giving me a good view of both games. 


I've been playing on an under ten pop private and was set up near the radio antenna at neaf and he spawned in at Kamyshovo. Someone had found my truck but had to drop the SKS they were double carrying to relieve me of it and junior found me two boxes and a cz527 mag to feed it at the police station. I told him to mind the 3-4 zombies that call it home and he got comfy and ate apples and the bit of canned goods available watching the town from the police station roof. I needed my compass more then a gun to get there fast so rather than double carry I bagged the trumpet that I had bullets for and set out with an unloaded SKS shouldered. I followed the line of deerstands heading roughly south avoiding Berizino, it took me an hour to get there so we chatted about a game plan while he got his stats together. He talked me around the two zeds in the north of town right in the police station door. I gave him the trumpet and loaded the SKS and we set out to bag anything worthwhile and put it on a nearby hill. Three hours of sneaking, shooting, some awesome kiting while the other guy does the shooting and some really purposeful communication just looting the first town.


I was so happy to see a youngin actually playing a game trying to survive rather than yolo, respawn, repeat.  

Great work :thumbsup:

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I remember thinking that is didn't look right and was about to drop my gear to go into it but i didn't, lmao, my own fault.


Since everybody just does that to keep/retrieve their gear nowadays the devs might as well bring back the graves from the mods. It may not make a lot of sense to find a grave in the middle of the road, but it still was a good mechanic. Either you got your loot back or someone else had a happy day. And they were great lures for PvP, but still fun. 


I'm having a bit of dull days. Either I find no loot at all or massive spamming of it. Of course not much useful stuff. Not that much to do now either. Looking for a pistol again, cause I'm running low on my main. Travelling north, probably to the airfield. A truck would help but the only one I found wouldn't refuel after restarts. Boots are worn, but spirit is high. Got to get myself a CR75 again... 

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Grabbed a truck with a cargo back on it, waited in the towns and all the Zeds come a running and jump on the back , drive off and they all die,

Hop on the death truck and lets go a riding :thumbsup: . beats fighting them

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I went to Balota airfield and someone had conveniently packed me a drybag there. It included a CR75 and mostly food. I didn't have a backpack on, because I was hoping to find one, but this was even better; I even have 2 mags for it at camp. And surprisingly it had one mag, too. It took me all the way up to Vybor though to find a supressor for it, but it was a good journey. I guess someone packed this bag with the best stuff they found but couldn't/wouldn't carry, Thx to the donator!

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Today was the day of the logouts. I started in elektro in a house where I had ended the day before. Almost right away i hear m4 fire nearby but having no weapon but a chainsaw I decided to run for the harbour block instead. I heard a mosin start shooting as I scurried away but apparently not at me. I got to the TEC building and felt safe but when i step in I see a dead body in the stairwell. I check him and hes quite recently killed. I proceed upstairs and as im at the third floor walkway i hear clickings from above. I run in teh corridor and close the door. I wait inside with my saw raised and hear someone reloading. I curse myself for not running up instead but its too late. I wait for at least five minutes but nobody comes. I log out to avoid getting shot.


 I play with another character whos at severograd. Its mostly looted and theres no trucks so i head towards the military base. I notice theres a skislope with a tower up top where I havent been so I go towards it. As i sit in a bush drinking for a bit, a zed comes up and says hello. I die.


 I play with another character spawning in stary sobor. This one had been beaten to a pulp earlier by invisible zombies. Most of the equipment was ruined adn the crossbow has some bug so you cant aim it. I had to run from house to house closign doors behind me as zeds attacked ferosiously. I managed to eat and drink, get some new clothes and continue to novy sobor. I find some more food and a blaze so i can ditch the crossbow. I go to Vybor mil base and find a high capacity vest and an ak74su and silencer but no clip. As I loot the last barrack two trucks pull up. I decide its time to leave and logs out.


I play with another character in novo. I spawn on top of the highest tower so I'm a bit scared climbing down as you can easy lag to your death or get shot by some coward. I make it down and go to the firestation. Outside I see another guy come running from the other direction. He has a rifle and spots me. he ducks for cover. I log...decide to not log out and instead get a better position behind one of the walls outside. I only have a cr75 but its should be enough if I'm close enough. I expect him to go inside the firestation but strangely he doesnt but sneaks away. I take a long tour around the town to flank him but before I manage to get into position the server restarts. Perhaps it was for the best.

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I had a great day. First I shot someone in [redacted]. He fired first and broke my leg, but then I got him with my PM. Then I spent 45 minutes crawling around until I could find the stuff for a splint, lol. 

Then I found a tent! Set up my first camp: 


And after a few raids on local I picked up some sweet loots. Got a kitted Engraved 1911 (only missing a mag), Blaze, PM73 with 15rnd mag, two pristine helmets, pristine LRS and PU and a couple of sets of binocs: 


This one's technically from yesterday, but picked up a few chicks in Zeleno:



Chances are my pretty little campsite will be gone by tomorrow. It's really well hidden I think - you can't see it from any angle and it's far away from any major area... but I'm expecting it to glitch out and disappear! :P

Edited by Nicko2580
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One of my characters got one-hitted by a zed again. But on the upside I found 9 AK's and a east suppressor in Pavlovo mil base. No mags though but I had one from earlier. The lootgasm was insane, I found six magnum snaploaders in the same room. Too bad that when theres so much of the loot, much of it is garbage.



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Finally found a no ping kick private server with other players so being home alone all day I decided to start building up a character with the risk of getting shot now. Got my ass off the coast and with a tincture bottle and a pond did a little plot of zucchinis to try and get my stats up, they must be low in calories because 6 didn't even get rid of hungry before I was stuffed. Too the extra ones and started to move on and made the brilliant move of standing in the middle of the road and spending too much time confirming my location on my phone map. Snap, thud, snap, snap and I'm a runnin' pretty sure they came from behind me. I get in the tree line and put a couple of the medium evergreens between me and where I'm guessed the shots cam from and bandage up, sprint a little deeper into the woods  and lay under and hidden in a nice bushy tree. There I stayed for a good five minutes hearing two more shots not in my direction from what I think is a suppressed sportster about half way through my wait on the road down below. I veer off at a forty-five from the road and make my way to summer camp where I find the rice and soda to get my blood back.


That was an adrenaline filled change of pace from my usual quiet zombie avoiding, played another three hours on this badassed survivor now respectably geared before logging for dinner. About to shut down crome and get back in there to return the favor.     

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met up with a buddy and after finding a care package he left me full of ammo, we went to check out nwaf. we check out a building before deciding to grab a nearby truck and head someplace else but then my buddy (who shall remain thewire lol) decides to leave a landmine for the next person who comes to check the building. he lays it down at the entrance, im back towards some trees looking for some shotgun ammo i left for him, when all of a sudden....BOOM!!!!!....you are dead. both spawn near cherno, not enough time to get back to our bodies. i log off and he heads to prison island.


i guess this is karma for that time i scared off a deer he was about to shoot.... lol it begins again!

Edited by cash81
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Those mines are tricky bastards.


I took a swim for Prison island. After swimming maybe a third of the way someone started shooting at me from the beach, Sounded like an ak. They mustve shot fifty rounds not hitting once. As I got to the island I wiated for a quite a while for someone to come swimming but they never came. Good thing as I had no bullets for my rifle :)


I joined a new server and spawned at Berez. I looted there for a while and didn't see a sinlge player on a 30 man server so I  ran west along the coast. At factory i met a newspawn who wanted me to kill him. I said no so he followed me for a bit yelling obscenities in french adn trying to kill me. At factory he left, probably to take a leap off the tower. As i got to Solnichy another newspawn follows me and tries to hit me. I continue running and after quite a while he stops and loots some houses instead, I continue on and get to Kamyshowo where I encounter some spade-armed fellows chasing an unarmed screaming person. They set off after me instead but i just run away and they scream racial slurs and stuff after me as I leave them in a cloud of dust.

 When i get to Elektro theres a bunch of people shooting, which would explain the number of newspawns I've encountered. I don't have a gun so i climb a rooftop and try to spot someone. As I lay there I hear a mosin shot just nearby. I look around and notice a guy on the firestation roof. He hasn't seen me so I sneak off and hide in a corner, crying for mommy.

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met up with a buddy and after finding a care package he left me full of ammo, we went to check out nwaf. we check out a building before deciding to grab a nearby truck and head someplace else but then my buddy (who shall remain thewire lol) decides to leave a landmine for the next person who comes to check the building. he lays it down at the entrance, im back towards some trees looking for some shotgun ammo i left for him, when all of a sudden....BOOM!!!!!....you are dead. both spawn near cherno, not enough time to get back to our bodies. i log off and he heads to prison island.


i guess this is karma for that time i scared off a deer he was about to shoot.... lol it begins again!

I will never touch damn mines anymore..at least in alpha. LOL...karma! I have reached the prison island...


Oh the side note, I found a backpack i left a couple days ago still in there server..maybe we could use that as stash. Why can't we hold backpack with hand? 

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went to check out nw airfield. ran into another survivor who kept trying to talk to me, but he couldn't take the hint. then he decided to fire a shot at me so I turned him into human meat chunks for the next time I have to give someone the cannibal test.

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