krebsy 11 Posted December 8, 2014 Plus heard (didn't see though) my first vehicle as I sat in the fire station in electro at night, couldn't see any lights so couldn't track down the location. I'd spent an hour or so lugging fuel cans (before being killed) whilst trying to find a truck to fuel up..... :).K. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 62 Posted December 8, 2014 Well today I saved a guy from being beaten to death with a shovel - was rolling with him for a bit and then we met ShroomzTV - unfortunately the guy i met killed him but here's a vid of what happened! Pretty awesome day! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted December 8, 2014 Yesterday was the day of the bodies. First I spawned in Novo and went to the tower. There was a dead body and someone shot at someone else so I left. Went to Polana and found two more dead bodies in different places. Went to Svet and found two more dead bodies in different locations. Logged out 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
barnabus 1708 Posted December 9, 2014 Today was not so good. Had a decent character going, AK74 with 1 mag and 110 loose rounds for it, a Mak, plenty of mags and ammo, even a CR75 with a mag and some loose rounds. Then a Barn, way up north, ate me, either that or it was a super duper invisible ninja hacker, but I think it was the barn. I just was looking for a stupid pistol flashlight for the CR75, not being greedy or dumb and the barn was clear.. Dammit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hekp 223 Posted December 9, 2014 (edited) got naive again and thougt i can trust a guy. he killed me the second i put down my weapon as another player approached to disctract me.Im sure my drybag looked tempting altho he must've been dissapointed finding only a sawed off and a few bucks. Well, i kinda asked for it, i could've just passed berezino. got spawn south from solnichiy, so i thought of running back to N berezino, to see if i can track the bastard(s). On the way i heard a V3s who just pulled over to get some gas.I see an armed gillie guy (i later found out his name is JohnyBravo) stepping out of the vehicle.. i rush towards him, tell him im friendly & dont want any trouble, but would love it if i could get a ride to berezino. He was nice enough to drive me there and I gotta say, whilst driving in the truck, i got a very nice old flasback reminding me of the old days playing OPF and tripping on its OST. thx for the ride dude. anyway, i reached the crime scene in 5 minutes. no body. Since i was looting from NW direction and we colided as they approached from SW-NE i figured the didnt continue looting the western part since i was there. I took a pure guessing and ran for Krasno & NEAF. I wanted to go there in previous life anyway. I decide to yolo sprint in attempt to outrun them and get there first. Half way there i get a feeling im being followed. so i make a few stops but cant really confirm anything. As i get in krasno it seems full of stuff. i get what i need and move towards the airfield.I stopped at the long barns, overviewing the airfield. I ran out & see a guy with mosin aiming directly at my back. he shoots & i dont get to hear the sound, i dont bleed but my picture goes black n white. I continue running off zig-zaggin, but i dont panic. I dont want him to know i know about him. i run off as if nothing happend.i hit the buildings across the barns and hide behind the wooden fence. i bandage. Mosin guy got cocky, approached the house but obviously didnt expect the mp133 waiting for him. i unloaded all 6 shots, ruining everything. as i check his drybag, he had a sawed off. Check his pulse, UnknowEntity. If you read this dude, im just wondering; did u kill me in berezino ? & 2nd; did you stalk me on my way to krasno and if so, did you shoot at me? I only saw you fire once and even than i didnt hear your mosin.(you did hit me but i was so stuffed at that time my belly obviously bounced your shot) Edited December 9, 2014 by halp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MajorMojo (DayZ) 4 Posted December 10, 2014 I was in Stary Sobor the other day and got lightly robbed. I was good for supplies but only had a MP-133 with three rounds. I don't see them coming I just hear "put your weapon down and hands up". I turn and see two armed guys and figure a fight would not work out well for me. They cuff me and say their friend got robbed and they wanted to make sure it wasn't me (it wasn't). They drink my water but leave the canteen, tell me they're taking my saline bag and some ammo for weapons I don't have. They give me some food I don't need in exchange and let me wiggle free and we go our separate ways. As far as a robbery goes it wasn't too bad. I doubt the "friend got robbed" part was true though :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted December 10, 2014 I've had such bad luck with weapons lately, the game takes them from me in different ways A few days ago I lost a Mosin with lrs and compensator just out of a sudden while running around. When I logged in with my other character I had lost my AK74SU in the patch. Yesterday I lost an AKM and my pants with everything in them(got ruined), I dunno why. Then when I logged in with my other character he spawns INSIDE one of the ruin bottoms, drops my AK74 and is slowly pushed out. Needless to say I was mildly aroused by this. Most of the times its been a second carry weapon I've lost so its not a superbiggie. But still kinda annoying when you've got a gun with clip and lots of ammo and Poff! its gone.I've also had three encounters in two days with people asking me to kill them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheGoodGuy 9 Posted December 10, 2014 (edited) I played with my friend and we were looting a town for supplies for a while and we had a pretty decent time. We found some new weapons and gear but then we heard explosives over and over but we insisted on going into a firestation. We looted the place, when we ran out someone shot at us, he hit me in the leg and then he finished me off and spared my friend. We never saw the guy but I guess I've learned to not run around with a Mosin in my hands. In the evening I played a little bit by myself and found another Mosin with ammo, tactical shirt, backpack and other decent gear. I decided to go into a firestation, I found some good stuff. A long range scope for my Mosin for example. All of the sudden, I hear a voice, saying "Hello mate!" I say the same. He seemed a little fishy because he had his repeater in his hands and talked funny. We talk briefly and then he aims at me with his repeater, I say in mic "Ofc..." He managed to shoot me once in the back with his poor weapon but I wait for him behind the doors... He came out and I shoot him down, good and proper. He managed to walk into the firestation again but I saw him falling down to the ground. I walk in, close the door and say "Well I hope you regret doing that, It's your own fault. Bye bye." Then I say something more rude and finish him off. Great feeling! B) Edited December 10, 2014 by TheGoodGuy 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naebody 1 Posted December 13, 2014 Found my first mosin. \o/ Got it some ammo went afk in a bush outside a small town. "you are are dead" Found a truck, figured out how to get in and out and drove off towards airfield. Skidded off road into woods and couldn't get it back up the hill.....slashed the tyres in temper. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adams (DayZ) 5 Posted December 14, 2014 not the best. killed by buggy zombies, lag and a broken zombie respawn system...Cmon dude it's alpha. Don't say anything negative now. Beta will be here in a year (maybe lol) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sachad 1016 Posted December 15, 2014 (edited) Got attacked by a bambi in Chernaya, I let him chase me for a bit trying to talk him down, but he wouldn't have it, so I whipped out my trusty axe and socked him in the head. He went KO, I bandaged him, he came to, started attacking me again, so I had to put him down. Poor thing still had its flashlight. By then I was all the way down to the Novo train tracks, so I wanted to get higher up and scout the area. Unfortunately someone else had the same idea before me, and I was sniped on my approach. Now I'm in Kamyshovo again. Ugh. Edit: Kamyshovo turned out great! First hourse, I go in, and find a Mosin on the bedroom floor, and a box of ammo in the closet. Found a PU scope in the police station and a LRS in the restaurant. Also got me some hunter pants, riders jacket and jungle boots, plus a drybag full of food and drink, all from little old Kamyshovo! Now I'm heading to Msta/Staroye to see if my luck holds long enough to find a truck :) Second edit: Found a truck at the big barn outside Staroye but it was low on gas so I parked it in the nearby barn and went to search for a gas canister. When I returned with one an hour later, my truck was stuck in the barn doors. I mean, if you're gonna steal someone's ride, at least make sure you know how to drive... Edited December 15, 2014 by Sacha 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MajorMojo (DayZ) 4 Posted December 16, 2014 Tried a first person server for the first time. First spawn near Cherno I was killed by zombies before I got any loot. Need to improve my boxing skills. Second spawn in Svetlojarsk two zombies get a bead on me right away and I run to find a melee weapon. See a cattle prod in garage and I close myself in and equip the battery from my flashlight - glad I kept it. I come out and dispatch the zombies. Now I start looting. Find a sledgehammer, clothes, a blaze, water, but NO FOOD. I go from annoyed to concerned to panicked as I run from house to house looking for anything to eat. I am starving and my vision is black and white when I finally find a can of tactical bacon in shop. I eat it and find a can of tuna and open it... You are unconscious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiGoDeViN (DayZ) 423 Posted December 17, 2014 Me and buddy were in Novo Clock Tower. Trying to find him a rifle. I'm packing a Mosin + Long Range. "You on the top floor?" "Yeah" Run up to him and run past a different player. Retreat to top floor, let my friend do the talking. "You guys friendly?" "Yeah, man. We're coming up, that okay?" "Sure, bud, c'mon up" I hadn't played in a good while. And my past few lives this week were poor. I'd get geared and get killed in very embarrassing ways. I was pretty jumpy. There were 3 of them. First guy just walks into the room with his gun out. I didn't realize it was lowered. I just dropped him. Forgot that DayZ gets your blood pumping. "You guys are NOT friendly!" He yells out. Buddy starts running around and yelling it wasn't him. Guy in the stairwell and a girl in the elevator to the roof. I lean around to get a shot, fire and miss. Hits the fucking door frame. "Can we PLEASE stop shooting eachother?!" the girl in the group yells. All I can muster is "I'm sorry" and drop her. Last guy in the stair well. I run around the elevator to get a shot. He slowly leans out. I pop him in the neck, he drops me with a shotgun. Felt sorta good to finally do some damage. My buddy loots them. Turned out none of them had ammo accept the last guy. Felt awful about it. Got my Mosin back, though. If the people I killed see this, I'm sorry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheHermit (DayZ) 22 Posted December 17, 2014 Tried a first person server for the first time. First spawn near Cherno I was killed by zombies before I got any loot. Need to improve my boxing skills. Second spawn in Svetlojarsk two zombies get a bead on me right away and I run to find a melee weapon. See a cattle prod in garage and I close myself in and equip the battery from my flashlight - glad I kept it. I come out and dispatch the zombies. Now I start looting. Find a sledgehammer, clothes, a blaze, water, but NO FOOD. I go from annoyed to concerned to panicked as I run from house to house looking for anything to eat. I am starving and my vision is black and white when I finally find a can of tactical bacon in shop. I eat it and find a can of tuna and open it... You are unconscious. Cattle Prod and Baton... to me this are ace melee to use a fresh spawn. They have saved my life and enabled me to move inland, and get fully geared up. And, it may take all the personal RP power that I have, but spending an hour picking apples really turns out to be my go-to method, if I am serious about surviving in peace. Once you get into a town and see all that sweet sweet food, it was all worth it. Be sure to keep an apple on you for luck. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted December 19, 2014 (edited) Aargh! The people in this game makes me so dissapointed again and again. I started looting west of Novo. After going on the second floor of one of the steelplate barns my legs break and I fall down. I believe I've had the legbreak bug so i start making a splint, then a guy walks in the bottom floor with a shotgun. I ask him if he shot me, but he says nothing and instead shoots my legs again. As I drop he comes up with an axe and hits me so i fall unconscious. I come to a few seconds later and bash his skull in with my brass knuckles while he's looting my corpse. I then die. So completely stupid and pointless, I didnt even have any food or anything worth looting. I then spawn outside of elektro so pick up some useless items and run for the town. I am then shot by soem wannabe sniper. I didnt see or hear anything. I guess someone desperately needed the garden lime I was carrying in my hands. I spawn outside cherno and almost immediately I see another newspawn so I go talk to him. I warn him not to go to elektro and we part ways. A few minutes later I hear gunshots and spot the newspawn in the distance running. He is then shot and lies in the grass. He didnt even have a backpack. I go to cherno town and find some loot. I hear shooting and hide. I spot some corpses but stay away from them as they seem to be bambis with nothing on them and its most likely just a trap. I light a fire in the church and go to the airfield. All is calm and quiet there but theres no loot either so i call it a night. I played on the Wobo community server, a private hive. I thought the players there would be more interested in a fun and interesting game and not just bambikilling and KoS. I guess I am wrong and its like this everywhere. Edited December 19, 2014 by Killawife Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheHermit (DayZ) 22 Posted December 19, 2014 These things are supposed to happen in Cheno! You need to be up the hill in the woods doing intel before going near there! That's like strolling thru South Central... you don't! you go the side way or just walk around LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted December 19, 2014 Eh guys... very new to the game and still learning the ropes. Been doing a lot of reading of various guides and I appreciate all the input from the community. Joined a relatively small server population and spawned in Krutoy Cap... did a quick search of the buildings to the north then promptly angled west inland. Came across a couple of farm houses with some regular sized barns and grabbed a couple items. Saw some lime / tomato seeds there- I imagine that's for growing gardens etc once you figure out a base location... I haven't read about how long it takes for anything to grow? Also... I'm getting cold all the time even mid-day so is weather a factor? Anyway... Kept moving west and at some point had to leave the game and come back a few hours later. I found a bush and racked out for a few hours. When I got back to the game, I reloaded and sat still for a few minutes listening for any activity. While I was there, this fricken huge deer with an enormous rack was walking past slightly up the hill. That was pretty neat. I watched it do its thing and went back about my business. The fact that it was alive and not being shot at was reassuring to me- meant I was likely alone out there. I continued west and bumped into another couple small buildings. I found a compass and was using the map on that STALKER guide to get a bit of an idea as to where I was. Didn't have any real landmarks except I could see the castle waaaaaaaaaay off in the distance. Gave me a bit of perspective of where I was (I reversed the bearing from the castle to me and just drew a rough line on the map so I knew I was somewhere near that line) and I came across a road I was able to tentitively identify from a fork heading in a certain direction. I just needed to head up and over a nearby ridge to confirm a town was there... and it was. I confirmed I was near MSTA. After sitting back and watching it for awhile from cover I made my way through some of the bigger houses... I didn't see any movement at all around MSTA- except a boar I could see making its way around a field slightly north. I had no real weapons (cough- actually, had weapons but no bullets) so I left it alone. I didn't want to spend too much time there but found enough supplies to get energized, watered and fed. Also found some warmer clothing to manage that part of the problem. Once I left I zig zagged my way north with the intention of hitting the next town up and once I got into the thicker trees I huddled down and waited to see if someone was following me. Brings me to the question about grass and cover... I know the draw distance restricts how far away grass is actually visible... while our characters remain openly visible... I tend to hide under trees or closer to bushes to break up my outline / profile- is that an effective practice? Satisfied that I wasn't being followed, I resumed my trek through the trees, keeping to the shadows and my head on a swivel. I wasn't going super tactical or anything... There was 5 people on the server at the time so I was taking appropriate precautions. In my travels I stumbled into a couple cans of spray paint so I painted my SKS just for the novelty of it- but didn't have anything else to paint. I wish there was a way to soil some of the brighter coloured bags... put the bag in the mud or something... Probably not THAT big a deal but I have my eyes open for darker coloured dry bags / backpacks. I made my way down a hill and caught a glimpse of a few buildings in the distance that were close to where I expected them to be... so I made my way over to a good vantage point to do a quick distant recce. The plan is to sit there for a few minutes and just watch for any activity whatsoever... knowing full well that someone else could be looking down on it in the same fashion from elsewhere- but again... 5 guys in there... what are the odds? I'm reading 5% chance of running into someone- per person in the sever. I'm keeping my eyes open for the fire axe since I hear that's the best melee weapon around so far (or at least one of the top)... need that can opener so I stop spilling my food everywhere. Peaches please... oh yeah, and ammo / clips for my SKS! That was pretty much my first day in DayZ and I was pretty stoked about it! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted December 19, 2014 These things are supposed to happen in Cheno! You need to be up the hill in the woods doing intel before going near there! That's like strolling thru South Central... you don't! you go the side way or just walk around LOL You're saying that walking through South central with a sign saying "I hate N*****s" is NOT the way to go about it? Huh. (lol, for some reason this italian version was really funny) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hekp 223 Posted December 20, 2014 (edited) Nightime. Got a Novo spawn at the military truck complex thingy. Ran in the centre just to find all the standard buildings being completely empty.As i finaly get my hand on a can of peaches in one of those white 3 floor buildings, I see a guy running across the street right into it.Well fuck. I saw him holding an AKM, which can't be good..AKM owners tend to be very protective of their primaries. I hide behind the door, hopping he will never come upstairs.He must've seen me thru the window, since he approached the room with great caution, his weapon drawn out and aiming.I manage to hit him a few times and make him bleed as he ruins pretty much everything on me, but fails to kill me.I run outside and hide in the first bush I see. He runs out and fails to notice me. Luckily zombies kept him busy long enough for me to bandage & gtfo.Sadly, everytime i encounter a jackass like that, i never get to be geared in order to defend myself. Really low on blood now. I decide to visit the never-ending-up-well Tower of Novi. As soon as i approach the tower, i heard the disturbing crying laughter. God damn. Why me D:I decide to enter the tower anyway, since i have nothing to loose.As i approach the top floor, i see Three fire extinguisers placed on the middle of stairway, preventing anyone from going further.This just can't be good. I move away one fire extinguiser, pass the "barrier" and place the extinguisher back.As i enter the first floor i see a fireplace (not lit up). I dont even want to check it, im 100% sure what's in it.....I couldnt resist but to look at it.God dammit, human flesh i knew it >.< !!! HALP#@*!!....I continue to 2nd & 3rd floor, finaly getting lucky & finding a blaze and some ammo.The laughter seems to be gone, i feel much safer.I pick everything i need and decide it is time to leave before something bad happens.I move downstairs to the first floor. the fireplace... is GONE.I look down the staircase and see the third fire extinguisher was second later i get to hear the crying laughs again.D:D:D:Not being 100% sure where the hell is he, I didnt want to go back clearing the 1st, 2nd and third floor, possibly letting him to crawl behind me. Besides, it would only get me killed if he's camping and preaiming for me.(1pp)I wait in the staircase for a few minutes that seemed like eternity. I decide It's time to leave. I hope whoever found the fireplace got scared and run off.As i move downstairs I see a guy camping in the corner just like i did, only one level below me.I aim at him and fire my two shots & so does he.I felt unconcious, Died from bleeding a minute after. I think we killed ourselves, since he didnt finnish my unconcious self. I fired at him from almost point blank so im pretty sure i hit him, unless he got saved by desync. I wonder tho, was he in the 1st,2nd or 3rd floor and i passed him, or did he come up after me. Was he the cannibal who placed the fireplace, or did he found it like i did, got scared thinking i was the cannibal which resulted in both of us, innocent? bystanders to kill eachother?so many questions :D Edited December 20, 2014 by halp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted December 20, 2014 (edited) Good story there Halp. I read yesterday about the crying... I think it's folks who are sick from being injured by zombies- Either that or a troll... sounds like there have been a couple of instances of that reported throughout the forums. I got caught in the crossfire of the update / DDOS combi-vent yesterday and didn't get any real good time in. Well... about 2 hours that I mostly spent looting empty buildings near the coast trying to make preparations for going inland. I did, however, wind up with my first zombie encounter- first SURVIVED encounter. The last one I'd spawned into a zedfest and got caught in some clipping infested dungeon-house with zombies half in half out of the walls all around me as well as dropping through the floor. I'm not complaining- I am aware of what I signed up for... but the guy who ended up in the floor gnarled me so bad I bled out. Through reading all the guides I can find (most of which are about 8-10 months old) it seems adviseable to get off the coast as soon as possible. I wanted to- but I couldn't find anything I needed for the trek. Even if I didn't have a weapon I figured I could probably manage getting off the beaten path and surviving through stealth (it was night on the server). I ended up spawning and heading generally north, hitting a little town and then arriving at a factory that had been picked out. I did find a fire axe and a couple cans of cola. By the time I was done I had also found a screwdriver and a couple cans o' goodies that I consumed until I was energized and not registering as hungry / thirsty / cold. I made my way west but while free-looking around I got a bit disorienated (since it snaps you back to a direction when you let go of it... I realized after a short bit I wasn't sure if it was snapping me back to where I was last free-looking or snapped me back to the direction I was walking... I figured it out eventually but not until I was turned around.) Before I knew it I was practically due north of the factory (with the orchard just west / north of it). By now I was getting frustrated (rookie move, I know) so I started running... taking additional risks since it wasn't a highly populated server and it being night. I sprint / drifted for a bit at a time and at one point came to a halt to see a dark shape come out from behind a small shed. I couldn't tell right away if it was just some dude coming over to kill me or a zombie. By the time it came around the corner and had moved in a straight enough line for me to figure out it was likely a zed- I'd had a chance to draw my trusty fire axe and give him a good wallop. Also give me a chance to practice the circling maneuver I'd been watching in some videos. Worked well- so thanks to all. Once I was done there I surrendered to the notion that I was going to head up north towards Brez- but I headed inland a bit so I could stay in the shadows and the clutter... probably where everyone else goes, unfortunately. At some point I got disco'd because of "confirm changes" or something like that I don't remember and had to turn in. I did find I was getting a little bored but at the same time it's that transcendence to boredom that causes you to get lazy and careless... and dead. Better to find a spot to hide away and go do something else for awhile. Edited December 20, 2014 by ENO75 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hekp 223 Posted December 20, 2014 (edited) Don't worry, in a matter of hrs you will known the game inside out and will be able to gear yourself in a matter of minutes.Than you will start to miss the old days of constantly getting lost and seeing all the "new" stuff :) I made my way west but while free-looking around I got a bit disorienated2x alt for toggle neck mode will do the trick. Good story there Halp. I read yesterday about the crying... I think it's folks who are sick from being injured by zombies- Either that or a troll... sounds like there have been a couple of instances of that reported throughout the forums.Im afraid you got trolled. Your character begins to randomly laugh& cry after consuming human flesh, which you can obtain by skinning off a dead player. You will cry every 5-8?minutes. I also read they will add random muscle twitching of your character which will occur every few seconds; a dead giveaway. You can lower the chances of getting it by cooking the human meat, but you cant nullify the chances ( i believe the cooked one gives you 25% chance of getting the symptoms and the raw one gives 75%). Be advised that sometimes you can hear these sounds in the "background" as a result of audio bug (just like splitting ammo sound etc)Here you can hear all the cannibal sounds ; That's why I hesitated to enter the tower, knowing there's someone somewhere with bad eating habbits and im all down with apples & berries. Edited December 20, 2014 by halp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted December 21, 2014 (edited) Yesterday was a bit of a mixed bag of clumsy mistakes, glitches and I also met my first bandit / murderer. I had wondered around Brez for awhile trying to get my bearings on the map I was using (an online one I dug up from around Brez)- trying to find the hospital and water well... Took me awhile unfortunately having made it to the church before I realized I was way too far north. Doubled back and got to the hospital but really didn't find much of any interest. I haven't actually loaded a rifle / gun in about 10 hours of various lives... I'll find loads of ammo and no long rifle... or a variety of weapons and no ammo. Headed back North for a bit to check out some of the larger buildings I'd missed but again came up more or less empty handed. Was tucked away somewhere in Brez reading some points about one of the maps I had brought up and realized this one particular icon I wasn't sure about was a helicopter crash site. Figured I'd head there- but ended up being lazy about it, thinking given that it was night that I could mince my way up the coast and when I got to a boat (marked as an icon on the map) I would jog in 90 degrees and walk until I got there. I got to a point where I was CERTAIN I'd overshot it- then got curious about what the boat icon even meant... ship aground? Dingy? Dock? I ducked down in a place where I thought I'd be hard to see, especially while motionless- and I had an earphone in one ear as I browsed for answers. I heard a "CLAP" and it took me a second before I realized that sounded an awful lot like a near miss... I went through my quick 1+1=2 assessment (proximity to crash site + coastline = bandit) and started to leg it over to a nearby orchard hoping that I could do a few turns through there and break contact, then just go to ground. So I did a quick zigzag through the trees, dropped and rolled about 5 times to give some distance to the spot I'd hoped to drop out of site... The guy was right behind me so in a few seconds this dude in a motorcycle helmet boiled up from the darkness. I tried to talk to him but I'm not 100% sure my mic works- I said "Hello?" ( first in game words) in kind of a nervous voice since I wasn't sure how this was going to play out... and he just put his shotgun to my head and pulled the trigger. I got lazy- going against my own advice to just put the game down and go do something else. Take a little more time and spread it out... Well- I paid the price (again). Next go around I cut a corner and got detected by zombies with only a machete- got hit bad and my rags were soaked with blood so I couldn't use them... while running house to house trying to find something to tear up I got the attention of more zeds and before I knew it I had 3 or 4 of them doing the zed conga-shuffle while I flailed helplessly and gradually bled out. Greatest thing that happened last night turned out to be a total disappointment later. I was doing a recce on a factory... up in the shadows, moving slowly... sticking to the bushes and not depending on grass what with that distance rendering thing- and as I was making my way heard the "Crack... gulp gulp gulp" of someone drinking a soda. I'm POSITIVE I heard the gulp gulp... I froze- certain there was someone in my immediate area but uncertain as to whether or not they popped the silver bullet as a friendly way of getting my attention. Then another. I sat still for probably 5 minutes- free looking around (thanks for the x2 alt hint btw)... waiting for whoever it was to move or give me a sign or just shoot me. Nothing. I decided it was too close to the coast (navigational error brought me WAY too far south east) and now feeling too exposed, so I beat cheeks out of there. I ended up in a totally different part of the map working some other town to the NW and while I moved through the trees I hear that "CRACK" again... I froze... no gulp gulp gulp this time though- but the exact same sound the soda makes when you open it. By the time I'd heard it 3-4 times I realized it was just the sound of me walking over a twig or something... That a known issue? (I mean the fact that it's sounds like the same sound file used- not the fact that you walk on twigs that make noise when they break) Also had a few items visible to my proximity window that had actually clipped through the floor. Another issue I noticed was that I tried to swap out a bag with a larger, darker bag and the one I had dropped through the floor with all my stuff in it. I ended up finding it downstairs (thank god) but it made me start wondering if that's what's happening to other guys when they're switching out gear and it gets lost (I had that happen a few times too- leaves a white imprint on your inventory window but no trace of it anywhere). Anyway- hope you guys don't mind my rambling diatribes... Edited December 21, 2014 by ENO75 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Swither (DayZ) 4 Posted December 21, 2014 The soda can noise and cracks seem to be background noises and not always players. A bit like the chain fence noise you can hear even if you are in the middle of woods. I have been playing now for days and have yet to see anyone, let alone get shot at. I have gone from Berizino to NW airfield, the big castle, Electro and am now heading inland to find a truck to drive.Where is everyone? This is on full 40 man servers too. Found an SKS but decided to stick to my magnum & auto shotgun as my aiming looks like it is very shaky even though I tried a splint, morphine and I'm healthy? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eno 1049 Posted December 22, 2014 I'm with you swither... I've seen a few people by the beach but just saw my first person inland today near the NW airport. I was skulking around in the trees and caught him running over to the ATC in the corner of my eye. That was my reminder that I was in contested space and to be careful! I never found much of interest- again, a bunch of ammo but no matching gun. I found an SKS too but no ammo for it. Sigh. I tried a busier server yesterday... but today I stuck to my little corner of nowhere banging around in 4-5 person ones. Still trying to get a feel for how to do everything- also being mindful of how the camo works at distances. I hear that chain link in the middle of the forest too- annoying. There's also a flapping noise that sort of sounds like machine gun fire in the distance... that one had me excited for a bit too- until I heard it about a hundred more times in the next hour. I'm not ready for elektro yet... I kind of want to sit back and watch it all go down from a distance- But I'll keep my guns stowed so guys don't come in and think I'm just sitting there sniping. You're braver than I am Swither. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killawife 599 Posted December 22, 2014 Today I spawned in Elektro, met a bunch of guys there that didn't try to kill me for once, which was nice. Went to solnichy and found a talkative fellow there. We ran around for a while looking for some fishing utensils til some assholes showed up and killed us. I ran to my corpse but they had hidden it. I then had to run north to try and find some food but there was nothing. I tried growing some plants but the ground was to dry and I couldnt water it. I dig up a bunch of worms and ate them in desperation but it didn't seem to do nothing for the hunger. I then found two dead player bodies. I looked around for a knife so i could eat them but couldnt find one so I ran further north. Just as I got to Berezino outskirts I passed out and never woke up. Took me about 20 minutes to starve to death. I respawned in cherno. Almost right away i was hungry and thirsty. There was guys shooting so I stayed away. After a while I could find some food and weapons and continued on to the airfield. It was empty so I logged out. Nice statuseffects: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites