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Your thoughts on the newest implementations

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I still haven't tried the upcoming patch, am kinda scared of the hypo/hyper-termia thing to be honest but I guess I will probably get a hang of it quite soon. The only thing I've noticed from seeing some thread about it that they should tone it down a little as it seems that hyper/hypo-termia progress is quite rapid if you understand what I mean to say. Anyhow can hear some thoughts from more experienced players who actually tested the new patch, and perhaps some other new things I'm not aware.

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I like it. I try to avoid rain and dry my clothes when I can to avoid hypo - hyper, and try to find raincoats and gorka jackets. I didn't get much hyper thermia though and was cold most of the time, even while running long distances and being dry.


It didn't bother me and I liked what it added to immersion, but it definitely needs some tweaking.


The rest of the 0.49 patch will come later on, with the new items, etc. (Looking forward to test the new shotgun, find fingerless gloves and get attacked by wolves!)

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Ok let me see....


First Look to WOBO's video about it here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLXhrRCHfYs


  My thoughts on it is...


Its a Game Changer for how we all play DayZ atm. The Weather will make you think twice about what you do.


Its a bit extreme atm. the hot/cold thing but.. You are going to need clothes for different weather..


My two bits anyway.


Good Luck :)


Hunt Well


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I love it! The hint of things to come but I will always be left wanting....

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I think this will have a positive effect once it's tweaked & operates properly. It will really add to the survival aspect of the game.

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 I didn't get much hyper thermia though and was cold most of the time, even while running long distances and being dry.



Wasn't sure about some of the reports i was hearing.  Not sure why you'd get hyper and hypo for the most part, I'd have thought it would be one or the other.

Hopefully if it's unforgiving like i'd expect Europe / Eastern EU to be, then we can get some better clothing and heatpacks to stick into your jowels for a quick fix.

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its a needed Addition...Needs tweaking of course. Next up...more in depth Stamina System please.

Altho to wring out clothing one should have to take it off and empty it beforehand.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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Implementing weather conditions when the engine needs big improvements in the collision system (how the objects interact with each other) is going to probably kill the game apart from the hacking problems that occurred the last couple of days.


Good gear is the only way to survive an unexpected encounter with zombies, it ruins your good gear but at least you have a little chance of survival. As the zombies are implemented right now, the game will be too much of a complication to allow beginners or solo players to continue their adventures.


Moreover the temperature effects are not totally realistic as from the videos I’ve seen, walking in the woods or being in a house doesn’t lower the body temperature despite not being in the direct sunlight. This will lead to some seriously ridiculous situation where you’ll have people being caught by surprise by a zombie quickly run away to have the time to change gear, take some knocks in the process, try to kill the Z with their good gear then put back their now ruined light clothing (because of the damages while swapping clothing) in order not to die of heat.


The only way to make this work is to change the way zombies spawn so that you can take a shot to quickly take down a Z without having the endless re-spawn thing forcing you to run away. We could then walk with lighter clothing confident in the fact that we have an option to quickly end the fight by using a gun.


The game is promising but stuff like that brings nothing to the survival especially if only half implemented. It’s an early access yes but there are way more important features to add before this one, the guy who made the video about the temperature effects in 0.49 explained that his character died 3 times of dehydration while shooting.

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dare i say its work in Progress ?

Alas..it will be intresting if fully fleshed out. The game must become alot harder and hopefully will piss off more of the idiots beign used to run with no end and not caring about weather/wear and tear..ect.

It’s an early access yes but...

I love when they go..."i know ist early Access but..:" no ..no..most People dont...

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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Did anybody get sick or passed out from hypo/hyperthermia?? All got was spam of massages. 

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I still haven't tried the upcoming patch, am kinda scared of the hypo/hyper-termia thing to be honest but I guess I will probably get a hang of it quite soon. The only thing I've noticed from seeing some thread about it that they should tone it down a little as it seems that hyper/hypo-termia progress is quite rapid if you understand what I mean to say. Anyhow can hear some thoughts from more experienced players who actually tested the new patch, and perhaps some other new things I'm not aware.

Currently due to the broken experimental servers it's been hard for me to give it a really good test, but what I've managed to test has been cool.

I wasn't having the same issues as others were having in regards to the hypothermia, hyperaemia thing, granted, I had to run around with just a t-shirt on because the minute I put anything else on, such as a hoodie I'd start sweating and that's before I even moved.


However I managed to jog all the way from Svetlo to Berezino with a hoodie on with yellow thirst and yellow hunger and in constant showers, just had to stop once in awhile to dry my cloths out before the next shower came, which is what I was doing just before Rify when some guy came out of nowhere and took 3 shots at me with a Mosin from like 10 feet away, missed every shot lol, took me a few seconds to figure out where he was, while I'm running around like a head-less-chicken trying to pull my axe, finely spotted him and put up chase, I was inches away when he pulled a pistol and from about 90 to 95 degree angle from me he somehow managed to get a head shot on me.

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So, it actualy doesnt have efect on actual health yet? I guess its still in testing phase so they see it it actualy works or not. I noticed I got bloored vision when loging in with hyperthermia. But menu>configure>video turs it of. Maybe in future we get bloored vision or shaking.

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wind chill factor can bring surfaces to lower temperatures than ambient, so being outside should be colder to some degree, i feel that if you're in an environment where hypo-theremia is possible, then hyper-thermia should be impossible, unless they're going for 'can't warm/cool too fast without going into shock' thing...  From what i've heard, there can be both indications seen within a play-session which doesn't make sense to me.  But then i find it interesting to see that people in Italy die from heatstroke (usually elderly) when it's only 28C, when i live in a country with averages of 30+C albeit with 50%+ humidity..

I'm quite excited to see where it goes.  I think it should stop lots of rooftop and woodland's edge snipers like the Western Hills of Berry, but if they do release things like heat-packs and thermal clothing then they may be able to come prepared and negate these effects.


For the average survivalist this will be great, but i'm yet to see how this will affect pvp aspects of the game. I'm sure there's quite some tweaking to be done too.

Edited by q.S Sachiel

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First off they need to decide what season it is. It can't be that I need wool coat and a t-shirt same day. If it's early autumn as suggested be leaf colours, a hoodie should be enough to get you areound, and unless you are running around in a winter jacket hyper-thermia shouldn't be a problem. 

Not to mention that addition of over heating from running  in a game where the only mean of travel is running and zeds run like sprinters from Jamaica is just stupid. 

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To think the young retards will go away so easily because of the weather conditions is not understanding what they’re looking for. They don’t care at their gear, they don’t care to survive, the only thing they’re looking for is to have some CoD fun. If they ruin your day it's just more fun for them while they hear you yelling in your mic.


They will continue to do the same stuff as before, the only thing that will happen is that you’ll have naked psychos with a mosin on the roofs instead of a fully equiped guy. In the streets you will have naked fanatics with payday masks and an axe chasing the other players that are trying to survive because they will be such an easy pray with all their gear heating their body faster than the freaks do.

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@Max...somehow this sounds really interesting....

*naked Psychos with saw-off mosins...

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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I love the weather effects on exp. I didn't overheat or catch a cold and it made me play differently i.e. I didn't run long distances through rain etc. Obviously it needs tweeking but it's a great addition imho.

Edited by freethink

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To think the young retards will go away so easily because of the weather conditions is not understanding what they’re looking for. They don’t care at their gear, they don’t care to survive, the only thing they’re looking for is to have some CoD fun. If they ruin your day it's just more fun for them while they hear you yelling in your mic.


They will continue to do the same stuff as before, the only thing that will happen is that you’ll have naked psychos with a mosin on the roofs instead of a fully equiped guy. In the streets you will have naked fanatics with payday masks and an axe chasing the other players that are trying to survive because they will be such an easy pray with all their gear heating their body faster than the freaks do.


All the things on stable branch 2nd September 2014 that he needs to survive against

- No harsh weather

- No diseases

- Over abundance of food

- Over abundance of warm clothing

- Over abundance of weapons and ammunition 

- Few broken zeds


My god you're right, so much to struggle against in this game I don't even know how do you make it, 

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My thoughts are: "Yeah, bring them on!"


But they are only on experimental. There is a section to discuss the experimental patches. Sometimes it is confusing that people post them in the regular forum. Then the question comes up, if they are on stable or experimental. And many are disappointed when they do not hear them to be on stable.

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Because the experimental patch discussion is so hidden from the "General discussion" People just dont know it exists...in this regard this forum Needs some layout work ;)

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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If properly tuned and balanced with sensible options to offset or deal with the effects, it will make for a welcome addition and another aspect that players will have to learn to deal with.  If badly implemented it will be a huge nightmare, so this is something they need to take their time with an really test out.

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I love the weather so far. It's not done yet, of course, but it's a fantastic addition. I also wouldn't worry too much as things stand. Hyperthermia right now is far easier to get than hypo (partly due to no cold weather/night occurring on exp servers) but this can be avoided by taking some cool-down breaks and just not wearing a ton of heavy/really warm gear when it's all sunny and nice out. I've actually not been able to get hypothermia at all yet, even yesterday when I was half-heartedly trying to do so in the rain. I basically just ran around wet (wasn't wearing rain gear) and despite getting lots of messages about being cold never got to a serious body heat level. I probably should have tried stripping down and sitting out in a field but I kept getting distracted.

Edited by Ebrim

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Love it. Loot system is broken but that will be fixed soon enough. When you are roaming around on a full server with almost no loot and you find a single can of beans and a raincoat and it gives you the shevers you know they did it right. 

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Love it. Loot system is broken but that will be fixed soon enough. When you are roaming around on a full server with almost no loot and you find a single can of beans and a raincoat and it gives you the shevers you know they did it right. 

And than there is a sound of a gun shot or a swinged axe and all you see is the you are dead screen. 

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First off they need to decide what season it is. It can't be that I need wool coat and a t-shirt same day. If it's early autumn as suggested be leaf colours, a hoodie should be enough to get you areound, and unless you are running around in a winter jacket hyper-thermia shouldn't be a problem. 


You obviously don't live in the Midwest of U.S. In September we can wake up with it being below freezing and have it high 70s - low 80s that same day. Going the opposite direction is even more likely where you have a warm over night into a hot afternoon and then snow that night. It all depends on where the jet stream decides to swing. 

So Minnesota where I currently live:


Largest single-day change 71 °F drop (39 °C drop) April 3, 1982 


Fastest temperature drop: 27.2 °C (49 °F) in 15 minutes; Rapid City, South Dakota, 1911-01-10.

Fastest temperature rise: 27 °C (49 °F) in two minutes; Spearfish, South Dakota, 1943-01-22.

Think about it going from 20 degrees to 70 degrees or the other way around in under a half hour. I know in the Spring and Fall in Minnesota I dress in layers and always carry spare clothing in the car if going anywhere. If it's cool I bring shorts and wear a t-shirt under my other shirts. If it warm I bring pants and a light jacket/hoody or sweater along. You have to or you end up sick when the weather suddenly changes and you are sweating/freezing.

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