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I am very pleased with the progress being made.

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Since I am sick of the incessant whining and moaning about nothing lets talk about good things tat have happened with the game.


I will use Persistent re-spawning Zombies as my example. 


Today I decided to do a Zombie persistence test so I hit the NWAF and picked up a tail of three 1st generation Zeds near the tower and headed to the North end of the Air Field.


1) The Zeds were in hot pursuit all the way.to the first Hangar on the North end of the field a distance of 460 meters.


2) At the Hangar I turned right to the North East and got on the road and stayed on it making sure not to lose my Zed  escort, Distance about a 360 meters.


3)Then with my escort intact I turned left onto the dirt road that leads to open fields at a bend in the road distance traveled 600 meters.


4) From there I traveled straight North with my crew of pus bags in tow. and stopped In the open country about 75 meters East of the Deer stand and shot all three Zeds with the Longhorn and moved about 100 meters to the North. In about a minute the Zombies re-spawned and now my escort consisted of a Hopper, a Military Zed and a Female Zed. from there I led them North through the open fields to the Train tracks a distance of about 750 meters. 


5) I stopped on the tracks turned in their direction and shot the three of them when they were about 100 meters to the south of the tracks.


6)From there I moved 500meters to the North East and arrived at the row of storage lockers near the Large factory building and hog pens. When I looked back I saw only two zeds, the Female and the Military Zed. I shot those when they got on the concrete pad. I moved back to see where the hopper was and it was stopped about 250meters from the Storage lockers in a ditch. I got its attention and then  headed again to the North East for 500 meters and was followed only by that Hopper. I shot that one when I got to the edge of the tree line. From there I headed North for a Long way, stayed in the forest and lost whatever else might have spawned.


So how far was that run?


Leg 1 Tower to Hangar 460 meters

Leg 2 Hangar to bend in the road 360meters

Leg 3 Bend in the road to another bend in the dirt road 600meters

Leg 4 750 meters from the Deer Stand to the tracks

Leg 5 Tracks to storage lockers 500 meters

Leg 6 storage lockers to treeline 400---500 meters  


That's a chase of about 3.2 kilometers (3.17km). Not too shabby. Clearly the Developers have provided a persistent zombie threat over distance,  and that's a good thing. 


I guess the moral of the story is that If you don't want to burn ammo and get chased try not to shoot or otherwise kill first generation Zeds. 1st Gen Zeds can see out to ~200meters but second generation Zeds can see about three times that far.


I consider that a pleasing and massive improvement over what the Zeds were not so long ago.


What other good things can we talk about?    







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Ragdolls. It feels much more satisfying to kill someone when they slump to the ground like a real dead body vs a static animation that you've seen 1000 times.

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Ragdolls. It feels much more satisfying to kill someone when they slump to the ground like a real dead body vs a static animation that you've seen 1000 times.


I really think a lot of new stuff was pushed in the current past, also biggies. They may not work so great just yet, but that's to be expected. Funny that you mention ragdolls though, they are a start, but currently they tell you, if a person is dead. No ragdoll, when they are unconscious.


I got the feeling that 0.48 has over time improved greatly on server side. At the beginning there was bad desync stuff going on, ppl being teleported back after desync, ... and even while it still happens, zeds don't seem to hit me inside houses when they are somewhere different so often any more. Either there were "silent" server updates, or I got lucky with the servers I joined the past few days. At the start of 0.48 we had several resetted chars in our group, instadeaths on second floors because of broken legs and one guy had disconnects every 20 minutes or so, now all that seems like a bad memory. And all that without a client update, so I guess they did patch servers. Loot respawing needs more time, but also got a start and is evolving, that's a really big one for me. Of course not all is great, but I see progress.

Edited by bautschi
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But they spawn out of thin air and go through walls and floors... Stairs.

The zombies are so broken that they destroy the immersion factor of the game.

Its like a cheap japanese arcade game because they are so badly implemented so far.

The threat at a distance does not make them a great part of the game.

Hopefully they will be fixed soon.

Edited by hothtimeblues
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I've been having a blast with this game since day 2 of release when I picked it up.


Of course, I don't go in expecting a 100% fully functional masterpiece of a game. I expect an early alpha game.


I think one of the unintended consequences of the devs having such a close relationship and interaction with the community and a very open development process is that a lot of people now think their opinion is significant.

Edited by Grindstone
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The communication from the devs in my opinion has dramatically improved over the last couple months.

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I no longer have those little red chains when I have players around.  That was a huge improvement.  Over all the game is much more stable now.

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Im very happy with all the updates so far. The zombies I have encountered dont go through walls anymore but they still glitch hit you. Once that is fixed it will be perfect

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Considering it's nowhere near completion I really have nothing negative to say about the game. I'm really excited to see what is in tomorrow's status report. Very much hoping for enhanced climate effects with 0.49.

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1) But they spawn out of thin air and go through walls and floors... Stairs.

2) The zombies are so broken that they destroy the immersion factor of the game.

3) Its like a cheap japanese arcade game because they are so badly implemented so far.

4) The threat at a distance does not make them a great part of the game.

Hopefully they will be fixed soon.

Do you ever get tired of whining hothtimeblues?


1) They re-spawn anywhere within a circle with a 100 meter radius of where the Zed died, and  most of the time outside of the players perception.


Clue!! re-spawning is how they have decided to beef up the numbers of Zombies without over taxing the system. shit you would have a little crying duck if 20 zombies attacked you simultaneously, and you would also be crying about the lag and frame rate drop that number of active critters would cause.  


2)I haven't seen them running through floors and walls or failing to climb stairs to go after you in quite awhile. There are more of them they are faster and they hit harder than they did and that's all good.


3) The problem is that you are not in command of the design team right? I am sure you could show Bohemia a thing or two..couldn't you? :lol: (wouldn't that be a sight)


4) There is no threat at a distance from Zombies. However for unaware solo players zombies can be a real problem if that player has his/her head up his/her ass  


hothtimeblues,.  consider the possibility that it is not theDayZ  zombies that are badly broken so with that in mind perhaps its time for you to shove off and find a game that you do like and that is worthy of your greatness ;)


hothtimeblues,.I specifically asked for the good things you have seen kid so by spraying your typical negative bull you are in the unenviable position of being off topic.


NO Beans for you!!!

Edited by Xbow
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Im very happy with all the updates so far. The zombies I have encountered dont go through walls anymore but they still glitch hit you. Once that is fixed it will be perfect

I actually trapped about half a dozen inside of the warehouses with the large sliding doors. It was great. I wanted to put down a note that said "DON'T DEAD OPEN INSIDE"

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i loved the mod and i love the SA.


Rockets vision has grown and matured along with our help and support.


Lately I feel like we are on the cusp of having a real idea of what this game will be like when nearing completion.


I like that they added a lot of sway and inaccuracy to long range shooting.


It really is more realistic than a perfectly static barrel, even if currently it's a bit exaggerated.


I think this mechanic has discouraged some sniping, which I'm ok with.

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Do you ever get tired of whining hothtimeblues?

Gave beans after this sentence...

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PersisTENTS !


Zombies are much better.


Map is coming along nicely.


Hunting/cooking/camping is giving me that warm fuzzy...


New crafting options / items / gunz are also nice.


Keep up the good work devs.

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Personally, the fishing mechanic. It's simple, and very basic, but works perfectly. In a matter of weeks the animations got tweaked and feel much better, even if it's still very limited. It took the stand alone a few months to get fishing going, while it took almost 2 years for the mod to get fishing mechanics. I play a lot of other survival games and most mentioned including fishing but have yet been implemented so I'm very glad we got it.



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Sticks! i love that they now come from trees and are available to collect and use, instead of finding an old decroded stick that was broken, collected and stored before the virus... dont want to place that in a rag against my torn/lacerated skin where the bone pokes through...

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I actually trapped about half a dozen inside of the warehouses with the large sliding doors. It was great. I wanted to put down a note that said "DON'T DEAD OPEN INSIDE"

That's fucking awesome :thumbsup:   You have a new can of beans to enjoy!!


I've Loved SA from the day I first played it. When this game is finished its going to be absolutely awesome. As it is I ignore all my other games except for the old Fallout I & 2 games but I play those only rarely now.


I had a guy that I didn't see try to zap me at the NWAF tent city for the crime of looting I guess. Previously I had to finish off a couple of Zombies. Suddenly Pop Pop Pop..Damn I'm glad that prick couldn't shoot for shit. I hauled ass and got to cover and then heard more shooting in the tent city..he was now the zombie target. :lol:  I went back in immediately and he was being chased by three Zeds. From about 100 yards  I dropped him with the AK101 but he wasn't dead...the Zeds took care of that detail as I made my exit.  But just as I was about to go into gloat mode a Hopper Zed jumped me and nailed me in the legs. It ruined my pants and boots and got me bleeding a bit. The puke also ruined my compass two cans of chow and an FNX magazine (everything I had in my pants).  Now That's entertainment!!!    

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Look, I really don't want to be rude to you, but this game is more broken than it's ever been. Yes, it could be great, and perhaps for you it remains great. But for very large number of erstwhile players, it's almost completely pointless even bothering to play it. And we've paid for the privilege.


To be entirely candid, Dean has taken $60m from the likes of you and I, and has managed to produce a game that is less playable than it was three months ago. And, frankly, that sucks.

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Frankly, it's still Alpher.


Why is the DayZ SA dev team supposed to perform faster than industry standard?


The game may break to different degrees, at different times.


I have experienced crash bugs, wipe bugs, poor zombie interactions, hackers, and then some for 2+ years.


If nothing in the above sentence sounds tolerable to you, this may not be the Alpha project for you.


Back to the SUBJECT, which is positivity....


I have a great sense that Rocket and Co have little interest in pandering to the masses.


If you combine all of the character specific factors and environmental factors that will come to bear on this game over the next months/year/years, you can start to see how this will not be the deathmatch FPS game that some people insist on trying to make it.


Survival for all types of players (good/neutral/evil) will take painstaking strategy and often end in failure not due to being KoS'd.


The way you explained zombie aggro made it sound like less of the "never ending zombie bug" than a legit short term tactic to ramp up zombies (glitched or otherwise).


"When in doubt, add more zombies." - Rocket


I think if there was a finite amount that they could spawn in this fashion it would make a little more sense to me.


I lost a well geared, well worn character to this basically because I didn't really understand the mechanic at play.


I guess I would never have been able to shoot my way to safety....

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*whine snip*

you dident get the OP´s Intention here dident you...stop whining...it gets repetitive and anoying.

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Look, I really don't want to be rude to you, but this game is more broken than it's ever been. Yes, it could be great, and perhaps for you it remains great. But for very large number of erstwhile players, it's almost completely pointless even bothering to play it. And we've paid for the privilege.


To be entirely candid, Dean has taken $60m from the likes of you and I, and has managed to produce a game that is less playable than it was three months ago. And, frankly, that sucks.

I disagree with your analysis but since you don't see the improvements that have been made I doubt that you have played the game much over an extended period of time. I also doubt that you REALLY know what the terms ALPHA and EARLY ACCESS mean.  It sure doesn't mean you bought a polished end product hombre. you bought a work in progress.


And as  BioHaze wisely said ,"Why is the DayZ SA dev team supposed to perform faster than industry standard?" A very good question!!!!


I remember when the long awaited AKM first came out and it was just about useless since it was slewing and bouncing all over the place..fixed in a week or ten days. 

Edited by Xbow
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Look, I really don't want to be rude to you, but this game is more broken than it's ever been. Yes, it could be great, and perhaps for you it remains great. But for very large number of erstwhile players, it's almost completely pointless even bothering to play it. And we've paid for the privilege.


To be entirely candid, Dean has taken $60m from the likes of you and I, and has managed to produce a game that is less playable than it was three months ago. And, frankly, that sucks.

To be entirely candid, Bohemia sold 2m copies of the game and are adding additional features and changes to it constantly, and frankly, that's how development happens.

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Do you ever get tired of whining hothtimeblues?

1) They re-spawn anywhere within a circle with a 100 meter radius of where the Zed died, and most of the time outside of the players perception.

Clue!! re-spawning is how they have decided to beef up the numbers of Zombies without over taxing the system. shit you would have a little crying duck if 20 zombies attacked you simultaneously, and you would also be crying about the lag and frame rate drop that number of active critters would cause.

2)I haven't seen them running through floors and walls or failing to climb stairs to go after you in quite awhile. There are more of them they are faster and they hit harder than they did and that's all good.

3) The problem is that you are not in command of the design team right? I am sure you could show Bohemia a thing or two..couldn't you? :lol: (wouldn't that be a sight)

4) There is no threat at a distance from Zombies. However for unaware solo players zombies can be a real problem if that player has his/her head up his/her ass

hothtimeblues,. consider the possibility that it is not theDayZ zombies that are badly broken so with that in mind perhaps its time for you to shove off and find a game that you do like and that is worthy of your greatness ;)

hothtimeblues,.I specifically asked for the good things you have seen kid so by spraying your typical negative bull you are in the unenviable position of being off topic.

NO Beans for you!!!

So because I have a higher standard and desire for the game to reach it's full potential, I am not welcome as a DayZ fan?

I was giving my opinion and reasons why I can't wait until zombies are better implemented. The more we criticize and point out major flaws, the more aware the project can be about what needs to be fixed and what is unacceptable.

Just last night I tried to play on a half full server and the ambient noises were so bad I had no clue whether someone was 6 inches behind me or 5 towns away from me. Since this is just alpha, we can chalk this up as to just an issue that needs time. But for people to try and say that the progress is awesome and that Zombies are freaking wonderful now..... It's just crazy. There is far more justification to say that there are still many big issues after 9 months.

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I think if there was a finite amount that they could spawn in this fashion it would make a little more sense to me. I lost a well geared, well worn character to this basically because I didn't really understand the mechanic at play. I guess I would never have been able to shoot my way to safety....

Well said and I agree 100%  When the Zombies changed my fully equipped character got caught with his pants down in Novy Sobor. To make a long story short I was used to a low number of non re-spawning zombies that I could eliminate relatively easily. But these little pricks were now re-spawning rapidly and after killing a dozen or so I got nailed by a hopper and ended up bleeding with a broken arm. I ran to an upper story and bandaged and just as I finished two Zeds entered the room and I got nailed again and had to bandage again and the broken arm still needed attention. I ran out of town with my tail tucked and went out as far as I thought necessary and hid in some brush only to find that my morphine and all my bandages were ruined. Just then two Zeds pounded on my character and because my character was kneeling he took a lethal head shot and got killed .


As it is you can't shoot out an infestation, If you stay in an area the re-spawns can run you out of ammo and keep coming. Logically a crew or even a Solo should be able to clear a small area and if enough Zeds are killed fast enough further re-spawning should be halted for five minutes or so. Now once that time has elapsed they should re-spawn with a vengeance and if you haven't finished looting and hauled ass by then expect and instant replay.  


But I guess what I am talking about there is balancing and that isn't important in a relatively early ALPHA stage. I'm sure they will balance things out soon enough so that the player will have the opportunity to win a small temporary victory of limited scope. You should be able to shoot your way to some temporary safety.


As it is you can go into a town like Novy Sobor and agitate the Zeds and get them to chase you out of town and into some dead space where they can be killed and then the player can return to the town via a path where the zed re-spawns can't see you and the town would be pretty cleaned out. I have had some success with this method that I saw in a WOBO video. However the best method is as we all know now is to know what you want, where it might be, move rapidly from target to target, avoid shooting the first generation Zeds, and then beat a hasty retreat with your loot.      


hothtimeblues  wrote, "But for people to try and say that the progress is awesome and that Zombies are freaking wonderful now..... It's just crazy. There is far more justification to say that there are still many big issues after 9 months."


No one is actually saying that sport. What is being said is that WE see the progress that has been made and like it. Do you really have higher standards or do you simply have unrealistic childish expectations?  Apparently all you see is that the sky is falling and that the glass is half empty. And by the way 9 months isn't jack shit with respect to how long it takes to create a fucking game (3 to 5 years).


However, if you want to bitch moan and complain that is your right. Soooo have at it and keep on crying about things that are already known to the developers and other players, but remember you will be seen as a nattering nabob of negativity for that.   


Sorry hothtimeblues NO Beans for you!

Edited by Xbow
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Look, I really don't want to be rude to you, but this game is more broken than it's ever been. Yes, it could be great, and perhaps for you it remains great. But for very large number of erstwhile players, it's almost completely pointless even bothering to play it. And we've paid for the privilege.


To be entirely candid, Dean has taken $60m from the likes of you and I, and has managed to produce a game that is less playable than it was three months ago. And, frankly, that sucks.


Dean hasn't produced the game yet, you can say something like that in probably 2 years or so.


When I look at the last there were plenty of things added to the game in terms of features. Crafting, zed movement with navmesh (not perfect yet, but certainly a plus), items, basic loot spawn, first tries of persistance and item lifetime, ... . Whatever. A lot of those don't work great yet, but they got a start. At the same time I have better performance now (not at the start of 48) and it feels like server lag and combat lag are at an all time low for me. There was a time when I refused to go on servers with more than 25 ppl because of lag, now I only play on full 40s and performance is better than ever before. The only thing not better than before for me currently is melee, but that's getting a do over. I am seeing different feedback from some ppl, almost like some have real trouble and a completely different experience with the current build, no idea why, but that's a different topic called "Why do performance issues/desync/whatever impact some ppl so greatly and why is that".


So because I have a higher standard and desire for the game to reach it's full potential, I am not welcome as a DayZ fan?

I was giving my opinion and reasons why I can't wait until zombies are better implemented. The more we criticize and point out major flaws, the more aware the project can be about what needs to be fixed and what is unacceptable.

Just last night I tried to play on a half full server and the ambient noises were so bad I had no clue whether someone was 6 inches behind me or 5 towns away from me. Since this is just alpha, we can chalk this up as to just an issue that needs time. But for people to try and say that the progress is awesome and that Zombies are freaking wonderful now..... It's just crazy. There is far more justification to say that there are still many big issues after 9 months.


Everyone here want's better zeds, but everyone should be able to see that they are evolving. What you want is an instafix for all problems, so they are great tomorrow. As far as I am concerned zed behaviour, numbers and melee might in the end be a main problem for DayZ, just as desync and other performance dependant things. You have no higher standard and desire for the game to reach it's full potential than anyone else, at least I cannot see that in any of the posts I have read from you.


If I were a dev, the more the "community" criticizes the same things again and again on a daily basis - things you can be sure devs are aware of, unless you think the are total itiots, the more the "community" could kiss my ass. Every time I read something where someone thinks its useful to point out how we should change priorities and rip ppl out of teams and put them somewhere else because they THINK something is more important, the community could kiss my ass. Every time I read threads where everyone who is a gamer and his dog is all of a sudden a pro software project lead, the community could kiss my ass.

If you take the community and the opinions some here spew out all day long seriously as a dev, then there are only a few options: Suicide or quitting the job. Alternatives are not taking the community seriously any more and labelling them as idiots or filtering the feedback extremely before starting to even think about it. Otherwise only the most die hard masochists could cope with this "community".


If you really think that "the more we criticize and point out major flaws, the more aware the project can be about what needs to be fixed and what is unacceptable", then you label the devs as complete idiots, not more, not less. Good luck with leading software projects yourself in the future with that attitude. Can just imagine the meetings with you treating everyone as if they had the intelligence of a toddler and telling them that everything they did sucks, because it's not at the standard expected in the end while totally ignoring that there are still years to go till final.


Either way, the OP asked "What other good things can we talk about? " There is complain threat specifically for complaining and plenty others going in that direction as well. You have complained in plenty of different topics, fine. I don't need to agree with you. But this thread is specifically not about bitching around all day long. As someone already pointed out, you missed the topic. That's a simple fail in class since 3rd grade or at least was where I got educated. It's not useful to go into every thread, totally ignore what the topic is and writing the same things again and again. Complain in the complain threads.


EDIT: I am a software dev and I would not have the nerve to take this "community" seriously, hats of to hicks and others who actually read this forum, even the "This game sucks" thread.

Edited by bautschi
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