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Shrub Rocketeer ™

pig killers make serios mistake

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today in morning I was relax in the forest look for pig I see 2 pig one was boar one was true pig I was very in good mood because is first time after MANY HOUR OF LOOK FOR I follow true pig around and I see 3 player coming from north airport direction WITH AKM AND MOSIN so I going proned vary fast say goodbye to pig because I think he seeing also and was ran away in the trees I do crawl to be in the rocks but they seeing me and then they shot 3 times in my area si I think 'ok maybe this is good time for going' and I push C for stand and WW for fast sprint and I was zig zag around in the trees but they was chase me.


i was run for maybe 2 minute and they were shot maybe 5 time and they make a hit on me i was bled but i don't have time to make bandage i say in direct 'hey i am frendly please we can talk no shot?' but they was shot even more times after so i see the small town i realise i can lost them here so i do across feld no cover gamble sprint and i am find the house with door open i going inside and after outside and keep movbe across street and i was crouch behind bin and make a bandage


they was look for me they saying 'come out don't be scare we don't kill you' but i don't beleve so i stay vary quiet behind the bin and one was akm guy he running so close to me but don't see me and going into one house with piano so i do quick run to opposite way and there was 2 more and they shot again and i was bled but alive and i go behind the shop into a garage and close door for make another bandage and i was hear them run past me so i stop to move stay still like statue and think how to escap form this??? i have idea  i open garage doors and do QE look around corner IS NOBODY i running to the high house with workmans ladder and go the roof and here i am stay proned for maybe 20 minite and they was look for me EVRYWHARE


sometime i see one or 2  coming from building one was say 'bitch was combat log' him frend say 'yes what a bitch noob' but they don't know i am listen i shout 'HEY I AM NOT COMBAT LOG BITCH!!!!' they was vary surprise and they laugh i say 'can we talk now because i thing you will kill me but i ned water' they say 'you are guy we chase 30 minute and survive many shot?' i say 'yes i am same but you make me lost much healths' mosin man say 'ok come on you deserve water' i say 'ok but no shot' they were vary nice guys they give me rices and pistol and also everything for make fishing and i was explain i only was look the pig and they say 'haha we shot pig' so i pretend i don't care but i am vary angry about this so i say 'maybe i can stay around with you for 1 hour?' they say 'sure you can do this' i taking pistol and put ammos.


when they was doing inventory tetris i say 'THIS IS FOR PIG!!!' AND I SHOT ONE IN HEAD AND ONE I THINK WAS IN NECK AND LEG THEY DIE BUT OTHER ONE WITH AKM SAY 'HEY NOT FAIR WHY???' AND KILL ME WITH 20 BULLET but i am glad i kill 2 of them and i don't care 1 guy kill me and he was survive to tell the story what happen and maybe they thinking before next time put scope on pig

Edited by Shrub Rocketeer ™
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wow !

good story

yes Shrub !!

Edited by pilgrim
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Like always, great story! Shrubs, if you move to NWAF somethimes pm me, we can hang out for a few hours like in Cherno last time!

Edited by serb8
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"THIS IS FOR PIG" :D I imagine it with the voice of the russian fighter from Rocky :D


Good read

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He needed 20 bullets to kill you? I think you've really become one with the boar.

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Thus ended any chance they will ever show mercy again.

They never did :D They probably sucked so much they realized they could never kill him while running :D

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Every pig needs it's Shrub Rocketeer aka pig avenger!

And I have a dream...that maybe one day, Shrub's novels will make it into DayZ and become part of the lore.

They surely deserve such canonization.

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You just reminded me that I shot a boar and forgot to check on it because some action picked up on the other side of the building I was in.

Dang! I had a machete to chop it up with to!

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Great story, I'm just glad the pig was avenged.

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no this one is make wen my room mate in the college with best English was help me is some other also vary better English but now I am more confidant I doing alone becauase he going home for summer and my family speak no English so no help for me

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no this one is make wen my room mate in the college with best English was help me is some other also vary better English but now I am more confidant I doing alone becauase he going home for summer and my family speak no English so no help for me


Good save, sir.

Edited by Pillock

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