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My response to dupers.

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Is this a video game forum, or a lesson in etiquette? If all of you guys are as butthurt in real life as you act online, I feel bad for your friends. You'd never survive on a construction site, hah.

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Actually i'll back the OP on that statement regardless. The world would actually be a better place if the wilfully ignorant, arrogant, and downright stupid DID infact just off themselves. Thses cheating kiddies just grow up to be the self entitled teens demanding what they want when they want, who later become the arrogant SOB's were all forced to put up with IRL every day. Extreme? maybe, but id like a little more quality and a little less quantity in all that is humanity.


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Not saying that you sound a lot like Hitler, but this is VERY extreme. 90% of the population is ignorant, arrogant, or downright stupid

90% of what population? Regardless, I doubt you know 50% of what ever population you're talking about so do us all a favour and stop pulling inaccurate stats from your anus.

Edited by RagedDrew
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Actually i'll back the OP on that statement regardless. The world would actually be a better place if the wilfully ignorant, arrogant, and downright stupid DID infact just off themselves. Thses cheating kiddies just grow up to be the self entitled teens demanding what they want when they want, who later become the arrogant SOB's were all forced to put up with IRL every day. Extreme? maybe, but id like a little more quality and a little less quantity in all that is humanity.


Lel, suicide over a video game. This is what the generation has to offer.

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Not saying this makes anything right and I'm not trying to get attention, yeah, I know I was in the wrong, I somewhat regret what I said. It was a heat of the moment thing, the past two days I've been really agitated, no one will leave me alone to grieve for my best friend who died 5 months ago yesterday. To those of you who are going to say "how are you grieving by being on the dayz forums" it's called a distraction. So back off guys, that comment was coming from an agitated teenager to another teenager.


Again, not trying to get attention just read the comment and go on with your life I don't need or want anyones pity.

MW, I am really sorry to hear about your friend and you have my sympathy.  I know what you mean by the 'leaving alone' part, because I went through something similar when I lost my Dad when I was 9.  I needed my space but everyone suffocated me, for the right reasons in their hearts but I really needed space from most of the people around me so I could survive the loss of someone who was also my best friend besides being my father. I hope you get your space to heal.  Peace.

Edited by Zombie Milkman
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Duping is more fun? Probably only for KOS CoD-Kiddies. It would take all the joy out of finding things and surviving.


If you're just skipping to full geared for deathmatch, why are you playing DayZ?


Its like those "hackers" (script kiddies) who play god-mode, how is there ANY excitement if there's no risk of losing? How is there any satisfaction in a kill when there is no way for you to lose?

Edited by Spartacus Rex
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Duping is terrible. It would kill the chance for things like your group only having one sniper rifle, and even though you want it yourself, you would give it to the best sniper and take his weapon to upp survival odds. Dupers aren't playing for a survival game, they are playing to "win"....something that's technically impossible in dayz lol.


You did the right thing blocking him, seems like some kid convincing himself "everyone else does it...so I will". The remark was pretty in tone for the language he was using. I think we can all remember a time we said something in the heat of the moment we regretted later on.

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90% of what population? Regardless, I doubt you know 50% of what ever population you're talking about so do us all a favour and stop pulling inaccurate stats from your anus.

How about you quote my entire text instead of trying to make yourself look good by just quoting 90% of it?


Also, I really doubt you believe I was trying to acomplish accurate stats here, I was just trying to make sense of a situation where you feel like you're the only sane person around a group of, seemingly, idiots in your eyes.


Not saying this makes anything right and I'm not trying to get attention, yeah, I know I was in the wrong, I somewhat regret what I said. It was a heat of the moment thing, the past two days I've been really agitated, no one will leave me alone to grieve for my best friend who died 5 months ago yesterday. To those of you who are going to say "how are you grieving by being on the dayz forums" it's called a distraction. So back off guys, that comment was coming from an agitated teenager to another teenager.


Again, not trying to get attention just read the comment and go on with your life I don't need or want anyones pity.


I know it has to be hard for you, note that I wasn't putting shit on you in any way and that I don't see you as a lesser being at all. :)

Edited by Survivor_Ted
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Is this a video game forum, or a lesson in etiquette? If all of you guys are as butthurt in real life as you act online, I feel bad for your friends. You'd never survive on a construction site, hah.

What is real life? What are... friends? Such strange words.....

I know it has to be hard for you, note that I wasn't putting shit on you in any way and that I don't see you as a lesser being at all. :)

I didn't think you were, I just thought I'd put an end to the "Kill yourself" remarks.

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Is it possible to submit that picture to Steam?  Lets see how fun duping is when it results in a Vac Ban.

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Is it possible to submit that picture to Steam?  Lets see how fun duping is when it results in a Vac Ban.

I can try. If I'm not mistaken I still have the conversation logged.


Yes I am serious.

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Oh you re just angry because we talked trash about your gaming rig! :beans:



I actually missed all the trash talk. Only caught the thread after the mod cleaned up the garbage in it.

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Dude, we have so little to do in this game and duppers want to end one of the activities that consume more time/effort... Whats the fun, really? Never did this, because for me the fun is also in the gearing up process.


"Hey lets play a survival game where one of the biggest gameplay elements is you to have trouble setting up a characters gear, but lets skip all this and just cowadoody this shit"

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he has a point there, if duping is as easy as it is now, you do cut down your capability combat-wise


however, duping is something that cuts down the whole "go find loot" part of the game, which is a very big one

i personally dont like dupers and exploiters and hackers, come to think of it, next time i see a squad mate of mine running around with a hacked clip M4, im just gonna pop him

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Seriously doubt there would be any repercussion to telling someone to go off themselves unless you included instructions on how to do so which may or may not be illegal depending on the country you are in. And even then, this ain't facebook. What are the cops going to do: issue a warrant for a guy called MadWookie? Find police uniforms in DayZ and slap cuffs on him? Write his ISP letters?

It has happened, so you may find it funny, but you aren't nearly as anonymous as you think you are.  But let's assume everyone in a situation like that on the legal side of things plays fair (having been in courtrooms I can tell you they don't, but what's practical experience got to do with anything, right?)  If the person did do that, and an offhand comment was the last straw that pushed him/her over the edge, would you want to be the one who threw that final straw on the pile?  Again, almost 0% chance of that happening like I said earlier... but there are some things better left unsaid.  If I read MW's response correctly he/she agreed with the idea, just best not to throw stuff like that out there.  And fwiw, I respect your right to disagree with that.  I hate these boogers as much as anyone here.  They are selfish 5 year olds with attitude problems, but worse, trapped inside semi adult bodies.  Some are actual adults which makes what they do way worse.  Peace.

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Not much of a response. You just told him to kill himself. While I don't care that you told him to kill himself, it's hardly a well-reasoned and thought out response. While "you won't be able to do this forever" is indeed a valid argument, the rest of your response was childish. Still, good on you for calling him out.

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*sings* A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly And is also known as a buster Always talkin' bout----- ........

Kid... Scrub... I see these designations and relate them to that same instant gratification generation the duper is probably from. It's not attractive, and it doesn't come off as very intellectual.

Laughably, you engage him on his level.

Really, he's probably just a child that wants what he wants now now now.  Mommy and daddy probably poison him with happy meals and his prepubescent (or god forbid adult) mind only seeks that male rivalry bravado crap you people chase---he's probably full of testosterone and that stuff seems to make you competitive ridiculously anxious to prove yourselves by tearing each other apart in the process. 

So what, he was someone who should have been playing Call of Duty but was playing DayZ because everyone else is doing it.

Knowing this, why bother? Why even engage?

Is it not enough to play the game as intended, enjoy your experience, and know that while you are playing that you are a superior player? Do you learn from your mistakes? Do you develop, grow, and evolve as a player and a person as a result? Or do you wallow in rage and whine that everyone and everything but yourself is the cause of your failure when you die? If you said no to that last bit then you should have every shred of confidence in the world and enjoy yourself. Anything different is evidence of insecurity.

If I'm going to go so far as to insult someone I find it much more satisfying and reliable to stick them with the truth and twist like a knife. The kind of knife that's never seen a wet stone, so that when you yank it out you pull flesh with it on all the little rusted jagged nooks and nicks.. You maim, you don't kill or call them a har har har scrub har har har.

What you should do is put truth firmly in someones face----Just long enough that for a matter of seconds they will see through all the lies they tell themselves before burying it in more lies. Will you ever change anyone? Well no. But it'll feel real good to watch them squirm. 


Edited by Rudette
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It's good to know that the kids entirely miss the point of the game. 


Keen for duping to be eliminated, these ezmode wankers need to be weeded out. 

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Meh. Where is he getting these 60% numbers? I havent seen any duping when I have played. I know that it existed in the past, but I think all those glitches are patched. But mate if you want to be the more intelligent person, please dont ask him to kill himself.

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Dupers are scum, there's no doubt about it.  I have no qualms about losing gear to a fair death.  

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Cheaters of all sorts are scum whether they are dupers, hackers, glitchers, etc, they are scum. I may play the role of a villain in this game but I do it fair and square and refuse to cheat in any way, nor will I associate with cheaters.

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I actually missed all the trash talk. Only caught the thread after the mod cleaned up the garbage in it.

Hello there


Nothing has been "cleaned up", why do you think it has?


@all I think we need to steer away from the misjudged comment issue otherwise we are going to have a massive derail. If you need/want a thread on empathy then please make another on the topic





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Orlok, do you feel? Or are you actually just a forum moderator-bot?   :o

Hello there


Im full of feels, bots are not allowed.


If you need to discuss me, another thread is in order, lets get back to the topic at hand.





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Nothing has been "cleaned up", why do you think it has?

He was referring to another topic. Not this one

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