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So what is DayZ, exactly ?

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- A survival game with Infected people ?

- A shooter game with few Zombies ?

- A combat Simulator with infected people ?

- A survival simulator without Zombies ?

- A playground simulator with toys ?

- A shooting simulator with axes ?

- An Aim-map to improve your aim for other games ?

- A mass-murder dating simulator ?

- A respawn Simulator ?


No... seriously, what is it ?

Edited by Cpanther

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  On 8/7/2014 at 10:07 AM, Cpanther said:

- A survival game with Infected people ?

- A shooter game with few Zombies ?

- A combat Simulator with infected people ?

- A survival simulator without Zombies ?

- A playground simulator with toys ?

- A shooting simulator with with axes ?

- An Aim-map to improve you aim for other games ?


No... seriously, what is it ?

an unfinished alpha product that is likely to have many descriptions before it is finished.


ask again in a year and half.

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  On 8/7/2014 at 10:09 AM, Elle said:

an unfinished alpha product that is likely to have many descriptions before it is finished.


ask again in a year and half.


Well.. i hope they make their mind by then, because at the moment it feels that this game is changing directions more often than an ant with only one leg.

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  On 8/7/2014 at 10:19 AM, King Raptor said:

A mass-murder dating simulator.


Rofl.. yeah.. forgot that one.

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DayZ is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

You spawn at the coast and start running around the map searching and gathering loot for hours and hours until you die. Then you respawn at the coast and start running around the map searching and gathering loot for hours and hours until you die.Then you respawn at the coast and start running around the map searching and gathering loot for hours and hours until you die.Then you respawn at the coast...

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  On 8/7/2014 at 10:32 AM, Klemingway said:

DayZ is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

You spawn at the coast and start running around the map searching and gathering loot for hours and hours until you die. Then you respawn at the coast and start running around the map searching and gathering loot for hours and hours until you die.Then you respawn at the coast and start running around the map searching and gathering loot for hours and hours until you die.Then you respawn at the coast...

So.. a...Respawn simulator ? Ok.. i guess it could work...

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  On 8/7/2014 at 10:32 AM, Klemingway said:

DayZ is the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

You spawn at the coast and start running around the map searching and gathering loot for hours and hours until you die. Then you respawn at the coast and start running around the map searching and gathering loot for hours and hours until you die.Then you respawn at the coast and start running around the map searching and gathering loot for hours and hours until you die.Then you respawn at the coast...

That went so well with your avatar pic :D

Beanz for a good laugh!

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Its not even a finished game to judge so far, like elle said come back in a year and a half. BUT its a running simulator as i cant be bothered to go outside running looking for respirators to complete my outfit for my friday night piss up.

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Think about it:


You trespass in abandoned buildings;

you go camping and build bases out in the woods;

you play games of "goodies against baddies" with pretend guns;

you make fires and put random stuff in it to see what will burn;

you kill or maim defenceless wild animals;

you catch fish with improvised fishing rods...


It's basically a digital version of what 10 year-old boys do in the summer holidays.

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  On 8/7/2014 at 12:40 PM, Pillock said:

Think about it:


You trespass in abandoned buildings;

you go camping and build bases out in the woods;

you play games of "goodies against baddies" with pretend guns;

you make fires and put random stuff in it to see what will burn;

you kill or maim defenceless wild animals;

you catch fish with improvised fishing rods...


It's basically a digital version of what 10 year-old boys do in the summer holidays.

Yeah, the only thing missing is push bikes and carbon boxes to build your imaginary castles.... ahhh that takes me back.

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Its the story of how your character died. However long, or short that story may be.

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  On 8/7/2014 at 10:16 AM, RogueTrooper said:

A PvP deathmatch game with customizable characters.



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lately, it's been an stare out the window simulator with an added bonus stare at the door simulator for me! fun for the whole family....

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  On 8/7/2014 at 10:17 AM, Cpanther said:

Well.. i hope they make their mind by then, because at the moment it feels that this game is changing directions more often than an ant with only one leg.


Care to explain this claim?




  On 8/7/2014 at 1:01 PM, ld-airgrafix said:

Arma with zombies



Edited by Jexter
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Its an educational game designed to raise awareness about the dangers of ladders and going on roofs.  

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  On 8/7/2014 at 1:40 PM, Jexter said:

Care to explain this claim?

Well... they started with things like diseases, infections, heart attacks, infected people, suicide an so on ..then they decided that they wanted more guns in the game, more towns, more ammo, more military gear, less infected people but more players.. THEN..they thought that will cool to have hunting and fishing in the game to make the game more "survival" like...BUT then they decided the persistent objects will be better..   BUT.. the infected people aren't a threat, so they made them harder.. BUT.. is to many so..lets put less infected people... no.. more.. less...more.. less...THEN.. maybe we should add clowsticks so people can have parties in the night time.. yeah...BUT.. oh crap.. we forgot to add more weapons.. and....

Edited by Cpanther

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An early access alpha of an open world multiplayer game set in a postapocalyptic world with zombies.


They also don't change directions - they actually move in all of them at once. What you are describing is called "development". Otherwise it would be called "building".

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  On 8/7/2014 at 2:02 PM, Cpanther said:

Well... they started with things like diseases, infections, heart attacks, infected people, suicide an so on ..then they decided that they wanted more guns in the game, more towns, more ammo, more military gear, less infected people but more players.. THEN..they thought that will cool to have hunting and fishing in the game to make the game more "survival" like...BUT then they decided the persistent objects will be better..   BUT.. the infected people aren't a threat, so they made them harder.. BUT.. is to many so..lets put less infected people... no.. more.. less...more.. less...THEN.. maybe we should add clowsticks so people can have parties in the night time.. yeah...BUT.. oh crap.. we forgot to add more weapons.. and....


You make it sound like most of what they have put into the game now, wasnt planned at some point in the past, which isnt the case tbh.

Going all the way back to the first devblogs last year, when they announced the start of development, everything we have in this game so far, has been carefully planned and explained in detail to the community tons of times.

Theres nothing in this game, that the community didnt know about. They havent changed direction, its been going down the same path since the beginning.

Most of what we have now, is a "version 2.0" of what was in the mod, so to speak, and it will continue down that road.


And what you are describing is basic development and testing of new mechanics and features tbh.

They make new stuff, old stuff breaks, they fix old stuff, new stuff breaks. That game development my friend :)




As far as im concerned DayZ is an experiement.

Its one of the only games without an actual objective, in a world where video game developers are holding hand with theyre players, like 3 year old children, guiding them through every single little thing and not letting them think for them selves.

The video game genre has become so dumbed down and so "player friendly" that nobody knows what to do, if it isnt written with big fat letters on your screen.

To me this game is going back to the root of gaming, giving players full control and all the responsibility that comes with it, instead of holding our hands and having to tell us what to do, every damn minunte.

This is what we need, we need games that force us to think on our own, games which has dire consequences, if you chose the wrong thing to do, games which doesnt have checkpoints and where you can actually loose big time.

Edited by Byrgesen
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DayZ Standalone is a competitive eating contest with zombies and people who most likely will try to kill you but might also merely handcuff you and force feed you poison.

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