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Sniping is a cowards technique?

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Its pretty common to label certain enemy tactics as "cowardice" - especially when their usage puts you in a disadvantage and you cannot or refuse (for whatever reason) to use them on your own. Appealing to "honor" is an attempt to make your enemy cease what hurts you and instead meet you on your own terms.

For example in Ancient Greece the "honorable" way of fighting was armored close combat - because the ruling class was well trained and educated in close combat and could afford much better equipment.

Instead of crying "coward" after getting sniped you may admire their patience and/or their skill to remain unseen until they go for the kill (as well as actually killing quickly).

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I bet you don't think it is cowardice when you see a geared guy in the streets of 'zino, and you blast him at 100m while you have the drop on him.


I prefer to think of my sniping as "getting the drop on people" at 700+ meters. And I generally focus on people with gear in dangerous areas, not fresh spawns, I don't go troll the coast or anything. Though I'll admit I've done some target practice if the opportunity appears.

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It might be the wrong century for you Briljin but not for me. I live life honorably and I play honorably, rarely with any problem. Goodnight!

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So its cowardice to snipe someone from 600m away? You know, thats not an easy shot regardless of what you have and who you are.. but someone 5m away, when you have ANY weapon is quite an easy shot.

At least that sniper took the shot. Most just never shoot, or run the other way.. or well, log out. Now you want to discuss cowardice lets talk about that.

Have you ever logged out, ran away, or tucked your tail in fear when confronted with aggressors, or when out numbered?

If so.. coward. Why? Because its a video game.. why run away?

Looks like some didn't find their prey.

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i have been playing this game a lot, and being sniped is definitly the rarest of my deaths, anybody shooting from a good distance usually misses the first shot (the easiest) and then continues firing away while i zig zag around until they have to reload (giving plenty of time to get away)  anybody dieing on the regular from snipers are getting shot at a really close range and doing something really wrong.

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Fair enough if you're with a squad, but if you're just holding a position for hours on end with a mosin picking off ANYTHING that moves, you are probably just either to lazy to face them up front or just plain scared.

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lone wolfing pretty much every time I play, having a weapon with an LRS seems almost essential to me. I use it to scout a town or even any expansive open areas Im crossing to keep myself safe. It's very rare I'd actually fire at someone though, it's usually a safer option to just let them pass through. that said, if I'm desperately in need of food/drink or some medical supplies and I see an armed player looting an area that I may need supplies from, I won't feel guilty about either killing them or scaring them off. most of the long(ish) distance shooting I've done has been popping zombies chasing unarmed players though. I don't think it's an inherently cowardly way of playing.

hell even players lying in wait and just shooting anyone they see; I don't see it as cowardly, its just not very clever. even with the best of cover and field of view, theres nothing to stop someone rushing you from behind with melee or fists before you can properly react. killing someone from 600+ metres away is usually more effort than it's worth if you plan to run to their position to loot them, and killing for killings sake is something I don't really understand.

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It might be the wrong century for you Briljin but not for me. I live life honorably and I play honorably, rarely with any problem. Goodnight!


That's a stab at all the honorable men who gave there lives so you could have the opportunity to have an opinion and be aloud to state it to the masses.


But that's my humble opinion.


It's fine to think killing noobs in game is not honorable but I would think back to some of the greatest warriors of the world before base lining them all. Sniping is an art form. One which should be admired as any other.

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Is it just me or do some of you guys find that sniping is a cowards way of taking someone out, I mean to be a man you wanna look your enemy in the eye before ending his life, not from a rooftop 600 yards away..


I'm sure ya never shoot anyone in the back at close range and always give them a friendly heads up first right?


This aint street fighter, anything goes!

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Answer: No it's not.



Thread done now? Deathtax do good?! :D

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I've thought this since I played Battlefield Vietnam and Battlefield 1942.

A good chunk of snipers are people who aren't very good at the game they're playing, or don't like taking any risk and are in it for strictly killing and not being a team player (in the BF sense). There's a small chunk that are good at it and use it effectively while not camping and doing things like providing over watch and doing recon, but those players are few and far between.

In Day Z I only run into snipers who are camping airfields or are camping along the shore to kill fresh spawns.


All that being said there are instances where sniping or having a sniper is useful, but I haven't run into anyone using sniper rifles in Day Z for anything other than camping.

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The snipers do not bother me....


Never have I died to one. On occasion one tries to make super long shots and ruins a piece of gear or two.


As long as you keep moving and don't do something stupid like run down the center of NWAF they are easily avoidable. 


At mid to close range they are easy to kill if you have an SKS or better. Just do not give them time in between shots and after 1-2 shots your close enough to unload 10 rounds in rapid succession in their face before they can bolt the next round. 

Edited by trev186

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Hhmm staying in one spot for hours, to brag how you killed a player/s from afar. Not only does this sound boring but also easy. Snipers can be used for good, i was in a field surrounded by z's, they start dropping like flies. Sniper from berezino was killing them, but he didnt hide like a coward, he was among the buildings, where i could see him, and thank him.

Edited by ld-airgrafix

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Is it just me or do some of you guys find that sniping is a cowards way of taking someone out, I mean to be a man you wanna look your enemy in the eye before ending his life, not from a rooftop 600 yards away..




I'm confused. 

I take my shot and move in to watch the light bleed out of your eyes until they're just two wet marbles stuck in what's left of your face.


But if you want a real fight, 'man to man', go stand in that field over there, I'll send someone down shortly to say hello.

Edited by q.S Sachiel
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The more I play this game the more realistic it seems for someone lone wolfing it to snipe.  Not only do you get the opportunity to see if the person you killed is alone, but you keep yourself as far from harm as possible.  Finding a good spot that covers a great deal of area is good.  The question is how you want to do it, just KOS with no rhyme or reason, or try to pick off obvious bandits?  It does sound boring though no matter which path you choose unless it is as part of an organized ambush.

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I use coward ambush guerrilla dirty sand in the eye black widow tactics!

Basically.. If I can't horribly terrorize, maim, castrate, and/or kill you in one burst then I run away and try it again from another angle after I wait long enough for you to present yourself.

I'll be watching. And you better believe that I've already got an exit strategy if I've started my attack. Oh no. I don't fight you. I don't give you the satisfaction of a fight. Your participation in your own demise is limited to your own complacency.

Cowards are patient. Cowards are cunning. Cowards live to fight another day. The chivalrous lay face down in the dirt, drowning in a pool their noble blood. Meanwhile my ignoble blood does summersaults in my veins in celebration of the sick anticipation of every moment leading up to the inevitable end.

Edited by Rudette
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I don't know if its a cowards tactic, I mean if they are shooting random people that are usually unarmed "for teh lolz" that makes them a dick but I don't know about a coward. Plus, its like a fun minigame to sneak up behind them and put a bullet in their brain. :P

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A thing nobody mentioned yet about snipers - everybody hates them

If you're going to snipe, don't expect anyone to give you a chance to surrender when they catch up with you.

Edited by pilgrim

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I've only died once to a sniper, which was counter to me sniping. I don't sit around and pump rounds in the direction of fresh spawns for the most part(though I occasionally get trigger happy). I usually provide over watch and recon for me and my friends. Do I think sniping is cowardice at all, if used right it is extremely helpful and to a point needed. Taking potshots at anything that moves in a town is not, there's a difference.

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I'm confused. 

I take my shot and move in to watch the light bleed out of your eyes until they're just two wet marbles stuck in what's left of your face.


But if you want a real fight, 'man to man', go stand in that field over there, I'll send someone down shortly to say hello.

You are one weird sexually confused thirteen year old.

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Hidden text.


It's more from some people thinking demented mindsets over a game/text somehow reflect your real life in any way shape or form and are unable to conceive that what you said is more along the lines of roleplay which is at it's core storytelling with little to no bearing on who you are; akin to writing a book involving heavy mind-#@'s. murder, rape, torture and tear-jerking losses but the writer actually being a stable person, which happens all the time. (Though there are those rare instances that isn't the case .. heh..)


.. if my RL reflected even 1% of what I've written in the past progressing stories or creating them, I'd easily outrank anyone in the insane and outright $#@&ed up department.. but sadly, I'm a stable and socially functioning individual with a girlfriend - who is laying beside me as I write this. Damn, guess I'm the exception to that supposed rule? 

Edited by Inception.

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I don't think sniping its the initial problem, it's only a combat technique after all.

Usually, the questionable thing is the motivation of any player, not only snipers, to engage in combat.


Many combat situations can be avoided by either communicating or by not revealing yourself in the first place.


That being said, what reason does an undiscovered sniper have to open fire on an unsuspecting target, that is obviously no treat to him?


Maybe, we all should question and revise our rules of engagement, decide if we want to be a dick or a decent human being.

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You are one weird sexually confused thirteen year old.


If you wish to keep this topic open, do not make stupid comments like that.

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