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DayZ Mod 1.8.2

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Houses!? I'm excited and concerned. What a game changer.


The refinements and added depth while also continued fidelity to the core difficulty level (dayz should be hard) has been nothing short of spectacular. A player cannot be idle for very long in-game now. The variety of priorities/tasks allows even pve centered game play to be distinctly NOT mundane. Great job. Please keep working on craftable structures but as always modesty and taste are what make classic DayZ great. Obviously none of us want physics defying base towers like in the "Epochs".


No longer getting kicked for build fence but now can't build panels "itemneeded nails". I have nails.


I do not know its proper name, but I want to mention the loot spawn mechanic that prevents new loot from spawning by the same player in the exact spot the player just picked up item(s) for I think 5 minutes. I think that timer should be adjusted by literally 30 seconds more or so. It is just  barely too easy to loot farm one locale.


I highly endorse Bullet Catcher's underlying concept about increasing zed difficulty as the player progresses. There's no doubt a fundamental way that happens is by travelling inland and north. If it were possible to not only adjust infection chance but also zed hit damage some and maybe bleed chance a tiny bit that would be ideal. Essentially we'd love 1.8.1 up north and 1.8.2 on the coast.


I also think backpack storage should increase by 2 slots across the board for all backpacks. Crafting and added depth has left the heretofore acceptable capacity a little lacking.


I love how crafting isn't entirely optional. Some activities like repairing a bottle with duct tape are fundamental. But all this awesome new stuff requires more physical items one must carry. For instance, 6 months ago it wasn't absolutely necessary to be carrying 2 matchboxes, 2 hatchets, 2 duct tapes, 2 water bottles and tin can. 6 months ago it was 1 match, 1 hatchet, 0 duct, 1 water bottle, 0 tin can.


If we look at player item capacity and average kit size as a ratio we can see that if we followed status quo from June 2012 then a basic patrol pack should have like 20 slots now considering all the extra stuff one must carry around. However I enjoy the fact that the difficulty level of the overall game was increased (maybe inadvertently) because backpack size wasn't ever increased along with increased gameplay depth. So I don't suggest anything too outrageous I think. Just two extra slots for the tin can and duct tape basically.


In summation, kick butt dude, lovin it, thanks! Can't wait for hotfix. I'm so ready to build by stockade!!

Edited by PhilB
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what is the "long term goal" with the new building objects (fence, house etc)? and how can players benefit from building a base, why should i build one? is there more than pure hoarding to it? thx

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I also think backpack storage should increase by 2 slots across the board for all backpacks. Crafting and added depth has left the heretofore acceptable capacity a little lacking.


I love how crafting isn't entirely optional. Some activities like repairing a bottle with duct tape are fundamental. But all this awesome new stuff requires more physical items one must carry. For instance, 6 months ago it wasn't absolutely necessary to be carrying 2 matchboxes, 2 hatchets, 2 duct tapes, 2 water bottles and tin can. 6 months ago it was 1 match, 1 hatchet, 0 duct, 1 water bottle, 0 tin can.



Are the devs thinking about a weight/volume based method similar to epoch? It seems a bit annoying that a box of matches takes the same slot number as a large water bottle. Perhaps limit movement speed based on weight too (rather than e.g. fainting)? I find it odd to be able to move at full speed while carrying heavy jerry cans as I can without...

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Houses!? I'm excited and concerned. What a game changer.


The refinements and added depth while also continued fidelity to the core difficulty level (dayz should be hard) has been nothing short of spectacular. A player cannot be idle for very long in-game now. The variety of priorities/tasks allows even pve centered game play to be distinctly NOT mundane. Great job. Please keep working on craftable structures but as always modesty and taste are what make classic DayZ great. Obviously none of us want physics defying base towers like in the "Epochs".


No longer getting kicked for build fence but now can't build panels "itemneeded nails". I have nails.


I do not know its proper name, but I want to mention the loot spawn mechanic that prevents new loot from spawning by the same player in the exact spot the player just picked up item(s) for I think 5 minutes. I think that timer should be adjusted by literally 30 seconds more or so. It is just  barely too easy to loot farm one locale.


I highly endorse Bullet Catcher's underlying concept about increasing zed difficulty as the player progresses. There's no doubt a fundamental way that happens is by travelling inland and north. If it were possible to not only adjust infection chance but also zed hit damage some and maybe bleed chance a tiny bit that would be ideal. Essentially we'd love 1.8.1 up north and 1.8.2 on the coast.


I also think backpack storage should increase by 2 slots across the board for all backpacks. Crafting and added depth has left the heretofore acceptable capacity a little lacking.


I love how crafting isn't entirely optional. Some activities like repairing a bottle with duct tape are fundamental. But all this awesome new stuff requires more physical items one must carry. For instance, 6 months ago it wasn't absolutely necessary to be carrying 2 matchboxes, 2 hatchets, 2 duct tapes, 2 water bottles and tin can. 6 months ago it was 1 match, 1 hatchet, 0 duct, 1 water bottle, 0 tin can.


If we look at player item capacity and average kit size as a ratio we can see that if we followed status quo from June 2012 then a basic patrol pack should have like 20 slots now considering all the extra stuff one must carry around. However I enjoy the fact that the difficulty level of the overall game was increased (maybe inadvertently) because backpack size wasn't ever increased along with increased gameplay depth. So I don't suggest anything too outrageous I think. Just two extra slots for the tin can and duct tape basically.


In summation, kick butt dude, lovin it, thanks! Can't wait for hotfix. I'm so ready to build by stockade!!

I absolutely could not have worded any of that better myself.  Phil has some great insights here.  The only thing that I would add (which probably doesn't need mentioning considering how level headed the mod devs' approach to things have been) is that there shouldn't be any impenetrable safes/shacks/houses in the game.  One of the most important aspects of DayZ is that nothing you find or build is completely safe or permanent.  If you can stash 50 DMRs/ghillie suits/NVGs in an impenetrable safe the core idea of the game has been lost.  


Also, to add to Phil's comments on backpacks, the storage necessary for giving blood transfusions has increased dramatically because not only do you need transfusion kits but you have to have a variety of blood types with you if you hope to help other players out.  Not complaining about the new medical system mechanics one bit, but it does take up a lot more room in the inventory along with extra tools and crafting items.

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Are the devs thinking about a weight/volume based method similar to epoch? It seems a bit annoying that a box of matches takes the same slot number as a large water bottle. Perhaps limit movement speed based on weight too (rather than e.g. fainting)? I find it odd to be able to move at full speed while carrying heavy jerry cans as I can without...

We did once but quickly forgot about it again due to a few reasons. (We did try with the same system other mods use and found tons of reasons not to keep it)


Maybe someday we will look into our own system.

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I absolutely could not have worded any of that better myself.  Phil has some great insights here.  The only thing that I would add (which probably doesn't need mentioning considering how level headed the mod devs' approach to things have been) is that there shouldn't be any impenetrable safes/shacks/houses in the game.  One of the most important aspects of DayZ is that nothing you find or build is completely safe or permanent.  If you can stash 50 DMRs/ghillie suits/NVGs in an impenetrable safe the core idea of the game has been lost.  


Also, to add to Phil's comments on backpacks, the storage necessary for giving blood transfusions has increased dramatically because not only do you need transfusion kits but you have to have a variety of blood types with you if you hope to help other players out.  Not complaining about the new medical system mechanics one bit, but it does take up a lot more room in the inventory along with extra tools and crafting items.


Nothing will be 100% safe but we need to find that balance so there's a reason to build. Backpacks i would say this gives more reason to use storage systems ie tents at base and stash's up front.

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Funny bug.  For when you're REALLY thirsty.

Behold, the 10 gallon / 38 liter water bottle!!




Yea that is known and fixed. But beware drink it all and well you may pass out or get infected who knows crazy old world.

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The black houses still spawn only baseball bats, small backpacks and bandages.

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Funny bug.  For when you're REALLY thirsty.

Behold, the 10 gallon / 38 liter water bottle!!




This ensures that no survivor can ever be thirsty with one of these.

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The black houses still spawn only baseball bats, small backpacks and bandages.


Drop a picture of the building. I don't think any building has just bandages,backpacks and baseballs bats.

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being pissed off happens no one is perfect.

I don't hold any resentment for being removed from the group (other than the sheer level of childishness to how/why it was done) if I was asked to rejoin, I wouldn't.



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Fences, level 1 and 2, are able to be built in barracks.  It doesn't follow the "item in the way" rule when building it.  


Also no way to destroy this from the player aspect.


And there's the infinite ability to continue to building the level 1 fence.


Please fix. Thanks

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Drop a picture of the building. I don't think any building has just bandages,backpacks and baseballs bats.

Think its this one http://www.armatechsquad.com/ArmA2Class151656165165341654165165165165f/A2/Buildings/full/Land_HouseV_1I3.jpg

cant say for sure if its this one or the other log cabin thats similar, but its the entrable one.

backpacks had .40 spawn chance last time I checked the loot tables, and those three items do pop up a lot in it.

Edited by Detoeni

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A friend of mine started to play 1.8.2 and because the testing kit does not work, the only way to get you blood group is to take whole blood (I am sure the devs know about this), however, the following problem happened.


female gender "Insuficient Blood from donor" when trying to fill empty blodbag. Heatlh = 12000 / Hungry = 0 / Thirst = 0.  Four attempts made with different tranfusion kits and different empty bags. Using the same bags and transfusion kits on male gender no problem. tried logging out and back into server = no change


Also another thing that I noticed: on occasions when eating the indicator shows 3/4 full, and does not show 100%, then look at hunger it displays 0. (but not al the time)


The biggest problem is walking three paces and it is though my character has emphysemia. The crosshairs is all over the place, character is panting like a dog on heat, and takes about 20-30secs to recover from three paces. (I have do this with no inventory i.e. nothing exceot an axe/banage & torch.)

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A friend of mine started to play 1.8.2 and because the testing kit does not work, the only way to get you blood group is to take whole blood (I am sure the devs know about this), however, the following problem happened.



Can you elaborate on that? We never had any problems with the Blood Testing (if you know how to do it correctly)

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I do know how to use it correctly, as I have used it on 1.8.1.


I choose to test my blood

the blood testing screen comes up then it disapears, and I am not the only person to be experiencing this.

The server i am on is a vanilla server

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I do know how to use it correctly, as I have used it on 1.8.1.


I choose to test my blood

the blood testing screen comes up then it disapears, and I am not the only person to be experiencing this.

The server i am on is a vanilla server



Which server would that be? This is the first time I heard of this issue coming up. Are you sure it does not have an antihack installed? It does sound like it.

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I do know how to use it correctly, as I have used it on 1.8.1.


I choose to test my blood

the blood testing screen comes up then it disapears, and I am not the only person to be experiencing this.

The server i am on is a vanilla server


Is this server using infiStar Antihack? If so, the Admin should update to the newest version.


This will fix it.

Edited by dayzjarhead
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Arma antihack.net it says

I only play there and it is the only UK server to show inthe game browser

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Arma antihack.net it says

I only play there and it is the only UK server to show inthe game browser


Well, then... lazy admin... play on our server. All´s fine there and we´re not lazy. (shameless, I am not?  :P )


Check out www.dayzjarhead.de 


We have a 100% vanilla server running. Hardcore mode. Not for the casual player.

Edited by dayzjarhead
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Well, a server isn't really true vanilla if there is an antihack installed, I am afraid.


Antihacks are the sources of most errors clients are exposed to and 100% Admin's fault. Nothing we can do about it.

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