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Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

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I wouldn't say that so much. I have yet to find someone on stable that didn't try to kill me on sight but on experimental I've actually been able to work together with some people.

Untill you get geared and have to be da police

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Can you pull the bolts from the zeds, yet?  I like the crossbow, but until they make it so you can craft bolts or you can pull bolts from the dead, it's not practical, IMO.


On a different note, did I miss something or can you no longer crouch and lean?  When I hit Q or E when crouched I stand up and then lean.

Edited by entspeak

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So I spawned in dubrovka and went through Gorka to NWAF and looted in under an hour.

Much wife aggro incurrred....

I did not find anything new sadly. Someone had been there before me but I still found 5 AKMs and 2 drum mags.....lots of other good gear including a pristine high cap vest but glitchy zombies damaged that for me.

I hope they stop this install zombie respawn nonsense.

I kill them quietly and they just reaggro been happening since patch .45

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Found in a Barrack :P

 Hav enot found the tactical Smersh vest doe




Edited by MG9207
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Found in a Barrack :P

 Hav enot found the tactical Smersh vest doe




Yeah we were finding those last week. They spawn in all mil areas it seems aside from maybe keeps

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Ive been having a great time in this exp. patch. The FPS seems to be much higher in areas for me? Anyone else?



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I wouldn't say that so much.  I have yet to find someone on stable that didn't try to kill me on sight but on experimental I've actually been able to work together with some people.

It is fine to ply on exp but just be aware you are basically a tester of an alphas alpha.

It isn't normal game play by any means

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It isn't normal game play by any means

i think the biggest strenght of dayz is that there is no "normal play by any means", so every run should be an unique experience, even on exp.

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AK101 spawn in prisons: one prison, 1 AK101, 2 AK101 mags.


I don't think melee is better now, seems about as problematic as before to me.

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I agree about melee... still had an issue with my axe hitting a zed when it was right in front of me.

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Map: New V3S Truck wrecks spawning.. confirmed? with loot?

not confirmed

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I don't think melee is better now, seems about as problematic as before to me.

Well I believe they said that would receive a hotfix next Wednesday the 13th, I don't think it was stated that it would be fixed this experimental update , but in the dev blog it mentioned something about melee was simplified to not striking walls and hitting a bit more straight on ( I think this was just a temporary fix until next Wednesday , or maybe I just read it wrong lol ) Edited by Grapefruit kush
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U know the loot situation is not exactly as intended right now....they are going to fix it.

If your so new to dayz I would not recommend expietmental. Your character will be wiped often and players tend to kill each other more often since we are fighting over the new gear to test and know we will be wiped eventually anyways


Thanks for the heads-up. I know loot is far from finalized but I prefer it more on this meager end so far. As for experimental, the game in general is in early development so that I didn't expect to keep anything for long anyway. The whole fun is running around, trying new things and experimenting. Additionally, for me, the first couple hours with a character scrounging around for basic necessities are usually the most fun anyway.

Also, I'm seeing a lot about melee. While the zombies do sometimes teleport a bit and the hitboxes can be a bit strange I find the animation is a much better indicator than the little dot for aiming. Due to funky zombie respawns I'm getting a lot of practice smacking them down with a fire extinguisher.

Edited by Ebrim

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Well either someone stole my tent or it disappeared, I hope someone stole it because disappearing tents would be a terrible bug.

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Well either someone stole my tent or it disappeared, I hope someone stole it because disappearing tents would be a terrible bug.

It disappeared tents have no extra power of persistence then normal items. They did a hard reset today which reset everything

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It isn't limited to the feedshac it is all structures.

Also mixed results with this I emptied all of vybor base and took every last item 835 Meters away and nothing would respawn.


There was probably some item stuck in the textures that blocked respawn cycle.

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There was probably some item stuck in the textures that blocked respawn cycle.

Possible but there are more than 100 possible loot spawn locations there. I checked very carefully and did find one or two items. Still I am positive I removed at least 90% of the items which should have been more than enough to trigger the respawns.

The trick does not always work and may not still. I would be interested to see people try the exploit and get more than 2-3 pieces of gear to respawned from a feedshack on current exp build.

I tried in a feedshack as well only got like 3 pieces of gear out of it.

I am hoping it is fixed and loot will respawn better but not instantly

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It isn't limited to the feedshac it is all structures.

Also mixed results with this I emptied all of vybor base and took every last item 835 Meters away and nothing would respawn.


Hmm, I'm not sure.  Maybe there was loot that you missed or there is missing piece of the puzzle in the mechanics we haven't found yet.

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It's been a while since I saw my last "real" screenshot ;) ... You can assign a hotkey in your steam options to do this.

PS: The best screenshot that ever arrived at our support team was taken by a didicam, printet out at a copy shop and send to us by (non digital) mail...


My buddie i was playin with when he found this, just made it and send via whatsapp so i could throw it here without quittin the game - i'm aware F12  (default) makes screenshots - thanks anyway lettin me know :)

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Hmm, I'm not sure.  Maybe there was loot that you missed or there is missing piece of the puzzle in the mechanics we haven't found yet.

I did not miss enough to stop loot from respawning once it was removed.

There have been two large hard resets since last I saw anyone on exp perform this exploit.

Try it now and even if u remove the loot hundreds of meters from the feed shack I doubt it will work more than 2-3 times

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In my experience so far with this new patch, the melee still really wierd compared to what it was in older builds. Before, you could get close to a wall, turn your back to it, look up and then attack, if the weapon used an overhead animation, you could hit that wall behind you. Now you can't, the melee weapon will phase through said wall.

Another test, get on the side of a tree and close to it, put in 3rd person and try to hit it with the last moment of the animation. You will see again the melee weapon model phasing through the object and the hit not registering. It wasn't like this before.


This means that is not during the whole animations that the weapon will deal damage, and that's might be the reason why we can't properly hit things with melee, because what we see is not what is actually hapening. There is a right frame in the animation where it will register a hit, and imo this is really bad because it is a complete guess until you find that "sweet spot".


We need that system that was in earlier builds, that were A LOT more acurate to what we saw in the animation. The melee weapon needs to deal damage through their whole animation, in order to be less guesswork. This is an artificial skill gap betwen experienced players and new ones, where the older players will know how to deal with this bullshit while new players won't have a clue over what to do.


Does someone know EXACTLY how the melee mechanics in this game works? How can I find this information? It's really hard to give a feedback on the melee changes they make because our reference is only "I can hit zeds" or "I can't hit them", but it is noticiable that it has gone through heavy changes since this game launched and Imo it is getting worse. In this update seems like the "sweet spot" is a bit bigger, but I'm clueless, really.

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It isn't limited to the feedshac it is all structures.

Also mixed results with this I emptied all of vybor base and took every last item 835 Meters away and nothing would respawn.

I had this issue in .47, but when I played .48 today, this wasn't happening in any of the buildings I went into, including a couple of hunter stands.

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In my experience so far with this new patch, the melee still really wierd compared to what it was in older builds. Before, you could get close to a wall, turn your back to it, look up and then attack, if the weapon used an overhead animation, you could hit that wall behind you. Now you can't, the melee weapon will phase through said wall.

Does someone know EXACTLY how the melee mechanics in this game works?

Well as stated here : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/206640-status-report-week-of-04-august-14/#entry2072490 The melee system is a work in progress , the reason it goes through objects now is because they put in a temporary system that's more straightforward and (less realistic ) just until the melee hot fix comes next Wednesday ...why no hot fix this Wednesday(today) you say ? Because as the dev blog states as well , this new melee system is more advanced so they didn't have time to push it into the new experimental with the issue that they found before they pushed the new version to exp. Edited by Grapefruit kush
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Well I believe they said that would receive a hotfix next Wednesday the 13th, I don't think it was stated that it would be fixed this experimental update , but in the dev blog it mentioned something about melee was simplified to not striking walls and hitting a bit more straight on ( I think this was just a temporary fix until next Wednesday , or maybe I just read it wrong lol )


Well I thought that this from the blog applied to exp today:

"Anyway don't worry as I have good news for all you lovers of short range weapons and the stealth approach. To bridge the gap until the new system is ready, we have turned off swing hit detection and put straightforward cursor detection in for the interim. Together with adjusted collision shapes it results in a usable melee system for our purposes. While you will not be able to block your firefighter axe swing on a wall, you will at least hit what you are aiming for and that is what counts.

I'm glad you can finally enjoy some good brawling so watch out... and see you in Chernarus folks!""


I guess the "we have turned off swing hit detection and put..." in past tense automatically meant for my brain that it will of course be in this exp update. I WAS actually testing that today, a zed was standing in the door of a cafe, I went up to it, the axe did NOT register on the walls, but I also did not hit the zed. So my guess is, it's in exp.


Btw, don't know about next Wednesday, I thought the hotfix that was planned was for persistance and delayed (according to the forum) for a whole week. Did a dev actually say that somewhere? The whole week thingy I mean? Or is that just an educated guess?


I kind of get lost with what hotfix is fixing what (according to the forum and actual hard dev info) and when we can expect it in exp and stable respectively. Maybe I should just play and roll with it.

Edited by bautschi

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